Page 85 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 85
Thursday, February 5, 1976 Scrimshaw P-.. ge 5 Personal ViewPoint: Education in a Free Society The limitations of education are tne past, nor emphasizing the disregard it as difficult politically. by. Richard M. Tucker tooobvious, and the task too grand, importance of protecting it. Too Physical scientists tell me that good sign that some educators, and themselves from the slow at- for anyone to proclaim that it may much of modern thought is going their disciplines receive no better others, have recognized the traction towards authoritarianism, alone guarantee the universal forth without benefiting from the treatment. existence of a problem. Looking at to which both altruistic and selfish triumph of freedom over tyranny wisdom and reflection of the minds The future for research is un- the educational trends of the past motives lead. for mankind. Nevertheless, and perspectives of previous certain. Research will continue to decade, their cultured minds have without education the triumph of times. bless our free SOCiety with the perceived the deterioration. What is the "human prospect'?" tyranny will most easily and potential for better living, but it We are watching the check begin to Will those forces aligned with inevitably ensue. For although Facilitating scholarly research will inevitably face real problems. feedback a warning. Whether it education for liberty prevail over education is not sufficient for Is the second- creative- function of There is the urgent need for more will or not, may not yet be those for tyranny? J am too young liberty, it is necessary, and to education. Historically this role interdisciplinary study, especially determined. However, should any to be certain. Indeed, only via an understand the proper functions of has seen its high point most within the oft contradictory social one of these functions be too long education may I someday expect to education is to understand this recently. Never before was there sciences. Also there is the threat to neglected, the resulting form a seasoned opinion, one necessity. Education has three as great a proportion of society's research from the deteriorating "education" could become worthy enough to be recorded. I do sub- perverse, roles to play: to conserve the work resources allocated towards ex- quality of the inputs, e.g. the future irreparably to liberty. In the and same know that the forces against versive of our predecessors; to prepare panding the horizons, and ex- young scholars. Finally there is the ideal manner that education, by liberty are present and on the rise. men and women to expand upon tending the frontiers, of our constraint of an anti-intellectual enlightening people to gain a new - Pollution, over- population, the and alter this body of knowledge; knowledge. And yet as the R&D society, a stifling environment in threat of nuclear war, the and to liberate the minds of men, output has exploded to record which for a man to develop and larger - perspective, protects its possibility of wars of redistric- and women such that they may levels, our ability and willingness utilize his mind. For the future to own integrit- so does it provide a tutton- all of these factors point of societal he forces gain an enlightened perspective to apply it has diminished. This is look bright for research- for its check upon over the long run towards the likelihood .of pater- oppression- contribution to the dynamics of a nalistic authoritarian regimes in upon life. ~~~~~e ;~a~~~~e~f~~~~o~a:~~ the future. And yet education has Education's most important role statism. Minorities, including free society to be maximized- the In this respect the liberating - powerful allies also, e.g. inertia is conservative. The work of the minorities of one, have in- libraries must be maintained and enlightening - role of education is and vested interests. At this young past must be faithfully maintained creasingly lost out to the tyranny of used; the to young must basic be most direcuy relevant for main- age I must remain hopeful that the discipJined the master and preserved, not because it majorities and pluralities, in the intellectual tools (reading, writing, taining I, fiL~e society. This is why good guys' may win. Pessimism represents the final truth, but name of "the public interest," "the and arithmetic); and the en- the freedoms of the press and of shall remain beyond me, at least because it is the foundation upon people," or "the community," as vtronrnent must be kept scholarly speech are considered among the for the present. which the present and the future well as for the more malevolent and civilized most vital constitutional are built. Only slowly, and at the ends of gaining power. Politics has guarantees. The perspective and GM,gM margin, is our collective become an anti-intellectual force The third- liberating - role of insight, gained from a balanced knowledge and understanding as It has entered too many decision education offers a powerful check familiarity with academic advanced. Should the foundation making processes, e.g . un- against the continuation of un- disciplines, allows people to create Opponents of Iluoridatlnu have be lost, abandoned, or destroyed, dermining market decision desirable trends with regards to order out of chaos. Only from such used all sorts of arguments; in centuries would pass before man making. Thus the irrational the conservation of history and the an awareress may people truly California, the public was told that could again regain his previous coercion of politics has limited the productivity of research. If we look perceive where they have been and fluoridation led to impotence, quality of life. Unfortunately, it is implementation of the advice and carefully at these three functions where they may be headed. Only while in New Jersey, at a public this role of conservation which applications of our accumulated of education, we must note that with such an awareness may they hearing, it was said to cause many of todays' educators have wisdom. This is so very apparant indeed they all interelate and in- potentially avoid the subtle and nymphomania. The New Jersey casually relinquished as from the perspective of my teract with, and against, one seductive pull of oppressive Dental Association, which supports irrelevant, unnecessary, and a discipline, economics. O~ly when another in a healthy homeostatic policies beneath the cloak fluoridation, concluded in a waste of time. Our schools are the economy faces a CriSIS have manner. To rely upon this balance of short term gain. Thus it is only statement that the conflicting neither teaching the tools our leaders reacted, thespians to resolve the current problems this aspect of education which may claims were "not a bad com- traditionally necessary to preserve seeking advice usually only to may be overly optimistic, but it is a allow people the vision to. protect bination." World News Perspective &)1 Boger Levin Overpopulation-Old Pro&lem, New Approaehes One of the most highly debated commit 100 people to every square thermore, there are only 10 philosophical questions concerns yard of the land and sea. countries in the world that produce mother's milk contains such a high population status will be totally- the inalienable rights of man and One correlation exists between more food than they consume. level of DDT that it would be illegal intolerable. In o~er to c?nse,:,e woman. A final list of these ab- low doubling times and un- China, the U.S.S.R., and India are to sell it on the open market. Other resources the industr-ial m- fallacies concern stract qualities has yet to be derdeveloped countries .. Dr. Paul not among these ten. Last year the technological and the SST will cause vestment r~t~s must be set.equal to fertilizers the depreciation This would rates. agreed upon, but there is one in- Ehrlich (who has written over 22 United States shipped away 23 per trinsic right to which all pay scientific papers in the area of cent of its wheat crop. (This may damage that it not even understood slow ec.onomic increase,. but at the reverence, and that is the right to population problems) cites be a new weapon against the stood yet. I could endlessly cite same time resources w.ill .becor_ne survive. Other patented rights countries with low agricultural U.S.S.R.). Compounding this res~urce. prob~e~~, ~ut d th~ ~~~~t~f~e~~~s~~~;~~~~~e ~~~ change with the times, but when output, low Gross National disaster is a massive protein survival is threatened, then the Product, and poor industrialization shortage, so that even people ~~:ti:~ic~~ ~~~f:oniati~~~ L~t ~~tu~\il~~ ;:~a~;,veant~th~~c~~~ values of the times must change to as having an average doubling me ~erely state that .unless palatable solution confronts us. An fulfill the supreme of all rights. If a time of 20-35 years. A few exam- receiving a subsistance level of drastic measur~s are imple- example of this would be to take succumbing decrease in fertility is necessary, ples are Kenya-23 years, Turkey-. food are Protein is very to a slow in demise. low then the psychological attributes of 26 years, Nigeria--27 years, Costa supply, and one of the most ex-!a~i~~ r~~~.~~: :~t~~lii~~Sn~!c~~~~ ::!Saar:di~ a lower population must become Rica--19 years, and Indonesia--24 pensive nutrients to obtain when desirable. Through rapacity of the years. The most obvious problem, farmers feed proteinaceous goods ~~~o~~s~~:~ ~~~~~:I-~i~ ~~~~ pay. ~ndi~duals for "volw:tary" earth, and exponential increases in demonstrates the inability of these to animals, they are disposing of are r.vmg at all. The un- st~rlh~bon. I must apologize at the world population man has countries to presently feed 50-90 per cent of the actual protein derdeveloped countries have set thiS. pomt, because I have yet to surpassed the maximum that the themselves. How are they going to through the food chain economic advancement through conJ~re up or read about a good earth can comfortably hold to more than double their food supply industrial stimulation as a primary solu~on. So far all. the proposed horrible, a correlation adduce this statement are in 30 years? Only a rnmoruy 01 well leo m- goal. Unfortunately, between industry solutions are are slowly _but t~ke has been drawn he~;t--t~,ey improving thousands of facts that minimize dividuals bother to cogitate the the seriousness of our plight. For The overdeveloped countries abstract conjecture of starvation. :~~e::~I~~~~on~~~~::~~~t i~:to If ~~s.· article scares. you., it:s instance, 10 million people starved have a longer period of time bet- Peruvian children are in such should be considered. because I.t should. The sltua~lOn IS in 1970, and this number increases ween doublings. The average time tremendous pain that they chew very serious. The world IS not each year. This statistic does not varies between 50-200 years. The cocoa leaves that contain cocaine Unlike most scare stories, I merely doubling, it- increases account for the number of starving United Slates, is 70 years, Den- chemicals for relief. Columbian would like to propose certain exponentially just like compound people that died from diseases that mark-sa years, Spain--170 years families spend up to 80 per cent of starting ideas for curbing in- interest rates. This is why the their bodies were too weak to fight and Austria will take 175 years. their income on food, and at least creased population. The most doubling time has decreased. off. Nor does it include the pain and This aspect concerns facts with 100 infants still die every day. probable, but least appealing When experts rejoice due to birth suffering of malnutrition. doubling the population, but the According to Dr. Lima, some areas solution is forced sterilization. drops, they are enjoying a actual situation is much more The most impressive problem grave. Increase in population is have 30 per cent to 50 per cent of India will probably be the first delusion. Birth drops are merely confronting today's world is the different from overpopulation. At children under 5 dying. If these country to institute this plan, but temporary occurrances. In the amount of time it takes to double present the world is already facts astound you, then the concept there are certain drawbacks. This U.S. for example, the number of the present population. In 8000 B.C. overpopulated. In other words, our of 2 billion human beings im- type of law will violate present women in the reproductive age the approximate population of the present resources are not suf- properly fed should be over- human rights, and the world may group is increasing. Also, 40 per world was 5 million people. In 1630 ficient to supply the world as it is whelming. not be ready to accept it. Per- cent of the underdeveloped A.D. the population had grown to now. One half of today's world is Food is a primary resource, but sonally, I find this solution countrieS are children under 15 that is 500 million. The number of humans undernourished, and 5 million kids it is not the only necessity resource frightening. Another possibility years of age. A country like Costa the en·dangered reaching doubled again in only 200 years in India die of starvation every list. The present 4 billion concerns tax breaks for people Rica will need twice its present (1850 A.D.). By 1930· the world year. These facts are horrifying, with zero children, and tax food by 1983. The death rate of these countries more has declined 24 per contained 2 billion, and the yet in 1965 70 million new babies inhabitants and are not the properly penalities for people with if every cent between 1940-1950. Obviously, than2 children. future supplied, doubling is still increasing. were born with no increase in food. the family The time to begin learning and Presently there are 3.5 billion If the hardship were to be equally newcomers will be devastated. for population has 2 or less children, If we acting is now. Any further delay There are three basic will not increase. reasons people residing on this planet. If shared then each of us would have the problem. 1) overpopulation, 2) are to continue any sort of suitable will be too late. In this particular the present rate of growth con- 2 percent less to eat. The burden is , tinues (which it physically can not not equally shared, and a majority strains on present technology and existance, then the number of case time is of the essence. Man is do), then in 900 years there will be of the kids were born in the already 3) striving for new technology. A babies born each year must equal . by natw·e gregarious, but things 60 million billion peopJe. This will endangered countries. Fur- perlect example of disasters with ~:y ~~~~r o~fth~~:~~,!h;rtes:t I~~tr~~finitelY becoming out of new technology surrounds DDT. A
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