Page 89 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 89
c p..r Pithy Saying: Faith is a fine invention For gentlemen who see- But microscopes are prudent Thursday, February 12, 1976 In an emergency. Volume 3, Issue 2 Emily Dickinson, quoted by Dr. Lawler Brian TrumpoWer WMCHonors John Hanson At Convocation Mark C. Bayer "Attention all students! At- the aforementioned Gov. Mandel, province. In 1765, when a Stamp United States presidency which we General Francis Burch's tenttcn all students! Dean such state dignitaries as Comp- Act Congress was created in New know now, but during his term helicopter, which lent the Football Mowbray has requested that, due troller Louis C.oldstein, Senator York, Hanson served on a com- Hanson conferred with gov- Field a kind of distinction quite to the number of dignitaries and Clarence M. Mitchell III, and mittee to draft instructions for the ernors and the King of France, different from that given it from guests visiting Western Maryland Attorney General Francis B. delegates sent to that Congress. In and presided on November 28, 1781 the Green Terrors' gridiron vic- for Founders' Day, all students Burch, along with dozens of state 1769, Hanson helped draft the Non- when Washington came to tories. Someone in the back who are parked in driveways will senators, delegates, and trustees, Importation Regulations signed in Philadelphia to deliver the suggested that Burch continue to please move their cars, just for had accepted invitations. Members Annapolis, which prohibited ships defeated Lord Cornwallis' sword to spin the propellor in order to dry today. That's JUST FOR of the Maryland State carrying English goods from Congress. It was in this office that the field off. TODA Y!" This announcement, and The Carroll County Bicen- landing at Annapolis and Hanson served at his term before All of this seeming made around noon Sunday in the tennia l Committees were elsewhere in the colony. Even after dying a year afterward in 1783, and disorganization, however, pulled cafeteria and accompanied by a distinguished guests. And all this to his term as delegate ended, it was because of the title and together as the ceremony began not completely unreasonable under honor one John Hanson. Who is Hanson served as local leader of native of the office that some with members of the Color Guard current of student groans, was to John Hanson? you may have Frederick County (which then historical societies today lay claim of the First Maryland Regiment, me not particularly observant of scoffed, and if you did, you included what are today the areas to Hanson as the first U.S. decked out in colonial military the Founder's Day Convocation, managed to accomplish the un- of Westminster and Carroll President, previous to Washington. complete with muskets, performed probably among the first remin- common feat of both hitting the County) in opposition to the British Most of this information about precise and impressive march to a ders that Western Maryland nail right on the head and missing Stamp Act, Tea Act, and Coecire Hanson had been gathered into a drum roll. The Regimental unit, College was going to be the site of it by a mile. For as Dr. Ralph Acts 32-page booklet by Dr. Levering which had been designated official something very special. Other dues Leventng , the WMC assistant For most of these earlier ac- which was distributed to viewers of Maryland Honor Guard for the followed, such as the cafeteria professor of history who amassed tivites, Hanson receives extra the convocation and which had Bicentennial, was followed by the menu board's announcement that most of the historical information praise for organizing and ex- been adapted into condensed script Western Maryland College Brass students were going to be brown- pertaining to Hanson, is supposed pressing revolutionary statements form for a three-person reading Ensemble which conducted by bagging their supper that evening, to have said in the Baltimore long before much of the rest of the with Derek Neal, a recent WMC Carl Dietrich, played the music and the familiar and expected Morning Sun article of Saturday, country offically moved in the graduate active in Dramatic Art, Pavan and Ayre by Matthew Locke student jokes about placing an February 7, "History has too long same direction. When isolated Paul Smith of WTTR 'radio, and and Sonata No. I by Gottfired alarm clock in a shoebox marked been concerned with the great and actions of protest molded together Jane Davy of New Windsor Reiche. And then the processional "BOMB" and sticking it under the mighty ... or it has been bur- to contribute to a major movement Community Theatre, which took up began with the Maryland executive Governor Marvin Mandel's car as dened with kings and tyrants and Hanson came into his own heading the bulk of the convocation officers and general assembly, he arrived to participate in the generals. The moving words of the the Frederick Committee of Ob- program. During the last few representatives of educational exercises. Such cynicisms are the impassioned, the haughty orders of servation, which in February 1775 minutes before the ceremony committees, Bicentennial corn- product of individuals who were the impervious, are only as sent currency to aid Bostonians began, the three looked over their missions, and the Founder's Club then unaware of how special the meanginful, can only be as sue- who were at the time beseiged by scripts while Governor Mandel the Western Maryland ROTC unit program in Big Baker at 3:00 on eessful as the daily humdrum the British, and later sent troops (considerably less distant-seeming of the Color Guard, its Student Sunday, February 8th really was. deeds of the little-known people on from Frederick to join George in real life than he seems on Senate, Trustees, and Faculty As I was unaware too, before I the line care to make them." Andit Washington's army of New television appearances) posed for proceeding down the aisles and arrived. was to award a posthumous Doctor England Minute Men-The first pictures with them, chatted occupying the first several rows. Having gotten to Baker a little of Laws degree to this little-known troops from the South to do so amicably with Jane Davy about "Maryland My Maryland" was earlier than most of the rest of the but quite influential person that the Hanson also assigned minutemen the necklace she was wearing, and played, everyone stood for the casual audience for the con- auditorium of Baker was crammed to guard the roads of western puffed on his familiar pipe. Dr National Anthem, and the program vocation, I found myself a bit to capacity that Sunday afternoon Maryland, In November of 1775, James Lightner was calling the was underway. stunned by the magnitude of the John Hanson didn't make any the vigilantes captured three various students and faculty in- As mentioned before, a three- thing. 1 had predicted to myself stirring speeches recorded by British spies, volved in the ceremony to attention person reading of "The Expereince earlier that not too many WMC history, hedidn't write sizzling In December of 1789. Hanson in Baker 100, informing them of of Freedom," adapted from Dr students would be among the blueprints for a young nation, nor moved into the foreground when he what from the facial expressions Levering's research, presented to audience--and 1 was right only in a did he lead a strong army on to and five other men were selected to and sounds uttered must have been the audience the general in- very backhanded kind of way, conquer the British. His leadership represent Maryland at the Con- a fairly complex way of getting formation pertaining to Hanson's because of all the students of the was expressed in less obtrusive tinental Congress in Philadelphia. upstairs to start the progr-am. One life, times, and work. Derek Neal college choir, brass ensemble, ways. Born in Mulberry Grove in The job was certainly not a girl in the choir whispered to and Jane Davy read their parts SGA, and so on who were par- 1721, Hanson started acquiring a glamorous or prestigious one. for another, "I bet I don't get any from opposite sides of the center of ticipating in the event. The cars reputation as defender of the the pay was low and the studying done today!" Dr. Ralph the Baker auditorium, and Paul had already swallowed up the colonies rights as early as the representatives were not" much John, president of WMC, was Smith read his from the lectern in WMC parking lot and were quickly 1750's when he spoke up for the more than servants to the state giving what were apparently some the center of the chancel, which inching toward the quad. Repor- "cantry party in reaction against was presented for this event by the ters and photographers from the minority of Crown-oriented ~~~~~~~u~~S(~ft t~ea~~:rs ~~~~ ~~~In~~d in~~I~~t:o~ ~ore~~~, Washington Metropolitan Area various Carroll County and officials who were supported by the Maryland did not, and two years chairman of the WMC Board of Chapter of the Western Maryland Hanover papers, not to mention the "proprietary" party. After being later in November of 1781, when Trustees, who along with Dr. John College Alumni Association, and Baltimore Sun (which had also elected as a representative from the Articles of Confederation were' would be particpating in the was carved of wood from a done an explanatory article on the Charles County to the General ratified, Hanson was elected presentation of the degree. chestnut oak which, according to ceremonies the day before) were Assembly in 1757. Hanson insisted "President of the United States in Meanwhile, Hoffa Field was at the program, had stood on the brisking and reloading cameras that proprietors contribute to Congress Assembled," This office the moment being graced by the WMC Hill since colonial times; for shot after shot. In addition to . paying for the defense of the hardly resembled that of the leanding of Maryland Attorney continued pg. 3., col. 2
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