Page 88 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 88
Page 8 Scrimshaw ••••••••••• Miscellaneous'Stuff ••••••••••• The wonderful world of pet snowballs J.!fRo .. reon "Snowballs can be fun." Are justify the taming and breeding as far down as Louisiana and make sure that one's snowball Racquel, and Ermina (by the way, these the words of some maniacal required in the domestication Texas because of the very cold. doesn't "catch warm," since a telling the difference between a Bronx bomber who enjoys in- process? Will advantages outweigh cure has not yet been found for the male and female snowball is ex- dulging in that destructive art of disadvantages? Is it possible for Because of their availability, common warm. One other good tremely hard and should be han- throwing snowballs along crowded the snowball to become protective especially during the winter place for storing a snowball is dled by an expert only). thoroughfares at innocent as well as just a comforting in- months, supplies of pet snowballs outside the window on a good brisk, As a final note it should be passersby? No, it is more the mood dividual in one's household? These are virtually inexhaustible. In fact, chilly night. This allows the pet its remembered that pet snowballs of a new group of pet owners that questions will be answered as strays are found commonly proper freedom and fresh air while are nothing outside of the hands of have sprung up on the campus and . snowballs are used increasingly in stretched out, lying all over the at the same time keeping it in a their owners. Proper protection neighboring area over the last two our homes and dorms in the near ground and can be picked up and good healthy condition. must be taken at all times in order snowfalls-owners of pet snowballs. future. taken home as a pet at no charge whatsoever. However, it has been If you are considering getting to prove the sincerity that the It all statted with the recent Snowballs, although normally found that wild snowballs are not your owri pet snowball, mention owner has to ward his snowball in outbreak of pet rocks that have having a short life span, may housebroken-they will need to be should be made of the task of the master-to-pet relationship. If developed on a nation-wide basis hibernate for extended periods of followed after with newspaper or naming your companion. Upon responsibility is lacking then the as the "in" replacement for the time in such places as mop and bucket in order to clean naming the pet, it should be snowball has all rights to disap- dog as man's best friend. refrigerators, freezers and ice up the mess that is incurred. remembered that the original title pear right before the owner's eyes. Stimulated by .the success of the chests. Capture of them in their will have to stick with your Remember that the next time you rocks as pets, the .snowball has natural states is extremely easy The best habitat for pet snowball for the rest of its natural improperly use your snowball, for taken its position as a truly loyal when snowballs are found to be in snowballs is, as mentioned above, life. Names such as Whitey, old snowballs never die, they just companion to the dejected and season. Of course they do migrate, something in the way of a freezer. Snowey, Ickey, Gooey, and Muddy melt away. lonely of America. traveling in flocks, rather far Hot showers or baths are a no-no in r----------, North in the summer, South in the the care and feeding of a snowball ~~~!~n~'es ~ co~~~~e~~~'ta::~ Can the snowball offer benefits to Winter, sometimes being Sighted Proper measures must be taken to like: Claude Herman Thurmond, Those terrific tiles "What the Carlton Harris Love Bundles The tile floors of Western streaks. Whiteford's predominate with black and white streaks, the Corsages Maryland College certainly are tile is a tan one with dark brown gameroom just upstairs has iittle Dozens of Roses beautiful! Just think of all the and creamy white streaks. gray tiles with black and white Cut Flowers hell is many styles seen across campus. A MacLea's is the same. The streaks. quick check of our hallowed halls residents of Albert Norman Ward Plants will reveal an astounding variety Hall are fortunate souls. Their Scrimshaw has taken this space of goregous multi-colored slates floors are graced by tiles of black, to attempt to point out to WMC "SOAP"? The lower level of Baker Chapel dark reddish-brown, white with students just what beauty, what Flowers & Fancies sports a classy tan tile streaked dots and, in the rooms, ....n with complexity, whatinfinite variety is 140 Vii "In Martin's" with shades of dark brown and dark brown and creamy white at their feet to be seen, if they 876·2990 creamy white. These flatrocks are streaks. Among other campus would only take the time to look! painstakingly- laid so that a buildings, exceptional tiles may be Next week: sidewalks. checkerboard pattern is formed seen in: A) the showers and Next door at the entrance to throoms of Rouzer Hall; L Decker auditorium one may see study rooms of the library; C) the 800001 white and brown tiles in groups of second floor landing of the library; Vic Eremita 15. Beyond those infamous and, D) the cafeteria. According to approx. 15students it on their way back from a ~OC"(a wOoden doors the slate are tan The place to go to see tiles is, of here at WMC. the campus has a G.I.G.I.F. No investigation has with dark brown and creamy course, Winslow Student Center new ghost. been launched as of this writing white. The bathrooms of Lewis The mailroom contains the ever- ~lIt Hall use liltle multi-shaped wafers popular tan with dark brown and It seems that a spectral horse & Et cetera Our people make it better to form a pattern of unbelievable creamy white streaks. So does the buggy raced past 10 students on complexity. grill. but in two shades, new and their way back from the movie in A washroom at the University of In the dorms lucky enough to old. Interspersed throughout. we Westminster, Tuesday the 6th, at North Carolina has three urinals, have tile floors, several types are see ?I"een tiles and naked black about 10:15 P.M. "It was like a one with two side panels, one with seen. McDaniel's main stairs goo. And while the entry of the black Amish buggy with the rain one and a third with none. Over the Monday nights cross big red squares with ivory student center has big gray tiles flap down." T.S. told me. Reports urinal with two panels is the legend about the horse are conflicting. 5 p.m. '1 p.rn. One student said that it looked CONSERVATIVE, the one-sided "more like a mist than anything." urinal reads MODERATE and the The other witnesses that this third is designated LIBERAL. And College Night reporter talked to described a very on a nearby blank wall, someone (1.0. required) real looking horse with its ears wrote, RADICA.L layed back. What made these 13" pizza-with one witnesses sure that they had seen a When a is-year old man in topping - only $2.09!! ghost, & not -some eccentric Joplin, Missouri, was arrested for Westminsterite taking a late nite car theft, he thought he had a ride, was the manner of its pretty good excuse. He told police ·Bud, Mic & Schlitz disappearance. The witnesses he had flunked his driver's license on Tap were walking on the stretch of road test and merely wanted to practice 140 Village 24 Whichw •• to that runs past the French house to up on driving correctly -- so he 42 i.:::~i;~i;~. 25 ~~~:~'i-:1.1>.1 left In,.) the apartments. The buggy & horse stole five cars. Val.nci. 43Comedi."SH.eo. passed them without a sound, & 27 Wolfman 44 Fi,ot,.t.lcoll.) disappeared into the side of the .. Chaney 46 Mo.i.:Th. building. :;e•• nV ...,_· 29Suffix:citi •• n 47Ped.,digits cafeteria fast-careening." "It was going real said Ms. JOSkindi_ .. M.L. It is rumored that 5 more saw we serve ... 35 Warnin~ :~~i':f .......................:: 36 P"y: The••'. ,.. ctionlcoll.1 53 Olti"" 01 :::;,~;g,.tion Expert Watch ~.m BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER 37 Thi,d son ~". 01 :~t~:~~u .. 26P .. nutl
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