Page 83 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 83
Thursday, February 5, 1976 Scrimshaw Page 3 The Care and Prevention -of Academia-durin~ Jan Term Rick Barnes, courtesy of The little Bakery . "Just wait until Jan Term. Then practiced. My research led me to a staff, knowing full well what is grade in class and justifies it by behaves the way it does. it will happen." How many times girls' dormitory about midaf- happening, tries to make the food saying "What good will it do me in did I hear someone utter that in the ternoon. The halls were deserted, and the atmosphere as un- five years," while supposedly Tn conclusion, I thought that the library while cramming for some and I heard cries of anguish from conducive to digestion as humanly learning a lot about life on his own. treatment of the student body had exam. Now as another Jan Term one of the rooms. Being concerned possible by playing such tunes as This is one of the more drastic been a success, with few com- draws to a close, 1 must take time for the safety of one of our lovely "Convoy" and providing treatments causing a serious plications. One night late in Jan out to ask myself did it happen, and coeds, I burst into the room only to late arrivals with their version of change in attitudes and should be Term I visited the scene of many if it did happen what was it? What find four women huddled around a strobe lighting. But still the people examined carefully before start- miserable moments - the library - ever it was I must admit I enjoyed television despairing about the stay oblivious to their surround- ing. to see if there were any studious it immensely. For the most part I crises in "Mary Hartman, Mary Inga. The help in the cafeteria will undertakings in progress. As I would have to say that Jan Term is Hartman." By the despondent and go so far as to brush your teeth if A couple of treatments that"; expected, the nerve center of the renaissance of those long- dazed look on the girls' faces I the clearing off of your tray and require great mental fortitude and academic activity was completely dormant partying instincts that knew the treatment was working. I wiping off the table top is not hint are numbered among the more still. The library seemed a are suppressed during the regular desperately tried to get a coherent enough to get you to leave! Even subtle treatments are the growing testimonial to modern medicine, semesters. Some students believe reply to some questions about their while fighting the cafeteria staff of facial hair and trying to balance a lasting monument to the cures that the Dean is really some hot- Jan Term studies, but all I could tooth and nail the treatment ap- a salt shaker on one salt crystal in that the student body had un- shot psychiatrist performing some get out of them was one girl pears quite successful and is used the cafeteria. The growing of facial dergone. Then, the cryptic-like devious experiment in mass mumbling about what a shame it by some students to fight off the hair is especially popular within atmosphere in the place became behavorial modification. Even was that Ironsides was a-cripple. urge to get something done during fraternities. In fact, this pastime is quite unnerving, the slightest though there is much evidence to This treatment, that is along the the regular semesters becoming so popular and com- sound came crashing down upon support a conspiracy theory, I same lines as X-ray and cobalt petitlve that next year the Phys. me like a hangover the morning would have to reserve judgment treatments for cancer patients, Many students treat themselves Ed. department is considering a after a particularly enjoyable because of the JB;n Term blasts the individual with reruns of by going on a crusade for self- mustache growing intramural. The GIG IF. I felt trapped, unable to phenomena a complete break- situation comedies- and soap improvement. Although there is a balancing act of salt shakers is one move or breathe. My whole life down of the unnatural processes operas until portions of the brain fine line between the treatment of the great mysteries of all time, here on campus began to pass in that exist in the regular semesters. jelly causing memories of all- and the disease, it is quite sue- and captivates many students at front of my eyes. The sudden This massive medicinal effect that nighters and term papers to cessful in treating students who meal time (myself included). In realization that nothing would Jan Term provides the student disappear. However, carefully wish to learn something - but not my mind there is no plausible change. In a matterol days I would body is a care and prevention of the follow the prescribed dosage as an necessarily in a classroom. The theory in science or theology that be researching a term paper or dreaded disease academia that overdose may lead to a serious method serves the same purpose explains to my satisfaction how a studying for some exam. I felt was so pervasive first semester disorder and is quite similar in application salt shaker defies the law of there was something in Elderdice Even everyday necessities like to a vaccination. The student in- gravity. This treatment, the one I controlling my destiny and that I The treatment for academia is eating are used as treatments. jects himself with a little self- prefer, keeps me awake nights and couldn't fight the disease and win. I really rather simple and almost During the regular semester taught knowledge and im- haunts me- at time I should be can now state conclusively that ' everyone seems 10 be on students go about their business of mediately becomes cocky, feeling concentrating on my studies. For most treatments provide only medication most of the day. The eating, taking their tray back, and he doesn't need professors any myself I really don't care what temporary relief for academia and longer. The for a few minutes treatments vary depending on During Tphage'sO'from oUtile 'hj)iii"' 3 the symptoms maybe chatting next semester that on February if i just can becomes student happens individual tastes and life styles Being a former pre-med major I still have retained an interest in Jan the field of medicine, and this paper is the result of meticulous research with volumes of em- pirical data that has taken me the Reprinted from back issues of the GOLD BUG. Compiled by Mark Katz whole month to compute and put In the future, the administration many improvements during the every department. (September II, particularly stressed was the ef- into the form you see before you (a has decreed that students will be summer months of which its 19·15) teet which beer produces. She said highly sophisticated medical thesis admitted free to all home athletic inhabitants are justly proud •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• that beer, which is commonly for the leading journals of contests, including those football No one would recognize the The Baltimore Colts are coming thought to be about the least medicine around the country) games played in Baltimore, for fourth rloor where Mrs. Griffin back to Western Maryland College, harmful of all alcoholic drinks, Here are some of the most ef- which Western Maryland College presided over a girls' infirmary but not to play football. They will really contains the same drug as fective cures and how they are serves as host. (November 5,1931) two years ago. Now three suites be in Gill Gym, Saturday night to the marijuana cigarette. She also used. .................... 0 •• 0 •• 0 and five double rooms have been play Alpha Gamma Tau in stated that beer adds an unhealth- Changes in the absence rules constructed to help house the basketball. ful weight to the body. (January 31, Many authorities feel that the have been announced by Dr overflow of freshmen that have The Colts will be coached by 1939) playing of games, especially Spicer, Absence Officer. The made WMC their Alma Mater this their equipment manager Fred ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• poker, pinochle, and war games like RISK where the patient tries to m~~~u~:7~~~:n~~~~~~~~~ c~~~~iye:~~ large rooms with their clean Schubach, and led by All-Pro Social life on the Hill promises to destroy the world, are highly ef- a semester will be considered late white walls, their inlaid linoleum, . qu:~~e~ba~~~I~~~ u~~~t~n in four ~ta:;n:!l !~m: ~~o:~Jl~ ~~o~ fective treatments. RISK, registration. and dormer windows are, as one of years of intramural B-bal! com- band to be featured at the annual especially, enables the patient to Students absent from classes the freshmen called them, "dream petition on the Hill, recently Pan-Hellenic dance on May 7 in totally lose touch with reality. immediately before and after rooms." Although all of the maple defeated the TKE chapter at Gill Gymnasium. Instead of concentrating on school holidays, or on the first Saturday furniture has not arrived yet, the Frostburg. (March 19, 19(5) Replacing the May Day dance work he devotes his energies to or Monday of the second semester, rooms will each have a double- •••• '•••••••••••••••••••••••• this affair is sponsored by the four becoming a fascist for five hours, or during the last seven days of a decker bed, individual desks and Mrs. Don W. Griffin addressed' local fraternities and four forgetting the values and morals a semester will be subject to a fine of dressers, and a leather easy chair. the student body at the regular sororities. Among the musical liberal arts education instills in him. This form of treatment is fiV~h~~~:~ the total number of ~~ti~!~sn~:nt~~i~:~~ttu::r;;~~ ~~~~~ 3~~r:.gGr~f~~~~:re ~~ :~~~r;~~ ~:~:11~:~~ G~~~t~~~~~ realtively inexpensive, unless of accumulated absences for any McKinstry Hall. (September 27, "The Use and Abuse of Alcohol" Shep Fields, and Blue Baron. course the individual happens to course during a semester exceeds 1945) from a scientific viewpoint. She All profits will be allocated to the be a lousy poker player -- then it ~:~e c~~~seSm~tsn,:~r w~e~i~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• explained by illustrations and building" of a new infirmary. To could run into quite a bit of 0 money. ~~u:~t~~~~f~~a:;thd :~~~s~ f~~ ~~~ii~::;~Ji:r::;~~:~r;~E~~ ;~~1!~:0~r~:e:;~h!hO~g~~:~} ~~~~:~n!~:~~~~1~~~~uf~ Another treatment that has been ~~~~a~~~~1 ~ [he~r~~~!~ ~tk~: ~~:~~~h e~b el~:~~~~d, w~~~ ~ One point which Mrs Griffin allowed to attend (March ll, 1949) highly effective this Jan Term has been winter sports, especially ~~~e~f t~ee~~~es~~~t ~~w h~; r~~~t!~~s~~nh~:es a~i~~r~;~t~an sledding back campus. This ~l1at·s comin· off treatment involves becoming satisfactorily completed the unanimous vote on the issue in all ~::,d~\~;:tl~~g.GettySburg (home) 6;00 pm . H.M.S. Pinafore.'· Alumni totally intoxicated, preferably with course. However, in calculating three sororities. 7:30p.m. Undergraduate Relations Monday. ~'eb. 9 something like whiskey or brandy the amount of the fine, unexcused A girl, in order to become a COmmitt .... Meeting al Harrison House 1:00·3:00 p.m. Former Senator Josep that takes the chill right out of the absences, whether excused or member of a sorority, must have Friday. Feb. 6 Tydings. McDaniel Lounge bones, making a deal with God, unexcused, will count single an average grade of "C" or better, 6:30 pm. Shabbat services. Rouzer Lounge 6:30 p.m. JV & V Women·s B·Ball-Messiah (Away) and taking off down some cliff back (September 28, 1937) and must have resided on the ~;~tm.xrns sr Recital·Saxophone. Levine 7:30p.m. l.V. MeetinR. Baker Seminar Room campus that contains a few well- 7:30 p.m. Brewery Trip f~~:~:a~~~:slt:8) "Hill" placed trees, bushes, holes, bodies, •• At 'it; ~~gttl~~'~~~thl;· ~;et;n~:' I, 0..... 0..................... ::~ PG%i;·~tM~;t:n~k~·. ~=:'~red by etc. The Kamikaze nature of this on Thursday evening, December Phi Delta Theta Tuesday. Feb. 10 form of treatment may seem ~~e ~!~~S ~~~~~;t ~~~~~~:~so~:~~ "All-American" rating, the Saturday. Feb. 7 IOam·12 nOOn. and2:()(H:OOp.m.·znd Spring drastic, but after one of these 10:00 a.m. Rifle Team·Gettysburg (away) Registration Grille 100 4;00 p.m. Poetry ReadinR. Memorial spine-tingling flirtations with 1:00 p.m. Swimming·St. Mary·s (away) 6:1:' p.m. JV ~Ien·s B·Ball·F&M (Away) death students don't seem to care ~~~~~!p:~~~~ ~~it~~~g di:~~~S~~ ~~~:fe~~J:eEcZ:i:~~:z:1~~~ 2:00 P.m. Wrestling·Lebanon Val1e~ (home) 7;00 p.m. S,,;mming·York (Away) 6:30p.m. Mass. Baker Chapel what happened in some sociology 6:30p.m.JVMen·sB·Ball-
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