Page 86 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 86
Page 6 Scrimshaw Thursday. February 5, 1976 D.H. Lawrence mistreated on film Karen Du Bois, Robin Gross, larry Haarik, Chris Mehr, Joy Pearson, Ted Twigg, and Trudy Walton During January Term, the film hides these traits behind a made in Hollywood and released novel is a meek, fragile creature originalintentandnotaracyscene versions of three D. H. Lawrence hypocritical mask of jonality and by Warner Bros., was in some who possesses a very real need for exists to revel in during the whole novels, "The Virgin and the generosity, the movie reduces ways even more of a distortion of March's friendship. She is not, as 1959 movie. The sexual frankness Gypsy," "The Fox," and "Lady him to a pudgy, ineffectual Lawrence's work than The Virgin Sandy Dennis portrays her, a of the novel was Lawrence's Chatterley's Lover," were shown Ozaie Nelsen type. In a crucial and The Gypsy, which is saying scatterbrained, semi-epileptic nag supreme triumph, but one can in Decker Auditorium, The films, scene in which the Yvette is quite a bit. In Lawrence's short who behaves like a spoiled child hardly blame the moviemakers for presented by Dr, Betsy Wallace, berated for borrowing money story. Jill Banford and Nellie when she doesn't get her way. not attempting to duplicate it teacher of The Jan Term course needed for a stained-glass wino; March, two women who live Through this portrayal of her Lawrence strove to show the "D. M. Lawrence and Women," dow, the minister of the book mo- together and run a farm have a character, the movie makes her beauty of love between a man and have had decent audiences, which mentarily drops his mask in an very strong relationship with each look totally unsympathetic -- 10- a woman and the necessity of sex has caused Dr. Wallace some instant of snarling, unChristian other, but in no place is a sexual deed, it is difficult to imagine to a relationship. His writing is a concern, since the accuracy of the viciousness. In the movie, he aspect of their friendship men- living with her for more than two masterpiece of putting something monies to the books are just stands amorphously behind tioned at all. The film, however, days without being driven up the as delicate and sensitive as making questionable. To clear the air, Aunt Cissie and lets her do all ignores this and includes an proverbial wall. March, who wears love into words. Had the French Scrimshaw ha§ been asked to the yelling. The grandmother, a overbearing lesbian scene. Why male clothing because she does included these more intimate publish a compilation of critiques quieUr dominating force in the don't people in general, and most of the farmwork, has in the scenes it is doubtful that they of the films, done by students in the book, ISreduced to a toothless, eye- Hollywood moviemakers in par- movie a strange obsession with her would have done justice to Lawrence class. It should also be rolling eccentric. To be fair, Aunt ttcular realize that two people of body not present in the book. (The Lawrence's work. noted for those interested that the Cisste is treated with relative the same sex can enjoy each other movie includes a scene of her nude There are serious flaws, novels all which the films are based faithfulness as a bitter, self- completely without being in the bathroom, apparently however. Lady Chatterley's can be found in the library or pitying woman forced to sacrifice physically involved? Throughout masturbating with a docrknob.: husband Clifford, paralyzed below bookstore. herself to care for Granny, and much of his writing Lawrence The fox, used as a symbol for thewaistinthewar,isnotstressed When filmmakers decide to who lets no one forget that fact. Yet stresses that friendship is a Henry's tightening grip on March, as a ruthless industrial giant in the adapt a piece of literature, par- ~~e~~::bn~:i~~~ :Se~h:~~tert~~ ~~~i~~~~% t~f 10~~~a~/~~~pp~~~ ~~r~~~n~~ndl:ode!n n~~ec~: ~7:~~~.a~~ ~~c~~b~~~:;d wli~~:~ hti~ ~~~~~~y ac~~:i:eh~C~hr~~Sgh b~~~ Granny, when there really should upa nonexistent homoseuxal affair The film as a whole proves woods and wanted to protect them. i years, they have a basic ~ an equilibrium between the between Banford and March, the ~~:~~!~~di~~~~r s::d .:vri~~~: a ;! ~;enn~~~h:~:~~~rd0I\-~se~l~tr~al:[~~ responsibility to remain as faithful ree. ~mk of The FO\ insults both the unable to convey deep feelings or "lover" of the title) by falling off :~r~:i~~~ t~=~~!r~yof~~~~:~~: Finally, there is the relationship 0 and its aut or strong relationships between her horse, as she does in the movie. author communicates that spirit. lf between Yvette and the gypsy, and This very special relationship people of either the same or of More is made of Mellor's wife and those responsible for the movie are it is .here that ~ film's op- which is shared by Banford and differing genders without using sex less. is made of Connie's trip to going to go changing the message in~~uen~:~~sa~h~~~~~ !~~~t~:e ~:~~:, abe~~r:~~iS:~~~\~~ ;~~ as a constant crutch ~~~t~~tt~~n ;~eth:u~i~~~:, f~~~~~ 0eflet~ee~l~k,t~r a~~~: e~~ra~~~~ gypsy rescues Yvette from a flood during W.W.!., the time period of In the light of the previous two reduces the precise language of ~ but not before both are nearly the novel (totally ignored in the film interpretations of Lawrence's Lawrence's novel to hokey ~~~~f~i~~~;ut;:~h~:~~~~'~~:~! fr-owned trying to escape. To save movie, which places the story in fl. work, vhe French movie of his romantic banalities. All in all, this on the film. himself and the girl from dying of present-day setting) enters their Lady Chatterley's Lover comes as is a mediocre translation of shock, he gives her a rubdown and lives. Henry, whose name in the something of a surprise. Unlike .Lawrence's work. but at least the In the movie version of The orders her to bed, crawling in after film is changed to Paul probably The Virgin and the Gypsy and The French should be commended for Virgin and The Gypsy, Yvette, the her only for warmth. An important because it sounds sexier, decides to Fox, i~ which the filmmakers took not making a mockery of such "virgin" of the title, is, a fresh, point made by the novel is that marry March, at first because he free rem with the works to exercise supposedly "juicy" material. In innocent young girl. The daughter Yvette doesn't tell her father the wants their farm, then because of a their overworked and oversexed order for Lawrence's work to come of a minister, she has led a truly details of how her life was saved, deeper feeling that develops imaginations. Lady Cha.tterley to the screen it is going to take a sheltered life, is very in ex' knowing that he will suspect the between the two. March must then, spells it all out and thus gives the man with as much skill with the perlenced in many ways and, being worst. The movie destroys all this in effect, choose between Henry lustful quite a bit to work with. camera as Lawrence had with extremely naive, knows next to by adding a sexual connotation and Ba~ford. Ag~in,. the movie Surprisingly. however, the movie words, and such a man is very rare nothing about men. Although she is that doesn't exist, in implying if not buses this up by adding a sexual is the most faithfful to Lawrence's indeed. :t~as~~du~oc;~ep~~~~~~!h::!~ :~~~~~r~~~~iS:~~t~t:g~~s~~: ::%~ic;1t!~~ht~~~ ~:~r~~! ~~k;h= •••••••••••••••••••••••• not dream of being undressed in a that the virgin lost her virginity walk in the woods, however, ac- • • gypsy caravan, as she does in the that day. Perhaps the cording to Lawrence. They do not. BEER (draught) 30~ • • movie. Those thoughts never even moviemakers would have done makeloveonthel!ass.Infact,. occurred to Yvette in the novel- best to leave Lawrence's name off Lawrence makes It clear that • • ~~r:~~:~~e~a~~:r~~t:i~: t~~~~f ~:~~:l~~ ai~l:o~f!~~' :o~d ~~~ ~~~a;!~.n~~ Ws~~~~~~r~~ I;~~ • 4-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. • a rather indecisive individual taudry little SUmmer of 1920 such performance, almost with. PITCHER $2.00 • • repeatedly described by Lawrence production. The basic ouUine of the fear." • ~:lli~;a:~e~~r T~aeth~i~~so~!th~:; ~~~tC~i~~ ~r~~~e~s~~~s, but the An ad~itional flaw in the film lies •• •• that the Yvette of the book could in its mistreatment of the central never bring herself to do. One gels The film version of The Fox, personalities. The Banford of the. 8-11 p.m. with 1.0. CARD • ANY SUB 99¢ : ~el;:r~~~i:~t~h~~r:gf~~m~;~~: : ,uco"'" of ,u,h youth-o,;enled 7~ (j' Plain & Fancy • • pictures as Easy Rider and Getting __ .~_. - ~ // - • • Monday Night 6·100.m, t1~ Sl"'ghl by p,.>enling Yvette,,' IKEGS AVAILABLE FOR PARTIESI •• vibrant, active rebel who suc- -- Donuts cessfully puis down the "establish- -t!~ 848.6385. • :::::,\';" ,·ep'e>enled by he' 140v,.llage.. PATIO BEEF 'N' BEER •• Open lanes afternoon If the Yv·.'!tte of the movie is a : Rt, 140 Westminster : distortion of the novel rest assured, Weekends Reservations Only only 5 minutes away • 876-2995 • for the supporting characters are Tenpins and Duckpins • • • given equally short shrift Open 24 Hours a Day - •..................•.•.• Although Yvette's father, the minister, is depicted in the book as a soul of no warmth or trust, who
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