Page 80 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 80
Page 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday, January 21, 1976 Sports Carlton Ha~ris team spent time on the road last The grapplers won over the score record to 6-4 on the season. Today, the WMC These brought wins Maryland's George wrestling Western Mason 23-22and lost to W & M, 42-3. George Mason, week, bringing face Johns our wrestlers home mostly good' Against Hopkins Jim Teramani news. WMC faced On Tuesday, a win if his men perform match. Only a pin would give WMC George Mason and William & Mary was 17-22 going into the "Iinal at Johns Hopkins. Coach Sam Case p-edicts the win and Greg Banks was out on at William & Mary. in a trimatch WCJIIIII!II'.IIMasIIetIMIII .~-.- ••••••••••••••• the mat for us. Sure enough, Greg up to their capabilities. : GIRLS ... ARE yOU LOOKING -. puthisopponent~nhis back~uring e':;~ :~:-:~~' ~~~ ~::::/~~ When the women's basketDau, With high percentage shots and: : ,FOR A SUMME~ COUNSELOR: ;!:r s~::pr':v~~iro~O:~I~M~ Susquehanna and . Kings at team met a strong Towson State tough defense, the Terrorettes • POSITIO.N? Applicants are • bench. Susquehanna. - •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• basketball team this past Tuesday, jumped out to a quick lead. The : now being considered for i·: , January 12, the Terrorettes' game play seemed to get a little sloppy, : the '76 camp season. Rhottn's : THE was- uncharacteristically marked and the WMC lead dropped to S.• Must be able to teach - - : by turrcvers and bad shooting. The But almost like an alann going off, : & singing, Archery, Tennis i: Barber Shop -: HANOMADEN one of the following: ~r:!!~1~:!~0~~11 r~;~~!.the te~m hit a. hot streak and built: Dancing, Piano, Accompanist, : W.tminster Shopping Center : ding and inside game did manage up their halftime lead. : Styling, : 73 West Main Street :it~:elo~~:nh:Sj~nr~~~ ~t~~~~ inAf~,:~~d ~~~!t:~, bo:M~~i~ : ~;;;i~~i~:~~~'m:~~f;iCS. : Razor Cuts. : WMC came back to trail by 2 at amther hot .streak andj':ffilped out,: Photography, Cheerleading, =: : : :~~~i:!:gc~~fts"!! ~:~~:Ci!~n~~~e~ave been a :f:ns1Z, ~~~ l:~ita~~~ s:a~ : ~~~~~!:~ti~~el~~t Layer Cuts : Bring your crafts in flur~ of UMB~. turnovers, : Boating, Canoeing & Water E : M, 'rc. W,Sat.·9·6 Th S. F·9-9 : :~: ~:!tt~:~P~:; you!! But, as they say, momentum is a ~~~ ng(~~11 a~~o~\~mgw~e 'Skiing Instructor 4 Barbers : •••• funny lady, and on Tuesday night, wom~n'l??) o~~': : General Athletics. or Also ::: : :. •••••••• _._._._ 848-3620 __ : • • •• _. momentum wore a Towson jersey .. Towson girls exploited their With 'that bill of a lead, the :' ~~p~~~:c~:~:.=~~e : t\AiESTWAY ·A·UTOMOTIVE· strengths, and this, plus some bad game tu:ned Into some sloP~YI:. Shelleydale Drive, • IV V shooting by WMC, put the game out I -WEST of reach. Towson just continuously ~~~~:~~~g~;~:~:t:'~~ :i,Baltimore, MD21209: built a bigger and bigger lead and. closing the difference in the score _ •••• _...... F' d A . P the Terrorettes wound up losing by. The h;gh "om was Leslie Ap- orelgn an mencan arts a 24-point spread. ~!:~~de~i~asl~~~~n:n!it~~......... and Accessories The game last Friday, January 16, against UMBC, was a different ~~:U~t~n43";,~!;~:~tS~:;:;n· ~ STUDENT DISCOUNTS story: The final score was 53-43 ~-OJut~ with WMC matching another one in game is January 22, 7 pm, against 16W. MAIN ST. 848-0900 the win column. wilson. .... SuiJnteran. deferdEd Our people make it better 7~ Plain & Fancy ~~';f~iti~tn i~~~~: w;:t~~~:~;r;n~s ~~: ~~!~a~~:'~~~ 'C~ Donuts met defeat at the hands of Widener regard to sex. WMC's team, as a College. The final score was 78 for matter of fact, has more women, Monday nights -4aa4- Widener and 26 for WMC. This than men. This may be part of the 5 p.m, - '11 p.m. 140 Village brought the team's record to 0-5 on ·reason the team has had a djficu1t, Open lanes afternoon the season- a deceptive total,for time this season, for although our the meets, most notably the one vs. women swimmers are excellent College Night Weekends Reservations Only only 5 minutes away SheJiterd on the loth, have been (they pJaced 3rd out 12 all women (1.0. required) Tenpins and Duckpins hard fought. Coach Rick Carpenter teams at last year's 'MAC tour- looks forward to the possibility of nament), it makes it rough to have Open 24 Hours a Day several wins this season. to compete against nearly all mal_e 13" pizza-with one 140 VILLAGE SHOPPING' CENTER outstanding performances vs. opposition. Coach Carpenter feels topping· only $2.09!! Widener were turned in by Randy that the group is steadily im- The ~Br·and,.•U·im·_~f_Atlflll.... :!~;''i"nhol~~~tt:: r~~~:d ~~~ ~~~gpro~~eint~~~s~~~g meets Bud, Mic & Schlitz pJaced second in the optional on Tap faced diving event, and Loren Her- Yesterday, our team ~~~r;~~•••• 140 Villa_ge -. roll. _ ••• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--. •• -:- •• : . ROUri: 140, WESTMINSTER PI'KE- ;::rg~:~:!~i~~:!y ~~ ;~~:.rd' :~~~~ ~~~e[i~e ~.----.---.-.-.- Swimmil'.g is the only active co- until February 14 vs. Loyola. FINKSBURG, MD. continued from page 2, col. 5' : Expert Watch : 15 mlnut~s from Reisterstown) solving those against the bill from money for the truly dependent, - Repai rs - ---ENTEiTAINMENT-FRIDAY-&-SATURdiW--- such responsiblity. Don't those who allow the children to associate with : on premises : F••• ur;ns KEN BATESAT THE KEYBOARD ~::~a~gainstw~ff:r~· eR'ig~~' =r;u~ft~e d~:~e~ si~:la~a:~: : :' ___..:__~~~!~~~~~le_1t~~~~--.---- organization, get any credit for virorunent from which they may : Accutron to Timex :. killing it'! Apparently not. She eventually escape poverty. - • GIFT CERTIFICATES PRIVATE PARTIES defends the opposition against the Requiring families to relocate : : FOR RESERVATIOSS-833·6060 or 861-8200 pJan on the grounds that the in- geographically may be costly in : Keepsake Diamond : f=========::::~::~~:;~==l I come floor was too low. Certainly the short run, but if the families' • Rings l'-~~I(82®l this ignores the "foot in the door" prospects are better in the new -: : effect, an effect which surely has location, then the long run benefits .: • ~~;~~m~,tOg~;:;::.,;a~~~ente~~J~t~th':'':';~~v~~d!,,:~!Y ~~': Accept· BAC . NAC : ' • ~~ , porary "dual" programs, to sider whether these regu1ations _ Master Charge Per_ Checks: we serve... ISS -;J' protect the recipients of aid during are punitive and degrading, we : : the transition from the old must remember that the taxes that : • program to the new, why not get go to pay for transfer payments - DAVIDS JEWELLERS : BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER ~: ~:~~~;,!d then work to get' ~:ra~~~it:t~i~l ~~!a~~:~:r~: -41 East Main St. : Subs Pizza The proper level for the income ~enU~t :~ur:o::rth~~~~o~f : Westminster, Md. : fu~;e:~nt~f ~~~rse~nea :~~~ being helped by society, they : : remember that this floor applies should put up with it. : •••••••••••••••••• _ ••• : Chicken Day-Monday·Diriner $1.601 rne we : avai_Iable,; ~~~~;hii~b ~~~ t: Were the space the many ways in· tfgJ. tt • Pizza Day-Tuesday-$:40 off high, an unacceptable number of could consider Spaghetti Day-Wednesday-Dinner $1.2!: people will lose their incentive to which government policy creates : ,iJ work, creating an unwanted slums, unemployment, and· ",I ~ WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE burden upon the productive poverty, for this is a faSCinating : members of society who choose to and usually negJected part of the _: Open 6 8.m. daily except Sun~~y,s 8-a.m. foot this bill. It is again a value welfare story. This shall have to • judgement as to whether t1ie wait for further discussion. Again I: CARROLL COUNTY'S workfare regulations were uju$t- want to express my appreciation. FASHION CENTER ly punitive, but something may be that Ms. Elwell has taken the time : said for them'. Requiring mothers to discuss crtically this issue.: Westminster NEWLY REMODELim Rout~ 140 ~:l~r~~~~b~:nf=:~~pttoinw~~~ Sincerely: Shopping Center EXP_.ANDED SEATING W;:;::,er care centers, woUld save' tax Richard M. Tucker I•••~••• ••_. ••••"--'- '-- -'-__ '-"-_..J
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85