Page 79 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 79
Wednesday, January 21, 1976 Scrimshaw A Visit to the Infirmary Jeff Robinson The Infirmary-hospital haven for building. Some excuse is always swallowed up by some gigantic: Western Maryland's unwanted and available to your "friends" to hold green monster directly out of a 1956 pathetic figure lying weakly in that future stay at \V1\I('. What. you sa.\' unloved. Inside these four wan's, them up from every graying your sci-fl. horror movie. Whatever the oversized bed your not planning on ~lX'nding the occupants have seen more door of residence. Others won't reason, most acquaintances will anytime in there? Well. weIl wait But you'll find out all these fun disease and dispair than could fill a even know where you are, figuring not even make the effort to appear ~~i~gesi:~rr~ir~us~::;~i~~urn z: untilyoul'liml'l'Olliesup.!1 a!\\"~,ys novel. Mononucleosis, strep throat, that you're in hiding, or have been in person to laugh at your poor, ~~:~n\t~t~'ht'n you 1~'iIStexpect to measels, beri-beri, you name it and the infirmary has housed it. Susan Coleman Second Spri,ng Storms Campus! This reporter had the fortune (or misfortune, depending upon Second Spring, the ex- class! Another interesting offering class experimenting with bread courses viewpoint) of spending four days at tracurricular program designed to for the January term is a course in baking and' drink mixing has been our residence for the college's ill- teach college students new skills outdoor survival. After weekly rampant on the Hill. along with all The student response Io]' at-ease. Initially the stay was all without college credit, is taking the sessions designed to teach how to the couples practicing the waltz Second Spring was o\'crwll('lmirig Affairs OtTil'(' that could be asked for: two college by storm this January conquer and survive the elements and jitterbug in dorm rooms and and the Student another S(,rJCS of plans 10 organize pleasant nurses at one's beckon term. The program is based on the during winter, the group plans a hallways. Some students found the programs for the Spring Semester command, all the coke and water "Free University" idea that has week-end outing at the end of the early lessons too basic for their The dates to sign up for Spring that could be asked for, even a been introduced on many college term to practice what they've background !(the guitar in- term will be somefinu- during the bathroom just for yourself, almost campuses to help students pursue learned. struction started with the in- second week of regular cresses. so like home. ,~AIdoctor that makes hobbies and interests in areas structor holding up a wooden in- any suggestions for course of- house calls attends you at bedside, outside the schools normal Many of the students signed up strument and intor ming the ferings and possible instructors someone is in the building at all curriculum. This January the for the courses have been pleased fledgling musicians "This is a would be appreciated All times for your convenience and courses offered have expanded with their selections, and have guitar!") but most everyone absolutely no work to do for classes from the 4 offered la~t year to 19 shown definite progress in their agreed there was much to be suggestions should be directed to during your stay. for this term and participation 700 r=~=~=-=7"=-::---, gained through their different either Joan Avey or Jane Frock at new found areas After has Affairs of interest the Student Office Close Sou-nds like paradise? The also blossomed. registered to for continued from page 1, col. 5 have students illusion is soon shattered. You Never Give Up must be sick to be in such a courses that vary from gourmet other people who may have larger Situation, or else something's cooking to consciousness raising to problems.': Awakened by siren, John Smith the pavement. As soon as he'd been wrong with you (the difference is dulcimer construction. The Finally I asked Miss young what leaned out of a sixth-floor window placed in an ambulance, Smith and Jane Joan Avey distinctive). Within one hour you organizers, run the Student Affairs her philosophy of life is. "To be In a Los Angeles hotel to scream picked up where he left off. He Frock,who she happy," truly responded, start to crave a r.ewspaper. After obscenities at the police. He soon swore at the police during the ride five hours you decide you'll settle Office, were overwhelmed by the 'you must be selfish enough to lost his balance and fell fifty feet to to the hospital. the tccomplish for the voice of Walter Cronkite. interest and response of dis- YOU what your goals. Know what job included life." But she Their students. in Reading material is scarce in the covering areas of student interest, ::autioned that the pressure for infirmary-the 1959 edition of the finding instructors for the different success might not be for everyone. crossword National Apple Growers Guide to courses and organizing this Each individual must be sure that Better Apple Peeling has probably' monstrous project which was no he is driving toward a goal of his never made it to the top 10 in non- small task! own choosing, not to some goal fiction. The February 1966 One of the most popular and selected by someone else or by Reader's Digest, with the top story unusual offerings ,is ballroom society. She also suggested that being "Is Jackie Really Over the dancing, being taught by Terry people would enrich their lives by Hill Now," probably doesn't thrill Wasman, who was slightly sur- "doing something for someone you either. A suggestion offered is prised and shocked when he else." But most importantly she to bring one's own reading material upon embarking upon the discovered 70 eager pupils in his stressed. "Be yourself." wondrous journey into the world of medical care. '~/!~.c,- , "Pinafore" Preview Complements are on hand for the "H. M.S. Pinafore," one of nurses whose services at the in- Gilbert and Sullivan's most School. Sailors are portrayed by firmary are more than adequate. popular comic operettas, will be Bob Buchanan, . Lou Chambers, Mark They're really great-you think presented in Alumni Hall on six Joe Donovan, Bob Finnell, Richard Steve Lummis, Flaherty, about asking for a soft drink and performance nights:. January 23, immediately it appears. Your Norris, Dennis Rothgaber, and Barbara 6, 7 and 8. The stomach groans and suddenly 24, 25 and February presented as a Alan Zepp, while Buchanan, Brad- bury, Rhonda Lynn is being musical lunch is whipped before you, and special Bicentennial event by the Cowan, Elaine Denny, Marjorie even though sickness has adjusted ,- your stomach to that of a medium college in cooperation with the Fever, Sue Geyer, Pat Gunther, MA ..... 01 size hamster, you feel obligated to community of Westminster. Lisa Hellstrom, Sharon Hitchcock, 36:":; the lady in white, so you devour the "H.M.S.," subtitled "The lass Penny Kelly, Pat Nicholson, 31=..::.n,ng entire meal in 3 minutes flat. That Loved A Sailor," is under the Deborah Pferdeort, Robin Seiland, direction of Bill Tribby of the and Sue Whitmore play various 39 eo-.d w'th Most meals are prepared right in Drama Department with musical sisters, cousins and aunts. 01." ..... the infirmaries' own kitchens direction by Carl Dietrich of the Choreography is by Sara Rothe .. 1 ThrM-t_ (although dinner is shipped in from Music Department. Mr. Dietrich and Kathie Thornhill, with Craig 42~~ .... r. the cafeteria, bulk rate of course>. has had previous experience Singhass in charge of lighting, ~.~ And bow's this for a change-they're working with Gilbert and Sullivan Dale Drenning in charge of sets, warm. In fact, this reporter once productions at the Baltimore and Alan ZeI?P the stage manager. 45Sconish ""P 41 [)eop mud couldn't sip the soup because of the Comic Opera Company Beverly Gandolfo serves as choral :::"~~i~ heat aminating from the prepared Leading roles are played by Jean director and accompanst and Carol food. Amazing. Beaver, Brian Bodt, Ed Carll, Fulton is music assistant. 52C.nad;"n wild"", Kathy Chandler, Robin Cum- Performance times are 8 15 p.rn. ""_T"",mlln' Your true test of friends comes berland, Don Harris, Rick Powell, on Friday, Jan. 23, 8:30 p.m. on 55 ~-:i~.Vtf>1Ut' upon entering the infirmary, If you Kenneth Shook, Craig Singhass Saturday, Jan. 24, 8:15 p.m. on. ,,- have ever measured the distance and Don Smith. H. Kenneth Sunday, Jan. 25, as well as on 59 Wir._";ee from your dorm to the infirmary, Shook is the former Dean of Ad- Friday, Feb. 6 and Saturday, Feb ""., you may have discovered that this, missions of Western Maryland 7 and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 8, 61_lom'i'l. above all else, discriminates College, and Don Smith which is Founder's Convocation against visitors to' the small teacher at Westminster Day.
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