Page 82 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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..,.2 Scrimshaw Thursday, February 5, 1976 A Bicentennial celebration good summer job opportunities at society. Faculty members will appropriate to their desires and meal plan, academic courses, and hoooring John Hanson will be held National Park facilities, State include Cambridge academic and needs. field trips is $545.00 - ap- at Western Maryland College, Parks, dude ranches and private professional specialists and Dr. Professional participants may proximately $26.00 a day. Westminster, on Sunday, February summer camps. Students are William R Mueller, Director of apply for tax-deductibiility 8th at the annual Founders Con- urged to apply early (prior to April The Institute and literary critic. covering all expenses incurred by For a brochure describing The vocation. u as the good jobs go fast. Free There will be field trips, cultural the Seminar, including air fare. Humanities institute Seminar in This event, highlighting the information on student assistance and recreational activities, and Various universities and colleges Cambridge in greater detail, write college's bicentennial activities, for summer job placement may be opportunities to visit London, grant transfer credit for courses to The Humanities Institute, Inc., features an oral reading on the life obtained by sending a self- Oxford, Stratford upon Avon, sponsored by The Institute, which Box 515, Brooklandville, Maryland 21022. of John Hanson, Maryland's addressed stamped envelope to Canterbury, Stonehenge, and has been approved and accredited ........ colonial patriot and first president Opportunity Research, Dept. SJO, various other English centers. by the Maryland State Department . of the United States in Congress 55 Flathead Drive, Kalispell, MT The Summer Seminar in of Education. Assembled. Voices," ..................... Cambridge has been designed to 59901. "The Experience of Freedom: A appeal to a wide variety of persons Seminar participants will live The Thompson Infirmary has Reading for Three is who may wish to combine and study together at St. John's made a request for recent based on an essay written by Dr academic and cultural pursuits College of the University of magazines in order to update their The Ralph Levering, assistant Retarded Maryland Association for its with a vacation of travel and Sight- Cambridge. The campus has its reading material for the waiting is planning Citizens professor of history, under a grant fourth annual statewide "Ride a seeing. Young student-adults, own dining hall, gardens, lounges, room. Students who have any from the Maryland Bicentennial Bike for the Retarded Day" teachers, librarians, counselors, and bars. Enrollment is limited to periodicals published within !.he Commission. Sunday, April 4, 1976 (raindate and museum curators, husbands 25 persons in each of the two past seven years are asked to bring During the reading the Western Sunday, April ll, 1976). and wives, and other men and consecutive sessions. The fee for them to the infirmary across Main Maryland College Choir will sing may find the program single accommodation, a modified Street between 9 am and 5 pm. selections from "The Testament of Bike rides will be held Freedom" by Randall Thompson, throughout the state. It will involve who used the words of Thomas thousands of youths and adults who M'''',Col,m,n "H. M.S. Pinafore" reviewed Jefferson in his composition have secured pledges for the The program will then conclude WMC's presentation of H.M,S. good time play-acting. Even the palled at the infamous Dick they cycle. The with the presentation of a mileage will be for the benefit funds of Pinafore or The Lass That Loved A orchestra comes bopping onstage, Deadeye's realistic, "corrupted" raised posthumous, honorary degree to Maryland's mentally retarded Sailor, was held the last weekend "pip-pip-pipping" in the spirit of view of life. John Hanson through John Hanson of Jan Term and will be performed Mother Britain. Ed Carll as Ralph, Briscoe, speaker of the House of citizens. Maryland Association for again the first weekend of second the lowly sailor that "loved a lass The most entertaining aspect is The Delegates, representing his Retarded Citizens is a voluntary semester. So, no one has an excuse above his station," wins the heart ~e universal plot: boy loves girl, distinguished ancestor. Governor statewide organization comprised for missing this hilarious Gilbert of every female in the audience girl loves boy, but father and Marvin Mandel, Wilbur D. of parents and friends of the and Sullivan musical operetta. The with his sweet, strong voice ac- position forbid such a true love Preston, Jr., chairman of the mentally retarded, professional show is enhanced by community companied with endearing swoons "Melodramatically, an ironic twist college's board of trustees, and Dr. workers in the field of mental talent-Ken Shook as the dignified and.staggering croons for his lady places the boy in a position higher Ralph John, college president. will retardation, and interested citi- Sir Joseph Porter, K.C.B., Don His words are easily understood, a than the father. Ralph becomes participate "In the presentation zens. Smith as Captain Cororan, and quality hard to attain in an captain of the Pinafore and love ceremony. People who would like to ride, Brian Bodt as the infamous Dick operetta. The feminine voices of blossoms fully. Little Buttercup, This convocation, beginning at 3 assist in a ride or sponsor a rider Deadeye. Jean Beaver as the Captain's that sweet young thing, is not that p.m. in Baker Memorial Chapel, can obtain registration forms and daughter and Ralph's sweetheart young. Long ago, she had fumbled will be outstanding in its further information from their The initial appeal of the operetta and of Robin Cumberland as Mrs her infant charges, and had pageantry, historical interest and is the dramatics, the elaborate Cripps (Little Buttercup) are not returned the rich babe to the poor music. Before and during the local Association for Retarded As- costuming, the choreography, and quite as clearly articulated, but parents, and vice versa. The or call the Maryland Citizens will be the color guard _ . processional, the WMC brass sociation for Retarded Citizens toll the melodramatic acting. Sailors were strong and appealing. The fumble is revealed; happiness at ensemble will play music of the decked out in clean whites and chorus of sailors and of sisters, last! All is well (did you really 18th century. Included in the free at 1-800-492-6161. _ . ribbons on their hats prepare the cousins, and aunts add a hearty, expect it not be?) and now the procession audience for a fun-filled evening refreshing twist to the con- demoted dad can woo the Little of the First Maryland Regiment, Indeed, the actors behind the templative ballads. They sing and Buttercup. But that's yet another The Maryland Bicentennial A senior saxophone recital will characters are having a blast of a dance vivaciously, and are ap- operetta. See this one first. Commission, The Carroll County be presented by Martha Kitts at 7 Bicentennial Committee, members p.m. on Friday, February 6 in the of the General Assembly, State of Recital Hall of Levine Hall at A letter to the Editor Maryland executives, and Western Maryland College, educational representatives. Westminster, Md. To the Editors of Scrimshaw: Dance by Krishnan Nambudiri in whatever is enough. I would never As part of this Bicentennial turn anyone away from an artistic event, replicas of historical flags Miss Kitts' program will include I am a recent graduate of McDaniel Lounge. The event was function just because of money. by posters around publicized the will be displayed in the chapel. works by Bach and Beethoven, as Western Maryland College (1975) town and campus, messages on Besides all donations regardless of These flags, symbolic reminders of well as, "Contrasts" by Jimmy and presently employed by the WTTR and in the Carroll County how large or small are ap- our heritage, include the 26 Dorsey and "Fantasy in F. Minor". state in an arts program at Junc- Times. The show was attended by preciated predecessors of our present fifty- by Gurewich. She will be ac- tion, Inc. six people. Six!!! I think that it's star national emblem, and the companied by Dr Arleen incredibly insensitive that an event I hope that this letter and present state flags of the thirteen Heggemeir on the piano. Junction, Inc. is a non-profit original colonies of 1776. Martha Kitts is a music organization, an agency of the of this kind being presented in a possible future coverage of our Guests are also invited to see the education major at the liberal Maryland State Drug Abuse Ad- liberal arts institution should have events by your publications can Bicentennial Mural, painted by arts college in Westminster. ministration, and in part funded by such poor support. Considering the help us in the future. Professor Wasyl Palijczuk and She is a graduate of Oneida High the National institute on Drug cries of relevance and necessity Sincerely, three. students in the conference School and the daughter of Mr. and Abuse and private contributions. from the supporters of Asian and. Derek C. Neal Technical Assistant roomonth.;firstfloorofElderdice Mrs. Miles Kitts of Oneida, N.Y. Located in the old Westminster Non-Western studies, the lack of Junction Arts Program Hall Jail House on Court Street, we support and interest is unex- cusable. This form of story dance The public is invited to attend the _. ..... _........... offer a variety of services in- is also a viable option of study for ~oe~o::;i~~ t:E~gJ:rec~~:~~ fO~~~~ati~~Sma;~i~;gI~~~~~~~~ ~!~~~~~iO~oun::~~~~: cr~~~~li~~: those people interested in manual and all forms of non-verbal year-old was . An Hall. Summer Seminar at the University ~~~r~~isl~g=~, a;~lfr~~ni~~f~eaJ communication. Yet there was no arrested 18 recently for youth indecent ............ _........ ~ilf~mt~~dsge~s\~:no~:~~·te~~e~: recreational facilities. From its support from them. And a definite exposure in a supermarket. The lack of interest by all (town and sP~~~~:t~ l~b 0 Pppl~~~~~~yt from July 4 -July25,l976, the other ;nnc:rn~~~c~~~t~~nco~~t~~e~~~ college) in viewing one of the name of the store is Zip-N-Go. Wonder what he'd do in the A & P. oldest dramatic arts forms in the Research report that the im- fr~~/~mfn~r~U~~~l:. is "The the college. The organization was proving economy will provide good Twentieth-century Evolution of originally started by two Western world. ~iic~~~~t~~~s !~~~~~mer job English Culture and Society." ~~~~~n:o~~l~f~ :~~:.t~t ~~~ There were comments made to "SOAP" National Parks, guest ranches ~~u~~;::!~~~v:i~~~~:~e~~~n since had people from the college me about the price of admission a ~!r ~~~r~g:~~'~s y~:er l:~~~g ~~~ . of his time and harbinger of ~:,::~~~tYcoa;ns~~~~, 7~1~~:~~s ~~atiFr (i!:~~~d::.ul~ is Citizen's tight pocketbook for the ~~fr:n~~11 l:~:~ ~oc~~~tu~~~o~~ counselors, arts directors, etc. But interested in viewing an event, any eomingt P'!d"u!:wd Ythe~rsnuham'b!U,"'otafn~iuamll~ contemporary English ar- en~~gh S~~~~y, January 18 we :~e~~, ~~:y ~:~~l~~k~!ei~i~e~~ ........... ... ... ., chitecture, education, music, and :~~~~:~rs,ho~:;e~,e~~syeara~~ r "'_'-,'_'n_t,_d_an_'_ve_n_'n.:.g_of_K::a:-:th-;:ak".at...,'::;-do.,.ll..,"'::-,_f_ift.:.y_'_'_nt..:.',_q,:_u_"'_t'..:."_o'..L _ improving economy will encourage STAPH: Who to Blame The Little Three, literally millions of families to KimbreSnewbtldge, MarkC. Blyer Mati Bowers, Mark Katz, Jeff Robinoon head for vacationland U.S.A Soap Bubbles: SusanColeman, Vic Eremlla, Mary Gately, Cantoh Harri•• Roger Levin, Bill Link, The gas scare of the last two Lonni Myers. Ricl>ardNaylor, David Range,Jeff Robinson, Jim Te'~m~ni, Bob Toner years does not appear to be an Tyrant Emeritus: Head Drawer: L~yout Wizards: issue for this summer which should Baron L. Tayler Mark C. Bayer Mark C. sayer, Jeff Robin.on, Kim Shewbridge provide an added incentive for The Mah Wl>OFl>l. Rag: Attorneys: Samuel Golden.tien vacation travelers. Ricl>ardNaylor David Range Jeff Robin~on Job placement specialists at Opportunity Research indicate The opinion. expressedin tl>i. paper do not nece$urlly reflect tl>o.e of the Scrimshaw. BOX3A,'We,tern Maryland COllege,weotminster, Md. 21157 that there will be in excess of 50,000 '--- __ ----,=~---------- __------_---------------I
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