Page 78 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 78
Page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, January 21, 1976 Editorial ****************,*************** Dear Students, Faculty, and and sometimes, hopefully, some the history and development of Roger Levin, who has written manner in a regular column en- Readers of SCRIMSHAW, means of solving the problem at WMC throughout the years. For several Personal ViewPoints on titled "Richard Naylor's Hi there! hand. Also, SCRIMSHAW will example, how many of you know national and world events in the Vignette," which we will alternate You may not know us, but we are continue to provide its readers with that students eating in the past, to write a 'series of personal every other week with Roger the new editors your student a means to express themselves cafeteria were at one time served perspectives on the news, to be Levin's column. Again, we em- newspaper. We emphasize the concerning these issues, through by waiters and waitresses'? No, entitled, "World News Per- phasize that the views expressed in word "your" because, although letters to the Editors or Personal we're not telling you a lie. We find specnve," and taking the form of a the column are Richard's vies and our job is to collect, gather, and ViewPoints. We will still continue, such information fascinating and kind of written Reasoner report. It not those of the eidtors. In addition, organize news and features, it is in' as well, to dig into and probe those' interesting, and we hope that you should be noted that the views of such regular features as the reality you. the readers, who problems that are less visible but will as well; therefore, a new xoger Levin do not necessarily editorial, Personal Viewpoint, the really run the paper. Let's race it-- equally important to the WMC column entitled "Pages from the constitute those of the editors 01 "Cadets," and the crossword without you, who would SCRIM· student, with the same journalistic Past," and containing small items SCRIMSHAW, and that students puzzle will continue as always. SHAW be publishing for'? It is for toughness and force that has been of interest reprinted from early should feel free to respond through All of these ideas are in the in- this reason that we, the editors of used in the past. However, we will GOLD BUG's, will appear Letters to the Editor or Personal terest and hope of making SCRIMSHAW, not only welcome also emphasize the things on regularly in SCRIMSHAW, ViewPoint . This new feature will SCRIMSHAW a more informative, but encourage all suggestions, campus that do work and that are hopefully beginning in the first tentatively be published in every entertaining, and worthwhile ideas, and even bitter criticisms going right. These are the basic issue of the new semester. The other issue. newspaper for you, the readers. from you, our readers. If you think policies which have helped make information will be compiled by Finally, we move on to our third Towards this end, we re-empha- something is wrong with the paper, SCRIMSHAW an effective and one of the most unsung heroes of idea for a regular feature, one size our need for your help, don't just whisper it to your friends largely successful voice on cam- SCRIMSHAW's staff, Mark Katz, which will spotlight one of through your suggestion, letters, in the dorm or the cafeteria--Iet us pus. who, as you have noticed, has done SCRIMSHAW's best writers. Many comments, and active par- know, either by telling us per- We do have some new ideas, an excellent job gathering those people have responded very ticipation, for only through these sonally or dropping us a line. How however, which we hope to initiate unusual little tidbits and pieces of favorably to Richard Naylor's can we really know what kind of a will we know how you feel about beginning with the first paper of "World News" that are found in highly unique and personal job we are doing. In other words, reflections of a diversity of people, you need us, but we need you, too. SCRIMSHAW unless you tell us? the second semester, which will be, almost every issue, and which We may not be able to follow all of of course, the first issue of Mark will also continue to collect. places, things, and events of both Sincerely, your suggestions, but we can February. It has been suggested Another regular feature which WMC and elsewhere. It was Kimbre L. Shewbridge promise you that we will do our that SCRIMSHAW run more SCRIMSHAW will introduce was Richard who wrote last week's Mark C. Bayer best weigh them against the needs. regular columns and features decided upon due to a number of commentary on final exams as P.S. One more change we forgot and interests of the whole student which can be read, enjoyed, and suggestions from various readers, well as other essays concerning to tell you about--don't look for us body looked forward to each issue. The who 'felt that SCRIMSHAW, in subjects ranging from euthanasia on Wednesdays next semester Under this new leadership, many early GOLD BUG made successful devoting nearly all of its time and to ehetlng to.allenation to the old because we won't be there. Due to things in SCRIMSHAW will stay use of such regular features space to campus happenings, was books in the Hoover library. schedule demands, SCRIMSHAW the same. When a probem occurs through its biggest days of the ignoring the equally interesting SCRIMSHAW Is now giving will be distributed on Thursday oranissueisraised,SCRIMSHAW twenties, thirties, and World War and often more pressing concerns Richard Naylor a chance to mornings from now on. Repeat: will continue its tradition of in- II. That paper has also seen a of the world outside. Thus, comment on these and other THURSDAY, NOT WED· forming the causes, the details, number of fascinating changes in SCRIMSHAW has commissioned subjects in his own inimitable NESDAYll! ••••••••••••••• Letters to the Editor ••••••••••••• Dear Editor, definite solution would be to place terviewed. One of the first, basic expects this unless he or sHe gives The question is not one of We've had our gripes with one or two guards in each parking rules to good journalism, is to instructions to the contrary. whether the individual has a SCRIMSHAW before, but the last lot, to patrol the area. This is a sure never give opinion in a news story. Therefore, by carrying this ad- "right" to cheat (whatever that issue took the cake. It's obvious way to alleviate the problem. Is The SCRIMSHAW has too many of vertisement you are, wittingly or right might consist of); it is a that one shouldn't expect the that too much to ask (or two weeks their own ideas about everything not, undermining the integrity of question of whether he should. And Wasbington . fost format in during Christmas'? Our taxes they print. That type of copy should education on this campus. One can by the same token it is not a SCRIMSHAW, but the writing, 'normally take care of police find its place on the editorial page- rationalize the use of purchased style, and subjects of the paper protection, but since. the' ad- onJy! :. research papers by a hundred ~~:t::~ro~asW~he!h~~t to ~::~ could be vastly improved. Your ministration takes the stand of SIGNED-the inhabitants of: different strategems. but it all such advertisements; it is a biggest claim is that you inform keeping police off .campus comes down to the same thing-sa question of whether it should, in the students as to what's hap- (justifiably so) maybe the apart- APARTMENT I-A desire to take a short cut, to cir- light of the consequences to the pening, and try to present topics of ment dwellers could be billed APARTMENT II-A cumvent the intellectual process. entire educational process. interest. We honestly feel this is slightly higher for added protee- APARTMENT I-B And that is a form 'Of cheating. As Sincerely yours, beginning to be done at the price of lion durinj;l the vacations. APARTMENT 11-8 for footnoting the work, references Robert H. Hartman good academic and sensible As students, we shouldn't have to to purchased research papers in a ..................... ~:~I~~gn~~ ~~t w~~:rngiSc:::bifi~:: put-up with such deficiences. It is ••••••••••••••••••••• !~~~~'~I:~sf~rn~iv':~ ar':a~:~ it's now failing to give the students impossible to take everytbing Dear Editor: stated above. Dear Editor: truth, with the information. ~;~:~r ~~~~t~oo~'~~:O:o~~mth~~ ca;~~ ~t~~:~rti~~~!~~gfO~: El~eJ~~sco~:!~~ ct~nc~~~~g ~~ A classic example was in the prevent vandalism of the apart- company dealing in research sa~~:;:~~~:::.i~~~~~ ;~~~le~~article about income ~:~dbe:~~7 C~~~~~ing incami;: ~e~~ i~~l~:i~~s~ddit~~~~:e ;~~~ r:~':r~~'~:~~~!::.t~ly~~n a~~ ~~~~~~ i~~~~~~~ ~0~~;~nh redistribution, and I would like to burglarized apartments, we know valuables home, but unless we that it misses the real issue en- individual." First, a correct use ~;!~:.e ~~:!~~~ss::;. !:fO~~~ for a fact that the story was utterly wanted to move out and in all over tlrely needs to be defined. It would seem phasize that my purpose in writing false in many instances. For o~:, again, little else could be done. The very raison d'etre of such a that a correct use involves the "Poverty and Economics," was the police did not co~tact b ~ Besides, I don't think we should company is to enable students to short-cuts mentioned above. less to propose a specific students. They contacte one, u have to even come close to doing write research papers without Second, it is more a matter of redistribution scheme than to warn hazards your statement indicated was this. A little part more effort ad- on doing the research themselves, campus attitude and peer pressure is against the income. via in- of a and usually towards Only one apartment without having to take (mainly the redistributing If cheating everyone's such things. everyone. c:~~~r~;:~:~~:~~ ;~i~~;~:!O us) led and rearranging the dean (who did contact ~Eikp:~~~ f~r~f:3r:;~~fl~~~~0::~~:~~:~~:~w~01:!~~~:I!u~~Fi!~i ~::;~ individuals will oblige the ~~~~~~~ ~~~U!~~i;;~r~e~~~~~; ~;. many !~ggo~:e~:~I;eg~~~:;c~~~ met from being robbed the words already again, five ~~Ol!~, ':~~e~~att~~~;~~~~gw;~~ :~tI:::;. i~int~l~r; ~pa~::~~ ;~~:~ai~l~o~~~~~~n~~~~~n~ ~~~:~~,b~~~:~;;~s~e~n :~~ Ilclent method of redistributing the trouble. during holidays (which would in academic credit. In short, the voices were to support the honor ~';~r:A~~~~~t~i~~. the. markets of You say that the blame can be ~:~f:e~~st ~~ee~:~~:wb~~!::~; student who purchases a research court in spirit as well as in letter, I do not contest Ms. Elwell's 6~~~~r~~s n~~~~d as;d for theft. ~:~;:r"~~it~ga~;~~e~~t!:; :~~ ~~a::~::~c:~he:~~I; w~~~ ~ ~~~:lbl~h~~e~m~~i~:~~is b:t~ her other, ~0~~:7t i~W~~ ~~ ~~~~n~a~~t, d~ If SCRIMSHAW would correctly ~~:~r~;gan~iSev:~~tin~ai~~r~~~ ~~~a;:~.e.f:~:~eth:t"~e~~~t~~~~ do question c~:\~~~~a~i~~ ~~:u:~ more sub- anything about it. How absurd! ~~~ ~~e~:c~t~~t~~~ ~~tt~~~S~~! then formulating his own con- up to each individual is to obscure ~~n~::~n ;l~!~ ~~~~~;~~:!~~ story would have ~~~~~~~~~~~~n:a~sj!~~n~:Z news of~~r:~o~~~o~m~t~~~. r:::! ~~~~~i~~h;:~:~! ~~~t~~:~~c~~cta~at th~U ~:~fcl~~fy~~~ failure of the FAP, not the op- probably on your part, to slide the guilt on ~~ above. It is to educate the student student newspaper, in favor of a ~o~o~h~ ~:a~u~~~~.Y~~aCno~l~gin~~I:~~! accurate and fair if we had been ~nn:!~~i~g a~: t~k~I~~so~I~~~~~~ ~l~~ ~~~fd~~~t:~~e~~~~ :ti~O~~ the bill for its failure, while ab- contacted, or perhaps even in- f th Th' t t txr f f . I 'bTt continued on page 4 col 1 ~:~e~~~ k!~i~~~~~:s,:~h~~~:;s , _;__.;_ ...::::".::;m",::.,...:a:::n,=,::.;, _.:.::c::.' "::';::~=:~::;HC:-~'::'w::':=,=t~c::::~::,:=:_:::...,=oc::,a::..:.,,=,po=",::,=":::Y~------":"'_~'-~ through the windows. You men HUd Bottle·W",toe" Di,tor"~<: tioned that guards should not be Klmbre Stoewbridge Mark C. Bayer Mall Bowers, Mark Kat" blamed because they weren't at Soap Bubb'e,,' Katl>y Citro, Suson COleman, Mary Gately, Carlton Hurls, Roger Lev;n, Bill Link, the scene of the crimes. Why not? Lonn; Myers. Richard NaYlor, David Range, Jell Robinson, Jim Teramani, Bob Toner Eme.;tus: Wizards: We're sure the ransacking of foUl Tyrant L. Tayler Hud Drawer: Layout Mark C. Bayer, Jell Robinson, Kim Sl>ewbridge Baron M'Hk C. Bayer apartments (not leaving one inch of space untouched) took onl) Tl>e Man Who Fixes Tl>e Books: Tl>e Hombre WI>Oseus Ad,: Attorneys: Samuel Golden .•tien David Range Rlcl>ard Naylor five minutes! Open your eyes. If they had been near the scen{ within a few hours, they should The opinions expressed in tl>is paper do not necessarily reflecttl>ose of the administration. Scrimshaw, BOl< 3A,'Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157 I have caught the burglars .. A '- ~_'_
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