Page 50 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 50
Page 6 Scrimshaw Wednesday, Nove~ber 12, 1975 ""kc ... : er'The Eiger Sanction": High mountain, low mOVIe The Eiger Sanction, Clint Sanction. but at best it only who has all the talent of cold lipped loner hops off the latest reached the ludicrous in Its nyped- Eastwood's newest action picture, passes with a D minus. and all the personality train. They fonn a parbtership up attempts to justify vigilantism may mid some slight value as a Ilounder which later splits and is reunited as a solutiontocrime in the streets. characteristics of the snotty kid training film for novice CIA Eastwood also directed, and his down the block. What extremely for one last fight before Bronson Hard Times takes a teo-degree agents, but it is absolutely wor- work behind the camera is as nat limited appeal The Eiger Sanction • takes another train. Hard Times is departure and errs in just the thless otherwise. What is and humorless as his work in front has lies in its mountain- climbing very meticulous in recreating the opposite direction _ it tries to look especially odd is that the of it. If The EJger Sanction had sequences, which are filmed by atmosphere of its period, and it as ob-jective as possible, at- Watergate ethics of this p.cture been done by somebody with Eastwood as though he were doing s~s ~ohave everythjng-, except tempting to create none of the (and most of Eastwood's others, for that matter) renders it as dated ~~f~~~~~n~~~~i~~;~~~t: ~e= r:~:::~~~~;~~I~ ~e:!t ::=~n,~~e a~~e~~~,:~h:; ~~~~~o~e~:tm:r:t:~' ~:;.~ ~dr::; as John Wayne's The Green Berts. The Eiger Sanction might have they provide the only flashes of Hard Times to resurrect the fighting matches central to the The message ofTheEiger Sanction possibly turned out to be a decent beauty in a film of such complete theme~ of the American loner plot. This type of realism is further - - if indeed one can be detected - imitation-Bond spoof. Eastwood, and consummate repulsiveness as ~oundm Illgb Noonand the like are damaged by the premise that seems to be this: Screw everyone however, is interested in nothing The Eiger Sanction. Just too calculated, particularly in Bronson can and does continually before they screw you. Throughout the picture, Eastwood persists in ;:~~s~~~n pu:::g(a:i~e~: Eastwood's major rival in the =~~~~r~~~~~~~o~t~n! :~~iO~~!~~~~S ~~re.;-~m: doing just that - in both the did in his other self-directed macho-dispensation field, Charles mystery, in fact, why they break back into the invection of fantasy. figurative and literal senses of the verb. vehicles, Play Misty for Me and ~r::o~~s~~~~:.w:~!~t~~ :~~~~~~f~~tt%~;:~b ~sa~~:J:;~h:at~~~e~~~i~ ~~bs=in: ~rifter_).e:a~:~ writers and director of Hard other sinceneitherofthemlik to fantasy, and fits perfectly Archie queStiOna~leono=~u~at ~ome~ Times, a Depression-era story, talk.' es Bunker's definition of a her- Eastwood plays Jonathan find him irresistable, since in all hlryia~es~m-:...senseofjfWthhat~~Y'ret Bronson's most marketable morpaodite as '''someone that's Hemlock, an art professor and three nlms, Eastwood is never ng 0 .... , even ey .... no • toomuch of bothand not enough of :U":rerfo:':: u:r~t S~:!s.~~ withouta partner under the sheets. ~~~~~ior~;~e~~~~:;:~e: property to date, Death Wish, either.' Eiger Sanctionbeginswitha pretty ~~~~ ta~~~=r~~c:~~edh~r;: that Hard Times has been getting. The following is a price comparison between the two yearbook student offering the instructor just deck so that the audience feels Someoneshould tell the reviewers companies. Herff - Jones, and American. The Herff - Jones about anything to improve her obliged to boo when the women he that pretension does not company is the one which the yearbook will be working with grade - a scene which, one sup- has exploited turn on him. necessarily signify quality. this year, due to an administration decision. The American .poses was included in order to get (Naturally, Eastwood wins out.) Hard Times deals with street- company is the. one which the yearbook staff desired to work the viewer adjusted thoroughly to As if this exercise of Eastwood's fighting, a popular backlot with. the cynicism and corruption that contempt of women weren't diversion of the '30's in which two soonfollows.Soonwe pass into the enough,healso expresses his fairly men beat the tar out of each other, Herff - Jones American color: first two pages of a ~~;~~.£::~?'~i::;~~~1~:;;~~f!~~JiJ::~~:~~~o~:~,~'~g~s ?~~:Cs~~~~t~;:::~,~r.~0of a signature, using a trans- transfusions every year, black- Eastwood also gets to maim or kill ~~ is~~~~~ ~~ea~~~ ~~~~:~ each addi~i~n~1 page: $82 ..00 parency: $192.00 mails Eastwood into taking one several others along the in- Bronson, a mysterious, tight- spot color. I"; lieu of black. each additional page: $86.00 be~es~~: :a~ more assignment by threatening to terminable way, most of whom $50.00 per signature special color pack: 2 pages full color, 6 pages spot ~~~!~te~~s~~~'s ~~c:s:!:~iO~~':!ul~ ENTERTAINMENT ~~ra~:~t;~~t t~a~~c:~d~~.~~ -eolor, in those 4 colors, and the IRS. (No, I'n not kidding.) The Eastwood is playing the good guy per additional page job is to join a mountain-climbing' here, since many may have CAPITALCENTRE total: $101.00 per signature unlimited spot color in the (8 pg.), back-up multiple team in order to locate ~nddestroy forgotten by this point. The Temptations, and B. T. Ex- this includes unlimited loose plus 10 duotone or close ~!m::,~~d ~YEa~~~ g:~ i~ Ohyes, The Eiger Sanction al~o g-:::i:~~!n,and Little Feat 11-16 register, and one duotone register shots training at a friend's (George Iretends to a surprise ending, m Graham Central Station 11-23 per page. total cost: $300.00 Kennedy) ranch. During the which the wheezy old "least likely Aretha Franklin 11-29 Endflaps in color: Endflaps in color: course of all this, Eastwood takes suspect" ploy is exhumed again - if same picture is used front included in base price, no up with a black woman (Vonetta and the fact .that Eastwood mu_r CELLARDOOR and back: $156.00 additional charge McGee) named Jemima, and dered three !Dnocentsuspects IS The Nighthawks 11-12_ 13 if different pictures are used encounters his old nemesis, a treated as a tremendous joke. The Don McLean 11-14_16 front and back: $293.00 stereotyped mincing homosexual fact that many audience mem~rs. John Fahey, and Jackie Color on the cover: Color on the cover: (Jack Cassidy) who owns a ~t~e laugh may somehow co.nnectwith· DeShannon 11-17 4 color transparency: $213.00 4 color trans.: no price dognamed Faggot. Yousee, this IS the W1answerablequestIOnof why 4 I ty C' $245 00 4 color type C; no price what p.asses for wit in 'The Eiger they find any attraction in a star CWIC CENTER 1 ~~I~~Sil~escr~en on· cover 1 color silk screen on cover Edgar Winter Group, Rick inluded in base price included in base price Derringer, Climax Blues Band, and Manfred Mann's Earth Band 12 cents per book for each 11-23 Embossed cover on one base additional color ACROSS DOW' color and one applied color: Embossed cover in one of three standard dies is ~~ 1 So..d. 1 Ani..... od AI.iOln.nimol DAR CONSTITUTIONHALL $175_00 included in the base price ,~~~~:.~~::'I 2 !i~~;hof. Linda Ronstadt 12-3 Foil stamp on cover: 27 cents Foil stamp on cover: 12 cents '3F .. ::;cooning New Riders of the Purple Sage,. per book per book '''_Whilney and Jimmy Buffett 12-8 I Metalic stamp on cover: 25 'SR_itv 5-IIIIiInd Bonnie Raitt 11-16 '7 SVmbol:~""'n ~=;';:::In t cents per book IS ~~:'ocking: ~:~:~ Rick Wakeman 12-1 No mixing of type included Unlimited mixing of type ~~":::r:':'1 JIIWilhout(G .... J.F.K. CENTER in base price included in base price 22Pw ..... nlndion Se>eji 30 Moonliglil- ~:;;:-V"in Tower of Power Unlimited reverse print and Unlimited reverse print and Wint ... ~"- 9 cn.,In Mo""",, ,~- i:!:'':" 10 Joume.,. ,Pw • ., 311ndo·European .. .:JDeod_, Labelle 11-25 overburn included in base overburn included in base _·deue ~; '.:.:. price price F.Isgff·. o-l,Prince_ of :::~::'Ik 16eor ::~ood 32:;::"u;.n .7 Compony(IIi>.1 LISNER AUDITORIUM, G.W. Based on the above price information, the cost of the year- 33 Songom;.h 31 11M"",",,"" -- ... tion 3SSynthMie ;;oxy Music and Artful Dodger 11- book which this years yearbook staff would like to print The :'i:"_~_' UNIV. 49 SUII lob .• 34 ~~.:, t9Mod.of ..._ .ndF .. ,," ~~:;i~opon :i=i~l- adds up to the following two totals for each company. 29~UlS;"i" yearbook specifications are given first. usecIin moking LYRIC THEATRE 3OComoincod StanleyTurrentine 11-16(2 shows) Iodi • ...,.l :~ll.l ~:="ic 37::: .....101 The Pointer Sisters, and Hertt - Jones American The Pointer Sisters, and Stanley base price: $9488.00 base price: $9456_00 =~-:~i_ Turrentine 11-16(2 shows) embossed cover: $175.00 embossed cover: included 3SR-.ptocl. 39 Mountain color endflaps: $156.00 color endflaps: included .,::':. PAINTERS MILL spot color: $50.001 sig. spot colo~: included in ...... lob.) Godspell 11-12-23 color pack, along with C2 Un ........ ., 01 other items.: $300.00 ~~~I~ :elvin and the Bluenotes color paper: 14 cents per color paper: included .:J~~~~:':n~l signature per book '*6=-""'. SHADYGROVE color for one signature: color for one signature: 46Llbrll'f'oI _K Amooicon.nlmol $'396.00 $'338.00 Jolumy Cash 11-17- 23. :=',~....po Hair 11-12-16 2 pages color: $190.00 2 pages color: iFicluded in color pack IHPoiMof.;o.,. THE STARDUST total for 8 pages color: total for 8 pages color: Jerry Lee ,Lewis11-21- 22 $950.00 $768.00 Fats Domino 12-4- 6 foil stamp: $229.60 foil stamp: $102.00 unlimited mixed type: ~~~g:rrti:~OLE FIELD HOUSE ~~i;~~~d mixed type: included '- -ltotal price: $12,539.60 total price: $12,022.00
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