Page 55 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 55
I nesdev. November 19, 1975 Scrimshaw Page 3 on't miss the Hopkfns Da"",~~~~ ~O~l~~l~f~t,~~~:~:~~:,"bySp'O' rts Matt Bowers Harris Carlton Sue Snyder held in the cafeteria this presented at the Nov. 24 meeting Dr. Theodore M. Whitfield, at Jim Teramani Bob Toner urday night, November 22. and voted on at the Dec. 8 meeting. Western Maryland College at 8 I'L__ ....: ~ nceto the music of Shayne from' Copies are available from Donna p.m. on Sunday, November 23. .M. to 1A.M. Tickets, which are Culotta and will be, printed in the ~The program will include color for singles and $4.00 for Dec. 10 Scrimshaw. slides of many of the flags flown A bad show for parents pies, are now being sold in the •• • • • • • •• • • •• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • during the American Revolution I teria on lunch and dinner Yes, come to a free coffee house A running historical comment will Western Maryland's Green Damiano hit Rick Rosenfeld with a ts, as well as in the Student thisFridaynight,8:00-12:00inthe be given by Dr. Whitfield, Terror football team played a bad 6 yd. pass. Bruce Belt's kick was airs Office. Dress is casual, but Grille. Sponsored by Iriter-Varsity prolessor of history emeritus at first quarter last Saturday and blocked as a fight' ensued between are prohibited. The Hopkins Christian Fellowship. it will Western Maryland,. and a well- Lebanon Valley capitalized on 2 Terror fullback Pete Clark and a - ce is sponsored by the SGA· feature WMC talent as well as two known authority _on the Civil War. fumbles to win 31-20 in Hoffa Field Dutchman linebacker. Both ial Committee. Beer and coke special guests from Frostburg • •• • • ••• ••• • •••••••••••••••• action. players were immediately ejected be available. State. Music will range from guitar "Hello, is this the sarseuon A Parent's Day crowd of 2500 from the game. A belated onsides ••••••••••••••••••••••••• and dulcimer to autoharp and Army ... ~ is it true you save ~inful .was on hand as Rick Rosenfeld kick failed and the Dutchmen he're willbe a special' meeting banjo. Don't miss out on a women.i.? good, will you save me completely missed a punt and promptly threw an interception to he SGA senate on December 1 stimulating cost-free night of good two for Saturday night please .. " Frank Tavani then scored for the Don Enterline of the Terrors. The ' Rouzer Lounge, for th~ music and refreshments. W.C. Fields will pay a short visit Flying Dutchmen on a 16 yard 31·20. ended pose of discussing the proposed' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• to W.M.C. this Thursday night at 8 run. Bob Kirkhoffhit Dave Kramer game On the day, the Terrors had 2Zl I endments to the constitution "Flags of The American p.m. in Alumni Hall. His per- with a 13 yard pass good for a 14-0 yds. on the ground but only a by-Jaws. All students are "tevcfuuon'' will be the topic of-an formance will include the _tern' Lebanon Valley lead after the first meager 84 yds. passing and, perance lecture, and scenes of Mr. quarter. contrary to popular opinion, Fields as a doctor, a lawyer. and a The Dulchmen could only paSSing is what wins many Iootbatl bartender. The live perform~nce manage a second quarter field goal games! will be supplemented by various but Joe Damiano got the Terrors Joe Damiano was 7 to 17 and films of the master at his best. 'on the scoreboard with a 2 yard .threw but one interception. Rich 4 Combining Beneath the makeup an,d padding run. Bruce Bell added the extra Lum caught 3 passes and "Juice" :~~~:::: is Mr. Murray Solomon, a fan of 'point and at the half the score was Heritage, Bob Fatora, Fritz Leitzel 80 W.C. Fields. Mr. Solomon will look, 17.7. Kirkhaff hit Dave Schleder with and Rcik Rosenfeld each had a speak and act the part so well that 12 SwOripot •• o single reception. Rosenfeld also pitch .. one will tend to drift from reality a 1 yard pass in the 3rd quarter to had an interception an defense and ~!~~,-;-n city 2 HeaUhy and into thinking that W.C. Fields pimp up the Dutchmen lead to 24-7. !~::: punted 4 times for a 32.2 yard 15 P"' is back again. But after a sustained drive, Rich average. Damiano rushed for 49 '6~,r:!':'calcium 5P ... ol. Z5G'_I '40l __ iDus • ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Heritage banged over for a 1 yd yds and 1 touchdown, Heritage curv« .nd.luminum For all you STAR TREK fans, Terror score. "The Juice" had a effort 18 Fominin.n.o.... 6R .. u,.". 2$1.oI.nd 41 EK'" had his 159 and 1 touchdown and 1 Ill', Most 21 hllpan.n. there will be the Fifth Annual Star total of 36 carries for 159 yards on Peter Clark had 12 yds and 5 at- 20 ~ ~;~.:::~:n'. V.I... blePlay ... offic..... n 41 Chu.ct.ol TrekConvention,tobehe1dinNew the. day. _An early Western 21€ ... lndieslol>.1 "~_~~~~:'k28·;!~~:.n44:~~:;~1 tempts. 22 Acenoin " York City February 12-16, 1976. Maryland drive had fallen flat on Next week the Terrors face ph.IOODphy Tickets are $16.20 and available the 2 yd. line when .the Terrors JOMS Hopkins in the traditional _._ .... ' 29 Hai' .. yle 45 Conlnel>roed ~~~.~~~d:f10Slill 30 Whitnr(. 46TM'oiolo·. until Dec. 15. For further in- goal-line offense strategy of rivalry' that closes each season. .pl ..y 11 -. Anne de ;n.... lion ..:i-urv formation contact John Norment, manning the ball up the middle Ron Jones will no doubt pullout all 29 Usod w ••h 0.' 8Nu",. J2 Fi'.fM ..... mple 41E9'fptian MacLea a·13. with 10 men there to stop them, the stops in an attempt to improve 0.00" 11 Engi_'ng"..I.1 god of pl_'" ••• • •• • • ••• • •• • • •• •••• •• •• • •• failed to produce a score. dismal 2-6 record. 3OA_""n 19~~~il' l6=~i: ::'~~:;::nco Dr. Donald Schumsky, Lebanon Valley put the icing of! on his team's could close on a win- If the Terrors ~::,~.~""IP 220 .......... nd-go 'nPit_ SO_II 1... 1 University of Cincinnati, will speak the game when Gary Rhoads ning note, there would certainly be c.tlish~ 1<:<>11.1 l'Ad ••nce :Z~.~S~::,. 24-'hop;n~ J8Contribute .... micl ... 1 at Western Maryland November 20 in run. The Terrors experienced one reporter for sees celebration. unhappy scored for the Dutchmen College ai 7 on a 1 yd. Thi3 cause J2Chal..,. an p.m. on Thursday, 106. At the =" Memorial he Hall, 'will room discuss the more breath of life though when Homewood victory. crowd and also a 41-20 with 40 seconds on the clock, Joe lecture Terror 15 Ru.ho(:ha.... relationship between age and 31A";I. 380.0_ ..· reading ability and the learning of ~=;~:n a phonological rule such as Pig The WMC Rifle team is one kneeling, and 10 lying down. Each Latin, sports team which doesn't get different positions can get up to 100 wDHy'n.o On the following afternoon, Dr. much publicity. Coached by Dan points with the top 5 scorers form be'ngclo.el.b.) Tom Roth, director of the Sleep Myers, the team consists of only 7 each team counting. 'rhese.s are :~ ~~:-Moot and Dream laboratory at Cln- members, team captain Leda added up and the team with the ·Valuobl.PI.yot. .cinnati's Veteran Hospital, will DeMeo, Keith Dill, Sue Witt, Greg most points is declared a winner . .Iohnnv-.. discuss "The Effects of Drugs on 47 End."I!.. ..:i Sleep," This lecture will be held Miller, Bill Trabuchi, Steve So far the team has had two 5ti:~-:.rtion Friday, November 21 in McDaniel Mahaney, and Rick Williams. They 3 matches against William and Mary we and Dickenson. a week, Unfortunately have practice 4 times 52 O:;I~~·:<::- Lounge at 1l:30 a.m. afternoons and an evening. They lost both, but did shoot well. 51Song:Q... _~ have also said that anyone in- Against W&M our top shooter was Coffee house terested in trying out for the team Bill Trabuchi with a 504 out 600 a success ~~~~~~ntact one of the team (shooting 2 sets of targets). W&M highest shooter was about 527. I~::;:::;;;;;:;:~;;;;~;;=~~~~~~:;;::_'TJohn Herrman' The' rifle matches.are conducted Against Dickinson our top ~ On Friday, November 14, the on the rifle range under Gill. They shooter was Leda DeMeo with a 252 College Republican Club sponsored take about 3 hours, though only 46 out of 300 (1 set of targets), their a coffee house. The corree house minutes per person of it is actual highest was 263. The final scores featured a variety of talents from shooting time They shoot at 30 were W&M 2493-WMC 2291, and ~~~·~!ft~; ~:~~~:~ total bulleye~, 10 standing, 10 Dickinson 1252-WMC 1185. ~~aac~~u~e~~~ ~~~~~~:tl~!:J~Cross Country audience. Most of the paying customers received their money's The Cress-Country wound up its worth whether they enjoyed season last Tuesday in a loss to Iistening ztn the music or eattng Hopkins. The final record was not fifteen donuts. Though a shortage truly representative oj the team. In of hot chocolate, coffee and dc?nuts the MAC Championships the WMC arose lat~ in the even.lng,. audie~ce team finished 14th out of 20 teams, satisfachon was mamtamed W1th which isn't bad for a team with a 2- the talented and somewhat sur- 11 record In the MAC Cham. prising variety ?f ~usiclacts pionship, Steve Vaughn was the presented. The big hit of the first WMC rUlmer coming in 30th evening ~as the. s~and-up out of 147 runners. Coach Magee ~~e:~~:,m!~iC~~~~~~t~~~d says "Wait 'till next year!" 848,2820 versatility as an actor were all Soccer combined for a great performance. Mens and Womens The event turned out to be an The soccer team finished its Haircuts overwhelming success with a season against Lebanon Valley on by Appoi ntment fantastic turnout of 234 paying Parent's Day and came away with Specializing in customers. This event should go a victory. Goals were given to down in the W.M.C. history books Doug Barnes and Jamie Mosberg, Styling for attendance with an 18.9 per cent though Mosberg's goal was a good total pop. turnout. 1, in conclusion, shot, by the opposition's fullback. and as representative of the college The gaPle was in control from the Razorcuts republican club, would like to make start. That winds up the team one thing perfectly clear; thanks to season with a 4-8 record (4-11 in- 58% West Main St. all those who helped make the ",,*,,,*,,,*,,,*,,,*,,******1 .... '""':...__~..lIII!t:.i-..::.....I..LI)I. ....... z.;..;.... "'""'== ... coffee house a successful one. cluding the New England trip).
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60