Page 52 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 52
Page 8 ne~s .......... ..........Wor November 12, 1975 Wednesday, wearing only a bikini, her right cup of absolutely nothing, is a must. for superstar Cammarata, "because I remaining underwater. The show any complete record collection. can't see ripping off the population heat-sensitive chemicals that concluded abruptly. Jerry Cammarata, a New York for it." become opaque above a certain * * ***** * * speech pathologist, is the featured temperature, blocking out the artist who claims that over 12,000 sun's rays, and transparent when copies of the record have been sold. the house cools, to allow the sun to Part of the reason may be the Researchers **** MIT have warm the rooms. There's on1y one at lower cost of the LP -- haH the developed a new device for heating minor problem: The house _ going rate for nonsilent albums _ homes via solar energy. rt's a bathrooms and bedrooms included and so priced, according to risinJi( plastic wall containing a layer of - becomes entirely transparent on cold days. Dickinson!" and all. AARRGGH! Maryland. I always thought the I could almost expect (if not athletic program here had some condone or accept) that sort of class, in that one of the p-imary behavior from, say, one of the Big objectives was to have fun, and Ten or Pac Eight or some other that it was certainly above the football factory school, or even "Kill.. kill!" m~tality. I.hope ~t from some immature high school pep rally wasn t a true indication team emulating what they see on of Western Maryland's philosophy t.v. But not from good 01' Western concerning athletics. Restaurant Welcomes Expert Watch Repairs Parents and Friends of Western Maryland College: on premises Visit our Restaurant at Route 140 and Accutron to Timex. Sullivan Road this Saturday and Keepsake Diamond Sunday, November 15 + 16, and Rings ENJOY A OINNER BOX OF Accept - BAC - NAC KtIItlleklf fried ChiekeK. Schmltts Drugs Master Charge Per. CheckS: Hexall FOR ONLY $1.60, with this coupon. "Integrity and Service" DAVIDS JEWELLERS .0::0:001 55 East Main Street 41 East Main St. acct. no. 238-620 Westminster, Md. 848-5980 ~==~~~~~~~~~ :- WESTWA Y AUTOMOTIVE Irvin Goodman - Owner 6 West MainStraet. . -WEST Downtown, COKES ARE Westmins1er,Md. STILL ONLY ~geft Foreign and American Parts 5 CENTS Treat Shop and Accessories HERE!!!!!!!! 92 West Main St. CARROLL COUNTY'S STUDENT DISCOUNTS The only place in the I acrossfrom movie theater FASHION CENTER 16 W. MAIN ST. 848-0900 whole United States!! ~ Stop in for Westminster ........ ".¥¥..... --------_... . Shopping Center . . • RESEARCH ~A~ERS a snack!!! We give S+H Green Stamps! ---I111!111---------, Support your Circle K Club r Send for your up-to-date, 16().page, mail order catalog of THOUSANOS ON FILE I $33,500,000 I Gifts - Decorator Items - 5,500 topics. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage and handling. RESEARCH COLLEGIATE PONTIUS SUITE 1720 AVE., 201 I UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS I 20% off on American • r------------~~~-"-~:~:s.:~:,Fc~::---------lii Indian Jewelry and Imported Clothes I~~~~~:in~n~~~~m~~~h~~~::~u~ean~tiisti~:'th:~I ! A_Odress sources researched and compiled as of September 5, 1975. I Posters- Buy two, and • I Citv _ I lINCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS I get one free!!!!!!! I I 369 Allen Avenue, Portland, Maine 04103 L State Zip , lor am enclosing $12.95 plus $1.00 for postage and handling. I {Check 01 money order _ no cash, please.} I~I:'o.~;rr~·!'utl~~~:p~.~~~::~~·b=: Hours- Tues., Wed., T····························:SpoRTsMi;i·BARBERl • MILLER'S Thurs., Sat., Sun.. SHOP ~: I 0 • [ iiiiiii [0 PLEASE RUSH YOUR I 12t05 1 ~ ELECTRICAL 1 : 848.2363 W CURRENT LIST OF' SERVICE I ~~~:}~:.~'t.c:::::::=::J UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS I Watch For our Shuttle _: : e CARROI..L..p~ : :'!:~~~k":::-c::::::=:J SOURCES TO: .........._. ...... ""m<__: I I ~::"HD I carte: Loafing : :~_WESTMINSTER. Male and MARYL.ANC2115"= : Female Westminster Name Barn, the other end of .: 99 West Main Street: Styling : IAdd, ... Main S:c:e~~1~YdS. .: Westminster, Md. 21157: Razor Cutting : Ljty• ·:··,:M~l:·~~.!·~:~E!!':":"_:P.:"':.1 :..__.. .:i h t.:.~~::;;~~;:;:::::::A:.~j
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