Page 54 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 54
Page 2 Wednesday, November 19, 1975 Scrimshaw Editorial ************************************* A. very interesting occurrence the conversation for a few sen- and asked her about the situation right. Do all agents of the college really agents of the couegen happened last Wednesday, tences, and explain the ctr- of someone being issued a master have that right? Obviously not, allowed to enter students rooms November 12. that should prove to cumstances which necessitated key, and being given authority because the people employed by witbout their presence'? The an- be food for thought. What hap- Greg's cord going through the to enter students rooms when they the janitorial service who clean tlie swer to this is stated in no un- pened was this; At 8 :20 in the baseboard. On Greg's side of the are not present. According to the dorms and buildings are not certain terms in the Handbook; morning, Greg Stout and Steve room, there is only one electrical Dean, "Since 'Millers Electrical allowed to enter students rooms "College personnel, representing Ehly left their room on the ground outlet. 'I'herefure, when everything Service is the only electrical ser- when students aren't present. But the Office of Student Affairs, may floor of Forlines, locking it as they was plugged in to this one outlet, it vice that the college employs', they it seems only logical that the enter an inspect your room at any left. When Greg returned to .the not only presented a fire hazard in are allowed to come into your janitors could take this "right" by time." It does not state that any room at 10:10, he noticed that-the the form of an overloaded circuit, (student's) rooms. They are agents rationalizing that they too are the' "agents of the college" may enter, door was open. Upon entering the but it also blew thectrcutis fuse. To of the college," only cleaning service employed by but only those representing the room, Greg was confronted with a alleviate the problem, Greg bought Questioned about the incident by the college, and are therefore Office of Student Affairs. Are we to man he had never seen before, an extension cord, and ran it Greg, Dean Mowbray denied any "agents of the college." But why believe that the electricians that dressed as an electrician. The man through a hole which was already knowledge of the situation, and stop here? Isn't it true that the we see on campus are represent- was standing next to Greg's desk. in his wall from the time when stated. "Under' no circumstances, college employs only one cafeteria atives of the Office of Student Naturally, the first question Greg Forlines was used as the except in cases of emergency, are service, one garbage service, and Affairs'? This is all starting to get asked was, "Wh-at are you Publications House. The hole had they (the electricians) to be > one pinball machine service'? Does very ludicrous. doing?':" to which the man been used for a telephone line. allowed in your (the student's) the fact that the college employs mumbled an unintelligible answer. After running the cord through the rooms while you're (the students) only one company for each of these After asking him again, the man hole into the bathroom, and not there." services give the employes of these What it boils down to is this; stated. "I'm here to fix a vsolenon plugging it into one of the outlets, services the status of "agents of Although the employees of Miller's of the city electrical code." he now had a second source of Finally, a check with the the college", and along with this Electrical Service, and (or that The next item to come to Greg's . electricity on his side of the room, Student Handbook was made, and status, the right to enter students matter, any other service which attention was that his extension and no longer created a fire hazard it states on page 36, subsection '4; rooms without their presence? the college employs, may be cord was cut, and lying on his desk. or blew the fuse. It was this cord "Students rooms will be inspected Although these other employees agents of the school, by some far Then Greg asked, "Are you from which the electrician cut. periodically. College personnel, haven't taken this authority on flung rationalization, they are not maintenance?" The reply was, representing the Office of Student themselves ~s Yf!t,)f they want to representatives of the Office of "No, I'm from Millers Electric." Now, back to our story, Asked Affairs. may enter and inspect follow the rationale given by Dean Student Affairs, and should not Curious about his cut cord, Greg what he would do if Greg repaired your room at any time." Laidlaw for the fact that the em- have uie right, or authority to enter said, "Why did you take it (the the wire" and reran it through It seems that a number of very Millers are agents of the a student's room without the cord) off'?" The man said, "Let me the hole, the electrician replied to interesting questions shou1d be college, then they too can students being present, except in show you," and showed Greg a list Greg, '''If you want to, go ahead raised here. According to the authorize themselves as agents of the case of an extreme emergency. on which were listed various and hook it back up 'through the Handbook and Dean Mowbray, the college. • Any violation of this conduct. of electric code violations, Greg's hole. I don't care. All I had to do is only persons from the Office of student room' entrance is a being among them. The list had unhook it, and I've already done Student Mfairs are 10 be allowed violation of the students right to been given to him by the main- my job." into student's rooms- when-the Assuming that Dean Laidlaw's privacy and security, and should tenance dept... The violation was Upon hearing of the above, in- students are not present, Yet Dean rationale was correct, which be dealt with immediately, in such listed as "Flexible cord through cident, Bill Mallonee, a member of Laidlaw has stated that the obviously it isn't. let us ask another a manner as to insure that it does baseboard. " the Hou~ing Council, went to Dean electricians of Millers are agents question. Are all agents of the not occur again. It is appropriate to take leave of Laidlaw's office that afternoon, of the college, and also have that college (assuming that they are B.LT. Letters to the editor ************************************** new student center and wall to wall To this end, I question the with this worthy effort. Without must say that. "The supreme Policy Statement buildings across campus, I think wisdom exercised by your staff all the generous gifts of the predators" are m fac~ very. bar- they are mistaken. If we have the when, after having implied a faculty. staff and students of baric. As for me, I enjoy being a Scrimshaw's policy concerning money for a new student center, stance favoring personal and WMC my success would not barbarian and I consume ri.e. the signing of "Letters. to the I'm all for it, but not crammed community honesty (Editorial, pg. have been possible. Although tea~ apart) animal flesh whenever Editor" is as follows: AU "Letters between two other buildings! Why 4, final paragraph), you ran an monetary support gained. me I can. t I am not, however, a to the Editor" must be signed with not spread out towards back advertisement for Collegiate first place in the marathon, the cannibal>. As far as the the sender's real fuli, name. If campus, or even work on enlarging Research (pg 8 of the above moral support and encouragement ignorance aspect. of eating the sender does not want his-her the present student center. I think mentioned issue) which advertises extended by so many people on animals, I .will .com a phrase name printed in Scrimshaw at the there are many other students who "Research Papers--Thousands on campus helped me through the. "Ignorance IS bliss." I. further end of their letter, then, a request don't want to see our campus File." I recognize that at many lorty long hours of dancing, I was believe that it would be Ign.orant to with-hold the name should be ruined with this new monstrosity schools these organizations are proud to represent Western for me not go eat w~at I enjoy typed at the bottom of the letter, and I hope they too will express accepted as a necessary part of the Maryland College. Also, I would ask If Ms. Liotta and it will be honored. their views. educational process and that they uses leather belts, shoes etc. in her . Exceptions to thrs policy are are now legal in the State of Sincerely, wardrobe being made in this issue, and this Greg Stout Maryland; further, I understand Sue Barham issue only. No future eeeepuens that you have a budget to meet and Neanderthal Man will be made. The only reason that ***** that advertisements are a vital ***** the policy is not being upheld in factor in this process. Never- Dear Editor, this issue, is because Scrimshaw Dear Editor, theless, this type of "research" is ****** did not publish a "Letters to the The justifications given by clearly in violation of the spirit of In reply to the personal Editor" policy statement before students on the- questionaire as to the Western Maryland College viewpoint entitled, "No Bull," I This notice appeared in I! this issue why they cheat are absolutely Honor Code, and is unquestionably must say that the facts stated are Washington, D.C., Government To reiterate once again, in the ridiculous. I'm tired of hearing all grounds for suspension or commendable. However, I think "Our Government is an future, no letters will be published of this bulls hit about the pressure dismissal from- the Western that her opinion (at least as far as Equal-Opportunity Employer. unless they reach the editor's of- of grades forcing people t6 cheat. If Maryland College community. As I'm concerned) is worthless. I Hire the Morally Handicapped." fice signed with the sender's real, these people would study (I know such, .the printing of this ad- full name. The name will be this word must seem profane to vertisement calls into question the Staph: Who To Siame withheld when published in some of them) more instead of degree of Scrimshaw's conviction Scrimshaw if so requested goirig to parties in the middle of the to the principles of the Honor Code week and goofing around all of the and Scrimshaw's role as a vital Tyrant: EI Supremo Picture -Staph time they wouldn't have to cheat. link in campus communication, I Baron L Tayler Snapper: • ••• ••••••• • • ••• ••• ••••••••• And as far as the pressure being feel Scrimshaw has violated the Tyrant-ln. Training: Baron L. Tayler too great, if you can't stand the trust of the student body by run- Kim Shewbridge The Man Who Fixes The Dear Editor: heat, get out of the kitchen. ning an advertisement that un- Associate Tyrant: Books: I am writing to express my dermines the academic principles Richard Naylor opinion of the construction of the Regretfully, of the college and could encourage Mark C. Bayer new student center. The location Anonymous less-aware students to Right Hand Men: Head Drawer: selected between Memorial and unknowingly commit a violation of Mart Bowers Mark C. Bayer Rouzer has got to be the worst *****' those principles .• Mark Katz The Guy Who Gets Rid possible place on campus for the I encourage Scrimshaw in its Henchmen: Of This Rag: construction. Why, when we have a Dear Mr. Tayler: pursuit of a better educational Kathy Citro Jeff Robinson 160 acre campus, is the ad- I wish to extend my and moral system, but I would Susan Coleman The Hombre Who Sells Ads: ministration trying to pack all the congratulations to you and your advise more caution if Scrimshaw Mary Gately David Range buildings together in such a small staff on Scrimshaw's Honor Code is to maintain its own integrity as a Denise Giangola Attorneys: area? I'm sure the noise and Poll and the subsequent articles campus crusader - Carlton Harris semuet Goldenstien confusion of the new student center appearing in the Wednesday, Lonni lVIyers and Sons will be- disturbing to Rouzer November 12 issue of Scrimshaw. Sincerely yours, residents. At least the old student (Vol. 2, Issue 9), The question of Brian R. BocIt Richard Nav.lor center is away from the residence academic cheating specifically, Jeff Robinson halls. While construction is going' and intellectual and moral in- ***** David Range AND: A cast of thousands. on. all the noise and mess will be tegrity generally, is one that all Sue Snyder The opinions expressed in right in the middle of the campus students must face if we are to Dear Editor: Jennifer Watts this publication do not and will certainly be a bother to replace the present oppressive As first place winner in the Jim Teramani necessarily reflect those of everyone. A lot of people come to "system" with an educational Dance Marathon benefiting the Bob Toner the administration. Box WMC because of the nice campus, format that encourages academic Maryland Association for Susan Tuley 3-A, Western Maryland with open space and trees. If the c.uriosity in an atmosphere where Retarded Citizens, I would like to Top Notch Typist: -College, Westminster, Md., Administration thinks they can, learning, not regurgitating, is the thank all my sponsors and con- Susan Coleman 21157 ' attract more students with a flashy primary goal. tributors who saw fit to help me
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