Page 45 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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C ?l Pithy Saying: "Life so far hasn't taught Wednesday, November 12,1975 me how to live." Volume 2, Issue 9 -Karel Capek Does the Honor Code work? Poll Reveals Extent of Cheating Kim Shewhridge This past week, 1,257 campus responding to the poll cheated. of usage were: copying someone can do it anywhere--scheduled or like, for the ideals of an Honor mailboxes were stuffed with a poll Next came Biology, where 38.7 else's homework with that person's self-scheduled exams. Code don't seem to fit very well in created by SCRIMSHAW, on percent of their majors responding knowledge, 25.5 percent; taking the System of grades that we are cheating. Out of the number admitted to cheating, followed by results from scmecne's lab book Of those students who have judged by. As one student com- distributed, 203 or approximately English with 36.4 percent, with their knowledge, 17.1 percent; cheated, 38.1 percent said that they mented, "There's too much em- ~~~~t:n~ ~~Ii~es~~:~~:~ :~:~~~~ ;~~ ;~.~ ~~:~'. and ~~~ rl;~~ts:r~~~~ fO~~~}~:; ::I~a~:t~;:::ninlli:~~~fr ~~s:, ~::t~~g,?,nan~~~~~~~~~ toC~~~~ :~~~~n~t~r:~~~t~~~~~·a~ari A definite trend can be seen in ~:~;~;ScOr%c:~~~~,a12~~~~;~t~ ~e:~~e~~;a;:~~a~t ~~es~~ :t:n~~~!W~~~~i~~~to°~e!~i~~~ should have been coming from this ;~ou~~l::i~::b~g ~t~e:~d ~~: plagerizing term papers, 12.9 Cheating isn't going to stop; 15.3 Some of their comments were: conservative college? f 'J:th our class the student is in. 26.5 percent percent; t~lkilngk~uring an exam, percent of the overall total would ::~oo ~u: str~ss put on gra~es,,, ~~~~!r~!:~iut~~:s ~f the ~;re~! of the freshmen who turned in their ~~rin;c~d eO:a:::~ ;p p:~~:~~ ~;:: ~h~e~a~~1t b~O~:~:r~~~ get n~m",~,it!~n!sw~i 07~re", ~~I~ dedicated to establishing and :~~0~~~~ed,c!3;srr~:~0~dit~; copying someone's homework 67.1 percent (57,5 percent of that people want to cheat, they will, maintaining "personal integrit~ cheated,37.9percentofthejuniors, without th.~r know~ed:6 £5.7 maleand42.5percentfemaJe)said ~tonor co~ or not," an~ th:re~s :~~c~sO~tc~~~us ~ff~~~~I~di~g and 40.7 percent of the seniors. ~rc:~;m~14.~g ~:r~e::; d~fn~ ~:I;tiot~e~at ~;;~:tve ~~~r~~~ gra~~~~anP~~SS:~ua~ I:~~g.''; academic endeavors ... " to quote ~;Se~f~~~~i:~~n~hsea~C~~!!~~ someone else's homework, 4.3 of those who haven't cheated, 34.6 Students feel that cheating gets :t:~net ~~~:~:' s~o~sv:; ladder, the more you are likely to ~~en!;:a~~g~:s~~e:ro;r:o~'~ :~~:~ ~!~~~~e~~i~a~a~n~: ~~~s~h!fr~~~~ that they have to little cheating. According to ::tth~~~f~h:~~;k~oor~:~~~!~ knowledge, 2.9 percent; and have not reported violations that ~~s;:%'t :~:c;~~ri~h~ i:C;:;~ they get tired of having to pull in ~X:::i~~9 ';!~;:~.~nos:or~~:~~~rti~~v: vi:l~:~e~j~to!~o~: a~~x~ea~1f~e~m:~;:epo~_~ goals. Quite a few students ad- :a~~~~~y~!a::r~~~~e~ methods were used equally by way of cheating (although not in we cannot literally state how many ~i~~ ~~e~~~:,=~e~:~~~ grow tired under the pressure and ~~ie ~~~~~~:Ieo~x~~~ f~~:d~~~~ :~~~ s~~~e~t ~~~~::, ~~~ ~~~~~s o~:! ;~esn ;~bult~~ matter what the cost to survive the the tension that grades create. cheating by prior knowledge of a student is expected to report all were turned incompleted, but we System. The poll's results, shown test were male as opposed to 37.5 instances of academic honor can show the trends and ap- in approximate figures, shows this The poll points out another percent female; those using crib violations. This notification is a proximate figures, and the desires as well as other interesting trends relationship between the GPA of sheets were 77.7 percent male as social responsibility since of the student body through their involving students and cheating. the student and the amount of opposed to 22.2 percent female; academic dishonor has a comments. There is a sizeable cheating done. 0 percent of the 77.7 percent of those looking at detrimental effect on the grades of amount of the students body that First for some of the general students with a GPA of under 1.0 someone else's paper during an all students in a given course." cheats, there are certain methods figures. Of the 203 polls that were admitted to cheating, and this does exam were male with 22.2 percent that are used over others, and returned, 43.3 percent were make sense--perhaps if they female; and 66.7 percent of those Students made a lot. of in- there are trends for upperc!ass completed by males, and 56.7 cheated, their grades wouldn't be fudging labs and doing someone teresting comments on the students to cheat more, for lower percent were completed by so low; however, 47 percent of else's work were male with 33.3 questionnaire. Some of those who GPAs to cheat more, and for females. 65.5 percent of the over- those students with a GPA of 1.0-1.5 percent female. Women had other hadn't cheated had this to say: students to continue cheating. In all percentage denied ever having admitted to cheating, 35.5 percent tendencies; 80 percent of those "It's not a good feeling to see other our world today, where students cheated, and 34.5 percent of the of the students with a GPA of 1.6-- students looking up answers during people cheating ... ," "the Honor will cheat no matter what the cost over-all percentage admitted to it. 2.0, 32.3 percent of the students exams were women as opposed to System should stay around and be to get the grades they want, is the This may not seem like a mind- with a GPA of 2.1-2.5, and 19 per- 20 percent men, and of those enforced," "Cheaters should be Homr Code practical? Most im- blowing, staggering figure at first, cent of the students with a GPA of talking during an exam, 57 percent cracked down on." But how can the portantly, since the Honor Code is but it is when you consider that the 2.6-3.0 were cheaters. This trend were female and 43 percent were Homr System be enforced--by not not being u}ileld by all the ideal number of cheaters should be shows that the lower grades are, male. having ~ne? That's what it looks students, can it survive? o percent or close to it, especially the -more likely students are to in- a school with an Homr Code cheat, perhaps because of the Th'" a" oth., ;n"",t;no •••••••••••••••••••••••• such as ours. Of the polls that were ·pressure that is felt to get better ·d h· • returned, 26.6 percent were grades. ~:~~~ ~~s~~~t m;",tto ,heat • Insl e t 15 Issue: •• • ar~!t~k~ completed by seniors, 28.6 percent homet""a,the by juniors, 28.6 percent by Now let's take a look at the ways on, and, interestingly enough, and • so}ilomores, and 16.2 percent by in which students cheated. Of the probably much to the surprise of • Four Personal ViewPoints • freslunen, so the responses were students that admitted to cheating, the administration, scheduled. A Review of "An Evening of Theater ... " • almost equally divided among the the most popular ways to do it, and exams, and not self-scheduled • Movie Review • classes. Of those that admitted to probably the oldest, too, were cheating, 47 percent were female looking at someone else's paper ::i':'i :er~e~~t:! ~~h n=xt~~ • The Strange Case of The Missing Phonebooks • and 53 percent were male. As far during an exam, which 41.4 percent percent. According to these • Sports • as departmental majors were of the cheating body utilized, results, self-scheduled exams. and MUCH MUCH MORE!!!! • concerned, the most cheating was followed by prior knowledge of a found with Political Science, where test, which 32 percent used. The ~r:~~,~~~a~~c~: ~:t;:~tth~ • ' • 42.9 percent of its majors other methods in decreasing order ,tudent,"ally wantto ""eat,they ••••••••••••••••••••••••
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50