Page 46 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 46
Page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, November 12, 1975 A Look Back at The Concert Baron Tayler Now that it's all over, and the night of the concert. The place was quite simple. The Commodores could have been avoided by better possible." flurry of newspaper previews, far from full. thought that they had given a planning on our end, Miss Avey One last question remains, which editorials, and letters to the editor dynamite concert, and that it was indicated that most of the things can _only be answered by each are behind us, the time has come 00 What seems to be the biggest complete. So the concert ended. that went wrong were totally un- student individually. To use a review what actually transpired on question that those who went still When asked whether or not any forseeable, and couldn't have been takeoff on the Pithy Saying of a few that fateful night of October 31, the have, is "why didn't they play of the comedy of errors which avoided. To put it in her words, weeks ago, "Was the juice worth night of our homecoming concert. longer?" The answer is really resulted in the shortened concert "The students planned as well as the squeeze?" The day leading up to the concert was not what one in the music biz would term normal. The first thing "Evening of Theater ... " A Review to go wrong, was that the bus which Barnaby Bye uses to truck around Marcia Coleman in broke down in New York. This The cast strolled on stage in theme of male-female misun- meant that the group, even if they small groups, smiling and chatting derstanding. realistic. Jeannie Ccllacott, Kathy through the mental torture so got here, couldn't play, because with members of the audience, Humor played a crucial role in Chandler and Susan Coleman did many women suffer when they they wouldn't have any equipment. lX"eparing them for an informal, this production, yet often nervous an impressive acting job in Calm become pregnant. While tbe It was all on the bus. In an effort to casual evening. Yet their forth- strains of laughter tittered through Down Mother. Their precise moves woman is raging on and on about remedy the situation, the campus coming communications were the audience. That could be a good and portrayal of sincere hwnan the injustices man has perpefisat- organizers of the concert tried to far from casual. The power of their omen, though, indicating people emotions contributed to the ed against women, while the man find a place where they could rent performances lay in the per- were then becoming aware of their audience's understanding of is strapped down, crying and the necessary equipment for fonners' sincere desire to portray own shortcomings in fully un- women's suffering because of and helpless, another aspect of the play Barnaby Bye to use. As it turned woman as Strength, Courage, and derstanding the woman's dilem- for males. Lesson In a Dead is silently happening. The male out, by the time a source for the Endurance in her struggle against ma. The male's reaction to "Penis Language was a bit more abstract, assumes the dominant role over equipment was found, it was too male domination and social Envy", indignation; and to "Ob- forcing the audience to work a little the weak, female, performing a late to get the group on a plane to pressures to conform. jets d'Art" ,m self-protection; harder, to think. The costuming in hour-glass configuration in which Baltimore, and drive them here. So added spice to the performances. this' play was vital-pure white roles are switcbed. This silent it was bye bye Barnaby Bye. Although males were outnwnbered dresses were stained with blood, struggle between male and female The individual poems, songs, and by women 5 to 1, their presence blood symbolizing every woman's detracts from the verbal one, its Needless to say, things continued speeches; which initiated the was vital to the effectiveness of the suffering. The crucial question was brutalness shocks the audience. to get worse. The sound company, Evening of Theatre By and About women's theatre. "Why do we bleed?" The answer But the real clincher comes with which has the responsibility for Women revealed the deep was delivered by a child, a the hoard's decision to terminate setting up all of the electrical frustrations all women feel when potential woman who in her time the pregnancy, a compassionate equipment for the concert, came forced into a so-called "women's The short plays each had their would also bleed for man. Over- decision so often denied by men to late, arriving at three in the af· career," or when stereotyped, own message, but the unity. was tones also played up costuming- women and their 'potential termon, instead of one. Then the misunderstood, and trampled enhanced by the interspersed pastels representing outward children. Woman's ability to un- electrician, the only man in the underfoot. The audience could songs and dance. Particularly appearances, deep colors derstand a woman's torture is not world who knows anything about understand man's plight in at- impressive were Liz Boyer's dance representing the true woman she is outweighed by the injuries the the wiring in Alumni, left at 4:30, tempting to unknot the ancient- interpretation of "Ruby and the forced to disguise with fake smiles' male mother has inflicted on leaving the sound COUJpany in the bred binds that prevent true Dancer"-her light graceful body and flatteries. These two shades of women. lurch. Once again fate took a hand communications between men and sang the sweet, words-end Laverne women bred by the love of men are deep-reaching Jones' voice in things, and it turned out that a women, as well as identify with the hate and deceit. Such charac- The finale, a beautifully per- major portion of the equipment woman's plea to be accepted as a as she tried to fight loneliness in teristics men claim to be common formed wong by the entire com- To Myself." "Home was plugged into a dead circuit, person. Fortunately, the male was to women, yet man is the seed of pany swns up the evening of and had to be totally rerouted. not undiscriminatingly hated, for their cancerous growth. women's theatre. It is harmonious Some how the rerouting left Alan Zepp showed the compassion The acting was vivid, more so But What Have You Done For Me and strong, urging the acceptance limited props something to be desired, because and willingness to be friends with a because crates and were chairs. Steve to Lately was the most emotionally of woman as herself, woman orange as soon as everything was turned woman in his recital of Dylan's Lummis' attempt to rationalize intense play, both for the players capable of equalling and excelling on, a nwnber of 30 amp fuses blew, "All I Really Want To Do." This the fact that his mother could be and the audience. A woman im- men." Suffer women to arrive at and the result was a lot of dead response to Jeannie Collacott's Me pregnated a man against will. This an equality with you, and they "had" often except here the roles circuits. helped to unify and emphasize the attentions by the highest bidder for her happens switched. Man now must go from that moment become your was humorously superiors." -Cato the Elder are But fear not! Some diligent foot work by some of the campus organizers produced some 30 amp Naylor Is it Ever too Late? circuit breakers, and the show was on the road. At 9:50 the Com- Richard madores, who had arrived on time, Dr. Melvin xraneterg-dettvered nation so aroused, Dr. Kranzberg "substitutability." In other words, problems are at band. He hoped and were late in starting only due a lecture entitled" Are We Running was most confident that America as long as it is possible to replace that both of these extreme to the trouble the sound company Out of Time?" in Decker could cope with the multitude of one item for another, one fuel for positions could be avoided, and was having, played for 50 minutes. Auditorium on November 4, 1975. problems with which it will be another, one machine for another, that technology could be used At the end of that time, they went Dr. Kranzberg, a noted historian, confronted in the coming decades. growth will find no limit. without being applied as a panacea offstage for what everyone thought is a member of the National Board Dr. Kranzberg disparaged the Nevertheless, Dr. Kranzberg did ror all the ills that burden our was a break, but, (surprise!!), it of Directors of the Society of Sigma doomsdayers by declaring that emphasize that there is as much society. was actually the end of the show. Xi. He is also the Iounder of the they are "unhistorical in their danger in relying too much upon "Man and his technology are The Commadores then moseied on Society for the History of approach." He said that they labor technology as there is in denying inextricably intertwined as is over to Whiteford, where they were Technology. under two miSjudgments. One, the need of technology. He stressed evidenced by history." So Dr. last seen somewhere around Dr. Kranzberg's lecture con- they betray "a lack of faith in that too often a technology "Fix!' is Kranzherg declared. He thought it midnight, in the lobby. sidered the problems of population Man's ability and creativity. Two, relied upon to solve whatever cont. on pg. 3, col. 5 growth, of energy, and of en- they choose to blame the advances "Did we still have to pay Bar- viromnent control. Specifically, he in technology for many of our Staph: Who To Blame na~ Bye?" many people are directed his remarks to a study national problems. asking. To find out the answer to published in 1972 by the In regard to the first, Dr. this important question, this Massachusetts Institute. of Kranzberg averred that history Tyrant: EI Supremo Picture reporter went over to the Student Technology entitled "The Limits of has shown again and again that Baron l. Tayler Snapper: Activities Office, and interviewed Growth." This study predicted the mankind has always found a new Tyrant-In-Training: Baron l. Tayler Miss Avey. Under intensive doom of our industrial SOCiety technology to solve the particular questioning, interrupted by no less within one hundred years with dilemmas with which it had been Kim Shewbridge The Man Who Fixes The than Z1 phone calls, I was assured attendant mass starvation if the faced in any given age. Associate Tyrant: Books: that Barnaby Bye's agents had )resent growth rate continues. The As for the second, he stated that Mark C. Bayer Richard Naylor refunded our deposit imniediately, mathematical model constructed technology has provided the Right Hand Men: Head Drawer: in full. by the MIT scientists indicated solutions to many problems facing Matt Bowers Mark C. Bayer that twice the amount of water and mankind that could not have been Mark Katz The Guy Who Gets Rid power, and twice the number of solved by any other means. In fact, Henchmen: Of This Rag; "And how much did we end up jobs will be needed by the year he made it quite clear that Kathy Citro Jeff Robinson paying The Commodores?" To that 2001. pollution, such as waste disposal, question, this reporter must sadly Still Dr. Kranzherg retains his had existed in Europe before the Susan Coleman The Hombre Who Sells Ads: answer. "The full amount of optimism. He asserted that the industrial revolution, and that Mary Gately David Range $7,000." It turns out that the con- MIT study and other such \technology has made it possible to Denise Giangola Attorneys: tract that we had with the Com- gatherings of ominous data have co~ect this particular problem in Carlton Harris Samuel Goldenstien madores required them to playa succeeded only in turning the U.S. a CIty such as London. Too, Dr. Lonni Myers and Sons minimum of only 60 minutes to into a nation of cynics. The dire Kranzherg made it clear that the Richard Naylor earn their full pay of $7,000, or, and incessant warnings of the so- misapplication of technology by Jeff Robinson about $116 a minute. Since only a 50 called "doomsdayers", he many self-serving groups has David Range AND: A cast of thousands. minute concert was given, the believes, have been given too much resulted in technology itself being Sue Snyder The opinions expressed in possibility of a partial reim- prominence in the mass media. He blamed for its mishandling. Jennifer Watts bursement is being looked into. stressed the fact that doomsdayers Jim Teramani this publication do not The final number of tickets sold are resident in every society and in Dr. Kranzberg was not of the Bob Toner necessarily reflect those of for the concert was 437 of the every age. Yet, he thought they persuasion that the limits of the administration. Box possible 936 that could have been performed the useful service of growth have even been ap- Susan Tuley 3-A, Western Maryland sold. Approximately 17 refunds rousing the remainder of the nation proached. He stated that the real Top Notch Typist: College, Westminster, Md., were given until nine o'clock the to their responsibilities. With a limit to growth is determined by Susan Coleman 21157
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