Page 49 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 49
Wednesday, November 12, 1975 Scrimshaw Page 5 by Bruce McConoughey We've learned from recent news the name at the top of the page stories that students are getting One set had names such as Elmer better grades today than they did a and Hubert while the other set had generation ago, but that their names like Michael and David at S.A.T. scores are growing the top. The very significant and progressively worse. Since the disturbing conclusion of the ex- S.A.T. is an objective test that periment is that. Michael and measures performance against a David can expect to receive a standard set by students back in grade, on the average, one full the fifties, the grades given by letter grade above that received by teachers today are manifestly Elmer and Hubert. This dismaying .getting out of touch with reality. result occurred when the teachers were exposed only to a name at I'm convinced this paradox is the the top of the page. What happens result of the subjective nature of when a teacher is exposed to the the educational system as it is now dress, race, sex, manner, the practiced. The chief problem is personality of a student? I believe that a student's performance is the objectivity of the grading usually gauged by tests which are process must be severely com- prepared and graded by the same promised- Almost everyone can person who teaches the class. This give an example of an unfair hoary tradition is supported on two grade given on largely subjective main grounds. First of all the grounds by an un-appealable teacher or professor is an authority authority. Valedictorians, it is in his own field. Faculty members often noted, are predominantly tend to respect one anothers ex- female and too frequently pertise in the courses they teach. beautiful. Secondly, the class room teacher is familiar with each student's day to I don't want to argue the intrinsic day performance. He often fairness of grading, we all develops a close rapport with his recognize differences of in- students, getting to know their tellectual ability and discipline. I individual strengths of and do want to suggest some changes can objectify the process . Because his .weaknesses. Personal ViewPoint: knowledge of his field and of his is structor and The a should be an in- a The teacher not helper, the teacher students, student's grader. per- traditionally regarded his grade the best position to as being in formance should be measured on Integrity Versus Cheating by Richard Naylor students. Or, so the rationale goes. objective multiple choice tests that are prepared by panels of The ease with which scores of the young but realize how soon they can never offset the personal loss But, like most fraternal orders, a}Jthorities. The answers can then students on this campus can will become mere walking bundles of integrity. faculties are not particularly be graded by a machine which rationalize cheating is disgusting. of habits, they would give more As an example from my own life, motivated to police their own won't consider a student's name or They seem to suffer not a heed to their conduct while in the I remember when I was in ninth ranks. A student certainly doesn't race or whether or not he ap- moment's misgiving at what they plastic state". grade the pressure of a very want to incur a teacher's wrath by p-ectates the professor's sense of are doing. In fact, they see utterly Thus, once an individual demanding Latin teacher drove me complaining to the administration humor. Some teachers will be no ramifications to their actions. becomes comfortable with the to- cheating. This teacher had a before grades are out. And after justly fearful of what may happen The immediate act of cheating is habit of cheating, he can with ever knack for arousing a sense of fear the grades are delivered most to class attendance if they eversoconvenientlymvorcedfrom so much better ease extend his in her students. I had to do a students are overcome by apathy, relinquish the power of the grade, their "other", strictly observed, acquired facility to other areas of particularly difficult translation sentimentality or ecstatic relief at but the benefits are worthwhile. moral convictions. For the goal is concern. He can with a certain from Caesar's Gallic Wars, and I being finished with it all. Multiple choice tests can be ap- to get a good grade, and once that confidence lie to his parents; with simply was not prepared. One of The July 9, 1973 issue of plied to any subject to some is accomplished, by whatever a certain arrogance use his my classmates offered me his "Newsweek" described an ex- degree. Standardized tests that are device is most suitable, nothing friends; with a certain difiance completed translation before class. periment performed by a mechanically graded free teachers else is held to be of lasting Irn- break thelaws of society. But there I hurriedly copies his translation psychology professor, Hubert to teach and to judge what cannot portance. Only the grade endures. are those people who will most into my notebook. But the use of Harari •of San Diego State be judged by a machine, for University. In this experiment examp1e, oral ability in a foreign Surely this is a sad state of af- f~~~~:~s~~~:~!e ~~::::u~~ ~~fi~r~~~I~~Oc~n~~:nc~~~rev!~ Harari gave two identical sets of language. These changes will fairs. Yet the offending individuals anti-social behavior. Hopefully so quickly revolt at my action. It essays to two statistically result both in a more efficient use repeatedly excuse themselves theyareright.Butagain,asJames made me feel the hwniliation of equivalent groups of public school of time for the teacher as well as a saying, "I won't count it this averred, every vice "leaves its claiming a piece of work that was teachers. The only difference fairer and more menaingful grade between the two sets of papers; was for the student. - ~~~'iS the grade the only thing ~~~-~~-~~~~e ~~::~'C:I~i~~ t~: not mine. Also, I knew it gave some .----'------------------,iy.., Sad to say, it is not offender ~l;it~:j:.::,,~~i~'~~f~!y;::~~E'~{¥;o~~~~:¥.i~~~~~F~h~i~d~:;~:::'fi![;:~~;~~~;~~:g~:~~rE~~~1~:i~~i:;:~tf~:i that endures? him ~~:~~!a~:;~~~s~~s~~:~~~:~ "to be used against For what is integrity but the temptations have a way of growing translation was never to be used in ••••• brought firemen to the scene, and honesty and sincerity of an in- in number and magnitude when class. I told the teacher I was police, who immediately arrested dividual. Really, what of value much deference has been given to unprepared. Yes, she did manage A disc jockey on Grangeville, the men. does a person have in life if he be them in the past. And thus, absurd to humiliate me before the entire . Idaho's KORT, concluding a ••••• stripped of all the baggage of as it may seem, cheating may be class, but that hwniliation was commercial' for a local hair- postion, social status, and wealth but an overture to a life symphony quickly forgotten. But not so dresser, said, "The special for this but his integrity. It is a commodity 01lying, cheating on one's mate or quickly forgotten would have been week only is a haircut, shampoo, Word has it from Indiana that the that one should not traffic with on' one's tax return, or simply the fact that I had actually prof- and blow job for only five-fifty." Ku Klux Klan has renounced ~~2'inF~e ~:w ~~~. i~::O: defaulting on one's commitments. fered that translation as my own. It ••••• ~:n~r::e~d ~:si~:enr:!~e~ than his word. But if the very value pr~:~~:IY whi!~e ma~Chl~I:~ti~ ~~:ldw~~ h:;s~ ~~~o~fm~: In Cincinnati, two bank. robbers Members now refer to themselves ~o~sOf~o:l~e ~a;~~~t~~~r;~~ stU.~~~!,;~aotf ',cl!"o"Oa""ti~d~~~a~~:cann~t liVw~~t~.~ oneself, who can I-Wc.:":.c'c.:u::,in",g:.:a:::n="'::""-Y::'OO:::'c.:to::,::cl!c.:0::.n::.a_a:::'c.:Kl:::a:::",=",,=,,:::o:::",:::..-c---_J only the individual himself can f"UIll""''''-'''-!!l.!£!!2!!!!!!£.· ::l!i!1~....!!liU1"_'ru!!.:c.._ _j good many of them, however, had door put in the paper to enrage all ~:~:rth~~:S~,e~ocf:t~t oo~~S!!~~~ Letters to the Editor :=t:~!:'~e~~s~~a~~~; :~~~!:l~;~fs~~::?r~;:c~~~ ::!i.' make a value judgment upon ~sE~~;answer to "Maclea" ~~~;eith~~ Ma~~ea~~=I~~r;:s~::dsin w~~e dr'::~-:~d o~ ~~rt::tel;e? h~~~ce:sf:~~ru:t:~ who criticized the entire Hinge cooperative in the candy depart- believe that most of them had a suspicion that this literary piece of And an individual's integrity is program because the Hinge kinds ment, and past experience had led good time, which is why they were garbage was meant to be a "cute" everyday further fashioned by his didn't make it up to his room for to the upheld belief that the best invited up in the first place. general representation of the accumulated habits of doing trick-or-treat last week. places to take the kids are the I'm glad to see you were in- female population of WMC. I have "right" and "hooorable" deeds. A Ab, come on fellas. Aside from women's dorms and Rouzer. I'm terested, and sorry y6"u were left never come across any woman at person cannot easily elude a the fact that there were ap- sorry we missed your room, and out. 1 hope your interest remains, this school who fits any of these comfortable habit that has eased proximately ten to twelve- volun- that your candy was wasted. because the Hinge program cer- trite and pathetic descriptions. its way by a long, repetitious ::~,;~2r:~\~£:~!a~~i~ra;;:E;~i:~~~~~"Tx~tainlyceuldu'::;tb~~~:~;;~~~;:~:~~~t~0.:~:~ lX'ocess into his neuronic structure, into his daily "way of doing things". William James, the less than an hour to make the Million Dollar Man suit or anyone have the courage and American philosopher and rounds of the entire campus, a something. Granted, there were decency to destroy this "thing" psychologist, did so eloquently word-of-mouth survey (admittedly many kids who were older and Dear Editor, before it could be printed. make this point. He said: "Could shoddy) of the dorms indicated hand no business being here; a Was The girl at the table next Anne Young
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