Page 51 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 51
Wednesday, November 12, 1975 Scrimshaw Page 7 Soccer team drops two Sports Matt Bowers The soccer team had a bad week. know the dimensions of our field Back to the F&M game. Doug Carttc1n Harris Sue Snyder one to two games, Jim Teramani team seems Gettysburg direct kick. Hannaby played a good to let the ball roll out Bob Toner They dropped & the other to F.&M. better than our own team, as our Barnes scored the only goal off of a Both games were lost by 1 goal. to many times. game controlling the defense & Against Gettysburg, the winning trying to keep the ball up at the goal was scored late in the game on Even when we keep the ball on other end. Some mention should be a break-away. The Gettysburg the ..field, the offense either loses made of the scoring attempt taken Football Ups and Downs attackman got behind the defense control of it off the trays or have it away from Jamie Mosberg near as and coming from them taken away The play while the end. developed straight on the goal, beat a helpless Hannaby. Final they're trying to get fancy. Mosberg got behind the defense. score 1-0. Many people tell me it is the level The defense tried vainly to foul Western Maryland's Green yds. for a Terror score. At the end of competition. But we don't ever him to stop the ball, which he did. Terrors football team has had its of the 3rd Quarter the score stood Against F.&M. the offense per- seem as good as our opponents. If it The referee then called the high points and also low points as at 14-7. formed the same as it has all wasn't for our defense & Hannaby penality, taking away the ad- they defeated Dickinson 31-21 and Frank Morogiello came right year, hardly. Sometimes it's hard we would be blown out of every vantage of the play. lost to Lycoming 28-14 in gridiron back though and completed a 20 yd. to figure out what goal we're game. I have never seen a scoring Also I should mention the action the past two weeks. pass to Jerry Ritter for a shooting at. It's difficult to score play developed by our team. physicalness 'of the game. Coach On Saturday, November Ist, Joe Lycoming score to make it 21-7. without getting a good shot. All Always the score came off of a kick Earll related on the control of the Damiano completed 6 of 10 passes But Jay Rodstein, playing for the they seem to do is kick the ball which we have caught up to. These physical aspect of the game the and rushed for 50 yds. and 1 touch- injured Joe Damiano, was not to be down & then try to chase it. But goals are great, but they can't be refs had, if not of the rules in- down as the Terrors manhandled denied as he took the Terrors to the they aren't too successful at this depended on as they need some terpretation, All in all, he didn't the Red Devils of Dickinson, Rich Lycoming 5 yd. line and then hit style. And it seems the other teams luck involved. seem too happy. Heritage had his finest game of the the ever-present Rick Rosenfeld year rushing for 140 yds. on 30 with a pass good for a Terror carries to bolster the offensive touchdown. Volleyball Season Comes to a Close thrust. Rick Rosenfeld and Joe Damiano rushed for touchdowns of Things looked good for the 2 and 30 yds. and Steve Spinnelli Terrors as they held Lycoming on Western Maryland's volleyball losses were back-to-back home steady defense and an unbeatable and Rick Leitzel caught touch- defense and got the ball back for team wrapped up a victorious matches against Maryland and spirit. Overall, it was an excellent downs of 25 and 28 yds. Bruce Belt the offensive with but 2 minutes season in encouraging fashion last Towson State. The girls won four at season and one of the finest per- added a 20 yd. field goal plus 2 left. But Jay Rodstein was tackled week. On Oct: 30, the last road home and likewise all six of their formances by a WMC sports team extra points and Rick Rosenfeld attempting "to pass and a junior game of the year pitted our girls away contests. When our team in recent years. rushed in for a two-pointer arter defensive end, Steve Weigle picked against Morgan State in an easy played poorly, their problem As to the future it looks great! the Damiano T.D. to cap the off the pass for a 35 yd. touchdown win, 15-2, 15-0. The next night seemed to be offense. At these The starting six will return next scoring totals. In total offense, to make the final score, 28-14. brought the team back home to Gill times, they appeared unable to year backed up by a more ex- Western Maryland had 140 yds. The Terror state showed why Gym to play and beat American mount an attack, playing into their perienced squad. We lose only one passing and 224 yds. on the ground. they lost for they only managed 83 University, 15-4, 15-11. Mter the opponent's hands. Western senior, Bee Price, to graduation. A Last Saturday, the Terrors yds. passing and 144 yds. on the first game, it seemed likely that Maryland's assets are great little work and the sky's the limit played a good, hard-hitting game ground. Pete Clark and Rick American was going to be blown teamwork, steady teamwork, for this volleyball team. but could not capitalize on several Heritage did most of the work on off the court. However, they were a eth quarter opportunities as the ground rushing for 52 and 79 different team during the second Volleyball tourney split Lycoming defeated W.M.C. 28-14. yds. respectively. Lycoming jumped to a 7-0 lead at Next week the Green Terrors ft~~~ta~fn~~ ~~r:;~r~~~;~:~h! Last weekend, the girls of our WMC from further tournament halftime Frank Morogillo com- meet Lebanon Valley down on score to 12-11. This game provided volleyball team traveled to Towson play. preted a 48 yd. pass to Jim Jeffries Hoffa Field for the annual Parent's some of the most exciting play seen State College to participate in the for a touchdown. Sam Schiccatano Day game. Lebanon Valley is this year. annual two-day Maryland This was the last volleyball to be made it 14-0 on a 13 yd. touchdown coming off a 2(H2 loss to Albright volleyball tournament. The results played this year. Our team takes a run with 10 min. 26 sec. left in the College but the men who play for UMBC fell next, their second loss of the five matches were both break now, looking forward to bigger and better thin~s next year. ard Quarter. Then Rick Heritage, . coach Ron Jones will have a tough to WMC this year. The little-known encouraging and disappointing. who was later voted Most Valuable time of it this Saturday. Don't be 8-minute time clock played an western Maryland first won to Player of the day, scampered 28 surprized if the game ends in a tie. important role in this match as the UMBC, 9-15, 15-12, 10-8, and then to The Esquire Cross Country Working Hard scoreswentB-ll,14-7,15-2.0nNov. vs. St. Mary's, vs. 15-7, 15-2. The was third a Barber Shop was held here match, Galludet, 5, a trimatch Harford and Coppin State. The disappointment, ending in a 13-15, girls from WMC won their matches 15-7, 6-15 loss. Mter a 15-2, 15-0 There is a group of men on this abundant this year. Earle H. Brewer campus who seem to be unusual. easily, first against Harford, 15-4, victory over Bowie, WMC had a They're involved in a sport which But Coach Magee was looking 15-3, and then Coppin, 15-2, 15-1. In rematch with the University of Susan Burroughs doesn't bring great crowds, and the further. He hoped for a good a meeting of the two visiting Maryland. Our girls gave J training is tedious and sometimes showing from his runners, possibly teams, Harford proved the better, 'Maryland two good games, painful. Coach Magee states that Steve Vaughn and Lee McConnell, winning 15-7, 15-0. dropping the first, 8-13, and coming j he has a fine group of men with this or Charlie Oldis, at the MAC back to win the second 14-12. year's cross-country team, and he Championships at Gettysburg, and The JV played in only two of Readers should remember that has them run about 35 miles each he is building for next year. these five meetings. The first, Maryland is a national power in week for a chance in the meets. against Morgan State's varsity women's volleyball. The 'deciding 848· 2820 A brief review of X-Country. The (Morgan has no JV), ended in a 15-- game was a discouraging one as Mens and Womens team with the lowest scores is the 9, 15-5 win. Next, they defeated the Terps won 15-1, eliminating. Though their record isn't great, winners. The first five runners of UMBC's JV, 15-4, 15-6. These ••••• Haircuts Coach Magee considers this a good a team are the only scorers. They victories brought the record of WMC Men's Volleyball Club by Appointment season. He has a good young team. run a 5.3 mile course. On WMC it WMC's amazing JV to 9-0 on the tryouts will be held this Thursday, It was this youth that has caused starts about halfway between the season. With this kind of per- Nov. 13, in Gill Gym at 9:45 p.m. SpeCializing in some problems but Coach Magee soccer field and the clubhouse and formance coming from the JV, 30 Styling likes to point out that these goes around the edge of the Western Maryland can be assured problems hopefully won't happen campus approximately twice and of an excellent volleyball team for and with more experience. Another comes up through the golf course years to come. Rseorcuts cause of their 2-10 record to date is finishing about fifty yards farther the usual injuries. Always with a over from the start. Or if your 58% West Main St. running squad leg problems really interested, follow the develop, and they seem to be
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