Page 53 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 53
C ?t Pithy Saying: Wednesday. November 19, 1975 Sex without life is Volume 2, Issue 10 like life without sell BYKims~J~wCollege Center Planned Fr.iends, are you tired of walking bowling alley in the new center, but it won't be inadequate a few yea~s with the beauty of the campus, posted around the school. Your a mile across campus just to buy it was just not possible to fit one in after it is built. As for the location and, according to Dean Mowbray, comments and suggestions are one lousy pencil at ~he school with the plan of the game room. of the building, "it is the place a "it is a building very much needed also welcomed b~ both Dean store? Are you sick of sliding down The third level will connect to the college center needs to be," on campus." If you would like to Mowbray and by Miss Avey. All-in- hills in the wintertime just to get Dining Hall so that students can be commented Dean Mowbray. "A look further into this new College all. it looks like the upcoming your mail? Are you cramped for in any part of the College Center college center needs to be centrally Center, plans for the building ~an Western Maryland Colle~e Center space at grille parties? Well, have and have direct access to the located." The low level structure of be seen now in Miss Avey's office. will be a welcomed addition to the ~r~~~;~~~;~~;~::I;:~~~t;?~~~~~~~:~i.~~~f~~~L"'oPn'n,"May'di,.,n,rents"ajtii"l~p,anCamp' US!!! ween Memorial, Elderdice, and the cafeteria, is a three-tiered The basements of Rouzer and the Once again, another Parent's genuine explanation of my mom's "We have to wait 40 minutes 10 structure with many conveniences. cafeteria will also be affected by Day passes by the wayside at occupation. she continued t? ins~rt get into the cocktail lounge?" The first tier, located at the top of the College Center plans. The Western Maryland College, and it her foot in her mouth by telling him "We should never have gone to the hill and connecting directly to tunnelway between Rouzer and the proved to be just as exciting or just that she gets all the text books for Angelo's .. Elderdice, will contain the main cafeteria will bedividedin half, the as boring as usual all her childrens' papers, etc. "Do you think we can escape entrance of the building. It will back half to be used for storage and Thanks mom. So much for the before he hits me for money?" house offices of the President and the front half having a large open research. After revealing that J the Deans, giving them 'working lobby with rest rooms. The rooms As my mother walked into my , was doomed to be called Baby for "Your mother .is watching T.V space in a bright, busy area near in the basement of Rouzer will be room "bright and early" on .the rest Of. my duration as an in your room until the football the students. The first tier is also revamped to create better meeting Saturday morning, I raised one English maJ?r. Oh well. at least game is over" planned to have a large conference rooms, SGA offices, Publication glued-shut eyelid to confirm my I'm used to It room, a large lounge, and a large offices, and a dark room. The worst apprehension: Yes, we were "Your father is taking a' nap information desk to aid visitors to Rouzer basement will also include going to the nine o'clock "thing" in Enough of a personal viewpoint before we drive home .. our campus. a large work area and a large McDaniel. Great. As I shoved - there were many other in- conference room to be used by an books and dirty clothes under the leresting quotes floating around on "Whatta ya mean, that's your The second tier of the College organization. Lastly, there are bed, and tried to be pleasant and that cold, sunny day. Here are the roommate's cat?" ' Center will house the post office plans to have meeting rooms and a cheerful after' three hours sleep, I better ones "Do you ever vacuum. at (III, and the book store. It will also have rock band practice room on the was desperately trying to figure ever, just once .. "" a grille for short order foods and level of rooms beneath the out where "my roommate was in "00 we have to go sit on that cold "You want me to do 10 bags of for day student study. Hopefully, cafeteria. case Mom asked. She asked. "She cement and watch those nice boys laundry before the game?" the grille will be able to double as a went to a party last night," r said get murdered?" "Can 1 have a pom-pom girl as a rathskeller at nighttime. As the shakily. I'm glad Morn -didn't souvenir?" plans stand now, the rathskeller is Now for some questions How pursue that non sequitur answer "1 could probably get Coach "There's a nice-looking young planned to be built in the basement much will all of this cost? About 2.4 any further Jones a good job as an accountant, man.' of Rouzer, but being as this noisy million dollars, all of it coming if he applied now" "There's a nice looking young area would be located directly from a capital drive program lady." underneath of a dorm and that the What will be the fate of the old After burning my tongue on the "They feed you so well here; daytime grille could easily be used Student Center? It will be used for scalding hot chocolate, we ham and chicken salad for lunch, "Who's that tramp?" as a pub at nighttime anyway, the classroom and office space, "bumped along" with the ojher steak for dinner, stuffed pork plans will hopefully be altered. hopefully housing psychology and 3000 parents in McDaniel LOunge, chops for lunch tomorrow- you kids "Why the hell dO you live on the other departments. The space will then proceeded to the chapel to don't know what it's like to starve- 4th floor?" definitely be used--it won't go to catch the speeches. After some you're just ungrateful." The third tier will include a large waste! And when will all of it be fine speeches, as well as the typical multi-purpose area to be used for completed? Well, the bids, or administrative hog wash, we went "Whatta ya mean you don't know "I'm permanently parked in movies, dances, lectures, or for seeing which company will build to meet the teachers. Things who your roommate is?" front of Blanche, unless it can grow meetings. Accommodating about the center for the lowest cost, will started to get hot, while I started to helicopter blades." 400 people, it is hoped that ac- probably go out in November of '76, wake up. "That Dean is too young to be a "That's it: do I have to come tivities too small for Alumni will be with construction starting the dean." back next year?" held in this room. Off of this area following spring and completion of there will be dressing rooms for the building to be 18 months to two After finding out that my mother "That Dean is that old and still a The junior class did do a terrific I dramatic productions and a por- years after that. knew the poll. sci. profs' wife's dean?" job arranging the whole she-bang, table stage available for the same family from 20 years ago and after "We have to wait in line for 40 and should be congr-atul-ted for purpose. The third level will also they exchanged "how-are-they- minutes to get the same thing we their hard work. There was a house the game room, hopefully to The plans for the building seem doin's", and "where-are'tbey- got last veer?" record number of parents this be twice the size of our present one, to be good ones, and the ad- nows", we ascertained that I would year, who either enjoyed them- complete with ping pong, billiards, ministration has high hopes for the survive that course and that was "The cheerleaders should be on selves immensely. or are intensely and other games. Some students new College Center. It seems to one down and three to go. After the the field, they kill them with their masochistic. Maybe they are just had hoped that there would be a have a lot of flexible space so that English prof. suffered through the looks!" faithfully loyal-or suspicious
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