Page 48 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 48
Page 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday, November 12, 1975 Editorial ******************** ************** Taking into account that the (l'ide to do it for ourselves and not to these questions is to blame the catagortes the possibility that a front page article of this weeks worry about what our parents or administration. Mter all, its must ' teacher not in either of those school. The main pressure which SCRIMSHAW deals with the teachers or friends will think, then be their fault, since they produce catagories might be able to give a John will face while he is here will number of people on campus that we wouldn't cheat. the guidelines for all of the courses much more informative recom- be to make the necessary grades of break the honor code, and the What I am saying is that there is we are taught, and how we are to mendation. Finally, the medical A- or better. As anyone will tell you methods with which they do it, it too much emphasis on quantity (or be graded. But a closer look schools all recommend that in any major, keeping up and A- would seem a bit redundant to have high grades), and not enough on reveals that the problem emanates students who wish to pursue a average is pretty tough. aoother article in the paper about learning (quality). When quality is not from the administration, but medical career major in a science. Now lets stop for a second, and the same issue. However, as the instilled as the basis for being here, from what might be called "the What JOM Doe faces the first ask why John will be making those topc for this weeks editorial, the cheating will drop, and not before. system". couple weeks he is in college, grades of A- or better. Is it because issue of breaking the honor code, All other methods are artificial." he wants to learn? To be realistic, most commonly called cheating, How "the system" works can be assuming that he is. following the (l'obably not. Then why? The (although in a few instances that easily demonstrated. Lets say that medical schools advice, and is answer seems to be soley so that he term may not aptly apply), will be All of us should take a close look John Doe wants to become a majoring in a science, is a meeting can be accepted into medical approached from a slightly dif- at the p-eceeng three paragraphs, doctor. All medical schools state of all of the pre-med students of the school. JOM is never given any ferent angle. The question to be and ask ourselves whether or not that to be accepted into their. college at WMC, during which they real incentive to do anything but discussed here deals not with the' we are here to learn, or, in most curriculum, all applicants must are informed that only three or receive high grades. No emphasis number students that cheat, or probability, here to get "what it taketheMCAT,anddowellonit,in four of the usually 40 to 60 some is put on the quality of the learning how, but why, in an academic takes" to be accepted into that addition to taking a minimum of people sitting there will make it JOM will do while he is here, only college atmosphere, where graduate' or professional school three years of college. and do into med school. To even be con- on the final outcome of his grade, everyone is supposed to be here to that comes after we graduate from fantastically, exceptionally, sidered, he is further told, a PA of which will be governed on the most learn, and we are theoretically here. brilliantly well while in college. To 3.5 on a 4.0 scale is necessary. part by his test grades. Sure, preparing ourselves to fit into a It seems Iogtcat that students assure that only the "best, most Other than that, no other pressure plenty of lipservice is given to that useful place in Society, do students must cheat for a reason. Mter all,· qualified" students are accepted, is put on JOM. high goal of, "it doesn't make a cheat? no one risks their college career, only a small number of medical Is it all starting to sound a bit difference how you do on the tests, possibly their life's career, and students are accepted each year familiar? To assure us that grades its what you get out of the course their reputation, just for kicks. compared to the number of ap- are not all that important, we are that counts." Try to tell that to As a start to finding the answer What is it that puts so much plicants there are. On their ap- given the opportunity to take the med schools! !!! In the end, it to this problem, the following pressure on students that a full 40 plications, the medical schools ask courses on a pass-fail basis. But it boils down to digest, and passage is reprinted from the per cent of the seniors attending basically academically oriented turns out that only a non-major regurgitate ·on command. Pretty "Dther comments" portion of last WMC have cheated to achieve their questions, and generally for the elective may be taken pass-fail, lousy. weeks cheating poll. Itwas written fmal goal? Obviously their is most part ignore the positive and furthermore, we are told that And this really brings us to the by one person, who will forever something definitely wrong and achievements that the students professional and graduate schools answer of our original question of remain anonymous, but who has iacking in a system that produces have experienced which were frown on the practice of taking too why the students cheat here. Very summed the answer up in a nut- such dishonesty in young men and outside the normal academic many, courses (other than gym) simply, they cheat to make the shell. women who haven't even really curriculum. For recom- pass-fail. grades, because no matter what "The best system is one that gotten out into the real world yet, mendations, the med schools The final result of all of this is anyone says, in the end, the grades makes it not important to cheat, to but are only trying to prepare for almost universally ask for com- intense pressure. Ignoring the either make you or break you!Who develop something that instills it! Is a system producing such ments strictly from the pre- parental pressure, which in some says? "The system" says!!! And pride to a person, or a purpose to effects worthy and capable of medical committee of the school, cases "is as bad as the academic any system that causes people to some of the bull that we learn. preparing us for coping in the or the pre-med advisor, totally pressure, it can be seen that poor become dishonest to succeed in it is If we want to learn, we won't "outside" world? ignoring the possibility that a John has to fight incredible odds if a pretty screwed up system. • have to cheat, and if we have the The first reaction one usually has teacher not in either of p. t. B.L.T. those into med he hopes to be accepted . Perso al Vlew OlD. Capitol and Jobs D by Richard M. Tucker J.',;ach year while millions of and improving the productivity. from changes in the demand side we want to destroy our economy the capital markets. The main individuals and companies are and real incomes of labor. of the equation. We must not and follow the path of England reason that Sweden's economy has saving portions of their incomes Economists estimate that it takes introduce a new actor into this down the tube we had better realize not been destroyed by her large for the future, others are busily $40,000 of capital investment to drama, the goverrunent, which that our government is Crippling public sector is that the govern- investing these savings in every- create one job in our economy, and· is the single largest borrower the growth of our economy. We ment has been a net saver, adding thing from homes to industrial it is the return on this investment in the capital markets. When have to face up to some very to the pool of funds (which equipment. How does this tre- which consitutes the reward or the government spends money, tough. decisions-decisions which represent resources) available for mendous flow of resources from I»'ofit for (l'oviding this productive whether it be for welfare or our Congress does not even ad- priv~te investment. savers to investors occur in an capital. The most important missiles, it must get revenue mit exist. orderly fashion? Easy. It occurs determinant of whether or not an to pay the bill in one or more As of 1972 (the latest date for When you hear the phrase in the capital markets, which investment will be profitable, and of three ways: 1) taxing; 2) which I have data) the federal capital shortage, you will now consist of a web of independent hence undertaken, is the interest. borrowing; and "printing" goverrunent was borrowing over 25 understand what it means. It does 3) financial intermediaries rate. An investment must yield a money. The third manner today is percent of the total funds advanced not mean that there is an absolute with which we are all familiar- high enough return to pay back the directly inflationary; the second in the credit markets, and it is an shortage of total capital in our banks, insurance companies, loan with interest and still bestow a bids capital away from the even larger percentage now. This economy, rather that the govern- savings and loan asso- net gain to the owners of the capital productive private sector; and the means that 1J4 of the savings en- ment is borrowing so much of it ciations, credit unions, pen- (the stockholders). Thus the higher third, the. most preferable, is still a tering these markets are being that the private sector is in- sion funds, and investment com- the interest rate is, the higher the drained by the government away creasingly coming up short. The panies. Savers place their savings return on an investmen must be for :r:::~.~e:J~~s;!l~ei!ff~O~ from the funds available for job- result will be unnecessary in these institutions to earn a it to warrant being undertaken. of taxation upon their disposable creating capital investments and unemployment for a long time to return. These institutions then turn incomes (at least vaguely), but few home mortgage loans. If you can come. The worse part of this is that around and loan the funds to in- It is the supply and demand for understand the implications of the not afford a mortgage for a new if the government is lucky, no one vestors for a marginal profit. This loanable funds which, of course, increased government borrowings home, look to washrngtcn, for the will know where.' to place the markes allocates the resources not determines the interest rate, but in the capital markets. But unless goverrunent is outbidding you in alame, i.e., no one but us. consumed, i.e. saved, towards the there are 'many factors which most productive investments by underly the supply and demand. guaranteeing them to. the highest One of these is the money govern- Personal ViewPoint: supply. bidder. Without this .vastly Im- IT, ceteris parabus, the portant network, our economy ment increases the money supply, would be in a very real sense with one very important No Bull by Rosanne Liotta un1ubricated. Indeed, one of the qualification, the interest rate nobler characteristics of the en- could be expected to fall en- Think of the unnecessary protein is fed to animals, protein and sanitary meat packages mock trepeeneurs of the late 19th Cen- couraging more investment. The cruelty envolved in eating meat. that could be consumed directly by their victims; chop meat is tury (referred to by some as qualification is that doing so does It's rather amazing actually that humans. It is estimated that ten- shredded cow. We must dare to robber barons) was that often they not create or increase inflation (or we still engage in such barbaric pounds of vegetable protein is lose our ignorance. Maybe be in- were the- financial intermediaries even expectations of inflation), for sport. The insensitivity and needed to form a pound of animal ccnvemenced. It's a big step, but in transferring savings from the the inflation rate would im- downright maliciousness over- flesh. We eat the animals, who eat when we take it, perhaps we can East, where they were available, mediately be added into the in- whelms the mind. We are not the plants, who synthesize food make peace with the world we to investments in the undeveloped terest rate. What bank would loan "masters" of this world. Nor are themselves. How much Simpler have so abused. West, where they were needed. The money at 5 percent if the inflation capital markets of their day were rate were 10 percent? Certainly no ;~a~u~u:eor::~~:sssjiw; :!n~~~~~~~tbrspl:~ Penmanship very imperfect and incomplete, hank that I would own stock in! In and had they not provided this today's economy ·increasing the ~:t ~':f:~~:~:I:tlr~a:t:~~~a~~itYf;:~ doesn't pay scarce service the economic growth rate of the money supply groWth of the country would have would fire the fuels of inflation and :~:~ ~o::~:~~:ne:r ~~ ~~~S~eg~~~:~e~~e ~~to~:ft~;: Two men in South Sound, been greatly hindered. therefore not increase capital in- his wit! A man's hands, so fit for a . jf not healthier, than meat- ~:;hi:!:Pt::70 C:;:::~d p~~: vestment. Rather it would have plow and pen, too often wield a gun eaters. In fact, studies are en- prescription filled in a local Firms borrow money to expand the opposite effect, as people would and butcher knife. couraging for veg etar-ians ; it drugstore. The druggist told police their facilities, i.e. to buy more and begin to invest their savings in seems that they have less incident he became suspicious when he better real capital (plant and such unproductive assets as an- Ignoring scruples, one is still left of heart attacks, high blood found he could easily read the equipnent), with an eye towards tique rugs end precious metals. with the inevitable conclusion that pressure, and obesity. handwriting on the form. Police future profits. However, this widespread slaughter of animals is Perhaps it's an irony, but it's notified druggists in the area to be . (l'ivate investment provides a The encouragement to job- economically unsound for a highly true that we all live off of death. on the lookout for customers public benefit by creating new jobs creating inves~ent must come populated world. High quality Even a vegetarian. But those neat bearing legible prescriptions.
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