Page 17 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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C Bet Wednesday, October 1, 197!.i Pithy Saying: Volume 2, Issue 4 "The sixth sense we need is the.abllltv to laugh at ourselves." -- Dr. Harold Ray Stevens MacLea Plagued by C~eanup Problems Kim Shewbridge The story you are about to read is cleaned up by the janitors. "Nothing is done to the actual and bucket. "She must think that guys living there may not be spic 'n true. No names have been changed Sounds like a happy ending, shower stalls-they never touch she can do the job from her desk," span Mr. Cleans, but they do live because everyone is guilty as doesn't if? Well, it's not. O.K., a them," The stairs are never swept, one student commented. "As far ~s there, and they have a right to a charged. toothbrush got stuck in a toilet and and there are cobwebs in the I know she has never been in this clean place to live. It definitely This is the place: Western it got cleaned up. Why did it take corners. If this is what this staff building-she puts the weight all on takes a bad cleaning staff for the Maryland College. Date: Tuesday, an unsanitary, filthy five days to has been doing, 'it could be ac- the dorm residents." The MacLea type of conditions that MacLea has September 16. Yours truly was fix it? And while I was in- complishing a heck of a lot more. men were also informed by Dean been dealt; there is no excuse for called in by SCRIMSHAW to in- vestigating toilets, I found that the By doing each floor in an hour, with Laidlaw that it was their the only work to be done on gar- vesttgate a problem on campus. general clean-up situation in four floors to a section and eight responsibility to keep trash away bage with the rest of the time spent Seemed that somewhere in fourth MacLea is pretty bad all. the way tours in a working day, two sec- from' the outside of the building, sleeping on the job. And there is a floor MacLea a bathroom had around. lions could be cleaned well every and as one succinctly put it, tremendous breakdown in com- flooded due to a stopped-up toilet. I talked to one MacLea resident day. "What I want to know," "Whereon the quad is there a trash munications when it takes five The janitors refused to fix it, and who had had, experience in inquired one student, "is why there can?" - stinking days to unclog one toilet, no one wanted to help. The men in janitorial work, and he let me know tsa lady on the cleaning staff in a and almost two weeks to get some the dorm were rumored to be so that the cleaning staff in MacLea men's dorm?" I was told by many Monday, September 22. Things doubletalk on a small thing like disgusted with the negligence of consists of two men and a lady guys that the lady feels free to walk seemed so bad in MacLea, I supplying a mop and a bucket. One their problem that they were "who sit constantly doing nothing. in on them while they are "on the decided to check out the rest of the possible solution to the problem threatening to go to the Board of They are absolutely worthless." can" or taking a shower. dorms on campus to see if their would be student employment, Health. It sounded pretty bad. I According to many in this dorm, Although the men went to Dean janitorial services were as bad, where one guy per floor or per decided to check it out. the jobs accomplished by this staff Laidlaw' about their problem, it and I was surprised to find out that few floors would be paid to keep of three consists of just taking out didn't seem to satisfy them. During there were only a few complaints. it clean. With students keeping the garbage, "and in an eight hour their meeting with her on the Why all the big problem in it clean, there might be a little Wednesday, September 17. I day you can do more than gar- evening of Monday, September 15, MacLea, and what to do about it? extra cooperation from every- went to MacLea and found the bage." They come in early in the the Betes requested a mop and a . one. I say to the men living in bathroom in question. Section D. I morning, and "sit for a while." bucket "for emergencies," which MacLea--try a little to keep talked to some of the guys living "They loaf too much," "They drink she agreed to supply. By the time From what I can see, the the dorm clean by yourselves. there. They seemed anxious to talk on the job," "I've seen the lady this story went to press, however, problem boils clown to two things: To the cleaning staff-wake up, about their problem, to get it out in drying her clothes in our 'laundry these materials had still not been 1.) the staff themselves. People for heaven's sake, ana do the the open. I read them their rights room," were popular comments. supplied; in fact, on Friday, who had lived in other dorms job you're paid to do. And to to a clean bathroom; and they "They are paid-by the hour, but September 26, almost two weeks before they lived in MacLea said the entire administration-listen. preceded to give me the facts, just row they can move that slow is after contacting Dean Laidlaw that the MacLea staff just seemed There is a problem in MacLea and the facts. The whole mess began on unbelievable," was another about the mop and bucket, one to be a lazy one. 2.) The ad- the guys living there have been to Thursday, September 11, when a disgusted remark. I was told that Bete called her to remind her about ministration doesn't seem to want see you about it. Have you taken toothbrush became lodged in a in the first two weeks of school this them. Dean Laidlaw informed this to look into i~. The guys. don't know the time to see MacLea? Have you toilet in the bathroom serving C staff had mopped the floors once. Bete that he was mistaken; she where to go for help anymore, for seen the condition it is in, with and D sections MacLea, fourth According to-the students, the had never promised them a mop as one put it, "things will be clean water and dirt everywhere? floor. Naturally, the toothbrush bathrooms are rarely scrubbed, and bucket. She had promised that for a week, andwe'Il go through it MacLea has a problem, so let's clogged the toilet and flooding and when they are, it's a quick job. she would try to fmd them a mop again." O.K. We know that the clean up the mess. Case closed. resulted. Water, and you can imagine what else, was Alumni Gets Faeelift everywhere, and no one fixed it. On Monday, September 15, the Meg Hoyle janitors came in, investigated the Have you walked past Alumni joints, and then the whole outside of old buildings, the vines cause the bathrooms. situation, and refused to do Hall in the past few weeks and of the building will be covered with mortar to crack and weaken the All of this will cost Western anything about it. According to wondered what all of the noise and a coat of silicone, to prevent it from building. Maryland several hundred them it was the guys' fault for dust were about? Well, Alumni, aging so fast. Mter the new roof is put on, the thousand dollars, but when com- getting the toothbrush there to like many other beautiful, but old One factor which ages all workers will move inside, which pared to the cost of tearing it down begin with, so it was their buildings and people, is getting a buildings much faster is the ivy isn't in such good shape either. The and building an entirely new responsibility to do something facelift. covering the walls. Although many roof and walls leak, the heating building, it is much cheaper. about it. Meanwhile, things were The first step in renovati,ng the people think this adds to the beauty system is poor, and so are the continued on page 2, col. I getting pretty raunchy. The entire oldest building on campus is to is really a four step t*.*****'*********************"* section smelled allthe way from sandblast the outside, followed by fourth floor to the basement from a new roof and fresh paint. the back-up. One Bete commented, Sandblasting must be 1C Inside this Issue: "About the fourth day I was afraid process. First, the mortar Reactions to Kate ",)illett ~ that when I opened the bathroom sawed out of the joints, which is * * door I'd see sludge worms giving what. the workmen are doing now. 1C Homecoming Bands: the REAL Press Releases of me dirty Iocks." Things cwere Then comes the actual. job Mr. 1C *- slimy. Dirty. That evening, some sandblasting. According to of iC of the MacLea residents had a Preston Yingling, the director ViewPoints on Fraternities, Socialism'and the Army rouse meeting with Dean Laidlaw, more noise and dust. When this is 1C* this means even the physicalplant, and the following day, Tuesday, ***~*********************** September 16, things were finally done, the mortar is put back in the
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