Page 13 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 13
Wednesday. Sel?_tember 24. 1975 Scrimshaw Page 5 ... HI:LLO? YOV 5fty YoV ~a:D 1\ GooD World news StINt> fOR. 1bt'IoRJ?OI1lS HotttECO"IWG eowcetf.f? yes ..' HOLt> or-t ... The Department Students at University of Defense 1''If GoT lV,. mE f'[KFECr 8A11O FOR. Y'('~( announced that former Army has Lt. Texas at EI Paso the have elected of a William L. Calley Jr. will remain hamster to a student-senate seat. It free even though a federal appeals was the winner's campaign court has reinstated his conviction plaUonn that earned him the vote: in the killing of 22 Vietnamese "The only candidate honest enough civilians at MyLai. The Fifth U.S. to admit he's a rat." Circuit Court of Appeals over- turned a lower court ruling that publicity had prevented Calley After Richard Nixon's ad- from receiving a fair trial. Calley ventures with his re-election has been living in Columbus, Ga. committee, CREEP,. there was since last November when he was much discussion about what to 'call freed on bail pending ....................... by organization. Ford's Ford Committee, a decision campaign Gerald court. the appeals They settled finally on the President The strongest penalties ever or PFC. Dean Burch, who advised imposed on the nuclear power Barry Goldwater and Nixon and industry have been levied against Ford and knows whereof he the Virginia Electric and Power speaks, has come up with a better Co. (Vepco) for violations in idea. He would like to call it the connection with construction of its Committee to Re-elect Another four-reactor plant over a geologic President. You figure out what the fault in Louisa County. The Atomic initials spell. . Safety and Licensing Board fined ••••••••••••••••••••• Vepco the maximum' allowed by law, $60,000, and set up stringent Lawrence Welk has formally conditions that the company must announced that he will not run for meet to maintain a nuclear license the presidency in 1976. Welk has for its North Anna plant. In the received more than 5,000 letters history of the use of nuclear energy urging him to run since one of his only nine civil penalties have been fans, 'Anthony Derma of Santa power began Letters'to the editor levied against company three companies. Barbara, Ca., to the editors a write-in Vepco has received campaign on his behalf, Mr. Defina of them. No other received has of sixty sent letters more than one. Vepco was con- news'paper~ nationwide, ur-ging Dear Enchiladae, with confidence. I think Bill's Dear Enchiladae-- to make about victed of making ,~welve "mate~al ~e~k ~~~di~~. ~ ~;::~~~ , false to the Nuclear· .xp " statements I've a comment I would like to respond to what I statement concerning "pier the periodic, although unthinking, Regulatory Commission in althoughhecouldbnng harmony. feel is the crux of Bill-Cochran's pressure" is a fairly accurate article, published in last week's description, not only of groups of insensitivities that I've seen in the reference to .the geologic at the ~~~=~~t :nnddm;h::~:t ~n!~ I'm , Scrimshaw, on the subject of frat members, but of most social cafeteria during a few meals. of clap- North Anna site. =~i:ll~e~en~~ger .. , s, Im not to the practice. referring ••••••••••••••••••••••• fraternities. Loneliness is a sad groups in general. Standing alone situation in which to find oneself; can be a pretty unfulfilling ex- ping when someone accidentally The House created a select and oftentimes it is not completely perience unless there is some drops their food tray. Certainly the committee to ·investigate U.S. • ••••••••••••••••••••• the fault of the lonely party. reinforcement coming from people clapping don't intend it as a military anbel civilian personnel Reports of low morale among depart- police somewhere. Pier pressure is a personal criticism or putdown of still officially listed as missing in Houston empl:iasis over on the recruiting the person who dropped Asia. ment's The 10- in Southeast action their tray. . Clcsedcllques, ~~ether they be '~~::~:~ k~~~it~~ere:::~~~:~ Even so, though, to laugh at and member committee will have a life women resulted in this comment fraternities, so:ontl~, groups of coming from friends can help build publicize someone's momentary of one year, with a mandate to from Mayor Fred Hofheinz: day students or mdependents, have up enough confidence so that one clumsiness i:S, at best, a harmless report back to the House. by then. "We're going to offer police jobs to a tendency to remain closed except may singularly work through a to those few people who have tense situation. ~~ebU!n~t ~~~' \~~ro:n~~~ ~~~~a~~tw~:;~~~n1~e~~es!~:!:' ~~~~.,,\1fom~ regardless of enough confidence in themselves someone elses' feelings and bodies have not been recovered" •••••••••••••••••••••• or their egos to break through and ~o;m~~ make their presence felt. If we could all try to break down :~g~I'I~us~~ct; ~:~~::a~~:::ti~~di:::! i~ It's been discovered-that, for the Unfortunately, a lot of us do not some of the negative walls thing I need is people laughing determine whether there are ~r~rut!:~~t§~~:ltty ~~;;'n;~~ have the ability to face the ten- surrounding social groups in seness of starting a new general and work on developing a ~a~e~:l!us~:!/a~~/s=: :r;ac:~en still held as prisoners Con~ver, Wisconsin, has .be~n relationship from scratch. Con- persona] sense of worth in our- laughed at-and doing this to pee- ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~:ngb~ra~!~~o;~ a~e s~~ sequently, one group of friends selves and in our friends. I think may resent another group of the tension we feel here on our ~!,::ouAn~ay th:e m::e n:!~;. One of the same reporters who Jrev~nt milk-~aden cows f~ friends, not because they feel their campus could be reduced to a enough putdowns throughout every roamed through Henry Kissinger's St~PPlng on their ~dd~rs and lOSing clique is superior in some way, but workable level. day for all of us without handing ~:~~:~ (o~othe s~:t!O~~~ En~::; milk. They come m SlZeS up to 1M. because individually they find it Sincerely, out any more. dynamitelike long red sticks he •••••••••• -•••••••••••• AlanZepp hard to face a new relationship ·uS'I ng:Work'Ing? could sneak past police security Using a heavy bulldozer, a JohnSpringer O en HO , . ;r:n~::inf~~er~~~~ b~:~~t:~ :t=;e t:U;~w:f~ ~oils~cc:S;~ P ~~l~:,v;!r.=:~~n~~~~:.~:~~~~:!~:;'!;~~~j::J!'~ Mi~I~t1::r~t~~ate effects of the standard of conduct is concerned, should have been overstated so no ;~::n:~c~:~) tl!:!onry:~ ~~~ :~~;:.-~nW~~lli~o:~' ~~a:;:~ 24 mur open bouse policy on head dormatory residents are misunderstanding or -.-Confusion eleven of the sticks were (Kentucky) Trust and Banking campusha~yet to be realized, the waiting' for the semes!er to concerning proper procedure discovered, and all of those 'by ~ Company, and pushed a steel safe initial responses and attitudes progress before commentmg on would occur. tourists and maintenance people. about fifteen feet across the floor. towards the program are varied the behavior of students towards Eileen feels the new policy will The reporters even tried to get At this point, howev:er, the floor and diverse. The new policy, as one another and towards the help security; as she stated, caught. He had his picture taken, collapsed, and the thief fled. Bank: outlined in the Student Handbook policy. Many residents and "People have stopped sneaking while holding the fa5t,e explosives, Jresident David Herriman later , 1975-76, is based upon the belief students believe. nothing will around, going out side doors and riding on a Senate subway sitting reported nothing missing, eXcept that 'Western Maryland students ch~e from preVlous year;;, .ex- leaving them o~n. Now they can next to Sen. Charles Percy. The the wall and the floor. will make mature decisions cept that former restrlchve leave from the front door which Senator never even noticed. "I •••••••••••••••••••••• regarding their social behavior, behavior is now legal. Acco.rding to will lock from soon as the even tried to look suspicious, but it and that no individual has the right Sue Rudrow, House {l'esuient of security doors are IOstalled, and was a cakewalk," said the The Falls Hotel in Michigan's :. i;~~~.upon another's freedom ~~~~:veW~ Ha~~o=::er::'P~~ incur less of a hazard." reporter. Upper Peninsula posted the others in the past will probably Basically, the head resident of ••••••••••••••••••.•••• following sign in their lobby: No In addition to these basic continue to be so, regardless of one of the male dormatories' hotpants or bathing·suits allowed premises, the Handbook whether the 24 hour policy had agreed with the views I!'"esented .Co~:n~= ~~ ~~M:t~m~~ ~~o::~~se remove . that, above grow . specifically states, p. 38, "Open been instituted or not. above"and stipulated and cOurtesy for doll whose breasts "Growing before Up •••••••••••••••••••••• very eyes. your all, consideration visitation hours are not to be construed as permission for Both Roslyn Davis and Eileen others must be exercized by the Skipper" is equipped with a special The following quote comes from members of the oWQsite sex to McCauley, head residents of individual student for "the 24 hour arm' which, when given a twist, Representative Ingwer Hansen, sTeep overnight in a students room. Blanche Ward and McDaniel Halls, open ~use to work:"" All the causes two bwnps to grow on the after the Iowa house voted· to ban The college cannot and will not respectively, believe that a further residents. agreed that if. dorm doll's chest. MatteI says that pay toilets from all public places: condone a student's cohabitation clarification of the open house rule residents could not respect one "Skipper" helps teach children "In the three years I'v~ been in the with a member of the oWQsite sex might eventually be necessary to aooth~r's rights and privacies, the about puberty. What'U they think legislature, I)hink this is the fll'St in college' residence halls." insure the privacy of the resident 24 hour {l'iviledge would probably of next? "Growing Up George" time we've given relief to all the As far as violations of this students. Roslyn feels the policy be r~ked by the administration. perhaps? people of Iowa." ( \
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