Page 16 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 16
Page 8 Scrimshaw Wednesday. September 24, 1975 Sports Matt Bowers Earll With 40 players schedule in recent Soccer this year, Coach has the biggest' soccer team with the biggest ~jmTeramanj ACROSS 000' '~:'''' will -" Bob Toner history. Coach Earll has divided I~:=:!:,;oh. 1 Robust 2 Turkiollinn and a junior his team into a varsity 3PeIllt varsity, giving everyone a chance to play. The varsity will play 16 :~=~C"lob.1 Terrors In Action? games and the junior varsity 13n"_plain -7~::I'" 6"ill""'I.1 1. COftti...... lob.l play 5, including a New England trip for the varsity. 15~:t ... 8 Epinl ...... ) In football action last Saturday, offensive line is, they simply could Co-captains for this year's team 118awm. •• IEpi<:poom .... 18 ......... the Muhlenberg Mules out-played not stop the excellent Mule line. are goalie Chris Hannaby all MAC -~ 10 '"'i" 01 30 -- nion __ HitI> Ho .... on and totally outclassed the Green But, as in all disasters, there for the last 2 years, and Fr-ank 20:n 12Godol"_ 13"-11111....... Terrors 41-0. On paper the game' were several glimmers' of Jansson. This years team' has a 21 $wI...,. ...16~i':on_ 31D.pblack stacked up as a hard hitting contest brightness. Rick Rosenfeld punted veteran defense and a young line. J2=UM that would be a tough tass-up as to and ran back kick-offs for good The line has two sophomores and 22~"'" 111,,;. 11 Wit"ice .. _m 240. ....... who would win. But, as tackle Bob averages and Randy Day in- two fresbmen. COach Earll said 25c.ndid 210>tfonlministlt JJT .. nofi" I"" limo Sylvester aptly stated, it was "an tercepteda pass early in the game. jokingly that the biggest problem 26~::'''' unlnt i"""1 :E~~he exhibitiion in TOTAL INEF- Injuries that may hurt the is getting the junior halfbacks to 28 SouthAftieMt ::=~:I FICIENcY," on the part of the Terrorsforthenextseveralweeks play with the young line. :zg:'ch:;_ :::.u;;::.::... J7~=:!~~eoll.) Green Terrors. - occured in the game Saturday also. While the defense is the strength, It'''art.inbo ollnyl .. 44 Old Frendteoln every area of the Terror squad as and might miss a game or two. scoring punch, they should be 31='" 27Sprin'od o "';rForu rob.) :21Ilong_·of .... Muhlenberg seemed to run and Wide receiver Dave Severn was' strong. Playing ball control style of J2=::.t>e C9Sto •• t.b.1 ~- pass almost at will while amassing brutally tackled after a pass soccer, the team will use short ~~~ a staggering total of 626 total yards reception late in the game and he is cnep passing, with occasional long J6Con ..... l>tib .. offensively. The defensive line of out for at least 3 weeks with torn lead passes to the wings. : ~:::I~=.~.J..I;;,,+-!"~'-+-++-+-~~-+--j the Terrors so highly touted in past knee ligaments. Coach Earll said that this should weeks, seemed to forget how to As always, the men of Coach Ron be a successful season. With all the ~:=~ tackle the Muhlenberg ball Jones will pick up the pieces and Mason-Dixon Conference games _ . ....."'..,,";., carriers. try it again next Saturday against off the schedule, except for Loyola I......",. lob.) the Bridgewater Eagles. A team at home, they should be playing 42 PrlOfix: not 43 RigD.ous that always gives the Terrors a :~"nidc"'_ Quarterback Mike Reid, of the teams comparable to our own and Mules, was superb in picking apart rough time, Bridgewater is not with good showings in the 48"' ........ 01. the seemingly "paper-mache" quite as wed-balanced as scrimmages, a good year is ex- ~:::=..... -Ulnc'" Muhlenberg. secondary of the Terror defense. "pected. On numerous occasions, In all fairness to the Green The junior varsity and varsity Muhlenberg receivers were wide Terrors, several of them had open their home schedule this open and when they weren't open, comments of their own as to the Saturday against G;ettysburg at 2 quarterback Reid simply ran the defeat last Saturday. Safetyman o'clock. - ball down the throats of the Green Rick Rosenfeld drew attention to A Thought Terrors. the Terrors, "lack of tackling and defensive breakdown." He also A lot of schools have real live Offensively, the picture. was not stated that, "Therewasa total lack ~"""¥~~~~"""""""¥~~~~~~~~~ a whole -tot brighter, as Western of offensive punch," on the part of . ~~~~r~~gO!h~~os~!o~fr~~~~ Maryland quarterbacks Jay the Terrors. Bruce Belt, kicker, where they stand around looking Rodstein and Joe Damiano com- simply stated the best capsule mascot-ty and messing up the. pleted only 4 of 23 pass attempts comment saying, "They punished track. Wouldn't it be something if WE and hurled three interceptions. us!" they found, somewhere out in Defending these two passers was a Tasmania or Mozambique or rough task though, as Muh1enbergs In looking to next week's game, a wherever, a real live version of a defensive line put on a murderous big comeback is needed in order to Green Terror? We could keep it in pass rush. It was no wonder they get this team back on the winning a cage and drag it around to the didn't complete any more passes side of the scoring. But against football games and stuff, letting it THE for they just did not have the time Bridgewater it might be tough. loose on the visitor's side or to properly pick out their Personally, this reporter picks the something for excitement.,Just a receivers. As good as the Terror Eagles, a 21-10 victor. thought. I continued from page 7, col. 5 be several duplicate matches ENTERTAINMENT through the semester and the club Ha-Maccabim, WMC's only Jewish is presently seeking national CAPITAL CENTRE WILLING priviledges. organization, is proud to announce ranking ............ Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes, its reopening this year. In previous Billy Paul, M.S.F.B. years this organization has- Choice 9/26 and People's sponsored religious services and DELTA PI ALPHA is sponsoring bagels and lox breakfasts. This a television raffle. Raffled will be a Isaac Hayes and K.C. and the Sun- Led by the unknowing year it would like to expand its Sony If-inch portable TV. Get shine Band 9/21 horizons. Please come, to our chances from any member. Jethro TulllDI1 organizational meeting this' •••••••••• _.. Black Oak Arkansas, Faghat and Wednesday, September.24 at 7:00. Montrose 10/3 Are doing the impossible .we need you. The meeting will be On October 9, 1975, Becky Loggins and Messina, and Fleet- ............ presentation entitled "Careers in For the ungrateful. held in Rouzer Lounge. Williams, Class of 1975, will give a wood Mac t 0/5 Laboratory holds Williams, who Research." a BA Ms. in CDLE FIELD HDUSE, U. DF MD. THERE WILL BE AN S~A Biology, is currently employed at Rod Stewart and the Faces, and MEETING ON MONDAY, SEFf. Litton Bionetics, where she is Peter Frampton 10/11 29af7:30in Rouzer Lounge. All are involved in cancer research. All welcome to attend. . students and faculty are invited to McDONOUGH ARENA, We have done so much ............ _ attend this session, to be held at GEORGETDWN U. 4:15 P.M. in McDaniel Lounge. David Crosby and Graham Nash The HOUSING AND CONDUCT 10/11 COUNCIL had meetings on Sept. 17 With -so little, and Sept. 22. The former meeting Representatives from the United was the first organizational States Marine Corps will be on ~~~eo:e~~re:~u;fO:::~~_ f:~~:t:tu~:tU:S ~i~u::ro: DAR CONSTITUJION HALL For so long. present to provide a quorum. The career opportunities within the Barry Manilow 10/4 :~~ :~:Sin:s ~~~gr::~~eo~~ ~~.!~e~::e~1;, ~pt~o~:~ PAINTERS MILL and deciding on new housing 24, from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Janis Ian 1112 We are now qualified ~r:e~~~~ ~~t~ o~ew~:~ r.S""H'"'A""D""y""G"'R"D"VE.-------____J Gettysburg College, Union Building Scrimshaw. New Birth, Joe Simon, and Natalie Blood, Sweat and Tears, in Concert ............ Cole 10/10·10/12 September 26, at 8 p.m. To do anything The Western Maryland College also appearing, Tim Moore Bridge Club will be meeting on CELLAR DOOR ticketsS5.0D in advance, $5.50 at Thursday, Sept. 25 in McDanihl Willie Dixon and Band, and Geoff the door lounge. We extend an invitation to Muldaur 9/24·9/28 tickets on sale at Gettysburg College. With nothing! all who play bridge and all those Leon Redbone 9/29 ·10/2 ~~~~==~ 4~""""~"¥~~"""¥""""~~~""""~"¥~~~,. in the Union Building whoare~tolearn.Therewill~
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