Page 18 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 18
,._--_.. News Briefs ------ 1, 1975 Page 2 Wednesday, October Scrimshaw The National Teacher projects. If you don't have the time the Deaf, and e) experimenting •••••••••••••••••••••• Poets in the Grille. Once again a Examinations (NTE) will be ad- for a steady commitment, you can with a new model of service for the "An evening' of Theatre By and chance to experience some mind- deaf using the advocacy role. ministered on November 8, 1975, at sign up for our Task Force. When ...................... About Women" [s a contemporary shattering verse. Guest readers Western Maryland College which we get a call fora one-time need we look at today's women and the from VnL of Md., Washington has been designated as a test use this Task Force list to find the The Spanish Club will meet this many aspects of her life. It is a "no College, Loyola College, Coppin center. necessary people. evening, October I, at 6:30 p.m. in holds barred" theatre experience State, WMC, and Westminster. According to Jerald Wrubel, In the past our projects have Memorial 020A. All are welcome to that aims to portray the female of Come one come all, and bring" Director of Counseling and Career' varied from work with retarded' attend. Movies will be shown and the species as the social, in- your poems -- we'll bring the wine. • Services, these examinations are Cub Scouts, to visiting elderly refreshments will be served. Hasta tellectual and sexual creature she The fun will be Friday night Oc- offered to college seniors people, to sending books to ....................... is, through music, poetry and a tober 10, from 8:00 to ? la reunion! preparing to teach, to teachers prisoners and helping in the applying for certification or Carroll County Bike-a-Then. This series of one-act plays. • •••••••••••••••••••••• licensure, and to those seeking is just a hint of the areas that Ha-Maccabim, WMC's only With an enthus~a~ic and vibrant ATTENTION positions in school systems which students have become involved in. Jewish organization, is proud to ~~:Cti~fn ~; ~!Ue~e;sIXJ~'::1:~ ~~ -:;L STUDENTS INTERESTED encourage or require the NTE. The And it is student involvement that announce its first religious service, Weinfeld "An Evening of Theatre SUBMITTING POETRY, designation of Western Maryland makes Relay work: If you would to be held this Friday at 6:30 p.m. Byand About Women" is an ex- ,~~~!~s STO~bES, C~~:R~~~~ College ~as a test center for these like to take part in some good, in Rouzer Lounge. Also, a bagel penence examinations will give prospective healthy volunteer work, feel free to and lox-breakfast will be held no one sbould dare to W.M.C.'S LITERARY MAGA- teachers in this area an op- stop into OUr office. It's located in Sunday morning, October 12 at miss. Mark the weekend of ZINE, PLEASE SEND .portunity to compare their per- the basement of McDaniel on the 10:30. Both meetings will be held in :~~~~t:g8~ 9t~n~a~k~~i':ee~~ YOUR MANUSCRIPTS TO BOX formance on the examinations with side" facing Blanche. We're open Rouzer Lounge. The entire com- citing event. - ~Oih!45en~ea~I~~orT~~:r,al~~: candidates throughout the country Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 2. munity is invited ansi encouraged to attend. who take the tests, Wrubel said. 5 p.m. Or instead you can drop a ••••••••.•••••••••••••• THANKS MUCHI,; Y Last year approximately 100,000 note to Box 194. Thanks for your candidates registered to take the interest! O~ AItOWUl CtuttpU3 ... examinations which are designed •••••••••••••••••••••• J,ff Robinson to assess cognitive knowledge and "How long until Semester Break?" "What's the best way to get "I think I'm in love!" understanding in professional 'To date, the freshman class has "I was only awake until 2 last mustard stains out of these "He was right in the middle of the 6ducation, general education and' had two meetings. The first night. What do you mean I don't sheets?" -synthesization of ATP through 28 subject-field specializations. meeting was a general meeting look like I got enough sleep?" "wb-nen ere th-they going to t-tum cyclic photophosphorylation by The .exarntnauons, which are where class nominations were "There's no way you're ever gotng on th-the heat?" chlorophyl when all of a sudden my prepared and administered by accepted. A strong sense of to get me to eat that cardboard "Why am I the only one in here mind went blank." Educational Testing Service of competition and spirit was covered with tomato sauce again." studying while everyone else is out. "1 stopped talking with her for a Princeton, New Jersey, are 'displayed in the elections. Four "Gosh, the upperclassmen SUre there running around?" second and when I turned back designed to assess only those' students- ran for President, three are helpful around here." "Why was I the only one who around, she wasn't there aspects of teacher education that for Vice-President, two for "Why are the upperclassmen passed the calculus quiz?" anymore." are validly and reliably measured Secretary, three for Treasurer, always picking on me?" "How long until Semester Break?" "I'm already flunking out in 3 of by well constructed paper-and- and three for Historian. "How was I'supposed to know that "There's no way that I'm going to my 4 courses!" pencil tests. During the second class meeting, it was your pet cockroach?" get hooked on one of these girls!" Bulletins of Information the homecoming float was "Why am I the only one trying to "Hi, my name is Seymour." "How long until graduation?" describing registration procedures discussed. Right now, the class is sleep in this building while and Registration Fonns may be really interested in getting more everyone else is running around?" obtained from Mr. Wrubel or freshman to help with things like "Why am I the only one running directly from the National Teacher the float, future events and in- around this hour of the morning a Umbrella's Examinations, Educational teresting suggestions. while everyone else is trying to By: Mary Gately 'Testing Service, Box 911, Prin- ICyou are a freshman with ideas, sleep?" ceton, New Jersey 08540. the freshman class could use your "How long until Semester Break?" three little words, ••••••••••••••••••••••• help! Future class meetings will be "42 to O!" * are you happy? announced. ( ...... "Five dollars for parking where?" * make rainy day blues, The Circle K 'Club of Western •••••••••••••••••••••• "I'm running for freshman class grin and say ... to what, to a Maryland College will be sIXJn- president." "What's that?" * oh what the heck, soring a dance marathon to benefit A $31,000 training grant to fur- "So you're another bio major!" umbrella's keep you warm enough, the Maryland Association for ther undergraduate social work "I'm really sorry. My alarm clock until the dry spells come. Retarded Citizen, to be held in programs that deal with the deaf overslept." Baker 100 on October Wand 11. The has been awarded to Western "If you don't belong Marathon will run from 9 pm on Maryland College by the federal where with you?" Friday the 10th to 9 pm on. Office of Human Development "How did this dog get up into my Staph: Who To Blame Head Secretaries: Saturday the nth. Dancers will be Rehabilitation Services. room?" . The Hot Potato: Susan Coleman asked to obtain pledges of The grant is being continued for "I didn't know that they could Baron L. Tayler Nancy Eichelman donations to the MARC for each the fourth year at Western make army uniforms out of card- The Warm Potato: The Man Who Fixes The hour that they dance. The top three Maryland, where the funds are board." "That's no cardboard, Mark C. Bayer Books: money-raising couples will be used Ior salaries, administrative dummy, that's last year's left over The Cool Potatoes: entitled to go to Johns Hopkins in supplies, conferences, and ~on- pizza." Mark Katz Richard Naylor November to compete for a Grand sultants. . "She's a senior?" EI Supremo Drawer: . Matt Bowers Prize of $1000. Mrs. Mary Ellen Elwell, "Why didn't they call me and tell Spuds: Mark C. Bayer Providing music for the dancers assistant professor of sociology at me they'd called orr class before I Banner Artist: will be six live acts, with tapes the_ college, explains, "Within the ran through that mud puddle?" Susan Coleman Brian Trumpower supplementing the groups. Anyone social work program at Western "Which frat is holding a party this Mary Gately ~ Getting Rid ot'This Rag week?': interested in dancing should Maryland, a number of· students Denise Giangola Manager: contact a member of Circle K, or specialize in working with deaf "At which party are you getting Meg Hoyle. Jeff Robinson drunk tonight?" ........•............. specific course sign through know it was possible content dinner. up at the Cafeteria during clients and field work in a setting "I didn't raw bacon" to Lonni Myers Attorneys: Goldenstein Mindy Natterman Samuel bum where the deaf are served, and all Richard Naylor generalist social work graduates of "What's playing-down at the movie Jeff Robinson and SOI;\S What is Relay? Relay is an the college have some sensitivity to theater?" AND: A cast of thousands. organization of Sociology majors the special problems and needs of "She's a junior?" Kim Shewbridge The opinions expressed in designed to put interested students .Ihe deaf." "Was that your mother calling Sue Snyder this publication do not in touch with community volunteer The goals of the Western again?" ~ Jennifer Watts necessarily reflect those agencies. If you've even wondered. Maryland College project include: "Don't you ever change your Jim Teramani of the administration. Box what it's like to do something good a) training social work students underwear? " , Bob Toner 3· A, Western Maryland for somebody else we might be with a commitment to work with "Can I use YOUr... (A. toothpaste, Susan Tuley College, Westminster, Md., able to help you. We can put you in the deaf, b) sensitizing all social B. razor, C. shampoo, D. woman, Carlton Harris 21157 touch with one of the many work students to the special needs E. all of the above)?" agencies in Carroll County who are of the deaf, c) reaching practicing "Must you always listen to Bruce asking for help. social service personnel who may Springstien?" Some of our contacts will involve contact deaf clients. and their "How long until Semester Break?" a fairly large commitment, while families, d) providing social work "Do' you always eat in bed at THOUSANDS ON FILE others may only be one day services to the Maryland School for home?" Send for your up-to-date, lSD-page, mail order catalog of continued from pg. l,.col. 5 campus to be sandblasted. Some of those other im- 5,500 topics. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage and handling. Another reason to renovate rather _ Elderdice was also cleaned up, but provements include adding fire COLLEGIATE RESEARCH than rebuild is the beautiful just the limestone part, not the escapes to all of the language 1720 PONTIUS AVE" SUITE 201 handwork on Alumni. There are brick. It has made the stonework houses and to McDaniel Hall. In LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 few craftsmen today who are able much more noticeable, and it is addition, fire doors were Installed , 1--------------------------------------- ...------------. , to do that type of work. hoped. that it will do the same for in Albert Nonnan Ward. -! ! The administration hopes that the detail on Alumni. Right now, Alumni is no Name the work on Alumni will be com- The money for fixing up Alumni, beautiful sight, hidden by sear.' ! AddrllS1i t pleted by the first of November, as well as for other recent im- folding, but when it is completed, 1 City : but it ail depends on the weather. peovementa made at WMC has most will agree that the noise and L_~~:: ~~===___l Alumni is not the first building on rome from a state fund. dust were well worth it.
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