Page 20 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 20
Page 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday. October " 1975 Editorial' ************************************* Racism. A word that brings mention, or even hint at, the race thoughts of segregation, Southern of either group. . have to work too hard. Both One reporter, while in the midst the majority of students do not and bigots, red necks, Georgia cops, The editorial cartoon depicted a groups, The Commadores "put of one suchattack, tried to reason agree with the procedures used or Barnaby equally Bye, were Watts riots, Stokley Carmickel, band booking agent receiving a with the group, and asked' them the money being spent. Since it was down" and poked fun at, in a good, Black Panthers, KIu Klux KIan, call from a college to hire a band clean journalistic style. At no point what it was specifically in the a black band that was hired for the and cross burning to mind. Could for its homecoming dance the next in the article was it mentioned, or article that they considered racist. main show, it makes it all right. It this disease of the mind, this day. Obviously, this cartoon was even hinted at, the race of either No intelligible answer was given. also makes no difference to them scourge of the liberal, well I!leant to poke fun at the procedure When the group was asked .if they that Scrimshaw, its reporters and educated class possibly infect our, by which the SGA hires the bands. group, and no racial stereotypes, objected to the review of "Blarn- others feel strongly about am- slurs, jokes, or anything that might campus'? for our concerts, and implied that have even sounded racially ey Bull," the answer was; No, mending the methods by which Last week, Scrimshaw printed things were always done at the last Back-up groups are unimportant bands are hired, and that it doesn't three articles and one editorial moment, and as a result, providing prejudiced was in that article. What possible difference could be make a difference whet.btr the cartoon concerning the upcoming a mediocre outcome. Nowhere in So, "what is the problem?", you picked out between the spoof re- bands hired for this concert are homecoming concert. One article the cartoon was it stated, or even ask. The problem is' this: A views of either group? As was black or white. As long as the was an editorial, in which the hinted at, the race of either the sizeable number of black students stated before, both were equal- present procedures of hiring the procedure by which the bands for bands which were hired for our on this campus have referred to the ly "put down." Why this sudden bands for concerts are used, and as homecoming concert homecoming concert, people who wrote those three ar- outbreak of name calling and hot a result we 'end up with groups discussed, criticized, and Finally, the third article con- ticles last week as racists. '!'hey tempers on the part of some which the majority of the student suggestions for improving the cerning the bands was "A Spoof have also referred to the whole Black students? The obvious ra- body didn't pick, then Scrimshaw, system were offered. The Com- Review,"entiUed."TheCommodes issue as racist, and at times, have tionale behind these students' its reporters and other concerned rnadores and Barnaby Bye were and Blarney Bull." This spoof even gone as far as to call anyone reasoning is that anyone who parties will continue to write the Commadores mentioned only three times in the review by Mark Bayer, was who opposes for any reason; be it doesn't want the Commadores editorials, Personal ViewPoints, appearing, editorial, and nowhere was it. written using the press releases. that the person doesn't like The here is_a racist, pure and Simple. and Spoof Reviews to highlight the stated, or even hinted at, the race that the agents for the bands sent Commadores' music, or that the These students conveniently ignore shortcomings and results of such of either group. Herb Watson as a guide. A good person hasn't heard of them, or the fact that opposition to Barnaby practices. Another one of the articles was a percentage of the names, dates and that the person doesn't. agree with Bye, or more specifically, the Racism, in any form, cannot and Personal ViewPoint, in which Jay places were changed, but as the procedures used for hiring opposition to the method Of hiring should not be tolerated. Those on Rodstein offered his personal anyone can see by reading the them, a racist. Barnaby Bye is just as strong. this campus who are throwing opinion about the "blatant actual press releases which are A number of Scrimshaw's The only possible conclusion that racial slurs because of the in- vi~lation" of "SGA Constitution printed in this week's issue, the reporters have been verbally Scrimshaw can come to is that security of their position, and lack and parliamentary procedures," general format was followed. assaulted in public by Black in- these black students who are of defense of proper procedures which occurred during the process .All of the changes instituted to dividuals, but the worst abuse has calling the reporters, Scrimshaw, should stop and think about what of obtaining the bands that will be the releases in order to convert taken place when a group of Blacks and anyone -not agreeing with they are doing. Arter a moment's playing for us at homecoming, and them into spoof reviews were done has verbally attacked a single them, racists, are using these slurs thought, the question becomes the resultant financial output with the notion of making these reporter. Cries of "racist" and to try to cover up the fact that they obvious, "Who are the racists: The which the students are now paying. groups sound as small-time and "bigot" are common, and tension want a black band here, no matter one being accused, or the ones who At no point in his article did Jay unknown as possible. Mark didn't what procedures were used to hire are falsely accusing?" runs high. it. It doesn't matter to them that B.l.T. Personal ViewPoint- Phi Delta Theta by Mark Joslin Scrimshaw welcomes comments is the first indication that Bill is not a certain thrill to meet alumni or rebuttals on the views and well versed in fraternity lore. brothers and automatically feel the and (6) to encourage democratic like. But more important to me is opinions expressed in Personal Brotherhood - that's what unity of our brotherhood as strong principles (including freedom of that I have been able to branch out ViewPoint, If in letter form, the fraternity life is all about, 'at least as that which I have with the thought and action). As you can and meet more people with-dif- comments will be printed in the for the brothers of Phi Delta Thetg present brothers of our chapter. see, Phi Delta Theta is more than a ferent life styles through my - 'Letters to the Editor column, and if I certainly consider myself a But Phi Delta Theta does not stop herd. We try to help each other brothers and because of their. in article form, the comments and brother to many people, not just to there. We 'are an international improve his own life. diversity. rebuttals will be printed in the my fraternity brothers. But there fraternity. Just this past summer I Bill Cochran also said that the following week's Personal is a special kind of brotherhood met some brothers from Penn- We consider our bidding sessions fraternities "proudly display a ViewPoint. within our fraternity that is hard to sylvania, Virginia and one from as very serious matters. We try to large number of notices of Staph describe, but which is very ap- California. It was like meeting old consider whether the individual failure." Not so in Phi Delta Theta. parent when a group of brothers friends though I had never even will make a good brother and We had the highest GPA of the are together. We welcome at all seen them before. In Phi Delta whether the fraternity will be good fraternities, and one of the highest times, anyone to visit our section, Theta, brotherhood is true and for the individual. Our fraternity is for' any group on campus, last After reading Bill Cochran's eat with us at meals or just to talk binding. proud of its diversity and lack 'Of year. ViewPoint about fraternities, I felt with us about fraternity life 'or prejudice when it comes to that I should voice my ViewPoint whatever, so that you can get an selecting individuals for brothers. This is what Phi Delta Theta about fraternities. I would consider toee about our type of brotherhood. The purpose of Phi Delta Theta We would like to think that we are fraternity has proven to me and is: OJ to build loyalty myself slightly more We have a unity and harmony that fraternity the institution, (2) to help selecting the best people to con- my brothers. I sincerely hope that toward knowledgeable about Fraternity can never be broken, and we are its members develop into good tinue our high traditions. this letter has enlightened those life since I have now been on both p-oud of our one hundred "twenty- citizens and leaders, (3) to en- Since Bill Cochran used the that agreed with Bill Cochran's sides, as an independent and now seven year past and our traditions courage intellectual achievement, analogy of a tree supported by letter and I hope that it will make as a member of Phi Delta Theta that we have built during those (4) to have each member exem- splints, so shall I, but this time those interested in fraternity life fraternity. years. _ plify commendable conduct, (5) to taking a fraternity view. The more eager to come talk with us First of all, we are not "frats", Phi Delta Theta is a fraternity teach responsibility, citizenship fraternity has helped keep me in and take part in our activities but fraternities. This colloouialism for life, and it has always given me and help in the gaining of maturity, line while still giving me the op- Mter all, we enjoy life through the to grow as fast as I would help an~ SOCiety of others. portunity Personal ViewPoint LSD and the Army by Roger Levin Many Americans were were morally out of their astonished by the revealing jurisdiction. groups involved (CIA) are directly The army has purpoted the drug. He then had" them write evidence concerning the United responsible for any hardships reason for the experiments as compositions about their ex- Stales Army's attempts to induce There were no facts about the incurred. Their deductions about essential. Okay, let us assume that periences. Timothy Leary has been non-specific symptoms in "naive effects of LSD, so the organizations the effects of LSD were not well discovering new ways to kill is kicked out of. the country. or unsuspecting soldiers". Con- involved decided to surreptitiously based, and then they were not essential. Regardless of the sidering the lack of pragmatism, derive more information. It was a conscientious enough to follow up necessity of learning about the Ken Heasy of the Merry this type of drug research presents. proverbial case of "the end their experiments. This type of drug, there were 'better ways to Pranksters (subject of the an extraordinarily austere justifying the means", with the anomaly has already resulted in proceed. A lack of cogitation is the "Electric Koolaid Acid Test") situation. bope that the outcome could in- two published deaths, and an crux of the problem. The use of proposed LSD as an auspicious crease the United States' ability to unknown number of clandistine LSD was not appropriate to the discovery. He has been. in jail for win wars. Consequently, in a deaths and mental injuries. point of endangering the lives of his use of the drug. Yet the army The human mind is not a innocent men. Results could have has talked an enormous amount of technological instrument that can stealth manner, the army sub- The first and most annoying been ascertained with a standard people into taking the drug. Ob- be repatter ned by exoteric jected average human beings to a aspect of the army's experiments of ~thics. The worst part of t~e viously it is too late to undo what variants, and later restored to power greater than any physical were their specious tactics in enure ordeal surrou~ds the army s damage the army has caused. force. normality. The concept of any convincing men to take part. It is lack of concern for Its men, once authority blindly attempting _ The individuals that were in- true that the men were told about the experiments were terminated. If this is a harbinger of future "secret research" of this nature is fluenced to become guinea pigs "an experiment", but the No fOliO":",up look.' an? when the military action, then I suggest a incredulous, but the fact that were oot prisoners on death row. relevance and type of experiment drug evinced action III some of tighter set of laws be imposed on two respected and prominent They were normal, everyday was made to seem insignificant. these men were drastic, the army the military. Men are drafted organizations were involved defies people whose lives were being Very often the men were sub- could do nothing. against their will in wartimes, and moralistic order. flagrantly subjected to alteration. jected to the effects of LSD without this we have learned to accept. But Without any presentiments about Most would undergo the effects of being prepared. It is possible that a to chance the future of a human enigmatic effects of LSD on the the drug and be perfectly fine, but very "bad trip" could result from Timothy Leary, the ex-Harvard being by subjecting him to a covert human mind, the U.S. army with there were still those that would be experiment is wrong. This was not the help of the University of permanently injured, and some inducement without warning. This, professor, had more morality in his a fortuitous mistake, and it seems Maryland Medical School, plunged would even die. in itself, is a violation of human experiments than the army. He to defy the predictions that into experiment procedures that rights, and their methods resemble told his students that they were surround the formation of a The U.S. army .and all other that of a police state. subjecting themselves to a new democracy.
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