Page 14 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 14
Page 6 Scrimshaw Wednesday, September 24, 1975 Music and -Movie Reviews BLUES for ALLAH Jennifer , LOVE and DEATH, plus Part 2 WALKING TALL About two years ago, the Grate- he gives the song itS final MarkC.Bayer ful Dead divorced themselves sparkeling touch. A year or so ago, The New York all over the nice, clean rug, and, probably mean even less. from the Warner Bros. Record, "The Music Never Stopped" is Times had this·to say about Mel well, you know .. that kind of thing. Part Two Walking Tall was Inc. This break-up was due to another virtue of this child. Brooks Blazing Saddles: "One Since Allen is his own writer, made by a different production the fact that the dead-line Perhaps Iam so complementary of remembers along with 'the good director, and star, he creates more company and has a different fatigued Dead were having a it because I can never get my fill of gags the movie's desperate, bone- problems for himself. One gets the director, screenwriter, and cast, beautiful affair with the pes- Bob Weir's smooth mellow voice. crushing attempts to be funny." Impression that Allen can't bring none of whom seemed to un- sibility of independence and In fact, it is disappointing that this Such a comment would be far more himself to edit any of his material, derstand the first picture. acted out their ideas by forming is the only song on the album where appropriate in describing Woody and so all the characterizations are Everything is cleaned up here, and their own small record company he sings lead. This is also Weir's Allen's new movie Love and Death, sacrificed for the sake of the everything is sacrificed as a result. and they then produced ROWld composition. "The Music Never a flamed effort whtcfibeverthejess flimsiest joke. Diane Keaton, Buford Pusser, as played here by a Records. Having "room to move", Stopped" begins with a catchy is knocking most critics dead. playing Allen's cousin suffers the Steve McQueen look-alike named the Dead gigged together (l.e. drumbeat, and the frolics of Allen may well be the Parlor of the most, as she is constantly required Bo Srenson, changes mlraeulously Wake of the Flood, Live from Mars Gareis, Weir, and Phil Lesh, on movie industry; he rmgs the bell to change her feelings toward Allen from the imperfect, revenge- Hotel) and apart (Old and In the their guitars. Bob Weir's voice and everybody salivates, Love and for no better reason than for Allen seeking bulldog he was in the first _ Way, Seastones. etc.), but what then adds to the animation. As the Death isn't bad, but it isn't the to slip in a few one-liners. Through picture to a crusading Robin Hood- was even better was that their time song gets a little older, it slows second coming either. all this we are reminded that Allen Pau1 Bunyan _ Wyatt Earp figure was their time. got his start as a monologist, and with no hwnan flaws and no in- down into the chorus where Donna Godchaux begins some bluer notes, , apparently never quite kicked the terest either. The fact that the Unfortunately, the beauty of it and Bob joins her in a nice in- habit. Love and Death becomes too Sheriff Pusser of the first picture all faded with time. Their modest terplay of vocal chords. Donna has . Love and Death parodies the frequently a stand-up routine was an unlikable character who, autonomy was threatened - by a very unique, complimenting works of Dostoievsky, Tolstoy, and relieved by some spectacular but attracted a nation's sympathy bigger and inevitable things. voice. I can't descnbe it, except by Ingmar Bergman, but an extensive rather artificial scenery. Un- .anyway was a' tribute to the Grateful Dead Records comparison. Of all the female knowledge of the works of these fortunately, the movie's visual moviemaker's skill and talent. The decrepitated because of business vocalists I have heard, her voice individuals is not required. Set in opulence only' serves to remind us sequel just takes the easy wayout. and financial hassles. most resembles Maria Muldaur's. Tsarist Russia during the time of of how much better Allen was when the movie follows Allen Napoleon, Six months ago, the Grateful After the chorus, the song suddenly the disorganized spirit of his As those who saw the. original cousin, Dead remarried. They now have a revives itself to its former frolics as he marries a reluctant war hero, earlier movies fit in much better remember, Pusser was seriously becomes an inadvertent very happy union with Universal with Schuster on saxaphone. The with Allen's anything-for-a-joke injured and his wife killed in Artists. They are also relieved of complementary and contrasting and meets death several times, the tendencies, as it did in Allen's best ambush set by the bootleggers he coping with hairy financial mat- moods 'of the melody and chorus 1ast when he is blamed for an movie. 1970's Bananas, from which was trying to wipe out. Part Two ters on their own. The recent form a well-rounded piece. - abortive attempt to assiassinate Allen seems to be pedaling farther folIows Pusser after he gets out of product of this is a brain-child "Help on the Way" is another Napoleon. The course of Allen's away from every year. the hospital in which he spent a named Blues for Allah. delight. It is a very catchy, light, short life provides us with about 12 year, and his further attempts to This child is wonderfully unique love song with some nice Garcia really first-rate gags (Allen: ,"If dean up what's left of' the and progressive, because the Dead bits on guitar and love-lit voice. only Icould see a real miracle, like Love and Death, however, is at operation makes for a very routine aren't afraid to experiment with Rob Hunter's lyrics strike a a burning bush, or the seas part, or least partially saved by its in- picture with car chases and their distinct style. Unfortunately, savoury balance with the music. my Uncle Sasha pick up a check") telligent intentions. A completely nothing else. It's hard to figure out I am not saiisfied with some of (Paradise waits-on the crest of a and about half as many enjoyable predictable potboiler called Part why writer Heward B. Kreitsek their song-experiments. . -. wave-her angels in flame- .. poised groaners involving visual twists on Two, Walking Tall seems to have didn't just sell his allegedly I don't like the new chemicals in for flight-wing spread-bright such phrases as "owning a piece of nothing better in mind than to rip factual screenplay to McCloud or the title-track, "Blues for Allah". spcing from-night into-the sunol land." The Test is Jest-moving off its exciting and brilliantly Cannon instead. The original This song resembles an Arabian "Slipknot" Wlexpectedly springs filler which completely disin- measured 'predecesscr. If you Walking Tall succeeded in making chant complete with chanters, (not from "Help on the Way." This is tegrates in the final third of the didn't see the original Walking a legend of the real-life figure of always on key), backed up by a my favorite instrumental on this movie when Allen's cousin is trying Tall, Part Two will probably mean the late Sheriff Pusser. In Part bongo drum, random clashes of a album save for "Sage and Spirit." to get Allen to shoot Napoleon, and nothing to you; if you did see Two all involved are completely cymbal, and a sjngle bass line. The -;Jazzy and free-flowing, seasoned Allen refuses because it'll get blood Walking Tall, the sequel will suckered in by the same legend. melody becomes dull in its over- nicely with some "height-defying" ,', repitition, a1ih9ugh Rob Hunter's strains from Garcia's guitar, this •••••••• To The Tusk lyrics are typically nice. (Arabian song is an appetizing mixture. It •••••••• wind-The needle's eye is thin-The makes a reasonant liaison into ships of state sail on mirage- and "FralUtlin's Tower". This song is Dear Tusk, drown in sand-) The style is quality Dead, bouncy, vibrant, and In the premier issue of Scrim- Dear Used to be Confused. picture takers. Yup, that's us, and Original, but I don't think that the reminiscent of "Mississippi Half- shaw there was a question ad- I refer you to the "Letters to the we're damn proud of it. Too bad not total effect of the song is equal to Step Uptown Tood1eloo" on Wake dressed to you with regard to the Editor" column of last' weeks everyone has the ability to laugh at the effort of the musicians. They er the Flood. fines and penalties one receives for Scrimshaw. It contained a letter themselves. are floundering on an alien Progressive and sentamental, removing attached furniture from pertaining to the matter you refer As for the spelling of Scrimshaw, tangent. Original and typical, exciting and the walls. Your answer brought to to, and the short, but concise an- why don't you .try looking it up in "Blues for Allah" jumps in (and dull, mellow and from ja~z to its my mind another question, which I swer that follows says it all. the American Heritage Dictionary later out of)· two instrumentals classical counterparts, Blues for think is yours to answer. of the English Language. Its on appropriately entitled "Sand Allah is a potpourri of interesting page 1167, column ~, line 25. You Castles and Glass Camels" and paradoxes 1n your replay to "Confused" you will note that Scrimshaw is spelled "Unusual-O-ccurrence~ in the Note: The Gratefu1 Dead will be stated that "students would be S-C-R-I-M-8-H-A_W. Not bad, huh? Dessert." The music sounds like on tour soon, but due to the over- charged for any furniture which Dear Tusk, the titles, especially with the aid of crowding at concerts the concert they had "moved and had not I have a number of questions ,-- --; Bill Kreutman and Mickey Hart on announcenents will not be so reattached into its' original regarding Scrimshaw. In the flrst percussion. Their special dessert widespread or posted so far in position at the end of each school issue I noticed that there is a effects were created with in- advance, as they previously were. year." Then at the end of your request for a photographer. Why? Crassifieds struments like' finger cymbals, '--=:;:---:c.-::--~-, replay, you state" probably Since the emergence of Scrimshaw G~m~~~~~nth~~b6:~'w~~ gongs, bongos, chimes, .and won't be billed for anything." For there have been so few pictures make a man feel sexy is to give crickets. If you. like desserts and an answer that is supposed to clear that I could' COWlt them on one him a good fright. So when herl- progressive, very abstract, "space WANTED---comic books, up the confusion of "Confused hand and still have enough fingers husband came home from the music", you'll like these pieces stamps, and related materials. see Dorm Dweller", you leave.a lot of left over to do a number of things office, she let loose a scream from There are a couple of other mark, rower 330 things unsaid and some things said Another portion of this rag (an the bedroom. As the woman tells ::r~!~~tj;or:, ~~ ~h;ni~~b~ ******** ~:e;a~:~ema~i[~er s~:~~ apt description) that has bothered ~0~~1~~;~~:~coarn;~ f~~~~~ is the box me from the begilUling They conform or contrast to my BaIt. SWl or Wash. Star delivered problem. which contains the names of who to he tripped over a chair and fell out moods. "Crazy Fingers" is another door-to-door 7 days a week. See blame. Up Wltil now I was Wlder of the window." Well, he did spend ambiguous piece. Sometimes I John Norment McLea A-13 I think that in all decency you the impression that the staff of a the next week in bed-alone- made f:~Iif~I~~: ~en~er~~:~ ******** ::~l !~Vc~ a~~~~d ~eth~f~~ paper was and the like. up of writers, recuperating from the accident I am happy editors, continess. It sounds like an old Wanted: Return of the 2 copies of: Student Handbook. Again I quote, that I have been corrected by this An advertisement from the New, and the chorus An Evening of Theatre by and "Installed furniture may not be paper. I now know that a Smyrna, _of it almost reminds me of about Women which were stolen detached from the wall." Nowhere newspaper staff, I mean staph, is classifieds: Florida,. Observer all "Attention to "Ukulele Lady." from the Ho.over Library. They are in your answer do you say that it is made up of enchiladas, peons, people who purchased our Wonder Despite a few questionable my personal property and I woul1 still against the rules to remove drawers, and picture takers. Auto Gas Savers. Our ad read 'If songs, I think that "Sage and appreciate their return by Campus attached furniture from where it is One last question. Who told you not satisfactory, money will be Spirit" was a great experimental Mail. No questions asked. Tim attached. Are you willing to accept how to spell Scrimshaw? returned.' So far, all money we Box..9A. success. I was surprized that the Weinfeld, ******** and pay any fines given to people Yours Truly, have received has been satisfac- Dead did a semi-classical piece because they removed furniture Thomas Maskell tory." and so well. Bob Weir is the artist Records. New; any label. $4.50, from the walls based on your an- behind this bealltifu1 aria. As the order only. Western Md Elec- swer?Ina.casesuchasthis,Ithink Police b;tt1ed a gang of bandits title implies, this tWle is light, airy, tronics, McLea A-13 that you shou1d have made it clear Dear Tom, your questions in the in southern Thailand last week. A To answer ******** police spokesman said the battle ~;:e::rym:i~ia~') St~~~!~us~~ :::e~h~o;u O:rein~~~:ta~~~ above hereby pceviously stated began when the bandit gang, lead excellently. Fluting and STEREO EQUIPMENT. New, any based on something other' than order, first, we requested a disguised as policemen, challenged floating around the crisp, clean, brand. DiscoUnt Prices. West. Md. official policy' statements. photographer be on the staph just a group of policemen, disguised as acoustic-guitar licks of Garcia and Elec., McLea A-13 I used to be confused but then I in case we need one. Admittedly, bandits. . Weir, and Keith Godchaux's pi.@no, learned how to read the real rules. thats oot too often, but just in case Enchiladas, peons, drawers, and 1- -'
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