Page 21 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 21
Scrimshaw Page 5 ersonal'ViewPoint: The New" Socialism? by Richard M. Tucker . n Traditionally socialism has property is sanctified and creating plants. The "new" denoted the economic system guaranteed in our Constitution. .soctaltsm has contributed to our whereby the political state, rather' However, since the days of inflation, negating any positive than the people individually, own Franklin Roosevelt, illiberal effects of the Great Society and control the use of the means of elements have crept into our programs (which/directly lead to production, i.e. capital. The society, slowly undermining our the fiscal deficits which were the essence of this meaning is to be freedom in the name of social initial causes of the inflation). found more in the verb "to control" progress. The government of our Perhaps most important is that the than in the verb "to own", for as time is continuing this. trend, by "new" socialism lives in an en- we shall see, the ownership of enlarging the state control over the vironment which encourages-an ·r.0mething is not always necessary use of resources to the detriment of horrendous abuse of the ponucar for the control of it. Under society as well as of the individuals processes, denies us a true un- socialism the economic decisions whose rights are abridged. The derstanding of our capitalist of what to produce, how to produce government is socializing our SOCiety, and deprives us of our just it, and for whom it shall be economy without acquiring the . freedoms. produced are centrally and ownership of the means of politically planned, whereas under production, and opening the Is this "new" socialism newt No capitalism these same decisions possibility of 'government in- it is not; its heritage is to be found are determined in a decentralized fringement upon freedoms other in the history of EUropean Mer- manner as households express than economic, including the cantilism, for while (here are their preferences through markets academic (as witnessed recently many important differences to the corporations which satisfy by the HEW regulations fo'r ar- between now and then, there are these demands. Immediately it firmative action in the hiring of many more essential similarities. should be clear that a market professors). Whether it be called Then, as now, the governments economy will be more efficient in nationalization, regulation, sub- relied heavily upon regulation of satisfying the multitude of sidizatlon, or control (as in wage the economy, encouraging material desires in a society and price), the content is the same monopolies, begging political (leaving out the question of the -subjugation of the individual to scandal, and bestowing privilege. desirability of the income society rather than the proper Governments then as now were distribution) as it is the individuals subjugation of SOCiety to the in- often corruot in administration and themselves rather than some third dividual. This is the "new" unproductive in output. Free ex- party, i.e. the state, who dictate socialism--control without the change was discouraged as it is their desires to the producers, and ownership of the means of now in many markets (especially the producers will listen at- production--and books could be international markets). Perhaps tentively, as their very existence written (and have been, although the major difference between now depends upon howwell they satisfy apparently they remain unread on and then relevant to this discussion their customer needs and use most campuses) on the many is that the businessman was respected Letters to the Editor resources efficien.tly. It is nearly manifestations of this perhaps..more certainly he then than not now, but was phenomenon only one of these as obvious that two systems of economy is com- The "new" socialism typically trusted short, what we are patable with freedom. A centrally proceeds as follows: 1) The Witnessing is a return to the Dear Editor: . decent subjects to print or do you planned economy will, of government perceives a problem; ignoble past (though it may be In the last Issue ~f the paper think this is what we really want to necessity, have absolute coercive 2) It applies a program; 3) The argued that mercantilism was there were three articles and one, read? I was particularly disturbed power over property, and hence program aggravates the problem necessary for the political cartoon. devoted to the by the spoof review on the the society will be unfree by or leads to new ones (in which case development of the nation-state). homecoming concert. !thank Y9u Homecoming bands. Maybe you Western man's. definition of back to step one); 4) Rather than for the coverage, even If they were have all the information about freedom, which is so firmly built slightly negative in viewpoint. I'm them (which I know you do after upon the fight of private property. ~:i~~~i,ngit it~I~:!On~~il~~·v~~~ It is of no small consideration sorry that there Y:'~sno ?ne a~ound talking to Herb Watson), but the The only alternative to central sector and attempts more control that Adam Smith's classic An to give you a positive VIewpoint to rest of the campus does not. Why planning in a complex economy is For example, the FPC i~ Inquiry Into The Nature And heJp balance the articles in the last not let us know the real state of the decentralized market. responsible for the interstate Causes ~f The.Wea!th Of Nations issue. I guess that would be like affairs? Perhaps I would have natural gas " "shortages" by its was ~ubhshed 10 1776, the year of looking for a needle in a hays~ck. found the review funny after the If man is to have any rights, he price controls. Fortunately they do ~r birth as a nati~~. This book. a I don't wish to argue over pomts concert, but right now I feel weas a made in the last issue for that student body have a right to know :~s~~~~:~tb~Si~f;:~~e~i~~v~~ :~ r::n~:t~ i;~s~~~:u~::g p;~::~ ~a~~~~r~~h;~ tha~,t~~~a:C;~~:)t would not accomplish anything. I the facts about the bands we will be the thought and writings of many there are no shortages, although against the ill!beral ways of the would just like to ask students not paying to see. philosophers, the only way to prices are higher. Now what do government of Its day, the greatest to develop a completely negative implement this right is to allow some officials propose? What else, . prono.uncement ever of the free attitude towards the homecoming Also, there are often comments private ownership of property, as government intrastate regulation and liberal natur: of the market concert, but to come out on October on whether or not certain articles this is essential in enabling man to by the FPC! This is a vicious ~onomy, a...nd a tribute to Western 31 and then judge what has been are true. The reason for this is earn a living independent from political cycle by which' our Ideals. The book greatly affected done. I would be the first to agree merely that you print so much that ~~eper~~'ec~t~oe~tn·fTJ~We....n'"'R~~~eio o•.~ economy is coming more and more :e develo,hpment of our nation and thr-r the system that was used this is intended lor jokes that true ... " '-"'" .. " under the control of the state eserves e attention of all men of and in the past for securing articles w.hich happen to be ~:~~::~a~~~tr~~u~e t~a:a~h~~ which is anything but trul; !h?u~t th~~ daYS I would like to - i !.i,e homecoming bands is not the representing 0"' be" Interests. i:}~~g:~~~~g~~'~;fn]:~~~ best and steps are being taken to ~~f::2.r.f~:~i.:~~tE~~~~~~~~nUI>'~ '~:~lil;':~"~; change it. If I'm going to be judged for what decide which articles are true and to the individual on an involuntary This socialism has resuited and economy, the proper role of I've done, then let me be judged which are jokes. After that, it won't basis. Ina free society man may be is resulting in the inefficient government in a free SOCiety, and fairly. Students are making ac- be long before Scrimshaw meets ~~~~::i~~ :~~~h~% ;:~~ :ll~:~~n :~~:orU;c: {~~~:~,nc= the rrtpriet y ~f S~CifiC govern- cusations without having all Uie facts before them. I also hear students indicating that if they :~~~1:ef~~~~e~!~::~~:1~i ~: v:~~~t~~'t;n~o al:~~t w:~ ~~~b~t~!~ero/h~~o::" :~u:~ ~!~~~r~e~~a~~~~;::Jr~~; haven'th~rd of a group, then they enjoyed reading them. You have d~pe,.nS":n,:?::'mo.,,n ~'hOf,- ond inadequate level of economic alternative to liberal market must be no good. I hope that we are many good writers who can in- ..... ".... "... ......... .. growth and hence the creation of decision making in a free SOCiety, not all that narrow-minded. I feel corporate fwmy ideas in their moral nature of our society that the unemployment as companies is deserving of deliberate thought I've done my best with the task ~~~t~~ w~~/,~a~:~o~~~ c~; ...."'_in_"_P'_'_Of_",_iv_,te_ow_n_""_hi_·P_Of_""_,_,,,,,_n_o,_,_o_in_V_",_'_in_n_e_w..;i_ob-_in_'hi_·'_B_i,_,n_',_nn_i_"_Y_.';.'_.__ that was before me and that the oomecoming concert this year will be, if not the best, then one of the :o~t~te~~:n~r s~~s~ ~~~ t~~ Homecoming Concert. These, hiS disposal a list of bands I not been served and we strongly better concerts that we've had to read, but from now on try to use ~~~~~~~~eh~;~ ;=~~a~~~~~:~~ ~~~:~ab~rye~he ~S~:;se~t~~e~!'~::6~~~~~~ill;~~sl~;~~: date. Again I ask students not 10 turn their noses up at these groups, ~~::;i.on A insa~~st~S~~t~I~: ~~~~fw~:o~e ~~Ioi~ t~~:~ -~~~~~~at~~otl~s~IY b!~~ee n~~:~ :~aitso~U~n~nt~~es~~~e~~~! ~i~i but to give them a chance and then satirical highlight often makes the disawroval of his achons. on by the students, but were vir-· take all actions necessary to see make your comments. reader think more about what he is Adm.lttedly, ther~ bas. been no tually unheard of on this campus. that this does not happen again. Sincerely, reading, but honestly, turning an ~et policy for plann~ng thiS co~cert The issue is complicated by the Sincerely yours, Herb Watson ...................... ::a~l~ecJoe~!?t ata~~rc~:h ~~~~ep::.t 7n~~e ~~~~f~~~~,~ Pa~t ~~~~a~u~:~~eC~~~it~e: c~~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Council Interfraternity S.G.A.President of $15,000 for Homecoming han~~. TIus ~s~o~~r protest. Yours truly, tact. budget Patty Crouse Dear Editor; first came out, ...................... &:-:s;a~netss~u~t~~n a~~~:~:e:c~~ Mr. :~~~:~t ~s foi:ce~~~d;ayn~";,ri::~~ if we Dear Editor, ". ostrIches. " to $3.00 extra to see this concert, as As on~ of the on largely own, their When Scrimshaw I thought it used great gimmicks to ~~!~~~, t~!d~hO~~:~~;~:~y ~~ "f:~n~x~~:b~~~ in the spring. This .~~~e:il~la ~~~~~.~ha~~~~~ get the attention of the WMC Dear Editor, student. body. O.K. guys-you've We are writing in regards to the ;~~ce~te s~~~~o~~~eson~~r p~o~ col~t~a~~~~::!ortuene~e ~a~~~~ :o~~~~gs~s~;:~~ ;~C~i:~.o~i~~ got our attention, so how about decisions Herb Watson announced ]udgem,ent, but a lack of concern However, they have been, a~d we of all, I did not ]o~n a sororlty_ getting serious and really in- at the SGA meeting on September fo.r the mterests of the students on are forced to live with the situation lbecause I needed friends. I have forming the students? - 15, 197· concerning the Are you having trouble finding arrange ~nts for the hiS part.. as it stands, The fact remains that continued on page 7, col. 1 Herb has admitted that he had at the interests of _most students have
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