Page 12 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 12
Page 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday. September 24, 1975 Editorial************************************** Well, its that time of year again since the SGA meeting of last May asking prices. On this other list handle the picking of the band for when the rumors start flying about had not settled upon a group, they were such perfonners as: Dawn the concerts, this practice should hire a band for enough in advance whats happening for homecoming, had left it in his hands to line a (5,000), Mac Davis (6,500), and in be terminated immediately. Since so they'll plan their schedule not and how much its going to cost. group up over the summer.' the 7,000 price range, all of the it is the students money that is around us, about and whether have us they can worrying Since it was just announced a few It seems that for the money that following: Tower of Power, Grass paying for the band, and in this fit us in their schedule. days ago that the two groups to be the SGA will be putting out, we Roots' Flash Cadillac, Anne MUITY, case it will cost three dollars for a The previously outlined policy p!ayingatthehomecomingconcert could have hired a better known Poco, Eagles, King Crimson, student to buy a ticket, it seems should hold true for all SGA are to be "The Commodores", for group, which the students wanted. Steely Dan, Wishbone Ashe, fair that the students should have sponsored concerts. For the Spring $7,000 and 'Barnaby Bye", for In his possesion, Herb had a list of George Carlin and Kris Kristof- vsome say about what group they Concert, a poll should be run at $2,000, it seems that a litUe com- the ten groups that the students fenson. ! will have. Obviously the student about this time of the school year, ment is forthcoming about this had picked as their top choice for It is very hard .to believe that all input had little to do with the final so the SGA could hire the band years choice of bands. last years Spring concert. The list of the above groups were "not outcome of which band we're before December. Once again, this The first reaction to hearing who in decreasing order of popularity going to be in the area, were going having at homecoming this year. will insure that we have one of the will be playing at the concert is was: Jackson Browne (3,000), to be out of the country or were Furthermore, to insure that the bands that the students have usually, "Who the hell are the Gordon Lightfoot (no price), liable to skip out" on us, as Herb students have a say in this matter, picked. Commodores and Barnaby Bye?" Linda Ronstadt (4,000), Dave stated. a poll should be run second The time has come for the For some inexplicable reason, that Mason (no price), Uriah Heep (no The blame cannot lie com- semester every year to decide the students, and the SGA to get off question can't be improved upon. It price), Blood, Sweat and Tears (no pletely with Herb, or any other homecoming band for the, next their (censored) and get moving. seems that just about no one h!ls price), Marshall Tucker (no SGA president for that matter. It year, and then someone assigned Lets put an end to the policy of heard of them. To try and find out price), Fleetwood Mac (no price)" lies with the whole method in which by the SGA should be given no delaying until .the last final' how we were graced with these two Bonnie Raite (3,000), and Bruce the selection of bands for our other responsibility than to hire moment and ending up with groups, Herb Watson, SGA Springsteil:l (2,500). Also in Herbs concerts iSI carried through. To one of those groups picked by. tne "superstars" such as the Com- president, was queried about the possesion was a list of other per- start with, even though it is students before' the end of .seccnd madors, and Barnaby - Bye. situation. He let it be known that formers and groups, with their customary to let the SGA president semester. In this way, the SGA can . B.L.T, Personal ViewPoint: Frats by Kurt Glasser Scrimshaw welcomes comments put their name on the rush list. If can go through college as an in- fraternities play an important role jackass would run into some strong or rebuttals on the views and independents want to rush, they do dependent and get used to it, or get in the social life on campus and disagreement. opinions expressed in Personal it on their own. bored to death. Of course, some why some decide to join. "Herds" ViewPoint, If in letter form, the independents like being in- also accused fraternities of holding Maybe I can clarify some further comments will be printed in the Speaking of independents, how dependents. That's fme, but some dehumanizing ,bidding session, the misunderstandings. When a frat Letters to the Editor colurnn, and if can an independent speak of the don't and that's why 'some go process whereby the frats choose sings" "to hell with you", they in article form, the comments and evils of fraternities when he has fraternity. the people they want to live with don't really mean it literally. So all rebuttals will be printed in the never experienced them from the for their remaining college li~e. you people that feel left out when following week's Personal inside. On the other hand, all frat Everyone does this, be they you hear it, relax. ViewPoint. members were at ' one time in- The statement made in "Herds" fraternity members or in- We also don't stand outside our Staph dependents. We know what being that frat members join mainly for dependents. Everyone chooses sections after every concert or on independent is like and we brotherhood isn't true. First of all, their friends so everyone is guilty party and insult each other. When prefer fraternities. To each his you can't make a generalization of dehumanizirig behavior, right? it does happen it's only in-fun and I own. about why indiViduals go. frater- seriously don't think anyone walks FRATS by Kurt Glasser I'd also like to know what's nity. Each has his own reason and I also resent the notion that round with an inferiority complex wrong with wanting to belong to a until someone goes out and takes a graffitti on the college library for the next day or so. group of people. I think it provides poll, not even Bill Cochran will walls is a reliable source for Lguess it happens every.year at a chance to get along with people know why- people go fraternity. I determining fraternity members' least once; someone tries to make you like. Isn't that what it's- all wonder how many frat members feelings about Independents. It also I have to agree that fraternities fraternities look bad. The about? I mean, people don't hang Bill clid ask, not any I know. seems to me that if. "loneliness disturbing aspect about such around with peop1e that are in- Probably the most popular sucks" is equivalent to "in- are on the defensive at times. It's criticisms is that they offer no compatible with themselves. Bill reason for joining frats wasn't dependents suck" then "frats only natural, when someone tries alternative to the fraternity' Cochran offered the analogy of even mentioned in "Herds", i.e. for suck" is equivalent to to discredit you, you don't say system. No system is perfect and plunging into cold water "to which the social life. Fraternities provide "togetherness sucks". Except thank you. Until someone comes up fraternities don't try to be. We like one soon becomes accustomed." organization and money which are .what kind of jackass is gOing to with a better idea for providing a good social life for those who want to do what we want, and that Either that or one soon freezes pretty important when you want to scribble down "togetherness one, fraternities will be areound to doesn't include forcing anyone to one's ass off. In other words. you throw a party. This is. why sucks". I think that that particular do just that. Personal Viewpoint: Bands b~Jay Rodstein At the SGA meeting of Sept. 15th upon {Art. I Sec. 3c of by-laws>. did not appear on the list. student approximately $9 eac~, instance. Since it is too late to there was much argument over the Another pertinent fact is that Pres. Here are some financial facts before we attend. (Remember this make a correction now, I do hope - report by the Homecoming Bands Watson, who was chosen to act for about the concert: is without being consulted.j that this experience will teach Committee. The dissenting the SGA, was supposed to use the 1) SGA allots $15,000 for con- 3) An additional $3 per ticket them that as executives, their reviews were generally to the spring concert list in the signing of certs (That is Homecoming and brings the total cost to almost $12 duties are not to take. the students effect that The Commodores and a group, but after checking only a spriug concert) per student ticket purchased. best interests into their own hands, Barnaby Bye were not worth the few of these groups decided to take In conclusion, I believe that our but to execute the decisions of the $10,080 we were putting up for the the interests into his 2) The $10,080' spent on the executive council has made a student. body, as brought forth by Homecoming Concert. own'hands and choose groups who Homecoming concert costs each grave error in their actions in this the student senate. Mter leaving the meeting I reflected upon what was said, and Remember when ... then realized from where my anger spurred. The executive council, R;,h"dN'Vlo, who on the night of Sept. 15th At midnight, according to a new Indeed, night with its attendant Still, I do so miss those odd session. I miss the spontaneity with worked so diligently to uphold and operating procedure, the Grille quietude does collide with their people who wandered into the which we pursued a wide variety of They are most active very nature. follow the SGA Constitution and lights are extinguished and and so they the when the hours of the day beg them Grille at all hours stripe of the night. topics. But, as the Grille stands doors per- Grille their Whatever of locked, rules of parlimentary procedure, midnight-silent, I am there or conviction, Unfortunately, - had been in blatant violation of remain until the next morning. For to portion sleep. of society is misunderstood this suasion heartily welcomed. they And were I reminded .at that I too am odd, and I most of the student most body this is an these rules at their last meeting in May. It was at that meeting that act of little or no inconvenience. by the far larger portion of society miss the fun of the late night bull qui~tly wander back to my dorm. the decision upon how to pick the But for a small group of inclividuals who rise at seven in the morning, ... Homecoming Bands was made. who, in past years, peopled the ready to tackle the challenges of a On Apathy Grille to the early hours .of the new day-ever mindful of, : 6y: Mary Gately i morning, in study and discussion Franklin's epigram. But night Three violations in direct op- and conviviality, the midnight people are different. They are Iwoke up one mornmg- position to the Constitution are 1) closing of the building gives rise to usually of a reflective turn of_mind. early and alive! I The V.P., who shall be exec. a fond bit of nostalgia. They like to hang on to the dying Airy music from the stereo and coordinator for all Student day, to reflect upon its meaning, carefree I Government activities (Article I If it is accepted that there are . and to let their thoughts settle. Sec. 26 of by-laws of Student Gov. "day people" and "night people", Most unhappily however, the ec- I breezes caught me . . . II of WMC) was not consulted or each driven by their distinctly centricities of this group fly in the Today was new- notified of the decision until school different "body clocks", perhaps face of societal conventions: day is I creating started. 2) A quorum, which is to the loss of this nightly gathering forworkandplay; night is for rest. a dynamic hope for life. *1 consist of a simp1e majority of the spot may be more easily ap- And certainly a college en- * Tiny birds singing, sunny skies * Association (Art. V Sec. 3 of peecieted. vlronment provides no real ex- * I sometimeslwonder ... Constit.l, was: not present at the For nature has fashioned a ceptions to SOCiety's dictates. All people notice is the noise the birds make, * Why, meeting. 3) Senate members did portion of society to be at their Night people are simply "odd". I not receive minutes of tl;Ie meeting highest state of alertness and Tbey warrant no special con- how humid the sun is *1 at which the policy was decided creativity only in nocturnal hours. sideration. I or how earlv morning comes. \
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