Page 19 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 19
Wedne;day, October 1, 1975 Scrimshaw Page 3 Homecoming Bands:The REA.L Pres$ Releases The Commodores Barnaby Bye The Commodores are "six cussion work is responsible for the Don't expect the world's legion of company president Ahrriet Er- work between albums. The com- dynamite musicians and powerful group's irresistable "boogie down" proresstonar music-makers to be tegun he' should hear them. The bination of both Is when they really vocalists whose electrifying stage feeling. lolling around beaches, hiding out 'next night he went and invited the sustain it. We've been con- shows have brought them con- Lead quitarist for the group is in air-conditioned penthouses, or group to his home. Billy says, "I centrating on our live show lor siderable fame. They've gained a Thomas McClary, a Libra from touring mysterious, seductive isles didn't know who he was. I didn't months." huge following of devoted fans Orlando, Florida. His college during the summer months. believe it till I saw his limousine." One thing that Barnaby Bye did- during their four years together. major is Business Administration Summer and hard work are Peppy says, "We told him we because its favorite groups like the They ar{l one of the hottest acts on and he is, according to the other synonymous for the most am- didn't want to ride in it. We took Beach Boys also start with BB-is the East coast and on the Southern members, a "world-famous pool bitious and dedicated denizens of him to his house in a '50 Dodge." bring on the Bagel Brothers. The college and night club circuit. shark!" Tommy's interested in pop and rock land. Those hazy Mike says, "Everything hap- Bagel Brothers are themselves, as They've become a sensation in psychic phenomena and digs the summer days and languid summer pened a little bit too quick. From their own opening act, dressed in Europe, appearing at music music of Hendrix and Sly. nights have always been enhanced one minute to the next minute we suits from a fat man's shop, doing festivals and in clubs from London Ronald LaPread plays bass and by music. Taking note of that fact, were in the studio recording." zany things they were inspired to to Cannes and making waves as the trumpet. He's a local lad from while others holiday, music Peppy says, "It's not like we had by "Hair." For one thing, Billy main attraction on the French Line Tuskegee, Alabama, a mellow makers will instead busy them- p1ayed in the area for a year. Now p1ayed a character in "Hair" who cruise ships in the Mediterranean. Virgo whose outside interests selves r eleastng new records, we feel 300 per cent more adap- came out of the audience to stop The group first came to the at- range from hunting and fishing to giving concerts, and appearing on -tebte and ready.~ the show. So the Bagel Brothers tention of Motown during a New motorcycles and electronics, not to television's increasing number of A first album, out in 1973, was come up out of the audience, with York appearance in 1970, and were mention a foxy lady in every port! rock specials. "Room To Grow." A second Billy., as a tourist, taking snapshots immediately booked for a .Saxaphone player and lead tenor One of New York City's local .album, "Touch," came out Oct. 29. all the while. They intend. to use . Christmas tour with the Jackson vocalists is Lionel Ritchie. His rock clubs, Kenny's Castaways, Lots of things were wrong the some of them on an album some Five. They're the first act to ap- musical tastes lean toward con- was the-starting place for Barnaby first time, the group says, among day. pear with the J5 that's had the temporary ballads with a country Bye, a rock quartet, all graduates them that they didn't have Also Billy would say he'd drink a ability to open the show and hold flavor. Born a Gemini in Joliet, from Hair, that is devoted to management or know who should glass of water while singing the audiences for 45 minutes. Early Illinois, Ritchie's the most out- making lively, "good-timey," rock produce the record. There was "Singing in the Rain." He'd drink in '71 they signed a recording spoken member of the group. He's and roll. Two of the band's four overpraise, which they began to and Bobby, unseen, would ·shi.g. contract with Motown and em- very into sports and has become a handsome young men are sweet- believe, and resentment from Right now, they've hung the Bagel barked on a -40-date tour with the top-notch tennis player. voiced Bobby and Billy Alessi (at 'other groups that they'd been Brothers suits in the closet and are Five. They have since appeared Aries, Milan Williams lends his right, photo by Zachary Freyman) signed by the president. 'Peppy about to make a straight-ahead with Eddie Kendricks, Stevie many talents to keyboards, rock's first pair of all-singing, all- says, "I'm glad we didn't make it tour opening for more successful Wonder and again with the trombone, drums and guitar. He's p1aying twins. An Atlantic Records on the first album. We would have groups Jackson Five on their '73 American also an electronics engineer an A&R woman caught the act, liked had one hit and never been heard Peppy says, "The money we tour comes originally from Okalona, it, and invited Atlantic's from again. Now we're prepared to make doing that doesn't cover our Currently concentrating on a Mississippi. When .jie's not in- prestigious president, Ahmet sustain a hit." overhead. We have four people on recording career that will match - volved with music, he can probably Ertegun, to the club. Ahmet f1ip- The group got its start with the salary now-a technical-squad and a their success as performers, the be found out on the local golf ped, signed the group, and twins, who are from Long. Island, driver. We put money we make on Commodores are completing their course. produced its first LP, his first getting to know a man who had a commercials into the act, too, but debut album at Motown's producing venture since he co- recording studio where radio and we're hoping to pull the fat out of Hollywood studios. In addition to William King plays trumpet for produced Bette MidJer's debut TV commercials were recorded. the fire with the new album. 'You writing' and producing some of the group. This multi-talented disc, ~The Divine Miss M. Billy worked there as an engineer have to put in and put in more their own material, they've been Aquarian also arranges the music Though Barnaby Bye's album and both did some freelancing as money to an act before you get any working with top writer-producers and choreographs the dances for was played on the radio, received musicians. They tried out for out." like Willie Hutch, Mel Larson, the Commodores. "The fact that generally favorable notices, and '.'Hair" 6n Broadway and got in the GOODTIl'I1ES Jerry Marcellino and James we're all different signs," explains earned the group a set of fans, it cast. Peppy, who had been in the Dec. IS, 1974-Jan. 7,1975 Carmichael. And several tunes on Ritchie, "keeps the energy flowing did not become a superhit. Bar- group, the Blues Magoos, also got .' Barnaby Bye is one of the most the new album will be those of at a fantastic rate. And all the time naby Bye remains undaunted. The into "Hair." The first time he saw tastefully composed vocal groups Norman Whitfield, whose in- we spend together lias a cohesive group returned to Kenny's the Alessis, carrying instrument I've ever listened to. They fill their valuable guidance during the effect on our music." Everyone Castaways, a jubilant reunion cases to their dressing room, he new album, Touch, with up- sessions has been an inspiration to except Ron rnet while attending because so many groups do ~not thought they 'Were in the band of perrange harmonies that remind the group. Alabama's .Tuskegee Institute. even have a crack at recording. the show me of early Nazz in "Blonde," the They are all original members. Hollies in "Take Me With You" whose musical development was Next the band moved to The But he soon discovered they were and, oddly enough, Ellen sparked by their triumphs in the Bottom Line to open the bill for in the cast and they added him to Mcllwaine in "So It Ends This The Commodores' goal is to school talent contests. Their Barry Manilow in his first major their dressing room. Jam sessions Way." But while their music in- come ~s close ~s possi~le. to manager, Benjamin Ashburn, local solo engagement. Now began and the three started vites these comparisons, Barnaby recreating the feeling ~f their live added further inspiration and Barnaby Bye is collecting material recording songs in the jingle studio to Single able ~hows.?n record. Yet It wOul.d be urged them to turn professional. for its second album. These boys and bringing Peppy into working Bye are of their own-.thenks out to an an identity Impossible to actually duplicate Today, all the Commodores live are not about to give up! Debut on jingles. original approach to arrangement the excitement of their act on a in Tuskegee and consider it their release: Room to Grow (Atlantic and orchestration. piece of vinyl, ~ause ~he Com- home base. But, they are in such SO 7273). After "Hair," Peppy and Bobby modores are a Visual delight, too. demand that-they rarely find time ASSOCIATED PRESS went to Europe where, says Peppy Their choreogr-aphy, music, to relax at home. They are already Barnaby Bye, a quartet which" in a throwaway line he never ex- All four members of Barnaby costumes and dialogue add up to an booked up for tours this year that boasts identical twins, BB initials p1ains, "I have a wife who lives in Bye participate in the singing of act that's hard to follow. Concert will take them to various corners of and a member nicknamed Peppy Munich. this heavily produced work which halls an? night _clubs beco~e the globe. Beginning with a gig on at 14 for a very good reason, feels ""We took acoustic guitars and draws much of its strength from smouldenng furnaces of shoutmg the French Line in the Caribbean that, despite being discovered too people were getting us gigs in clubs the extensive use of strings and fans in .the wake of a Commodores they will then return by pepular soon-in fact, on its very first gig-it in Germany and Amsterdam. We horns' that comp1ement the lush happening. They confess that. club demand to the 8yblos Hotel in St. IX!W is ready for success. were faced with, 'What is the name vocals. owners often request them to cool Tropez. Then they plan to perform "Everything is settled now into a of your group?' My wife had a fairy it bec~use they don't want their' in Iran at the request of the Shah cool, calm, settled direction," says tale about Barnaby Bye. establishments destroyed by himself, and tours to Africa and Peppy Castro, the half-Colombian Sometimes people look for too Touch is largely easy listening overzealous patrons. And though· Australia are also in the works guitarist, and the rest laugh at the. much of a message in names and. music; but it's easy listening in the they have appeared with top Though the group has remain~ description of anything New York- things. The name's like life; it light rock rather than the MOR n~mes like the Ohio Players, New a stranger to the American charts, born Castro would be part of. "I'm doesn't make any sense at all." sense. The group's occasional Birth, K~I and TJ:le Gang and some early recording efforts in the most hyper person I know," BackintheU.S.,theAlessiS,who attempts to rock out are less Earth, Wmd and Fire, the Com- Muscle Shoals resulted in success Castro ays cheerfully. Drummer knew drummer Mike Ricciardella successful: "White Tornado'.' modores are now on a level where 'on foreign soil. Their first single, Mike Ricciardella says, "We call from Long Island, phoned to ask if smacks of that contrasting heavy- many groups refuse to share gigs The Zoo, was a number one record him motor mouth." he'd join them. Bobby says, "We spacey sound and sludges into the with them for fear of being blasted in Brazil. Another entitled Don't The twins are guitarist Bobby didn't want to come off too heavy to cliched "wall of sound" category off the stage! Vou Be Worried was released at and Billy Alessi, who plays him. We were being very, very laid that comes from overbearing The Commodores have an the time of their European keyboards. Asked if they've ever back. Then Peppy got on the phone- amplification. across-the-board appeal and they conquests. It became so sought felt the need to separate to and embarrassed my brother and can please any audience. They're after on the Continent that copies establish separate identities, me." Mike had been in a regional the darlings ofthe jet-set as well as were going for $7.50 each! Bobby says, "We hear that about band named Illusion, which had "Jamie" is a silken vocal ac- the heroes of the college crowd. twins by we haven't gone through two Mikes. Peppy thought he was count of rock stars "on the road" Each man has his own particular The Commodores feel that it." Peppy bursts in, "They're pep talking to the other one., who attempt to lure young in- bag through which he contributes previous recordings lacked their secure in their identities. They're Despite all that, Mike says, "I rocents into their arms for a night. to the group sound. Their ability to special brand of excitement and both accomplished and write in listened to their sound and I flipped The song employs the subtle, kind interpret a variety of material didn't represent their true musical lfferent styles." out. I gave Illusion two weeks'- approach to the-naive victim: "Of reflects their diverse individual direction. But their latest sessions notice. I wanted to get involved in . all the girls-I've ever seen ... you're interests. have yielded some powerful new Billy says, "As long as I can that sound." the sweetest thing ... Jamie, you're material, and one is a brand new remember, we've been hanging Peppy says, "It's a little-known a million in one." And, of course, Walter "Sweet Clyde" Orange, a Motown single. It's a Commodores around together. We don't live fatt but I1tiSion worked all the time we' all know she's just one of the Sagittarian originally from composition, co-produced with together but the first thing when I and had a stage show that worked millions. Jacksonville, Florida, is drummer James Carmichael, entitled wake up in the morning, I call and it grossed and netted more With Touch, Barnaby Bye have and lead vocalist. Clyde's on-stage Machine Gun, and it's super bad! bim." money than an act like the Blues produced a most enjoyable set of aggressiveness is in direct contrast This one is sure to satisfy their Magoos with a top 20 Single and songs. The only question is how to his off-stage quietness. He's a desire for a chart-topping smash The first gig that Barnaby Bye three hit albums under its belt they'll ever do this music in con- graduate music major, digs James and make their record-starved played was heard by an Atlantic "Groups that make it on an cert. If they've got a good answer, BJ9WP_ ~I)d.bts .. Y~r:Y_lllflky. _r.e..r: _ fan,s_more ~iy!,!_~"'P[l:::·_._ Records. talent< scout,' who, told album can. fall apart lack of 1continued on page 7 J CWJ 2;
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