Page 22 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 22
. Page 6 Scrimshaw Wednesday. October 1, 1975 Reactions to Kate Millett ,..~~~~~~~&&~~&~~&&~S 0 Wh a s th e P , t?,..~&~~~~~&~~~&&~~&~" t' L:~'"'"*"~ om ,~~ On Wednesday, September 22, have a lew criticisms to make. Of "too well." No speaker can con- Nazi Party, Slavery, and the were generally unrelated. Don't Kate Millett, lecturer and feminist, course, these comments are onJy dense citations of Margaret Mead, Trobriand Islanders in one hour- get me wrong; I enjoyed the spoke here at WMC to a crowd in personal Opinions and 'reactions, Masters and Johnson, Kinsey, long lecture and expect to arrive at speech, and found it intellectually - Alumni Hall of about 300 people. for who am I to judge one so Freud, Marx, and Hitler, and one clear and concise point of stimulating, if not educational ~ho'i-~:so~~r!lIe~ea~rs!~~r~~~ famous'? combine them with references conclusion to impress upon the But, something was missing, or townspeople who attended the to SOCialism, Child-abuse, audience. Iknow she was trying to p,::,~a~s Itood:~Ch dw~s over- lecture, at a surprising ratio of Capitalism, (remember spen- expose, exhibit, and expend the ~ emtm~~a bl ,~.n ~.~ov~r~~~ about three women to every man, a th!~~f~U~~, e~:~ei~a~~~~t:s~ ~~r;i)arc~:~~xua~;~~iar~~::: ~~:!~iO~asOf CO~~~~ng, ~~~ ~:~ :rm~~ofe~ ~l~~~ ~~jus~ s:me~ ~~ge s~~:~t ~a~: ':n~id~u:~ Millett documented her self a little Marriage, the Police System, the personal anecdotes and insertions to tap me on the shoulder. apathetic turn out at WMC. - Feminist FI'Op-~ Ms. Millet has excellent SUTh.. neCfeOm",~n,~~ntmovement suffered . qualifications as a lecturer and .,... • revolution. Shedding a ray of hope (literature concerning or intended and confirm the basic issue of sex researcher, . and besides her a severe setback on, the Western on the plight of the oppressed to arouse sexual desire) which she and its relationship to culture. I writing, has held various positions Maryland College Campus last female, she proclaimed that the considered inspirational. The was also saddened by the :¢~~o~s ~~t=tw~~es~~l~~~ ~:~nis~~:~de~ot~te a~~I~~t ~:C~:~t~~~sr:;i:rr~r ~~r:;i~~"y~~ ~~~~~~~r~e~~;:ne~:nt~~~~~z; ~~~~a~~d!;~~g~~e e!~ ~~~e~~~ "Sex and Culture." tured on "Sex and Culture." Ms. and is still going strong. when she made the comparison understand the lecture. Ms. I think the point Ms. Millett was Millet is well known for her Ms. Millet also spoke on some of that "erotica is to sex what cook- Millet's unusual accent and lack of ~y~t~i~~~~i,S~:t:U:;i~~t~~:~ ri~~~t~~~a~~d S~~d w~~tt:'n°n;~~! ~~~~i;sin:t~t:~i~~sPi~o~~~~lt~e~ b~~~ ~i~I~~Sc:~::::~; interest at :~~rc~~~~; ~~gcu~~l~::b::~eth~ dominate women and assume outstanding books on the female Her views on rape, pornography, the present time is gay liberation, deeper meaning behind her words- administrative as well as sexual in' our society, notably "Sexual and gay liberation were powerful which she relates as "the most attending were happy just to power. She says that Sex in our Politics." and sometimes even innovative. liberation of the gay person within be able to hear what she said! culeure is a euphorism, "Capable Ms. Millet destroyed .Uie notion all of us" and "the love of one's of reference only by reference to Sorry to say her lecture on that rape is a crime involving sex. own half of our race." She also obscure it." She asserts that Power Monday night was far from She compared the act of rape to supports the gay liberation I also felt indignant and hurt that operates through assumption and notable. Admitting that her forcing someone at gunpoint to movement because gays "destroy Ms. Millet would not have taken a it is taken for granted and not material was "exploratory", Ms. involuntarily have a drink, or hold sex roles and stereotypes." She little more time to prepare herself questioned, as is evident in our Millet opened by apologizing for a conversation. She then explained stressed that we live in the midst of and her material before arriving at current American conventions. her lack of preparation in- writing that sex is a voluntary and erotic two great revolutions, both female WMC. I realize we're not a large She compares Feminism to' and learning her speech. She act that cannot be involuntarily and homosexual, and that it is university or an important Socialism, implying that they are foflcwed this apology with an hour forced upon anyone. She -stated ultimately important that we women's ceucas, but I feel we like ideas. Ms. Millett insists that long dissertation on "sexual that rape had nothing to do with bring these oppressed groups into deserved better then the second women stop accepting their so- culture", a term. she coined to sex at all, but is actually the result consciousness. rate performance we received. called "Fate," and relinquish explain the mores and values of sexual politics and that women But what was ultimately im- One of Ms. Millet's parting dependence upon the male which which a culture places around the are brainwashed into being raped portent to me Monday night was thoughts to the audience was that results in oppression of women. sexual act and also a society's by being taught to act out a the great disappointment and women are oppressed because they Some women do not even realize' sexual attitudes. Her lecture was a "victim's role" and not to fight insult I felt upon leaving Alumni believe in their own inferiority. their oppression because the disorganized and unrelated jumble back. Hall. I had gone with high ex- Based on the quality of last "Totality of Patriarchy over- of, references to socialism, an- pectauons and great hopes of Monday's performance, Kate whelms the mind." thropology, Freudian psychology, s!~;r~~~i:~~~~a:a~Yfa~~s~~': seeing a nationally famous speaker Millet will do well to improve her "We are in the midst of a great ~~fi~r~~~~~~ aS~:utV~i~~~Ii~~~~ Ms. Millet proposed that we "pull ~~~~~n~n ~o~:~:pe~~~~fe:~; :~t:ri~!t~:rd e~e~~~~~ ~~ro~~fro~ social upheaval; we may not know relation to feminism and the class the plug on pornography and let the confused by the many cross pressed groups, instead of it, but the ground is moving very warfare and chaos that has sewer run." She differentiated references and "loose ends" that disappointing them with inferior rast...," Ms. Millett states. We are evolved around the feminist between pornography and erotica were never summarized to support work. and now experiencing Socialism from ......~~~~~&&&~~&~Th Bibli I V' ~&~&~~~~&~~~& Democracy; we have gone ~'.',+"h~ e I Ica lew ~ serfdom to civil rights in 120 years. George Leiman .-, Ms. Millett even goes as far as to Kate Millet's talk, "Sexuality and female in His image. Doesn't say that the threat of rape, sup- and Culture" was challenging. loves you self-sacrificially Inevery binding and mechanical when posedly apparent throughout a That is, because she attacked this mean that woman IS no less a way? One who does everything taken out of context of God's woman's life is "the ultimate many conventionally held ideas reflection of God's image than is possible to see your highest- good? original intent. As the Pharisees, degradation of women," it is there and attitudes on the subject of sex. man? people "have let go of the com- all the time, forcing us to change I would like to respond to some of Kate attacked all rules and mands of God and are holding on to our lives. The threat of rape is the what she said. Scripture does say, within the guidelines concerning sexual the traditions of men" (Mark 7:8). extreme symbol of our subjection. context of marriage, "Wives, expression. Personal preference is What was God's original intent? This point is disputable, in that a submit to your husbands as to the the only rule according to her. She That man should love the Lord, his woman mayor may not feel this Most of Kate's argument was Lord" (Eph. 5:22). But does being fails to see that God's rules are not God, with all his heart, soul, mind threat depending on her based on her rejection of the under authority necessarily mean arbitrary or "societal." They are and strength,.and love his neighbor geogrepntcatlcceuon and current patriarchal society and all that it being inferior'? If you'll note, the non-cultural aids to guide us as himself. lifestyle. stands for. She made some good third verse following says, "Hus- towards a sexual life which is truly points about the sad state of ~~~tl~~: rh~rCh~~~~s'a~:~a~~' ~r~~an h~m~~?res.rn;~in:h~h!~h Kate Milletsaid, "the revolution g~~!ar:~sa~; ~~~pt:~cS::~~ :~~~~ty~~~!;ev~~~ ~t~c;i~~;! Himself up for her." Doesn't this gives human life the dignity and is nothing if it is not love." Very abuse in our culture. "Our heritage reason for this she- attributed to ~~o::Ol~o~~et~!y ane~f!~!h~u~ =~;t :~I:~~r~h~g~n~rd:e~! ~~l~'a~~;:-;_~~,s~et~:e~o~;~a~~ ~~~ns~~ ~~~~allt1:o~~~b~~ ~~st~~? o~n~e~i~~~~i~~eas~n~ mission'? Is submission a matter of objects of pleasure. For they can be found only in, a so. ****** To The Tu5k :~~i~~~dr~~~~:~~~!;, :;~:I;~E~~:r~~5~i::: r~_\:'_e~_ge_i[_~~_;_~_~_~ss~inl_~~n_o_;o_;;o_n~_~_:~,--~__ R_Ul_e'_'n_d_,e_g_Ul_'t_io_n_,_,_ee_m_~~_'n.:::~_~_~_.,_e_I'_ti_on_'h_i_P_W_it_h_t_he (sex that is) it's the Culture that patriarchal system, and rightly don't" (And that's a direct quote.) But she went on to say that ****** Sexuality within the bcundaries of Christianity was largely resp- Sex in our culture is a slow ponsible for today's "male sexist" ticles and the spoof articles in to pay much. I thought you might progress, " ...a half step forward, society. She said everything, Dear Tusk, Scrimshaw. Usually it's so obvious ~now of a public health department Please straighten something a quarter step backward," Ms. "from the diety to the mafia," is for me. Do I have to use a stamp out that any half-wit could tell, In Westminster that might be able Millett says. Then she went on to male. True, God is referred to as a for campus mail, or not'? Some especially when the article is billed to help me. Believe me this isn't a assert that love cannot be ex· father! but he does not fit today'sl people say yes, others say no. as a spoof. I hope that these people joke,- I'm not laughing. perienced fully, unless one ex- definition of masculine. (A! What's the word'? develop a sense of humor, and a Sign myself, periences the loving of his or her "masculine" person being onewhoi discerning eye, soon. I'm so ' Needs Help. own half of the human race - is insensitive, rough 'tough, seHish, Stamped Tired of Hearing the Bitching completely. Ms. Millett says that independent, strong, arrogant, Dear Stamped, Dear Needs Help, this bisexuality is the onJy thing unyielding to ~motions). In Ch.rist Yes, you do have to use a stamp Dear Tired, You should call the Carroll which will completely destroy :-;e can ~ee"thls ~Iearly. Was It a i on all inter-campus mail unless it's Well said. County Mental Health Clinic. It is a traditional Sex roles. "We must masculine Christ who wept over for a campus organization. If no state agency, and its telephone ,-,..ipe out the taboos of being J~ru~lem, who washed the feet of stamp is attached, the letter will be number is 848-2000. gay ... ,'" and forget this "organ- hiS fnen9s, who took undeserved returned to the sender That's the Dear Tusk, ***** The clinic charges for its ser- grinding" which passes for beatings and insults without a word' word '. vices on a sliding fee scale, and as sexuality. "We must have the of complaint'? ***** I'm not really sure why I'm a student with no income, you'll freedom to make and invent for Kate either said or inferred that i writing this letter to you, but I'm probably be charged a dollar or ourselves." Christianity views woman as in-. Dear Tusk, lost as to whom' to ask. I'm a two per visit. This is negotiable. The Kate Millett lecture was ferior to man. This is simply not I can't understand why people student at WMC and I think I need Your visits to them will ~ kept worthwhile, and also well- true. If you'll remember, in write in to complain that they can't counseling or psychiatric help. confidential, if that is your desire. inform£'d, and..researc.i}td-l- ~!.!LL~!~~!.:_g_od CLf,;:at~8Jl._ro~~~ 'stinguish .between .the....r.eal a,r_,_Since em a student, I can't_afford Goo_d Ju~k..~
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