Page 15 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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Wednesday, September 24; 1975 Scrimshaw Page 7 News Briefs •••••••••••• ••••••••••••• The third organizational meeting assistant professor of education Mr. Clark has served as director industry sector--23.1 percent. simultaneously with the, art of Hinge will be held on Wed- Biology - "Cultivation & Properties of annual funds at Western Graduate and professional school classes. nesdaY,September24at6:3OPMin of Cancer Cells" by Dr. Mary Maryland since 1973. Prior to_his study involves 18.3 percent of the Student Lynn Harrison, the Hinge-Relay room in the Reed, adjunct professor of biology work with annual funds, Mr. Clark sample, while 10.1 percent of the president of the Art Club, advises, bottom of McDaniel. This is not t Foreign Language - "Sor Juana had served Western Maryland as alumni surveyed work for the "It's our hope to contribute to the meeting just for members; rather Ines de la Cruz: A Liberated Nun assistant dfrector of alumni affairs state, local, or federal govern- child's artistic development and, it is hoped that many interested of the XVII Century" by Dr. since 1970. ment. Other data obtained shows at the same time, gain from the people will attend to find out how Georgina Rivers, professor of As associate director of that 33.5 percent of the respondents teaching experience." Hinge works. foreign languages development, he will have direct earn over $10,000 per year and The classes are $8 for the series ~ . Once a well known function of the Sociology - "Women's Issues in responsibility for all programs nearly 71 percent feel their of six lessons which are held on WMC campus, Hinge has become Social Welfare" by Mrs. Mary ~rtaining to the annual funds of education is relevant to their Saturday mornings from 9 toJO:30 to many little more than another Ellen Elwell, assistant professor of the college and will assist in the current . situation. a.m. (No classes are scheduled career name in the ranks of campus sociology college's capital program. October 18 and 25 due to the organizations. Just exactly what is ¥t - "New Town Design" by Ms. college's fall break.j Individuals it'? Hinge works to provide the Marjie Baughman, assistant Saturday Morning Arts, the art interested in enrolling their elementary school age children of . professor of history of art 'Africa,; France and the classes offered to community children should contact Miss the Charles Center Street area of Comparative Literature - "Women Americas are the settings for a young people by Western Harrison (848-9862), or Mr. Roy Westminster with "tutors" from in Literature" by Mrs. Nancy series of archeological films to be Maryland College's Art Club, will Fender, assistant professor of art tbe.cempus • a term which includes Palmer, lecturer in English and presented in Western Maryland initiate its Fall Session of classes, (848-7000, ext. 241) before Sep- not only scholastic aid, but comparative literature College's Decker Auditorium on beginning October 4 and continuing tember 30. friendship and some togetherness Economics "The Economy three consecutive Thursdays at through November 22. The six- A show displaying the children's in outside activities. One hour a Today" by Ms. Ann, Coffey, 7:30 p.m. week courses are divided by age artistic efforts will be held at 10: 30 .week is the average time the tutors assistant professor of economics. This week's film, on Sept. 25, will groups: 3-5,6-9, 10-13, and 14-high a.m. on November 22 in the Fine spend with their child. Registration forms accompany a be "The Hunters," a study of the school senior. Arts Building at Western Some of the additional plans descriptive program brochure Bushmen-in the Kalahari of Africa. A special dance class has been Maryland. ............ being made for this year include a available from the Office of the Future showings will be "Tale of added to the fall curriculum. Open trip to the Carroll County Farm Registrar,'. Western Maryland Two Rivers," relating the in- to boys and girls of all ages, on a of a r-------------.., Museum's Fall Festival on October College, Westminster, Md. 21157. fluence of southern France on the limited "first come-first serve" continued on page 8, col. 1 11, bringing the children to the For more information, individuals development of primitive man, on basis, it will be conducted Parent's Day football game on may call Mr. Hugh Dawkins, Oct. 2, followed by "Search November 15, and the annual on- associate registrar, 848·7000, ext. Lost World," exploring the campus Halloween Party. 326. development of Indian civilization I $33,500,000' I The one major problem con- •••••••••••• in the Americas, on Oct. 9. fronting the group is lack of The Hillcrest Abortion Clinic and The series is being arranged "members. The number of children Counseling Service,located at 5602 through Dr. Earl Griswold, I UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS I who want tutors exceeds the Baltimore National Pike, has chairman of the sociology number of interested and available expanded its medical services to department at the college. I WMC students by about 60. Even include a comprehensive Family •..........~ 1 ~~~w~~p~OO;~~;n~n~~~~m~~o ~~h$~~:::Scu~:ean~tslisti:;'th~~~ if your free time is very limited Planning Clinic. The Clinic will be Anyone interested in applying 5, 1975. 1 please come Wednesday night and open between the hours of 8:30 for a Danforth Fellowship for a I. ~o:~:~I~:s~a~~:L:~~:~;tled as of September see if maybe arrangements can be A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Tuesday college teaching career should get I made. ............ through Saturday, by appointment in touch with Dr. Stevens, the 1 0 369 Allen Avenue, Portland, Maine 04103 I am enclosing $12.95 plus $1.00 f~r postage and handling. only. no cash, please.) (Check or money order - How can Mrs. Jones interpret the Gynecological services offered college liaison officer for 1975-76, in 1~1:'oSu.;;'tls:Ult~P~~~P~~'~~~~:~~'b~:: 1 Memorial Hall, 201. The candidate latest economic predictions on to women in the Metropolitan must take the' Graduate Record 1--10 VOUR I prices'? Baltimore community include: Examination on 18 October. I 0. What have been the most in- Pregnancy testing, Pap tests for Qualities that the Danforth PLEASE RUSH LIST OF' CURRENT fluential design elements in the cancer detection, Intrauterine Committee ar"looking for are: "I. SCHOLARSHIPS 1 new planned cities'? devices, Diaphragm fittings, Birth Evidence of intellectual' abj.lity ~,::,~r~}!::.?·'·c=:::J UNCLAIMED Who decides whether the pattern control pill prescriptions, VD which is flexible and of wide :":.~:::~;k"~':'-c:=::=:J SOURCES TO: ofa woman's behavior is normal or detection, Gynecologic range; of academic achievement 1 deviant'? examinations and Contraceptive which is a thorough foundation for g~i:'~o. How does a teacher individualize counseling. graduate study. 2. Evidence of Name I instruction .in a class of 30 Hillcrest Clinic opened in Sep- personal characteristics which are IAddress students'? tember, 1973 and was the first free likely to contribute to effective City State Zip :J.. These are only a sampling of the standing abortion facility in teaching and to constructive L --------'----- M.inl residents dd S% salutlox. •• questions that will be addressed by Maryland. The addition of the atiunships with students. 3. "For Women, About Women, By Family Planning Clinic will Evidence of a concern for the Women," the newest lecture series provide optimum care for patients relation of ethical or religious at Western Maryland College, who prefer the convenience of values to dlaclplines , the Westminster. prompt appointments and clinic educational process, and to RESEARCH ~A~ERS The informal lecture series is fee schedules. academic and social respon- scheduled for seven consecutive Appointments and further in- sibility." ............ THOUSANDS ON FILE Thursday mornings, 10:45 a.m. - formation on services may be Send for your up-to-date, lBO-page, mail order catalog of 12: 10 p.m., in McDaniel Lounge, obtained by calling 788-4400. 5,500 topics. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage and handling. October 2- November 13. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Registration for the series ($10) Joanna Cannon COLLEGIATE RESEARCH should be complete by Sepember Director of Community Relations 1720 PONTIUS AVE., SUITE 201 26. A special bonus is a babysitting (301)788-4420 LOS ANGELES. CALIF. 90025 service available for $1 per !---~:~~----------------------------------------l session. Seven women faculty members Gerald E. Clark, Jr. has been ! ! from the liberal arts college will promoted. to associate director of I ! present the programs in their development at Western Maryland I City I areas of expertise: College, Westminster, Md., .Iames State Zip Education - "What's New in F. Ridenour, vice presid m, for '---------------------------------------------- Education" Dr. Joan
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