Page 13 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 13
THE GOLD BUC~QCTOBER 10, 1969 PAGE S" 00. D. oo~((@@~q$ Sanctuary From A Sick Society ~@IlJ)~1J'OO'\i' by Lee Hayden }jJ1lJ)$~( lege life really Is. It Is many things to many people. To all right. To go to a common college, such as U. of Md., Most people just don't know or can'! remember how col- than a sin. On the other hand, college became was worst some, it Is a fantasy; to others, It is a chaos; to even, a game of numbers: 3,500 kldsor250 kids; 300 dol1ars or l others, it Is a big nothing. Buttothe college student, It is 5000 dollars; ten boys to everyone girl or ten girls to • [X)@IlJ)OO getting an education, growing up, and finding his place In everyone boy; one teacher for five students or one teacher society. It isawayofllfe, a society within a society. How- for twenty-five students. Colleges became disgusting; and ever, tor those who have not yet entered or who have al- even more, colleges became Inanimate objects. But IWa£ ready left, campus soctatyt.s out or tnetr gr asp and beyond not yet in the college lite. Pickin' Up The Pieces reality. Now I am a full fledged, ali-American college student. When I was a very small cnnc and still learning what I am learning, I am really being educated. No small talk, It comes from the bachrwoods of meadows and memories life was an about, college was, to me, almost nothing. Of no beating around the bush. No checking notebooks, no Sunshine encased In honey sweet rhymes, course I would get there someday, but then I did not really «wnerets your pass," no "sit up". Thinklngls classroom That Unger so gently in rustic Illusions care. I saw college as any normal, young student would procedure. Teaching is the teacher's objective. I am not To whittle your ears to the sound of the ttmes. see any school-a prison. Growingup, though, Iwas always only a student, but also an individual. I am Lee or Mr. So say Poco about their music in the forward to their around my uncles and my aunts who were all college stu- Hayden, not just a boy or a pupil. And it seems all are first album. Poco is part of what emerged after Buffalo- dents at the time. They seemed to be the same as adults; friends. People on campus forget the hate and the vices Springfield broke up some time ago, the other emerging always worrying, always philosophizing, never playing, of the outside world. As I walk around the campus, per- groups being Neil Young and Crosby, StiUs and Nash. Like never laughing. They came home from college acting as ' sons, even persons that I have never seen before, say the original acrreto-scnnrneic, Poco is primarily coun- If they had come from school. But I knew notatag of the "Hello." I am everyone's friend and everyone is my try. It's not red-neck country, but country music to soothe college life. friend. Now I am part of the college life. - the battered ears of worn-out c1ty dweUers who long for a little place out in thecountrywheretheycan unwind. Poco Then It happened that, during my las! years of public I hope that in four years I will no longer be part of the gives the Ustener-a chance to sitbackfor a while and catch schooling, I was exposed to the entering of college. This college life but also that I will keep the spirit of college his breath. He mlghtevenfindhimself smlUngand not know included what college, why that college, the cost of that life throughout my life. Being a college student now, 1 see why, As Michael F. Lehmont, music critic for Bethesda college, the competition of getttng into that college. Enter- and hear about and read about the condemnations of col- Beatscene Magazine says, "Country music is clean and ing college became a status symbol. One was best to go to lege students by ulde r people, college graduates and others. honest. U's tue a nice cool shower to wash the city soot an Ivy League college, if onec~uldbeaccepted and, then, People who condemn us who have never known the real off with on a hot summer day." if one could afford the cost, If one went to \I good college, campus atmosphere have no right to do so because they With banjo dobro and pedal steel guitar Poco produces not an Ivy League college, but a good college, then, it was do not know us and have never been in our place. I have such airy songs as "What a Day," a song that bursts with an uncle like this, but he is only my uncle-in-law. He energetic gladness and the words, Justice by Arrangement feels that schools should be run like the army. He feels "It's a good morning and I'm teenn' nne." that students who question the establishment should be put It's the feeling of walking up to fresh country air and the in jail and that students who are concerned with brother- rooster crowing out on the back fence. by Dan Peck hood, peace, and love should be executed. I ern glad he Is "First Love" Is a soft evening ballad with a first love not President. But -wnat really disgusts me are the ones and nrst heartbreak. who have graduated from college and condemn college When I was young I played with toys Recently eight members of the Green Beret force sta- life. These people forget what college \Ife was like. Sure. Games were small then, not so involved tioned in Vietnam werechargedwiththemurderof a Viet- they remember the beer parties, and the revolutionaries namese citizen. As reported through the news media, this My toys meant most of all. victim was "alleged to have been a double agent." As this and the girls that had to quit school, and the guys who had You know how kids are when they're smalj , to quit school because of the girls who had to quit school. But now today I find a lot has come to change my mind Incident received greater attention, arrangements were But they do not remember that with work there must be It took me some time to understand eventually made to conduct a trial which would have in- play. They do not remember that time causes change and Older people play little games in another way voJved all the men believed to have had any connection that they wanted to change many things when they were on Their castles crumble to sand with the Incident. However, just as the arrangements campus. They do not remember the hours and nights of A lonely hour to withstand were nearing completion, officials of the United States studying. They do not remember that they met thef r wives Army in Washington dropped the charges against the eight Today my first love Is alone. men and along with this, an attempt at a trial. It was re- in college. They do not know the real college life. "Make Me Smile/Short Changed" Involves two songs, ported that this decision came as a result of the claim one very country, the second In the heavier rock tr.adttton made by the C.I.A. that there would be a leak of classi- I imagine thatintenortwentyyearsl will be completely with a driving fuzz soto and a heavy beat. This song shows fied information vital to the safety and security of U. S.• brainwashed by the estabnsnment anrl I will forget every- how Poco has combined the elements of both musical military operations in Vietnam. Individual feellngs re- thing I have said in this thesis. I will have forgotten this styles Into what has become today's long-haired country garding whether we should or should not be fighting in stage of life altogether. I will have learned all the vices music. "Oh Yeah" Is some of the heaviest country ever Vietnam are not involved here and should not color this and the mores and the laws of society and actually be- with two completely different styles that alternate with the issue. Above these feelings is the obligation placed on our lieve in them. I will hate many and kill many and ruin many. I will not remember the college life. choruses. judicial system to see to It that thereis no obstruction of The Lovin' Spoonful once sang, "There's 1352 guitar the due process of law by an individual, a group of in- cases in Nashville, and anyone of 'em who unpacks his dividuals, or an organized body such as the United States guitar can pick twice as better 'n I will." Country Music Army. The responsibility to se~that all the facts are ts.bero to play because there aren't any glmmlcs, just known in this case must not be disregarded. We owe it to good clean pickln'. Richie Fur-ay, Jim Messina and Rusty the wife of the Vietnamese killed and to the men charged Young are some of the best pickers ever and their best with his death to see that justice Is served one way or the song Is the title song, "Pickin' Up the Pieces." other. Classified information can still be retained if the There's just a little bit of magic In the court proceedings are held properly. Details of this tn- Country music we're slngln'. So let's begin. cident are of secondary importance and do not necessarily We're bringin' you back home where folks have to be revealed. What must be known is the guilt or in- Are happy, slttln', pickln' and a-grtnntn", nocence of these men. Gypsy Davy Strikes Again Casually, you and me'tt pick up the pieces. Last summer another controversial incident occurred involving a certain New England Senator. As of now the "Right now I can't read too good If you had time to stay, would you sit yourself court proceedings have been held up. Don't send me no more Jetter, no" Down and play, country music, sfng in' songs Leaving these two incidents unquestioned permits a Right now all these people are in here scream In' an 1 That we once both knew? Oh Lord, I know gradual breakdown of judicial principles necessary In can't sort out the confusion of their voices that falls on my That the day wlll come when both of us wIll serving justice. Are we to stand back and watch In sil- ear-s, The only distinguishable sound Is that of the Blond Sit down and strum our guitars, And ence? Beautie I saw Saturdaynight.Shewasstandingthere at the Then you'll see I really am a lot like you. _mike belching out her desolate song and !tall hit close to me. It kept bombarding me, like knifes In the circus, get- ting closer and closer to me (Id) and finally the knUe thrower slipped (or was she aiming) ani:lhitmy soul, tore it to shreds and them walked off the stage; And Bobby, - my friend, and 1 sit in the room by ourselves; and some- body is in the room studying at the desk and we're sUIl alone; and there are 150 million people having a party In the room, and yet Bobby and; are still alone. Maybe some- 'times somebody will come In the room, and there will be three of us, but nobody comes. often. But at this time I can't blame studier.and the 150 par-tier-s for not being in the room, They're each In their own rooms on a different trip (not to be taken In the drug sense), riding a different bus. \ nd who is to say which bus gives the best ride, It Is all relative to the Individual. And just because the routes This summer White truly incred- AS I walked the twelve miles necessary to even get the other buses take don't please us, there Is no reason ible phenomenon cccured. About a half million individuals close, people from their houses offered water and cake. for us to slosh their tires. And then sometimes it is ~.1ally flocked to become one part of the biggest collection of T heard warnings from people who had already been In great when somebody Invites you aboard with them, and you humanity In history. Even Dronysl.s couldn't attract the there. One. kid advised not to go. He said the people in share the experience together; and that's happening more crowds that rock bands do today. The people that snowed there weren't really brothers and didn't really give a shit and more lately, everybody's giving everybody else a LIFT. were tor the most part of the culture of rock worshipers about anythIng except themselves. He was right". People And if -it keeps up eventually we'll all be riding the same that exist throughout the country. F"reaks!rom everywalk gave to their limit but finally realized that to stay alive bus to stmnar destinations, and we can all make it go to- of freakdom were there (everyone and his Preac- they had to look out tor themselves. Thatseems to be the gether.IMaybe then the -heat plpeswon'tcough so loud ••• hers, teachers, lawyers, and alotofldds ate, slept, drank, story everywhere. (Apologies to all previously Injured). and tripped. Let's get it together they screamed out.
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