Page 18 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 18
Fmts Not All Hardly A Typical Day ==' Bad; Bayles's Article Argued On October- 15, students. at Western Maryland participated given no coverage. (What can you expect from a supposedly in a series of activities which culminated in a peaceful march liberal newspaper that endorses Nixon?) By "Zippy" to the War Memorial at the corner of Main- and Pennsylvania. Despite the misrepresentations by the press, the modified If asked to pick John L. Bayles It was a unique day. The only typical thing about the day was moratorium at Western Maryland was, in the view of the out of a crowd I'd be hard press- that I overslept. After I woke up at 10:30, we left for Balti- committee, a success. Faculty participation was extensive ed, but I would look for either a young man with a halo or a drool- more. The rally there at noon is hard to put into words: Sena- and the student response was commendable (almost 200 tng IdIot wIth his head in the tor Tydings was eloquent, Caretta King cared enough to speak students were in the march and over 300 signed the petition). clouds. Certainly fraternities are via telephone (despite the fact that one of her closest friends (Memo to Taneytown flag wavers: flag waving hasn't solved not above intelligent that criticism, but the GOLD It Is distressing had just died), and the construction workers provided comic any problems and it hasn't ended any wars.] BUG would print such an amalga- relief. We didn't get back ~n time for the English department's OpenHouse Policy mation of journalistic trash and program. At dinner, Joe Donovan tailed for a minute of sil- virtuous hornblowlng. It's nice to know that old-time religion is alive ence at 5:30-in honor -of all those who had been killed in The response to the moratorium indicates that Western and well, but like Cotton Mather, war. No catcalls interrupted the sixty seconds of silence. A Maryland is becoming increasingly liberal. In the past week, Mr. Bayles Is attempting to judge few minutes later, Mike Rudman and I found out that we another event reinforced the trend. The Men's Council pro- what he does not understand. The article should have been titled "A were supposed to be in the debate at 6:00. While the other posal for liberalized open houses was approved. Last year, Discourse of Glittering Generali- side spoke, we furiously jarred down notes and organized our this issue was discussed extensively by the Student Life ties" as it seems poor style was an attempt to mask an even poor- speeches. Then, the rally. An ad hoc committee with no Council. At the time, the right to privacy and the correspond- er content. money inevitably has problems in securing a speaker; f~rtun- ing obligation to act responsibly were stressed. The success of The fraternity system has been ately, Victor Kaufman. a Quaker. was able to come. the new policy therefore depends on the willingness of stud- attacked before and where done The Carroll County TIMES called us "peacernongers" in an ents to act responsibly. with an eye for the facts it Is a article in the October 20 issue. (I thought news articles were , defendable position. Mr. Bayles Cafeteria Policy elected to take the teeth out of supposed to be objecrive.) The Baltimore SUN article focused Last year a new cafeteria policy was inaugurated. One of his article by settlng ntmseu., up on a class room discussion and ignored the rest of tile activi- the major changes was a decision to have two main courses at as a moral guideline and by side- ties; the article gave the impression that Western Maryland is evening meals. A choice between pork chops and mystery stepping any real issue tn order to- pat himself on the back for be- the perfect Methodist, middle class college--conservative, meat may not be too thrilling, but at least it's a choice. How- ing such a good boy. His mother apathetic and with no liquor ads in the campus newspaper. must be very proud of him. Despite the fact that a reporter from the SUN interviewed ever, Barney Rice has decided to ignore the new policy as of both co-chairmen for the moratorium, the other evenjs were this year, How about an explanation? But what about all his accusa- tions? Are fraternity men here at WMC thewUd-eyed, atheistic, sex- starved winos that he paints us to Letters ..To The Editor be? In my years here the mean- Ing of a fraternity has transcend- ed mere group Identification, The focal point now is the individual To the edItor: ernUy system, r.ran to compre- common. I hope that I did not need b.l009 than an III rnembe r ,of the and wh!lt qe ca,n contribute to the In his article about the frats, hend the nature 'Of 'this "narr-eeu- the fraternity to learn this, 'but staff could use. The writer dur- group and what the grpup can do "Friendship by Membership," Mr. caeed, crudely -Inaccurate honestly speaking, my association Ing a hospttal experience recetv- for .hlm. No one is forced to join John Bayles expressed the strain, ed a most flattering number of a fraternity •. A guy 'reanees Icng the tension and the reeling of al- . Sl~t ~ayre~; beA;a;rS-;d that ~\t: ~:~t f~~tm:~s s::~~~p:o dr:.r_:~ cards. Not least rewarding for before he ever joins the obltga- ienation and martydom of the "out- "not wirmlng a girl's heart just to Bayles would beneflt to devote those who have taught .Iong years ttons that entail being a fraternily sider." In a very real sense I can get Into her pante" -doe!; not label some of the rest 01 his three has been the joy of sharing the member. sympathize with him: many frater- one a moralist as much as betng years and eleven months at WMC success of former students and nlty men, believe it or not, feel characterized by excessively nar , to tear-rung the same. lesson. Un- renewing contacts as we did dur- The fraternities do not demand like outsiders at Urnes. We enjoy row moral attitudes and being quick til then, up against the wall! Ing the football dinner of recent any stringent loyalty or adherence wallowing- in our aloneness, our to stereotype and categor-ize others date. to blind custom. There is no at- self-pUy, our righteous tndtgatton, do. Mr. Bayles Is cautioned not to MichaelS. Rudman In another article John L. Bay- tempt to smother Individuality or a Furthermore, his suggestion that allow himself to sUp into the latter les protested the tyje of libera- sense of duty to things outside the "frats should give themselves a two states of betng, AUow me to To the editor: lism that demands conformity fraternity. The fact that manyof good look In order to live up to offer Mn. Bayles thefollowlngles- Three art!cleslntheGOLDBUG, and boasts of promiscuity to prove the leaders ot the campus are frat the standards they try to present son I learned through the frat ex- Oct. 10, 1969, were a source of manhood. men bears this out. Fraternities on the outside" is a point extre- perlence. Alcoholic, luster, egg- delight. Instead of the usuat rare or Finally, Lee Hayden openly ap- do not practice or advocate any mely well taken. However, It Is head, super-swiIt couegtste, red- condemnation ofthe College and/or proves the educational experiences particular form of morality, new or of particular interest to me how necked bigot, withdrawn loner, mockery of reflnement and good he Is having on the Hili. He con- Old. It·s left up to you to fInd your any Individual, an "outsider" at pre-minsterial student or any co. taste, one !oundthree articles con- trasts conditions he has known place. AsCar as expectlngdrinking, that, can conclude In one month mblnatlon of these.-these are aU taInlng statements perhaps pre- elsewhere with those he finds here encouraging vain lust (an obvious that fraternities "expect drInking, men, they aremybrothersandthey 'saging an Increa.sIng ~umber of and declares the local situation contradiction of terms), and dis- encoura~ vain lust, and dIscour· are Mr. Bayles' brothers, too. I articles In a happier vem than was superior. He seems happy. couraging religious development, alte relilrious development." As have learned to understand andre- manifested In many durIng recent Experience seems to teach us these are not and never will bethe one who is offended by many of spect their differences as well as years. that young people should be happy, responsibIlity ofasocialorganiza- the gross Inequities of the frat· those qualities which they have in First, TimSmithrejectstheldea even to a degree naive. They should tlon. When you join,youjoinafrat· that education Is a "struggle be-. be dreaming of to-morrow rather ~rnity--not a seminary. Ifanelgh- tween Students and Admlnlstra- 'than threatening the College if it teen year oid male has not taken tion" and boldly suggests the ad- faUs to meet the demands of the the time to form any standards or ministration Is more Interested In disgruntled. convictions then he Is far beyond Offici.1 student newspaper of Western Maryland College, good education factors than in pro- Permit me to congratulate the the help of any frat. publi5had Twelve times a ye.r in Feb., Mar.• Apr .• May.. Sept.. fits. Permit me to suggest out of GOLD BUG and the young men to Oct •• Nov.• Dec .• on. Friday. 'Entered as lecond cl8$S matter at longer experience than any of our whom I have referred and to hope Lastly I would ask John Bayles the Post Office. Wenmirwoter,Maryland 21157, under Act of students and most of the faculty, 'that the notes recently sOWlded to be honest with himself and March 3, 1879. that one cannot know or even make may develop Into a song ot ap- fair to the fraternities. There is SECOND-CLASS PoSTAGE _10 AT WESTMtNSTEh. MD.21151- a good "guestimate" of the mat- preciaUon, dedication and happy no way that a freshman who has erIal aid given by faculty and sial! expectation. been here only a few months can in silent proof of their interest in Theodore M. Whltlield be objective about a situation that students. One of my closest as- has been touch and go for the last SOCiates when buying trousers for himself, bought another pair for Dear Paper People, few years. John, take a good hard a student of similar size. Some (No insult intended). look at these guys you call drink- ers, lusters, etc. Take a good look, have given or lent money to stu- It was my fortune on Saturday, and I'm sure you'll[[ndfUn-lov1ng, dents. Who can say how many stu- when 1 visited your campus In the honest, decent guys who release Sue SchuH . Business Manager dents were assisted by a former garb of Randolph-Macon soccer their tensions In harmless fun like Lee Sctrw.1'tz. ,.......... . Production Edhor dean and his wife? One house mot- player, to plck·up (having nothing s.- a.k p~ Zappardino .. News Editors better to do) a copy of the GOLD a "Girls (Broads)Suck" serenade. Mik. Shu~. __.... ........ Editorial Page Editor her made herself conspicuous in And while you're at it talk to some Brbln Chllnev _ _ _ _........ . Spom Editot" her financial support of a student BUG dated Oct. 10. of the girls around campus. I'm Rich AI'IdeBon.TI1IC8Y8egIin _..:_.._..............•.. futures Editors society. Many have offered stu- I can really dig what you people sure you'll find that love and res- .lim Smy1h .....•... _••_. __ ._ _ _ Advertising M ....... dents transportation and some have are trying to say and do, especi- pect for women Is not dead at WMC, ally on pages 5 and 6. Congratu- ==::·:.:~~:::::::::::::::::::~::::::~.r;:i~':~::: shared their homes. least 01 all among the fraternity ~Sm~~lou\1i This Is not meant to indicate a lations for saying what's on your men. You see the whole thIng Isn't .Iohn V.. Horn... _•.._ _ _._ . __ : Photogr~ Edittrr one-sided relationship. One rep mInd. Cari _Ktein _ __ •••;••_.. _ __ .__, Art Editor calls an _occasion when students as bad as you think It is. But just like anything else you have to give ...;:;=-.=~~~;::;·:7;:::i:~~~.:.~~~::'~~; to give mor~ Rod Galloway It a fair,. chance. /~ , quickly volunteered
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