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~The Gold Bug VOL. 46, NO.8 OCTOBER 10, 1969 Irish Critic To Lecture On EYES RIGIIT·-.!clors in tile new Understage pro- ductian of Chekov's Yeats, Joyce, Machiavelli drama "The Cflrrr)' Or· chard" pay close atten- lion to the director's Mr. Grattan Freyer, a well men visit the campus for a period direction. Pictured are known Irish critic and journalist, of two days to a week, as a part of ,Hjke Slaughter. Alan will visit octoter 14and this series. Winik, Dan Wiles OTHISue 15 as the latest of the Danforth Mr , Freyer was graduated from Seibert, The play deals Visiting Lecturers. Cambridge University with honors wilh Russian wcietya/ On October 14, Mr.Freyer, un- and later- the turn of the century. der the auspices of the English De- partment, will lecture on "Albert Pprformances will be on Camus and the Modern Con- October '22-25 at B: 15 science" at 2;35 tn r oom 106 p.m. in Alumni Hall. in Memorial Hall, Alsoonthe 14th, Cost? A mere $1.00. at 11:25 a.m. in room 106 Memor- Support the Arts! Ia}, Freyer wlU lecture for the Political Science Department on "Machiavelli and Macotaveutsm.' That evening at 7:30 p.m., "The Cherry Orchard" also in Decker Hall, Freyer will speak on "Irish Poet w.B, Yeats." On October Chekov Explores Changing Czarist Society Decker Lecture 15, at 10 a.m, In Hall, Mr. Freyer will deliver a lecture entitled Western Maryland --College's society In transition; specifically, defined, Yet, the aristocracy clings "What Kind Of Man Was James Dramatic Arts Department wlll the aristocracy of Czarist Russia adamantly to the values of the 00- Joyce?" present Anton Chekov's JastpJay, at the turn of the century. A vot- __cadent Czarist society, and, at The Danforth Lecture series The Cherry Orchard, from Octo- carne eruption of social change times, their actions seem absurd was founded In 1957 in an attempt ber 22-2~ at 8:15p.m.onthe Maln- erases the definite boundaries be- in the to assist colleges In their liberal stage of Atumnt Hall. education programs, Each year, The Cherry Orchard deals with a several distinguished men or wo- Petition, Class Participation Urged For M·Day by Cathy McCullough explored. the war will be held In Memorial Pennsylvania, Turning left, we will " Jerry Hopple, co-chairman, The Western Maryland Viet- 106 from 3:00 -5:00 p.rn, march up Pennsylvania entering stated that "in an academic com- the college at the nouzer-om During the dinner hour, infor- nam Moratorium Committee munity such as Western Maryland mauon and position papers will be Gym entrance, march by the ad- plans a day of open discus- It would be a shame if those pro- distributed along with black arm- ministration building and return to sion on the Vietnam issue fessors who do not support the bands to be worn by those sup- the chapel. At this point we wiII refuse to allott class Moratorium blow out our candles and the Bean capped off by an evening time to the Vietnam issue. The porting the Moratorium. At 5:30, brothers will lead us in song." rally on October 15. Western - other side of the issue should be the committee will ask for a mtn- After the march, the committee ute of silence in memory and honor voiced by these profes scrs tnoruer will ask those who strongly sup- _ Maryland's activities are part that those many uncommitted In- of all human beings killed In war port the Moratorium to keep vigl-l of a nationwide expression of dividuals might have the opport- action. "Work for Peace" bumper at the chapel. Those stickers will be distributed. concern on American involve- unity to think through the Issues and accepting a sticker will be asked to The following petition will be • make a commttment,» ment in Vietnam. Hopple continued, making refer- make a contribution to the effort. distributed on October 15 for COl- and lege community signatures ence to the criticism that the com- At 6:00 there will be apaneldis- will be sent to President Nixon: The National Vietnam Morator- mittee has not provided objective cusston followed by an open forum ium Committee, based in wastung- information on both sides of the on the Vietnam Issue. Heading the "We the undersigned express ton, has asked aU colleges, univer- issue, vour main objective is not pro-government side of the Issue the belief that the war In Viet- sities, businesses, and labor to stop the distribution of information will be veteran Bob Chapman, nam is unjustified, We feel that act! V1Ueson October 15 as a meas- which can readily be found by read- Buzzy Schulze wtU head up the op- the Nlxonadministration'sre- ure of united opposition to the con- ing the journals and newspapers, position. Potlowtng the open forum fusal to consider public opinion tlnulng United States action In Viet- but rather a demonstration of unt- a short film wUl be shown. and sentiments about the war nam. The one day October action tied opposition against the war. We The rally will form on the steps is Undemocratic. We are Amer- will be expanded to two days inNov- are not tryingtomakeconverts,We of Baker Memorial Chapel at 8:00 Icans and demand that our voice ember, three days in December, only offer the opportunity for In- __ p.m. An outside speaker win ex- be heard, We are jotntng with escalating until the war Is ended. di vlduals to make a commitment on press his feelings on the war In people across the country. In Large -marcnes are planned In the Vietnam issue." Vietnam. His speech wUl be fol- protesting American involve- Washington and San Francisco on In addition to classroom dls- lowed by the reading of letters of ment In Vietnam." November 15. cusston people In the college com- support from such nationally known Western Maryland activities are munUy will be working In the town figures as Joan Baez and Senator Commenting on the lack of stu- a modtflcatlon of the national plan with Dr. Shroyer on October 15. William J. Fulbright of Arkansas. dent interest and support, Jerry of suspending classes. The Mora- Craig (Buzzy) Schulze, publicity Susan Baker, rally coordinator 1 Hopple, ec-eharrmae stated, "The torium Committee has urged all co-chairman, has asked that any- said, "After the r-eadtng of the sup- fact that Western. Maryland has professors to devote part or all of one desiring to help in town by go- porting letters, the people present remained silent while millions of their class-time to a discussion ing door-to-door or to the shopping will be asked to light a candle In Americans have taken a stand Is a on the Vietnam War. The Morator- center with a petition asking for support of the Moratorium and sad commentary on this college. ium "Comrnittee feels that class- those In support oIthe Moratorium against our 'uvotvement In VIet- The Vietnam commitment Is a room discussion Is an essential to sign to contact him. nam. We wtll then marco silently, moderate program for an equauy part of the October 15 acuvtttes A faculty prog;am consisting of two by two out themainentranceof moderate college, but too many of as it provides an opportunity for poetry and dramatic readings in- the college down to the War Me- us are too secure and too com- the many sides of the issue to be morial at the corner of MaIn and placentto think;" terspersed with news releases on
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