Page 10 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUGOCTOBER10; 1969 Moratorium Gains i- l (I Appeal To Students .Support From Support The Moratorium National Figures (The 10110wing endorsements of By Jerry Hopple the Vietnam Moratorium appeared In an advertisement In the New To be against the war in Vietnam and to do nothing is indefensible ... York TIMES on September 28, To sit back passively month after month and wait for a Richard . 1969.) Nixon or a Melvin Laird to admit that our country was wrong, and that Senator Charles E. Goodell: again the students "Once we are going to bring our men home without delay, is . naive, to say nation will go door-to-door 01 this to call the least. for peace In Vietnam. This con- It isn't going to happen until the American people make it happen. structive effort to work for an end That is why we must go to the people ..." (From the Call signed by 500 to this senselesswaristrulyahigh college student body presidents and campus newspaper editors.] form of patriotism." Senator Mark 0_ Hatfield: "The type 01 non-violent action which the For the past few weeks, the Western Maryland Vietnam Moratorium asserts is not only Commitment Committee has been having meetings in order highly commendable tct atso sore- ly needed." to prepare a program for October 15. We are asking for broad- Senator Eugene J. McCarthy: based student support-from fraternity and sorority members, "The Vietnam Moratorium is the independents and freshmen. The success of our efforts on most significant demonstration or opposition to the war In Vietnam October 15 will be determined by your willingness to make a since the prima'i-y results 01 1968• .:':':::;:.:.: .:.::~:::::.;::::::.:.:.:..... :.:.::::::::::: .::::::" :::::::~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::: :::;:;:;:::~;:::::::::::::::::~ commitment on this issue. It Is the only way that the people It has become increasingly apparent that American involve- letters To The Editor 01 the country can demonstrate a ment in. Vietnam is unjustifiable. A few years ago, only two second judgment on the war in Vietnam to those whoholdpoUtical members of the United States Senate -- Ernest Greuning of power." Alaska and Wayne Mo!se of Oregon-opposed American in- In the last Issue, the GQLDBUG stues, The Idea that a college Is Senator George S. McGovern: "1 printed an article entitled SGA: an arena Is one which must be dis- would hope that the Moratorium volvement. (Ironically, both were defeated in the 1968 elec- Legacy of Retreat. I agreed with carded. observance wUi make clear to the tion: Creuning lost the Democratic primary in Alaska and many of the points he raised. How- Tim Smith Administration that in the contin- came in third as a write-in candidate in the general election ever, 1 did not agree with some To All Students: uance ot this senseless bloodshed nee the seed 01 national tragedy. parts of the article. November 1 has been Saturday while Morse lost in a close Oregon race.] Since then, more and In discussing complaints about set for the day when parents as- It is an effort which merits the re- Americans have joined the Oreunings and Morses. Students at the changes In the Grille, Mr.Rud- cend "The Hill" for their annual sponstble participation 01 all man states that a student asked Americans who are anxious to re- Western Maryland arc being asked to make the same kind of a Dean Mowbray "if it would be ac- interrogation. In past years Par- verse a policy 01 military attri- commitment. ceptable to him if the SGA writes ent's Day has centered around the tion and moral disaster." needs of parents or rresnmen. This In an editorial, the magazine "The. Christian Century" a letter expressing our regrets year the Junior Class Is striving John Kenneth Galbraith: "Every- stu- announced its endorsement of the October 15 national about the way the sttuatton was to change the emphasis to par- one who has been lecturing 01 vtot-. handled and tea an official explana- dents on the wickedness moratorium: tion." ldr: Rudman" conUnues, ents of all students, week Invitations , ence should welcome this opport- This coming "Dean Mowbray was delighted at will be going out and it is hoped unity to reassert peacefully their the proposal for he understood it The significance of the Viet-nam M~ratorium scheduled would satisfy the students' natural that you will encourage your par- opposition to- the continued pres- ents to be here. for October 15 is that the largely quiescent resistance urge to gripe whllenotofferlngany . his part perhaps If everyone does 01 sure from the mllitary leader- the relevance ship." and criticism of millions of essentially moderate Amer- serious threat to changing- the Parent's Day will become more Fanny Lou Hamer: "With the icans has come to an end. Initiated by student leaders newly Imposed system." apparent this year. The day has kind of pain we are undergoing Alas, we are not all so fortun- and supported by prominent policicans, churchmen and ate as to have Mr. Rudman's po- been scheduled as foliows: here in Mississippi, to have black (McDaniel Lounge) and whlte men dying in Mississ- Registration wers of telepathy. I, not knowing others, the call for the moratorium begins: "Ending the 8:30 -11:30 All Parents ippi is a shame and disgrace. It Dean Mowbray's Innermost thou- Meetings with Faculty9:00-10:30 war in Vietnam is the most important task facing the ghts, can only go by what he says AU Parents Is essential that we supwrtthe Committee's Vietnam Moratorium American nation." It is proposed that a broad cross aloud. He told me, along with the Informal Reception with Faculty efforts to end the war." rest of the male FAC advisors, section of Americans give up "business as usual" on (McDaniel Lounge) 10:45-11:20All Richard Ns Goodwtn: "Thlsmor- that he had personally opposed th,e Parents ' atorlum is an unusual opportunity October 15 and spend the day in local activities aimed at change. The decision was Dr _ En- Assembly (Alumni Hall) 11:30- for those of us who believe that a more immediate American policy for ending this sor's. Later in the article Mr. Rud- 12:15 Parents of Freshmen public policy can be made to yield Lunch (Dining Hall) 11:30-12:15 nation's part in the war. man states, "Let's face it: Pre- Parents of Upperclassmen to citizen action without violence It opposes the super- or coercion. sident Ensor and his staff have a ior moral force of peace to the all- (Dining Hall) 12~15-1:00 Lunch The war in Vietnam has adversely affected the quality of certain job to do, run the college Parents 01 Pre snmen uring Insanity 01 war," They see the college in American society. The war has affected the allocation of business. of a corporation, deaUng Football Game 1:30 (WMC vs, Other endorsements include terms resources in this country--and the qualitative effect has been with contributors in dollars and Randy Macon) 1:00-5:30 (All Cesar Chavez, Joe Duffy(chalr- for Democratic House man of Americans Open more harmful than the actual quantitative changes. In The cents. They are concerned with Dorms) (Frat and Sorority Club- Action), Reinhold Neibuhr, Paul New Industrial State, John Kenneth Galbraith argues elo- making the college an attractive rooms) Schrade (United Auto Workers, package to its contributors--often DIvision), and Benjamin Western quently for a society that emphasizes quality more than an- at the expense of the students.' Thank you, Moore, President '71 Speck. Charlie Mr. Rudman seems tohaveJltUe nual numerical increases in the GNP. America can not accept idea of the purpose of either a this challenge until we are out of Vietnam. The most power- business or a college. The purpose ful nation in the world is not losing any honor if it admits it of any business firm is to make Official student newspaper of Western M~ryl\md College. was wrong by supporting Diem, Ky and Thieu. America still a profit. A college comes nowhere I published Twelve times a year in Feb.. Mar.. Apr., May.. Sept.. The purpose a profit. near making has a chance to admit its error and leave Vi_etnam without a of a college Is educating Its stu- .Oct., Nov.. Dec., on Friday. 'Entered as second class matter at under Act of Ithe Post Office, Westminst8l'. Maryland 21157, Dienbienphu. For this reason, the Western Maryland commit- dents; It cannot do that without IM~rch 3. 1879. tee is asking your support on October 15. adequate funds. SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT WESTMtNSTEh. MD. 21157- Of course, a balance must be The Western Maryland committee is asking faculty mem- struck between student needs and bers to devote all or part of their class time on October 15 to pleasing contributors. I cannot say that I agree with all the adminis- E
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