Page 16 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 16
Greek Women A cceptPledges On Friday night October 3 Wes- tern Maryland's four sororities took In their new members and end- ed the two week fall rush period. Acceptance began at 7:00 in the clubrooms and was followed by serenading through the three ~rls' dorms and acceptance parHeswith the sorority's brothers. Seventy- seven girls pledged this semester out of 86 that went through rush. The new Iotes are Ruth Howell, Sue Jones, Joan Kauffman, Linda Kimball, Nancy Lee, and Nancy Mlas ka, Four pledges from last semester will be going through Hell Week at this time: Esther Foster, Sue Ban, Jerry Johnson, and Pat Czwartacki. Sigma Sigma Tau took in seven- teen new members. They are: Janet Barrick, cess Callahan, Kay Can- " oles, Nancy Ellsworth, Jeannette Ergler, Suzanne Germuth, Louise GllJ, Marcie Hardfs ky, Carol The Grass Roots, a _popular folk-rock group, will be appearing at Jones, MargieKelbel,BarbSmeak, Alumni Hall on Saturday, October 18. Tickets are $1.50 per person one. A dance will be Mary Ann Spencer, Sally Tarr, with an SGA activities ticket and $3.00 without Hunt Club. Beth Trott, 17 at the Taylorsville Barb Volz,NancyWat- held on. Friday, October Sho'men Trip WMC :~~'t::dB~:crkO!n:~~~te~~e~=:~ ~W;:;=MC:;-;S:-o":'c-'-ce-r-----'--':__=':"::'==:':_--- In Memor,·am In Cross-country th'oewpl.dg.,wlth'p"tyo"',t Lee's Motel. Phi Alpha- Mu added twenty-one Larry Anderson by Bernie Pfeiffer new carves to the purple herd, 'rue The WMC Cross-Country team Resignato, In sixth place, was the pledges are: Donna Abbott, Nancy started off the seasononthewrong next Western Maryland finisher. Becker, Wanda Black, Barb Bula, by AI McCoy root, and suffered an opening meet Although the outlook was prornts- Chelle CaUngton, Sue Crowe, Dee defeat to the Sho'men of Washlng- tng up to this point, all the rest of Getty, Sue Head, Pam Hitchcock, Quite a few interesting things cords for it Is rumored that Gene as well as ton College 25-34. the team could manage were 11th Marty Jones, Linda Macwtlttams, have happened In the WMC soccer Lindsay's girl friend, the coach's Bill Hickey's parents, world. Jim Seamans offered me a Running under sunny skies and and 12th places which proved to be Lois McDowell, Jody Matthews, over a well marxed a.a mile course the teams downfall. Chris Reinert, Pat Saunders, Carol one dollar bribe to put his name son and Smokey, wUi all be there Washington's Dave Bird set a· The harriers will hit the road Schmidt, Peggy Scrtba, Debbie in the article. So here you are, simultaneously. A crowd of this generate ::ourse record of 24:23.5. He was again this Saturday as they host a Snouffer, George Stephenson, Gayl Jimmy! size wUi certainly that, if not pro- an air of excitement 'ouoweo by WMC's BernardPfeif- strong Rancolph-Maconteam cntne Summerlin and Beth 'rrenerne. The Thl~ seems to be the season of 'er and Calvin Putt. Freshman Paul tough 4-mile Western Maryland Gamma Betes hosted the accept- 3;.2 ~cores as the Terrors have perly controUed, might turn into ance party tor the Phi Alph pledges lost two scrimmages and one sea- a full scale riot or even lead to a Education: in the Bete clubroom. Also going son game by this score. Our next reoccurre.I!..ce of the Soccer War. of you thought soccer And some chance to break the jinx will come this Hell Week activities through on against Randolph- One Year, Sixteen Times fall are Carole Ensor, Nancy Law- Macon, Saturday year's Mason-Dixon was a dull game. All I can say Is last rence, KlrkMorris,andSueSchuil. Thirty-three girls pledged Delta Southern Conference winners. Dr. Michael Obsatz is seen as basically the same Signa Kappa this semester. Carol ~.,....,....""';;;;';;;';"":;:::";:'::"':;:;;;;"';':;';:::" Education Department creature--someone to be molded, atce. Alice Boyer, Kathy Bryant, Macalester College someone to be worked upon, some- Debbie Clark, Laura costello, We take you now to the class- one expected to sop up and cough Yvette Dawson, Mary Louise DI~ room, in Anywhere U.S.A. Look. back the disconnected unreauttes Domenico, Debra Dunphy, Diane Look. See the sun.Streamlngthro- taught In many classrooms. Ercole, Sandy Gochar, Virginia ugti the window. Desks. See the oh, you must be kidding. Throu- Golden, Bonnie Green, CheryJe years of sch- ghout one's sixteen desks. Look. Look. Look. Thirty ooling one receives progressively creescvic, JudyHarkins, Margaret desks. All in alew neat little rows. more mature treatment. There is Hefferon, Vivian Higdon, Alison Look again. One big desk. Out In a basic understanding of the nat- Kabernagel, Linda Karr, Bonnie 'rent, Teacher's desk. Nice gray Kimmel, Donna Littleton, Fran steel desk. Smell. Smell. Smell. ure of growth and development, Ann McCabe, Sally Marker, Jean ::halkdust. Linoleum floor polish. and the students are responded to Meyer, Sharon Mcntgcmery.Susan Look again. Blackboards --ooopps In terms of their greater matur- Phoebus, Kathe Rourke, Chris --Green boards. Ateacher enters. ity and sejj-r-esponstbf ltty, Schubert, Barbara schull, Sue It Is my contention that college Look again. Thirty smiUng faces. and graduate schools are very scott, Kathi Stetter, Janet Steute- AU Intent. All eager. Allwaiting ••• much like second grade. We don't vUle, Charlene Uphoff, andPattt tor THE WORD. Wade are the new Delts. Sue Bauer Teacher: Hello class. Today credit second graders with a great Betty Tokar, and Pam Zappardlno ee're going to talk about-----and deal of maturity--and likewise, we will also go through Hell Week this [would like you to pay carenn ett- don't give college seniors very fall. The Bachelors' clubroom was Dave Downes sprints to defense a sho'men attack. ennon because tomorrow we're go- much credit either. How are they the scene of the party celebrating I would like to retract some- history in the making. Dg to have a little test--I mean aUke? Let's see. is the thirty-three pledges. thing I said tn· my last article. Now I would like to put a few of all, the motivation First lulz. And then you'll all get grad_ external. Individuals are told to Football Numerous cries of protest about names In the article: Steve Cox, !d. And you all want good grades. work because of the rewards they my statement that outside left is Earl Draper, Ned Rhodes, Ron :ion't you? You want to learn, don't (Continued from Page 7) the most important position have Athey, Ben Franklin, Roy Melvin, rou? will recelve--always external re- with Brockmeyer scooting through led me to re-examine the line-up Billy Shears (the one and onlY), money, a as grades, wards--such The grade? Maybe second? May- good job, a letter of recommen- the end. Mavity put his second extra and I have come to the conclusion Bob Buchannan, Johnson Bowie(for Je eight? Maybe Junior High? May- point through to end the scoring at that, at the time of this writing, all the women readers),DlckHall, Rarely le High S"hool? College? Gradu- dation. learmng Is there such be- 17-6. Inside Is far more important than Larry Anderson, Paul Esbrant, the Is worthwhile, cause lte School? Larry Garro, the perennial outside left. Ron P., Leon Cronce, B. B. King, It is somewhat difficult to tell subject is meaningful, the learn- Prince of Peace, earned Defensive The game this weekend could Arlo Guthrie, Jeff Beck and Jerry ho!!"... things. After all, school ing Is necessary for Indl vidual gro- Player of the Week h~nars. possibly shatter all attendance re- Hopple. wth and understanding. Joesn't change very much. sure, IF========JI The work is also product orlent- :he assignments get longer, the ed, rather than process oriented. ;;ubject matter becomes more Completing aSSignments and pro- OPEN 24 HRS. Y;Y A LIT r CLEANERS & ::omplex and difficult. The desks jects indIcates (perhaps) that lear- 1I1 Jet larger to students, sotheteach- ning has occurred. Rather than SHARKEY'S \N So•.Coater 81...t,:'=~RS ~r seems smaller. Behavior be- evaluate the learning, one evaluates :omes more appropriate, adaptive. the products--assumlng that pro- Phsycial contact Is discouraged-- ducts represent learning. The COFFEE SHOP LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING • TAn.oRlN,G IOstures become more formal, and product orientation puts pressure AND GUIll.' Storace &: LiDen Rental Serria :amesmanship is more proless- on those who learn at different DINING ROOM .onal.) The schedule does become pace!, and levels. Learning Is ad- U.S. 140 knee for Stad .. ", 111WMC 8ladeat c...ter nore loose. The teacher has a justed to meeting time schedules. 3 MILES EAST OF MoadaytluoqhFrltla)' 'ew added degrees after hIs name-- It is organized and forced Into a lIke M.A. or Ph. D. Bu~the student single structure. WESTMINSTER 9:00 O'clock UatU 3:00 O'cloct JIaIJy
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