Page 8 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG SEPTEMBER 26. 1969 Convocation Bob Welch and Gang: (Continued from Page I) Applled Music, Emma C. Moon', SEX IS DIRTY '70; The Milton Hendrickson Sch- olarship, Bonnie C, Byers and MiChael S, Rudman, '70; The Harry Clary Jones Scholarship, by Tracey 9tglin Richard D. Baillie, '70; The Fe- It looks like the Carroll County lix Woodbridge Morley Memor- elementar.y schools are going to So, the problem has, for the tat Award, David L. Ledford, '72. moment, been solved or at least ·President Ensor's address cen- have a curriculum whlchw11l sur- pacified In Carroll County. Child- tered on the theme of "Continu- pass English 214 In spice. Issue In ren must have written permission guardian from their parent and/or case you missed the 9!1I/69 Ity and Change," He cited many of the Carroll County Times .... examples of change on campus it had a front page article on 5th to attend sex eu. classes, Those now taking place, and noted and 6th grade sex education class- parents denying permission must changes which will take place In es, And when controversy reach- admit to having no control over the near future -as part of the es Westminster, you gotta know what their children learn In the Campus Beautification Program. infamous "locker room," and no An Important Innovation pointed it's big news. Some mothers In way of correcting !alseintorma- out was the purchase of "Harri- the area have received phone calls tion except thru their own se lf- informing them of the Communist- son House," to be used as an Al- controlled plot which is disguised consciousness discussions with the youngster. umni center, but which wlll also be as a sex education course In their available for student groups by children's schools. I guess the Issue comes down permission. to the same age old struggle bet- Paul Resignato , John Skinner, and Bernie Pheiffer As far as I know the CarroU ween the enlightened desire for He noted two additions to the County opposition to school cour- change and the fears of those who - academic program for this year. ses of this touch (pun?) subject is are always being thrust, kicking Harriers Seek First Victory A colloquium on interdisciplinary as yet untitled, Not so in other and screaming, Into a new era. studies will be conducted, as a sectors. For example, there's OUtlOOK Not Optimistic PAUSE (People ROTC Orientation "second-track" program. Presi- POSE (Parents Opposed to Sex dent Ensor sees this program as Education), and Against Unconstitutional Sex Edu- by Ronnie Goldherg The freshmen :'I~~~!I~~~: traac~:~ondtrack, but a cation). Oklahoma calls its brand ed on September men were present- Entering their second year of 7 with the merits Because Chapman, 50S (Sanity of Sex). My favorite, and drawbacks of the R.O.T.C, pro- existence, the Western Maryland only six team members, of a total the Curriculum however, hails (Parents Iowa Opposed gram and military service and the to wIn its first league meet at Was- is still open for recruits. from and College cross country team hopes Jdaho--POSSE to R.O.T.C. Colonel alternatives to Sex and SensHi vlty Training). Bobbie Mitchum spoke for the hington College on October 4. (Continued from Page I) Such groups, say 18 months ago, R.O.T.C. department and Dr. Phil- Dr. Ray PhilUps, English pro- Lose 10 Lbs. In were just unorganized, angry, flu- lips of the English department on Maryland chances 10 Days On New quirernent for all freshmen. This stered, frustrated parents. Late- fessor and part-time coach, eva- year R.O.T.C., no longer a r-e- ly, however, support has been the alternatives. This is the first luated Western qutrement, Is an alternative to the picking up, Bills to restrict sex year of a totally elective program as "hard put to win one or two of Mliltary SCience. physical education requirement of education have been submitted In meets, based on last year's per- Grapefruit Diet four semesters. From one hund- 15 state Iegtslatures as well as Colonel Mitchum stated that the formance." The harriers' record new red and fifty eligible freshmen, in the U, S. Congress. Organiz- sole purpose of the R.O.T.C. staff for their first season ended at This is the revolutionary diet that everyone i. grapefruit seventy-five enrolled in the ed support Is being supplied by of five officers and six enlIsted 0·5. suddenly talking about. Literal. R.O.T.C. course, Of the remain- your friend and mine, the John men was to offer to the students Western Maryland's charges In- Iy thousands upon thousands of Ing enrollment, fifty-nine are sop- the opportunity to gain a commis- clude captain John Skinner, a Jun- copies have been passed frarq homores, thirty-one are juniors Birch society. Robert Welch, sion In the U. S. Army. the stu- Ior, sophomores CalvlnPUtt,Ber- hand to hand in factories, plan I of the Birch gang, stated prestoent In the freshman year, and thirty-five are seniors. Thro- last January that sex education nie Pheiffer, and Jeff Bell; with and offices throughout the U.S. ughout the year, visiting offtcers was a "filthy Communist plot." dent would study the organization freshmen Paul Reslgnato and Bob There will be "no weight less in from all branches of the services We must also remember Welch of the Army, the philosophy of the the tirst four days. But you will defense. The wllJ supplement the regular R.O. for his enlightening information Army and national as a motivation Football suddenly drop 5 pounds ?n the T,C. curr-iculum, on Dwight Elseohower--or didn't dr11l period serves 5th day. Thereafter you will Jose and Scrimmage A new course In the Biology De-: you know the General was a tool to an army commission: "to rnnld, one pound a day until the 10th bring partment this semester Is BIology of the Communists. to Instill out leadership qualities day. Then you will Jose l~ pounds every two days until you a degree of discIplIne." 115. This course enables non- Motorede (Movement to Restore The sophomore year is more In- The Western Maryland football get down tc your proper _eight. science majors to receive an over- Decency) is the newest Birchist team suftered a 21-20 defeat In Best of ali there should be no ~ all view of Biology without cover- ."club." A spokesman In New tense with the greatest emphasis their pre-game scrimmage with hunger pan~s. Now revised and Ing as much detail as Biology ma- on American Military History • Dickinson on Saturday 20. Al- enlarged, this new dIet plan lets jors. York puts theIr policy down as: At the beginning of the junior though Coach Jones was very en- you stuff yourself with foods a cadet Is sworn Into the "Motorede believes there is no year, Reserve and receives a $50 tbusta sttc about the passing of that were formerly 'forbidden' big steaks, Army ... Suchas trim. Football such thing as a good school cou- per month subsistence allowance. yards, Bozman, who threw for 263 med with fat, Southern fried Bruce on sex education." Needless rse of fresh- and the running to say, Motorade entices followers At the conclusion of the junior year man halfback, Joe Brockmeyer. chicken, rich gravies, mayan. from all the great old causes of the cadet must go toArmy sum- nelse. lobsters, swimming in fats, (Continued from Page 7) yesteryear: BLOCK FLUORIDA- mer camp with pay one-halt that .wno gained 87 yards on the ground, butter, bacon, eggs. sausages You can he was notsatlslledwlththeteam's and scrambled TION, FIGHT MENTAL-HEALTH, of a Second Lieutenant. eat until you are full, until you of InjurIes; If the remedy can't IMPEACH EARL WARREN, and performance In several other cannot possibly eat any more, be found, I can almost promise a ELECT GEORGE WALLACE, This Is the first year when an areas of the game, The defensive And still you should lose 10 In-game wind sprint up and down The Birchershavemanyallles __ R.O.T.C. course may be dropped secondary has still not shaped _up pounds In the first ten days, the turf. for instance the Christian Crus- as any other course. The second satisfactorily, and this week fresh- plus l~ pounds every tWI) days WMC students have always been ade, a fundamentalist religion. semester may be taken without man Walter Orndorff will be given thereafter until your weight is known for comprehensIon and "Educaton director" of the Cru- having taken the first semester If a long look at safety, Also need- down to normal. The secret be- awareness; thus, one little "if" sade, Gordon V. Drake, has been the student takes the first semes- ing more work Is the Terror pass hind this new "Quick weight shouldn't deter then frg.m Hoffa speaking for Motorede on quite an ter at a later time. rush, and blocking tn ganar-aj, loss" is not generally knqwn. this fall. If nothing else, It's a tine extensive tour. Drake Is a straight The professor of MIlitary The Green Terrors travel to stuff yourself on the permitted place for a suntan on the slopes talker, and makes no bones about science concluded by reminding Bridgewater College on Saturday, foods listed in the diet plan, and (both grassy and human); It's a telling his audiences ne doubts the the audience that each male stu- September 27 for their opening stU] lose unsightly fat and ex. cess body fluids. When the lat continuous GIGIF Inthe stands; It's theory of evolution, and the criti- dent Incurs at his eighteenth blrth- game. Coach Jones knows very and bloat are gone you will an epicurean delight for four bits cizes Billy Graham for support- day "by law, a milltary obliga- I1ttle about the Bridgewater team cease to lose weight, and your (better than $1200 a year for ing "sensltlvlty training" for tion. You must serve six years In at this early date, but In the past weight will remain controlled. A "505"), it's an outdoor bull ses- teachers as a preparation the military service," the Terrors have fared very well copy of this new and startlingly sion with your own clique. But there Ing family-life courses. for gtv- Dr. Phillips stressed that this against them. Western Maryland successful diet plan can be ob. He also Is something else. These 80 play- calls the National Council of is the first year a student could has an overall record of Six wins, tained by sending i J to ers represenUngWMCcameback8 Churches "subversive." say "no" to R.O,.T-.C. He also said no losses and one tie with Bridge- days before you and I, givingupthe Trying Its best to stem this tide that I! anyone was thinking of water dating back to 1958; how- extra cash and the lazy weekend of irrationality is SIECUS (Sex applying lor Conscientious Objec- ever, the Terrors have not play- at O.C. or RehobethtobuUhelmets Information and. Education Coun- tor status, the draft boards would ed them since 1966. Bridgewa- run "gassers" Indiscriminately, cU of the U.s.). SIECUS Is a non- not be favorable if that student ter opened their season last Sat- execute the same plays again and profit organization set up in 1964 voluntarily chose a military urday with a win over West VIr- again under a hot sun, and hear the that advocates comprehensive sex ginia Tech., 13-6. detested yodel, "OnGuard:Hltit!" education K-12. At present, this While we've sauntered off to UI'T, organization seems to be experi- they straggle out to the fleld Inthe encing the greatest force of the OPEN 24 HRS. same ranCid, sweaty gear three Birch-backed protests, times or once a day; when it's t!111~k:'!~;'!r'; SHARKEY'S GIGIF for us, U's a seU-Impos- Of course, there are really leg- ed 11 p.m. curfew for them, just itimate and worthwhile groups who to give a few freshmen and sea- seriously question the advantages LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING • TAILORING COFFEE SHOP soned malcontents their free ad- G....... t Storage .t LIDen ReDtaI Senko . AND mission's worth In a Saturday of sex ed. in schools. The most DINING ROOM vocal of these are Catholic parents scrimmage. This Is not aeulogyof who feel more strongly than most ServIce for St.d ... ", IDWMC St. ..... t Center 'U.S. 140 the Terrors, and It is not a parody; parents that the teaching of ser and MoodaythroaghFrlday 3 MILES EAST OF U's a poor attempt to show you that religion are Inspearable; hence, they try. ':00 O'dock UDtU 3:00 O'dock .1laD7 WESTMINSTER not suitable' for publIc schools.
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