Page 12 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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PAGE,4 THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 10, 1969 Tensions Run High WMC Begins Program In Nation's Colleges To Aid Deaf Children WASlDNGTON--(CPS)--L1ke the dured an armed building occupa- The State of Maryland Is one of star too distant tobevlewedclear- tion by militant blacks last year, There Is a crisis tn teaching of during the summer. According to seventeen states. and the most ly through a telescope or-the germ added a dtsctplinary clause oro- the deaf which Western Maryland Dr. Bailer, It began to appear that populous. of the group, which has too small to be seen through a hlbiUng "misconduct sufficiently College, Westminster. hopes to there was a real need and a highly no program for deaf education Interest in education of developed microscope, the u.s. college stu- serious as to constitute a violation alleviate. the deaf In Maryland. training. Western Mary- dent has remaIned an unknown of or threat to the maintenance of The crisis Involves a lack of Deciding to develop the program land'S education department trains and' therefore enigmatic quantity the publlc order." The clause teachers trained to help those who at both graduate and undergrad- secondary school teachers. An- since the start of the 1969-70aca- covers faculty members as well are deaf. A large number of deaf other problem, according to Dr. demlc year. as students, and the maximum chlldren, fot example, this year uate levels. this fall Western Vernon, is that most programs This fall, he has scurried about penalties are the dismissal ot the have reached school age. These Maryland added to Its faculty Dr. preparing teachers of the deaf ex- busily preparing for the Oct. 15 former and expulsion of the tatter .. chlldren were alfected by the 1961- McCay Vernon. Dr. Vernon, a re- clude the deal as faculty and stu- psycholcgi st. and national- search Vietnam war MoratorIum, protest- A ai-rnemter hearing board with 62 rubella epidemic, the worst to ly recognized authority on pro- dents. The Western Maryland pro- ed the University of California's four student members will have htt the country and seen by some blems of the deaf, will coordinate gram Is starting with one deaf fac- dismissal of a eommuutst tnstruc- jurisdiction in misconduct cases. experts as worse than the tnene-: the cooperative venture. ulty member and hopes to Include tor, launched rent strikes at four The University ot illinois sent amide disaster. Dr. Howard Gar- more deal people In the future. schools, and held a boycott of a letter to parents ot undergrad- ber, Maryland health department Training for teachers of the deal classes at the University of Mich- uates warning: «wnsn •••a student physician, has predicted another Difficulties in communicating at Western Maryland will contain tgan in support of demands for a is found to have knowingly engaged rubella epidemic this spring. this certain courses in lieuoftheregu- student-operated bookstore. in a disruptive or coercive action, means, if Dr. Garber's prediction Both Dr. BaUer and Dr. Vernon lar education courses such as the Despite this bit of empirical including penalty wUl be dismissal is borne out, that the problem is not say that there Is a vacuum In terms language of signs, speech, lipread- evidence and despite the postula- or suspended dismissal." Other going to diminish. of number of teachers available ing, and psychology of the deaf. tions and predictions offered by schools, including Ohio, Indiana, About two years ago, Mr. David compared to the number needed Communication is a basic problem sociologists, psychologists, the Purdue, andNorth Carolina have Denton, superintendent of the now. If there is a future epidemic, of the deal, Dr. Vernon points out. commercial press, government- released stmnarc ccncuct state- Maryland School for the Deaf in there will be an even greater need. A deal child when entering school comrmstcned task forces, etc., It's ments. State University of New Frederick. approached Dr. Joseph There is no place in the United may not know his name or the anyone's guess as to whether the York at stony Brook-e-me scene Baller of-Western Maryland Col- States specializing In preparing names of his clothes or his food. issues ofthewar,thedraft,racism. of seve'ral mass drug busts during lege. Mr. Denton told Dr. Bal.ler-, teachers for teaching the deal at His problem ts that there is no ver- and educational and social reform the past two years--students now chairman of the education depart- the secondary school level. There bal symbol system. The essential on the campus w1ll Incite this face suspension for an arrest on a ment and director of the graduate are no schools at all In Maryland purpose of his education will be year's student to the same level of ''drug law violation and expulsion program at Western Maryland, preparing teachers of the deaf-- to overcome this disability common frustration and dissent as occured for a conviction. On many cam- about the number of deaf children except for the program getting to all deaf persons. last year. puses' Including Stony Brook, stu- requiring education and about the underway at Western Maryland. Dr. Vernon says that one rea- Colleges and uni ver-sutes across dents have demanded in recent lack of teachers. He wantedto know Both Dr. Bailer, whose field Is son why he joined the western the country braced for the new year years that administrations stay out if it would be possible to establish linguistics. and Dr. vernon think Maryland faculty Is because stu- according to their perceptions of of the poUc1ng business, partic- a relationship with Western Mary- that only with signs can the deal dents at the college have a differ- reality. ularly when drugs are Involved. land to train teachers. Dr. BaUer, btl precise In their language. Lip ent kind of commitment. Students Mr. Denton and western Mary- reading Is a nopetees modality, at Western Maryland, he mentions, Some apparently saw the stu- Returning students were greeted they state, because 40 to 60 per- have long been committed to ser- dent's nature as being close to with curricular and structural land's prastdent, Dr. Lowef.I S. vice to man and for thts reason tne innately evil. The City College of changes, as well as warnings, at Ensor, held a series of conferences cent of the sounds of English look program he is developing is more Bailer mentioned Dr. 10 a cooperative pro- aUke. and agreed the New York, for example, stationed many schools. Whether they were difficulty of American EngUsh In applicable In Westminster than it armed security guards In the bune- intended as appeasing gestures or gram. Maryland which so many wordswhlcharethe would be at a large university At that time western lng where studants wara ragtstar- -tn sincere recogniUon of the stu- same have different meanings. Both where the commitment Is d\!ferent. ing for classes. Temple University dents to relevant learning and self- began courses in Frederick at the ot the educators feel that evenona rormcc It's own tas-man campus determination Is a matter for con- School for the Deaf. These were one to one basis, thelipreaderhas Lose 10 Lbs. In poUce tocce, jecture. taught by the Frederick school's The University of Wisconsin and Black studies programs have staff during the regular term and difficulty keeping up. University of Michigan both have burgeoned across the U. S., par- 10 Days On New developed over the summer civil ajte ling an increase In the number of blacks attend"tng colleges. Dart- defense plans to employ In the event mouth, a school that has graduated ETS Announces Dates Grapefruit Diet of building occupations or violent demonstations. Mlchlganalsoflre- fewer than 150 blacks in its 200- This is the revolutionary new proofed and bomb-proofed files year history, has 90 blacks In a grapefruit diet that every?ne i, containing Important documents. rresnman class of 855. have For GRE Examinations suddenly talking about. Literal .. of IV thousands upon thousands Other Institutions, while rot tor- Other eastern colleges cop,ies have been passed frorq lowing the law and order on the taken Similar steps. Brown unrver- hand to hand in factories. plan II campus theme so overtly, equipp- slty has Increased the number of PRINCETON, N. J.--Educational this administration will be report- and offices throughout the U.S. ec old discipline codes with new blacks In its freshman class from Testing Service announced today ed to the graduate schools before There will be 'no weight loss' in teeth aimed at chomping down on eight in 1966 to 77 currently; wes- that undergraduates and others December 1. Students planning to the first four days. But you will so-called disruptive activities. leyan, from 30 to 51; Yale, from 31 preparing to go to graduate school register for the October test date suddenly drop 5 pounds on the Cornell University, which en- to 96; and Harvard. from 40 to 95. may take the Graduate Record Ex- are advised that applications re- 5th day. Thereafter you will lose one pound a day until the 10th ceived by ETS after October 7will ""."' ..- ,,"'''' ......- . amlnatlons on any of six different Incur a $3.00 late registration fee. day. Then you will lose 11,1; dates during the current aca- test pounds every two days until you After October 10, there Is no guar- get down to your proper weight. demi"cyear. .O.~tobe~~ 19E9 the Golg-""""-----------1 The firsttesUngdate!ortheGRE antee that applications for the Oct- Best of all there should be.nG test b1-!t~ntHl . Is October ,25. 1969. Scores [rom ober The other date can be processed. hunger pangs. Now revised and five test enlarged, this new diet plan Jets dates are Newly Formed December 13, 1969; January 17, you stuff yourself with foods February 28, April 25 and July 11, that were formerly 'forbidden' 1970. Equivalent German Club istration deadlines late fee and reg- ... med Such'as fat. big steaks. trim .. Southern fried with apply to these rich Elects Officers dates. Choice of test dates should chicken. lobsters, gravies. mayon .. swimming naise, In by the requirements be determined sausages fats, of graduate schools or fellowships butter. bacon. eggs. You can The newly formed German Club to which one is applying. Scores are and scrambled eat until you are full. until you held its second meetingonOctober usually reported to graduate cannot possibly eat any more. ~~o~ 2 and elected officers. Chris Rec- schools five weekS after a test date. And still. you should lose 1ft was r-;::::::-~~."':_;~_:,.:;,~'.~'"'._: ker. a native of Germany, elected The Graduate Record Examina- pounds in the first ten days, plus 1lh pounds every two days president. Also elected were: Fran McCabe and Charles tions include an Aptitude Test ot thereafter until your weight is ability and Ad- scholastic Frederick, co-social chairman: general Tests measuring achieve- down to normal. The secret be- vanced and Alice Kenady, secretary-trea- hind this new "Quick weight •.,..,..."'''''''' ...._,.o,o ...... >.'''''' .."."."_''''''··....,·~ __,, surer. The sponsors are Mr.and ment in 21 major fields of study. loss" is not generally known. Full detalls-a.ndregistratlonlorms I =:::.:.;;:.:;:..;. .....:.:-::;=::,..::.-:::. III ="':.:.~~.~:-~;.....,.!'.:: ~i·:Z;~~f~:~:;::'f.:;:1 Mrs. Peter Buttner. for the GRE are contained in the stuff yourself on the permitted fo?ds listed in the diet plan. and The first club sponsored activity 1969-70 Bulletin of Information was a trip on October 5to the Mary- still lose unsightly fat and ex.. cess body fluids. When the fat ~.~-.~.-~,~,,~.-~-~.----~-=-"~.-~"~-"~.-~~...~'''~'.~.~. tor Candidates. The Bulletin also and bloat are gone you w!1l land Ok10berfest, held at the Fifth and Instructions contains forms Regiment Armory In Baltimore. cease to Jose weight. and your This festival wasaminiatureofthe for requesting transcript service weight will remain controlled A one held annually in Munich. on GRE scores alreadyonfllewlth copy of this new and startlingly be avail- ETS. This booklet may Club plans for the near future able on your campus or may be successful diet plan can be ob- include Christma& caroling au! ordered from: Educational Test· tained hy sending i 3 to deutsch as well as an evening of Ing Service, ~x955, Princeton, fUm strips and slides. Announce- New Jersey 08540; Educational R & B ASSOCIATES ments pertaining to the club will Testing Service, Box 1502, Berke- 1'.0. Box 45046 be posted on the German bulletin ley, CalUornia 94701; Educational Chicago, 1111",,1. bo:..rd, located in the ForeignLan- Testing Service, 960 GroveStreet, guages Department in MemorIal Evanston. lllinois 60201. 60645 - Hall. t;n~ondltinn.l mon~y·h.cknarntee. 1
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