Page 17 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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The cu« Bug VOl. 46, NO.9 2) Public areas and rooms or Open tr-attve Advisory of the new poUcyare residents to be neat and orderly. in Council the ned guests are entertaining day. Provisions expected wilJ be dressed All residents as follows: The good taste while in public areas Daniel Residence Halls, Mac Lea, Albert Norman Ward and in rooms individual whUe guests are present. Rouzer, are allowed to have open and 3) Room doors shall not be lock- House and Saturday 7:30 p.rn, untill:00a.m. a.m. ed while a.vtsttor is in the room. houses during the following hours: Friday, 4) Guests are requtred to sign a 1:00 p.m, untll5:oo p.m. noting the room number register, p.m, 7:30 until 1:00 that they are vlslUng. Sunday, 1:00 p.m, unti15:00p.m. :e:~:~~~~:!;;:~:!~:~~~e:~~~ The resident of a floor or section House Violators of Open the to will subject be Regulations a penalty of not less than social pulsion from the college. The Stu- ing a notice to that effect. The probation and !anging up to ex- Men's Council has the right to ex- dent Personnel Problems Com- ~~JJt clude the men of a Residence hall m !ttee will act on the violations. Dan Wiles, Alan Winik, Mike Slaughter, Marjory Richards and Margit Change or a part thereof trom having an The new open house policy Is Horn are pictured in one of the scenes from "The Cherry Orchard" by open house. the culmination of efforts Initiat- Anton Chekov currently being presented on Mainstage, Alumni Hall by The following Is a 11st of rules ed lasf spring !?y a Rouzer com- the Dramatic Arts Department. This drama of transition within Russ- Consistent with the Idea that the pertaining to the open house po11cy rntttee, Their proposal was sub- ian Society will be enacted tonight (October 24) and tomorrow night residence hall Is more thana place which w1l1 be enforced by the rest- sequently approved by the Student where a student sleeps and that eeoce assistants and the members Life Council, with all student mem-' at 8: 15 p.m. Admission -is one dollar, and the seating is limited. The pro- Diverse Art forms United living In the dorm constitutes a of the Men's Council. bers and only one faculty mernben major part of the learning exper- 1) Members 01 residence hall voting lor the resolution. tenca at Western Maryland Col- and their guests will be expected posal then went totheAdmlnlstra- lege, the Men's Council on Mon- to maintain a high level of decorum tlve Advisory Committee. The Men's day, September 20, llnal1zedanew at all times. Prcrane language and modified the plan which was adopt- In Black Culture Celebration and councn formulated open house poUcywhlch was subsa- obscenities of any nature will not be queatly approved by the Admlnis_ tolerated. ed. "Black Is ... .' a resuvat or bleck art. He expresses his phUosophy tn October 15 Recap: culture, will be held at Western this way: "The dance that I do Is simply Maryland College from Wednesday, Afro-American, because I am Alro-Amerlcan. Myblackness Solidarity., Action., March November 5, through SundaY,Nov- Is part of my Identity as a human Is ember 9. being and my dance exploration a joint effort by The program, several organizations, Includes evolving In relations to my total THE HILL--October 15, Wednes- rooms to get some studying done arms. Even If we do talk Mr. Nixon art, drama, dance, film, and lec- experience as a man. day, Mor atortum Day saw the before the day alter the Morat- Into getting out of Vietnam, it is ture presentations. All of the pro- My emphasis Is on exploring greatest organized demonstration orium. only a beglrul!ng. We can find our- grams are open to the public. Tic- through mymedlum,experlmentlng against the war In Vietnam ever. The first time the group had selves In a similar situation other kets are necessary In some In- with dance, trying to find fresh At Western Maryland it was a day been In front of the chapel there places in the world. We have help- stances. ways of evoking physIcal and spir- to make new poetic itual Images, of great sol1dartty, a day of much had been speeches. ed the domino theory by cur fear of "Black Is .. ." opens anexhtbrtton comments about man's eternal constructive action. Mr. Victor Kaufman, Kensing- Communism and our presence In of the-works of Teclawltharecep- It was only half an hour, maybe ton, Md., --''I'm nota professional other countries. \ tton for the artist at 7:00 p.m, Wed- beauty and pathos. My functIon In wUl be to share slightly longer, arter the march anti-war demonstrator, I'm acua- "There are onlytwowaysofget- nesday in the Green Room of Alum- the revolution experiences through ~r personal had gotten back' to the Hlll that ker."--told the group y.rhyhe felt Ung out of Vietnam. One is by air ni Hall. The reception wUl last dance, a -vttat and growing exper- the last candle flickered out. The that the demonstration was good and one Is by sea, and we should until 9:00 p.m.; but Tecla's works Ience, not to show only old stereo- March was over. Perhaps 200 to and why he felt that demonstra- use both of them!" w1ll be on view until Sunday. A sec- . types or create new ones." 250 marchers had participated In tions of this nature would always Kaufman felt that the money that ond display of paintings by the East The East River Players will the walk down Main Street to the be good. is now being spent on the military Harlem artist wtll be exhibited In perform Lorraine Hansberry's"A War Memorial and then back up "If we have decided that what (not just In Vietnam but all over) Howery Lounge of Whiteford Hall. Raisin In the Sun" Saturday at the hfll via Pennsylvania Avenue we are doing In Vietnam is wrong; should be spent on the Internal pro- Tecla will be a guest of Whiteford 8:15 p.m, in Alumni Hall. 'rne'aest to the Chapel. If we have decided thatthegovern- blems of the country. He derided Hall until Sunday. Harlem group was funded jointly It was the second time the group ment can't continue this mtstake such projects as the "Doomsday On Thursday evening the Rod by the Dramatic Art Department, had gatheredoutstde tbe Cnapel, then we have to tell our govern- antennae" in the mid-west. Rodgers Dance Company performs the Religious Life Council, the Anti-war songs were played. The ment that thIs demonstration Is an Kaufman ended his speech by in Alumni Hall. Curtain time for Student Government Association, last of the anti-war songs faded ultimatum. We have to.get the u.s, saying, "The only way problems the chamber concert by American the Carroll County HumanRela- away, candles nickered out, and troops out of most of the world. We have ever been repaired Is by one dancers Is 8:15 p.rn, Tickets are nons Task Force and the Carroll the marchers broke the bond of must stop backing military dic- little guy getting out and working $2.00, no reserved seats. County Arts councn. Tickets for we must stop supplying on one little thing. There Is a place Under the direction of Rod Rod- the performance are $1.00 and for each of us to work," gers, this is the first small Inte- any profit will be donated to the John Sloan addressed the crowd:' grated group of modern dancers Western Maryland College Marthl ~'Thls Moratorium Is good. They led by a black artist to receive Luther King Scholarship Fund. had better lIste-n to what we have to recognition for other tha~ trad- Two programs on Sunday close say. If they don't listen there Isa.n lonal Afro-American thematic "Black Is ..... at 2:00 p,m. In Und- awful lot of government property dance. Through experimentation erstage of Alumni HaU. The East _that could get burned." and innovation, the revolutionary River Players will read poetry Susan Baker, one 01 the orpnl- "New Black Art" expressed the by black poets. There I"s no ad- zers for therallY,readseveralex- sensitive, creative power at the mission charge. ' cerpts from the Evening Sun to the Afro-American as oppOsed to the (Continued on page 8) crowd. From an editorial she read, traditional stereotyped black man. --------1 "Mr. Nixon has already put onre- The group's repertoire Includes cord a hasty adverse reaction to ethnic dance, abstract plays of , The Men's Council has , the protest, saying hewould Dot'be movement and color, and dramatic t found a student guilty of mis· affected whatever! As to that, we dance portraying the violent, trans- conduct in the dormitory. , shall -see. There Is a size and a ient undercurrents of modern day I I universality abOut this eventwhlch living. even in prospect, promises anIm- The Student has found a I pact which cannot be Ignored." The Winner of the 1965-66 John Hay : Iblems Committee Personnel Pro- , Vice-president of the U.S. sug- Whitney Fellowship, Rod Rodgers ha§ earned the reputation of an flstudent guilty of misconduct, ", (Continued on page 4) ,---------' artIculate spokesman for draJ'!l-atic
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