Page 11 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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THE GOLI} BUG OCTOBER _10, 1969 PA~E 3 Soul, Stonehenge Explored Knoche., Brown Slated In Soc. Dept. Film Series For Chapel Services Continuing the succession orex- "The Mystery of stonehenge" cellent fUms orrered to the wes- Is the title of the movie fUm to be tern Maryland student body and shown on October 16.sunrlse, pre- Speaking at the Baker Chapel for He traveled to the Middle East faculty, the Sociology department historic man, and the computer are the next two Sundays are Rev. H. and Holy Land In 1961. In 1964, he is showing two such films on Oct- linked together to solve the most Gerald Knoche on October 12, and went on a mission in Japan and ober 9, and one on October 16. ancient of modern riddles, the Rev. James H. Brown on October Korea. Rev. Brown has been min- These films are presented in origin of the circle of stones on 19. ister at his Presbyterian church Decker Auditorium at both 4 and Sallsbury Plain In England. The A cum laude graduate from Har- .In Parkesburg, Pennsylvanta stnce 7:00. Everyone Is invited. rum presents archaeological and vard as well as Yale Divinity 1939. October 9 two films will be hIstorical facts and then explores School, Mr. Knoche Is presently shown, "BodyandSoul·-Soul,"and the theory advanced by Dr. Gerald assistant chaplain at Gettysburg According to Mr. Brown, "We "I Have A Dream .c." : The L1te S. Hawkins that Stonehenge was College. As a high school student, are worshipping a living God, a and Death of Martin Luther King." built as an observatory and com- he was a delegate to the Interna- transforming Christ, a Holy Ghost In the first film, Ray Charles will puter. Narrated by Charles Coll- tional Fellowship of Evangelical who moves in His sovereign will explain the significance of Soul ingwood, this film was shown on Students General Assembly rcr tne to change our 11ves and to make music. Singers Mahalia Jackson, television and received high cri- United States as well as a Foreign us to be a blessing to others." BilUe Holiday, and Aretha Frank- tical acclaim for Its treatment of Exchange Student to France. lin Ulustrate this contribution to this still unsolved mystery. Mr. Knoche has held the posi- RLC Sponsors Johnson. American music. In the following tion of chaplain at the University film, a biography of Martin Luther Format Expands; of Bridgeport since his graduation. WogamD:n Debate On King, which Is also a chronology of He has also been astaffworkerfor Christianity v. Marxism the American Civil Rights move- Contrast Encourages Intervarsity Christian Fellowship ment in the 1950's and 1960's, at Yale and the University of Conn- A dialogue on "Christianity and will be presented. The film- uses More Contributions ecticut and a student minister for Rev. James H. Brown Marxism" will take place in Alu- newsreel footage of the significant Yellowstone Natlonal Park. In Westminster, Rev. Knoche mni Hall on October 29 at 10:00 moments In his career which led Contrast, the college literary has taken part in the Youth Minis- a.rn. Participating in the dialogue to his leadership role. magazine, is off to a promtstng try Committee of the Maryland will be Dr. Philip Wogaman, pro- Wesley ---------- st~~:!S ~:ar~Udget approved" by Synod, the Youth Committee for fessor ot Social Ethics, D.C. and Seminary, Washington, College Series the SOA, Contrast has been al- the Westminster Minlsterium, the Arnold Johnson. public Relations youth Council, and the Ecumenical lowed $350 for the year. Additional Director of the national office of Presents Film funds will be raised through 'a Religious Lire Council at Western the American Communist Party. Maryland College. for patron advertisers drive and Dr. wogaman spent three weeks Mr. Brown.vwho Is the speaker 'Mandragola' the selling of advertising. and Judy on October 19, was assistant pro- In July leading a support and soli- Mike Shultz Editors A film version of Machiavelil's Blauce have expanded the format fessor of Systematic Theology at darity mission to Czechoslovakia. Prior Seminary at Lin- position, to his current Renaissance comedy "Mandra- of the magazine to Include the cam- the Presbyterian from 1947 to lS5B Mr. Johnson graduated tram Col- coln University gala" will be shown at Western pus' graphic artists as well as the following his education at Grove umbia UniverSity and Union Theo- Maryland College, Westminster, on traditional poetry and short stor- City College and Princeton Theo- logical Seminary. He has acted as Sunday, October 12, at 8:30 p.m.> ies. The magazine will Include a logical Seminary. During his car- National Legislative Director of Part of the Western Maryland section on reviews of college pro- the Communist Party, and contri- film series, "Mandragola" was ductions, movies, and records. eer, he has been moderator at his buted to the Dally Worker. of secret chairman directed by Alberto LaUuada and According toedUor Shultz, "Last Presbytery, and Action and cnstr- In the afternoon Mr. Johnson Education stars Rosanna Schlaffino, Toto, PhUippe Leroy, and Jean Claude ::: ~~~P:~tb~:~u~~~~~~a~:.n;ot~:; man of the Ministerial Relations will be aval1able for discussion Y Br, Lattuada has retained Mac- :~d ~:~e~h~n~a~~rt~:e~dt~~~.~; _---------,;,co;.;m;.;m;.;lt;;;";;;.;...------W-i-th-"-'-'I-t -'"-d-'-t,_d._nt_,. __ .. hiavelli's cynical, ribald mood in the opulent production. "Mandra- need contributions. Any Ictndofpoe- gota' was filmed in two umorten try, short story, art, anything. We towns, untouched by tlme,whlch will place very few restrictions on Joe Sadler's recreate Florence of the 16th cen- the material published and want tury. Lavish costumes and mis- material from everyone, Including chievous characters put vitality professors." and authenticity into the famous A contribution box has been set House Of Music drama. up Inthe EngJlsh Department, room The point of the plot Is that a 200 Memorial. Contributions (lit- famous beauty is barren and her erary or monetary) can also be foolish husband, anxious for an made to Judy Btauce or Mike Shultz and heir, Is prey to an sorts of quacks. anytime. Compl1cated and ridiculous intri- gues are employed Ina bazarre at- tempt by one of the characters to ANNOUNCEMENT "The Room at the Top" seduce the beautiful wife. Con- The Advisory Committee on nivance, disguises, and stupidity College _Policies is now cnn- all play their part. ·sidering the topic. "The Hu- the film will be shown In Decker man Dimension in the Cam- Lecture HaU on the campus. Tic- pus Environment." Anyone kets, which are 75 cents, are evan- with opinions of suggestions able at the door. should contact a committee member. Committee members Cherry Orchard are Dr. Stevens, chairman, Dr. Phillips, Dr. David, Dr. Saturday -Night Dances (Continued from Page 1) Clower, Dr. Achor, Dr. Light- jng society, The Cherry Orchard ner, Dean Mowbray, Mr. Case, assumes relevance in the world Mr. Clark, Steve Grant, Tom featuring today. Bennett, and Cathy McCul- A cast has been selected and lough. Is now in rehearsal. Its members Karen King as Dunyasha.Jvan Law- Freyer Lecture Top Name Bands Alan Winlk as Include Lopahin, son as Eplhodov, Dan Wiles as (Continued from Page 1) Feers, Marglt Horn as Madame Ranevsky, Sue Seibert as Anya, studied languages, receiving his Charlene Williams as a Charlotte Ph. D. with his thesis on "The Re- Saturday, October 11 • The Grapes of Wrath Ivanovna, Marge Richards as var- putation of Machiavelli." For the ya, Glenn Hopkins as ceev, Mic- following several years, he worked hael Slaughter as Semyoncv-Ptsh- in adult education, Including work chlk, Bruce Kohen as Yasha, with the Army Bureau of Current Wednesday, October 15 . Black Foot Smoke Bob Whitney as Trollmov, Steve Affairs during World War 1I. Grant as Tramp. Tom Blair as the For the' last 15 years, Mr. Fre- stationmaster, and Jim WUhberger yer has farmed and bred horses as the Post Office clerk. In west'tretand In addition tolect- Saturday, ,October 18 • The Hypnotics and Tempus Fugit Tickets lor all performances urlng and free-lance writing. His will be on sale starting Thursday; extensive travers have taken him October 16, 1969 at the Alumni to F,rance, ltaly, Germany, Russia, Hall Box Office from 1-4 p.m., Spain, and South Africa. He was 8-11 P.M. Monday through friday. The price able to intervIew .Albert Camus of a ticket Is one dollar. In 1949.
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