Page 15 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 15
THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 10, 1969 PAGE 7 Gridders Wallop Bridgewater And PMe by Greg Barnes The Western Maryland Col- set them up by intercepting 4 passes had a 6-3 lead. S~ortly before the first end of the haU, the Cadets and by allowing only 7 Bridgewater lege Terrors polished off their 1st downs, Co-Captain Rick Diggs string center was Injured. Terror first two opponents of this -Inte rcepted 2 of the errant heaves, middle guard Larry Garro piled young grid season, and are while Jody Waters and pete Me- into the nervous Cadet replacement as he the ball, causing picked of! a pass each. Glaughlin snapped favored to keep the ball roll- Waters, who started In placeofthe the quarterback tolumble the snap. ,ing this Saturday at Lycom- injured Jim Nopolas at right con- Whim see lInebakcer Michael Hunt tainer, earned Western Maryland's fell on the ball, and the 'rerror ot- ing College. In the season Iense took possesston on the PMC Defensive Players of the Week opener, the Terrors walloped honors. 36 yard line. In the final seconds of -Bridgewater College, and then The WMC grfdder s returned to the half, Randy Klinger scrambled Hoffa Field to do battle with the on all fours to scoop in the Boz- returned to defeat the PMC PMC Cadets. In contrast with the man 'rp pass, Cadets before a happy home Bridgewater game, a hard defense in the second half the WMC audience. char-acter-ized Terror play •• offense was stalled by the Cadets de- but the Terror ball-hawking the Western started Marvtand The Terrors took an overnight scoring in the second quarter when fense set up the final WMC tally. trip to Bridgewater college where Tom Mavity booted a 27 yard field Defensive end Peter Markey they embar assec the Eagles by goal, his second In as many game s; snatched the ball as it popped loose plucking them 44-7 tnrront ormetr home fans. Terror quarterback Bruce Bozman hit his receivers Women's Hockey for 4 touchdowns, but the biggest surprise was the 291 yards rush- ing offense accrued by some pre- Humbles UMBC cocious Tom Whim see was backs. called Fresh- man Botts into action after veteran fullback John by Gloria Phillips Seaman Injured his ankle early in Opening their regular season Clark. Nancy usstuens went tnror the game. Botts consistantly found against UMBC Saturday morning, the flnal mark on a penalty bully. his holes and netted 121 of up- the- october 4, the women's hockey UMBC's goalie had deliberately middle yardage, averaging 7.1 team netted their nrst win. The stopped play with an unusual ac- yards per carry. Another F'rosh, . team had traveUed to Gettysburg tlon--sltting on the ball. A penalty Joe Brockmeyer, wasthe backfield the previous week where they' was caUedinwhlchNancyDashlells workhorse, carrying the ball 25 dropped a scrimmage match. How- , and the goalie bullied for the ball times from his tailback position. Brockmeyer, 2nd only to Botts in rushing yardage, is not yet com- fortable in the Terror System, but makes up for his Inexperience with his quickness and instinct. Both Brockmeyer and Botts scored a TO. The Terror passing attack more than lived up to high expectations. Senior Randy Klinger hauled In 2 touchdown passes; Big tight end PMC defenders break up pass intended for Roy Brown. Roy Brown and sophomore wing- by the hard-hitting Terror li~. back Ken wagne r each Iatcbed cn to Later tn the quarter , WMCgambled Markey pointed himself towards a Bozman TD pass. The Terrors and lost the ball on downs on their piled up 223 of the 512 yards of- own 46. PMC quarterback steve the end zone, but only managed to gain a yard before someone sat OIl fense with their aerial game, Pahls capitalized on this break and his head. The offensiveteam"came ""''-' Though the offense took the spot- tossed a TD pass to end Bob Krause out on the-field and scored quickly 'll light, the stingy Whimsee defense on their first play of the serres, PMC missed the extra point, but (Continued on Page 8)· Nina Knaper and Debbie Clark on the attack for WMC. SIEGMAN'S Let's Get It Straight -ever-, the girls bounced back with without assistance. WMC quickly TEXACO SERVICE a strong offense and an errecn ve took advantage of the situation and COMIC RELIEF defense to confound UMBC 3-0. scored. The first two goals were scored w.. 1miD8ter Shopping QUESTION: I am horrified at 'myself sometimes because I by Nancy Knapper and Debbie Center turn the front page of my paper over quickly, so I won't see the casualty lists. and bury my nose in the comics. Am I a or what? Towson Clips JV Soccer callous escapist I don't think so. Probably you care too much, ANSWER: Tl
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