Page 7 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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THE GOLD BUG SEPTEMBER 26, 1969 PAGE 7 WMC Football: The Continuing Story Bill Buckley, Look Again Bananas by Dave Sampselle by Alan McCoy This Saturday, Septem- certain that his performance w1ll ber 27. the Western Mary- be as exceptional as ever. Gary MacWIlHams has Improved on his land grinders celebrate the fine performance of last season. centennial year of college He has picked up a Chiquita Ban- ana shot. Sophomore Bill Eber- football with a surprise hart has lost some of his gUtter party at Bridgewater, Va. but he has improved his play en- Unlike WMC, The Virgin- ormously and should be a real asset. ians are looking for a que]- Bill Schwindt, ex-starter, ex- ity quarterback and two all- substitute and now as starter a- gain, gives the Terrors a great conference defensive play- deal of experlenceandlevel-head_ ers, all graduated: unlike ed play. Utility man Jay Leverton WMC, these Eagles have a will play somewhere, but where is the question. veteran defcnsiv~ backfield. These players and a host ofoth- Probably the only obvious er-s such as Carey Jones, steve similarity is in size: Bridge- Easterday, Dick Hall, Mark Wil- cock, Phil Enstice and about a mil- water will be, says their lion other people who are going to coach, "lean and mean". Opposing lines dig in and await the snap in afternoon drill. be ticked off at me for not putting The Green Terrors are not out of thebackfleld will be rangy most points allowed, most passing their name in this article are go- starved, either: their 1969 offense Ken Wagner--the most promising yardage aUowed,mostpasse.scom- ing to make this a good year for promises constant explosions, and player from last year's Spring pleted against, most gray hairs WMC soccer. if only the defense can escape being Practice--mercurial Am Hines. put on the head of Westminster's burned by enemy pyrotechnics, a John Seaman (his balance and cuts Best Dressed Man, etc. However, winning season is assured. Even must be seen to be believed), Jody the veterans are solid and consrs- without such assurance, autumn Waters, and Tom Brochmeyer.The tent. Co-captain Rick Diggs, the 1969 should prove Interesting. Bill latter, a 9.9 speedster, should most brutal tackler since Earl Buckley's' 'where the actlon ain't" capably fill the shoes of AU-Con- Dietrick, returns to Container curse will not luck around Hoffa terence Jerry Borga. Although Player of the Year, and' a fine Field this fall. quite green, his bobble led to a "flagman", to boot; Jim Patltuccl Returning from the record- score for Dickinson in the recent at end and Fog Man Tom Mavity breaking orrense of last year are scrlmmage--Tom has the ex- anchor the other hal! of the line, nine starters (even the managers ploslveness to break away on any while Keith Porter and Mike Hunt are veterans); the offense last year play, as he did twice against Dick- give Coach Jones apalrofseason- scored more points than any mod- Inson, a Ia" Howard Stephens of ed, hard-nosed linebackers. Which ern Terror team. From tackle to Randy Macon. leaves five. Larry Garro and Fred tackle, the boys are top rate. Buck Which leaves Bozman, By un- Kiemle are proving to be totally Jones and Tom Morgan should re- anlmous consent the most spark- satisfactory replacements for peat their conference laurels of ling member of talI camp thus far, graduated vets In the line, so only last year, while Tom Pecora,Greg Bruce is already holder of a ream the backfield remains. Here Is the Virgil, and Paul Mullen may also of WMC records--best percentage trouble. The coaching junta has earn league honors. Perhaps even passer, most completions, most tossed everyone from Bozman to more outstanding are the raft of yards eatnee.moet rp's.etc.rr Manager Marshall Adams In the receivers record-setllngQBBruce he and the rest of the starters can breach, but without success: It is Bozman can call upon. Randy Klin- remain healthy, WMCwllldetinlte- as If no one's there, even when ger Is already the au-time leading ly score. someone is there. If a capable last year. T.H.E, Hammer with Hockey Preps WMC pass receiver; brawny Roy By compar-ison, The Terror de- quartet of hands can fill this gap. ~ . his Is now in his third Brown and "xanuna" Markey tense must seem unseemly. To be the Terrors will win a great many year of varsity competition. It Is should continue tomake life miser- sure, last Year's crew set a couple games, barring a crippling string For Gettysburg able for defensive backs. Sweeping --no, a lot--of dubious records; (Continued on Page 8) New Freshmen by Gloria Phillips team that hopes to com- WTIR Whim see halls a 1969 women's Let's Get It Straight Join Cheerleaders hockey bine new leadership with good pro- spects and produce a winning sea- BETTER WAKE UP by Gluria Phillips AM-1470 .KC son. Hockey this year is coached by Miss sarsn Lednum, a 1969 "Pinch me, somebody, to see if I'm awake!" exclaimed a Two-freshmen girls were cho- graduate of WMCwho Is doingwork FM-Stereo sen ror-tna cheerleaders Friday, on her masters in physical edu- --- woman who heard that she had won a big prize in a national September 19. cation and assisting the women's contest. Later on, when it turned out to be a case of mis- Robbie Parson and Jan watson WESTMINSTER taken identity, she groaned, "Oh, no! This can't be happen- up and find it's just a bad were chosen to join the squad al- athletic department. Sarah iswell ing to me. I'll probably wake {o-------- known for her prowess as a play- dream." ter a week of practice. Both girls er; she now puts experience to MARYLAND are three year veteran cheerlead- wor k as a coach. Something like that hap- We're all going to wake up ers. The team started early to deve- pened to the sheep and the in thi~ fashion one day. For Robbie, a bouncy 5' 1" math lop the endurance necessary for an CARROLL HAVEN goats in the Bible. You 're- so~e It will be a happy awak- for some a rude one. member. one group had gone enmg. major who halls from Salisburgy, etrecu ve game through circuit Maryland, served as a hospital' training and conditioning. A new ~bout unself-consciously .do- !~~r~:e~%Srnci.a::.a~:s t~ol~ u: volunteer and is very interested in eoncapt.In the women's program PART TIME POSITION FOR working with retarded children. this year, circuit training is anew JUNIOR OR SENIOR MALE ~nr7s!~s.toa~hde~t:~g~r:,S!~~~ 'I ~~~I,y~~~t t~!~~~r~e ~~: Jan, from Catonsville, likes spo- series of timed tests -- jumping of love for God and the ~n- made it clear that true reli- surpr'ised rts, especially swimming. She has rope, running, sttups, etc. -- TO WORK WITH fortunate. How they "woke ] gion is not just saying the I magic words, "I believe," so they were when not decided on her major. Jan whir, done daily, quicklyimprov- RETARDED YOUNG AOULTS up" in the ~ext life to find that you can feel sure of says "big ears" are her pecultar-. es .•re over-all condition of the ath- out that C.hnst had regarded heaven, while you go right on tty, but they are well hidden by lete. Add to this a strong defense Call from 9:10 - 2:00 all these kind acts as done to leading a self-centered life on blonde hair. Him personally. an~ now earth. No, it is the unreserved from last year and high spirit and determination. The team Is now 848-4114 welcomed them into His eter- giving of yourself to Christ, nal Kingdom. in contrition for your sins and working on an aggressive offense The other group, smugly faith in Him as your Saviour, in anticipation of their scrimmage September 30 at Gettysburg. THE TOP HAT DRIVE-IN ;~t~:~::~I:f~~;?:~::i,,:5i1i;i&;:::i:::q~:{~~~g; The field hockey schedule 1969: Oct. 4 UMBC H 11:00 a.m. by Christ because they had of terms, for if you are a gen- Oct. 9 Goucher A 4:15 DINING ROOM not showed compassion to uine Christian you are Oct. 11 Salisbury A 2:00 others, having lacked genuine "Christ _ centered," whkh Oct. 13 Morgan H 4:00 COFFEE SHOP love (('r f'ith,:, God or men. means you care about WI1
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