Page 49 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 22, 1968 PAGE 9 Blaze starr Does And the Talks Go On I Her Thing in Gallery One by Tracey Beglin :~~s~~~~r::~I·~h~h~o~:~.~a:~~~:~~:~ Due to the latest U. S. econ- by Keith N. Richwine omic trends, the acmtntseranon Next to the Washington Monu- given to the hair which mark Mr. has decided to cut back a little ment, the Block is Baltimore's Ireland as a contemporary of Miss on their spendtng-cspactncajty, best-loved landmark. They a.r:~, Clalrol and Blaze Starr. The artist we are saving up our bombs and after an, perfect complements. Is, In fact, amusing but fumbling no longer dropping them on No- Richard W. Ireland's dozen or so , In his attempts at social commen- rth Vietnam. President Johnson paintings now on view in Gallery tar-y (See" Enlist Now"). announced the bombing halt on One are a livingiributetothecolor Halloween (which mayor may brassiness, and universality of He also pays due respect to Pop Block-ness everywhere. Art cliches by-'bor rowmg several not have any significance), and in the three weeks following we have Mr. Ireland's subject is the most ~~eth~a:~:~~,a:~~rci~:~l~~;~~:a~~ seen no major objectives acc- omplished by It. In fact, no one ~ra~~~~~n:!a!:sa~~~~~:ab~~e~e~!~not, however,borrowing from the knows if Johnson had received the Helenic amphora designers and ~!~dO~:;;Ui~~S l:a~;: a: i~~:~~t~ any assurances--prior to the halt especially the late Impressionists, --from Hanoi that the Communists this Maryland Institute Instructor Drop into the Fine Arts Building would not take advantage of this is attr the boudoir, the bee- to get out of the damp and cold and gracious move. It seems this della, and the strip-joint. He is the into the bright color, but if you can't dr-astic military stratagem was 'poulouse-Lautrec 01 East Balti- make it, you can get a monochro- undertaken on childlike faith in matic idea of what Mr. Ireland is the goodness of mankind. (How- But It is the blazing neon color, up to in the December Evergreen ever, I say this without having the slickly-modulated background Review, p, ~4. had the beneficial training of the Whlmsee ROTC department course Pro or Con: in hattlefield strategY.) faith will Itremains if our to be seen THE FREAKS rewarded at the peace talks. factions be win the doves back to Humphrey's President-elect Nixonsupported was a a bombing halt and the de-Amer- side. Granting that this attc ~ The antt-Democr reacted to the President's ann- valid vote-swaying issue, the tcantzatton of the war during his by Susan Baker ouncement rather violently. Jo- election results showed success campaign, and it is hoped he will hnson's previous lack of backing but not quite enough. Often tim- continue to endorse these pollcies wetrdoutpptepotsmoktngqueer-, Since too beginning of fall semester, for Humphrey dissolved as the ing is of the essence, after inauguration without a pro- much of the campus talk and some cr tts action (in the form of narr ass- present administration made Now wttn Six months of fruit- gress-shattering break in lead- ment) has centered around a group of students usually referred to as "the knc ....n its newest breakthrough in less efforts behind us in Paris, ership continuity. The war and the hippies" or "the freaks." foreign policy. The bombing halt the-scene is changing. Even peace talks can stand no more Unfortunately, harrassment of this groupstill persists alter ten weeks was merely a political move to though a slight balk by the South political maneuvering. of school. The problem is why.Iwondered(l) if the majority of students Vietnamese in attending the talks At present in Vietnam we are was aware of harrassment, (2) if they felt there was a barrier between occurred, these internal problems losing a little over 100 men a this group and the rest of the campus, and (3) how they felt about the group Edward lear are expected to work themselves week or the male half of a WMC this group. Their answers speak for themselves. . out. Within the next few weeks, graduating class. Sort of wonder "The har-r as.vment? Have they been harrassed? By whom?" the countries will return to the why your parents are spending "What kind of harrassment?" by Ellen Von Dehsen negotiations, and then it ---...m be S2500 a year, guys??? We have "I think it's disgusting. I thought the WMC people were much friendlier. Man's greatest attrihute (other Hanoi's turn to make concesstons, painted ourselves into a corner by "Frankly, Ithinktheydeserveit.Anyjerkthat goes to a recital dress- Hopefully. they know what's ex- giving up our last weapon-vma thumb), Is his ed in a long velvet coatwithtights and a sweater and skirt sli:ould be har- than his opposable With the use of pected of them. Was 'this bomb- bombing. And ultimatums or bar- to reason. ability rassed, ing hall a correct deci slon? There gaining points are going to be ~,Is reasoning powers, he can solve, are thousands of American sold- hard to come by from here on in• ;<,«j explam e:.(,rything, .In'''h~n!'; .: t~~~ks~~;e,~e~t:;:~I:,~' :~~~~; ;;'~1;1~'Se:~s~-~~:~s-7~ t~m~jor- e'v"rYIIJl:.": th..! is except the vnlue Ie r s over there who would feel a Was the risk really worth taldng? "It's probably two-sided. I iimlgfne theffrn something of being left of N:pl"il\iJog ..r....lhlug, uoinl: any- lot better to know that we are Experts anticipate Increased n- atone-ctnat they're not fuUy accepted by the entire student body. Basically thing, or just existing. It isn't still bonibing--for'tlietr Ow'nsafe- 'ghting'as each side strives to im- they're not ostr actead-o-thayera just not accepted." that his reascnts nemmedmor ou- ty. But when planes are coming prove its position In Parfs by first "Barriers aren't just between the "hippies" and the others, but be- strllcled,hulratherlhattherelsn't" back with bombs unexploded be- improving It on the battlefield. tween many groups." much logic to be found inexistence. cause there are no more targets Rtght now the Communist hold "There's a barrier. I wouldn't want to be associated with somebody It's rather like groping in the dark left--somebody has to do some- most of South Vietnam, and as who goes to such extremes (in dress). They look and dress dllferent to for Ihe light switch that isn'l there. thing. And Johnson finally (three long as they keep this control, try to prove they're hipples--tough, cool. I don't know the freshmen hip- Several answers to this sao state months before leaving office) de- time is on their side--as it al- pies, I don't want to talk to them." of affairs are indulgence in sex, cided that he was the somebody ways has been. And so the talks "There's a barrier because nobody's tried to get to know them and what booze, (wine and women) .... or the to do that something. drag on and on and on . they standfor ..TheyJust say, 'look at the weird people,' and don't bother." nonsense of Edward Lear. Sex "I really don't look at them any differently than I do at anyone else. OK, might involve marriage, booze in- r!J)o-n 1 f7hmk f7wice I notice thewflytheydress,buttalkingto them, we agree on many things. volves expense and hangover, while It they dressed In normal clothing, nobody else would call them hippies the poetq' of Mr. Lear Involves or freaks." ''- Obituary. for Dinky only your Imagination. Twentieth "They're a great bunch of peoDle. f!enerallv. I feel that if they are century science can only offer us happy ltvingthewaytheydo, beingtheway they are, then they have every reality, presented like a raw liver right. I couldn't be one--theyhave adllferent value system. But I wouldn't on II cold plale. while the nineleen- by Roland Hill . condemn them fo::it." . th century poet laureate of non- Grandpa died last week she wasn't able to make it. Some sense, Edv..aro Lear, canofferusa And no\1,'he's buried in the rocks people tried and couldn't under- chancewlaughat But everybody still talkS about stano Dink}'; a lot more couldn't Hevingour terror of It. How badly they were shocked. even try. Mr. Lear hascreatedinhiscoll- Dinky attended most of the Sound ecteo works of nonsense, nonsense Bul me I expected it to happen Happenings that are held in Baker alphabets anct vocabularies, poems I knew he'd lost control Chapel. She'd sing and play her ano pictures, all of which comprise When he huilt a !ire on MainStreet guitar. Her voice was warm and a compendium of nonsense geogra- And Shot it full of holes. her fingers plucked herguilarwUh phy, naluralhistory. hotanyanoan· --Memphis Blues Again such grace and ease that the music thropology. There also appears in Dinky died last week as far as seemed to just flow out from in- man}' of his limericks a shade of Western Marylano is concerned. side. The music she played was social commeutary reflectillg Mr. To those of us who knew her and gentle.Shewas~nt1e, Lear's admission thai hefeelsthat those who wish they !Jad. she had A fried of mine was walking "barring a fev.· exeplionals, all an important meaning. She was a outside his dorm not long ago human beings seem tObeawfulidi- whole new dimension. a represen- and was passed by two other stu- ots.'· lalion of a faction that existsinthe dents. His hair is rather long so One of the most appealing char- . real world. but not in the world the students jeerect at him and acteristics of Mr. Lear's poems, of WMC: To some shewas a threat. called him "hippie," My friend especlaUy his mockeplcsUke"the A threat? Hardly. ._ smiled and said "Hello." They '-0 Owl and The Pussycat" isthepre· One afternoon backinSeptember. replied, "We're gonna get rid· vailing mood of calm ann idyllic she /laS walkfngwlth a group 'of of you just like we got rid of splendor--"ch:Jrming landscapes friends. And one of the boys had Dinky." "Totally ridiculous. They think they're trying to prove and without noise or fuss." fairly long hair. Hippies. Hair- I remember the last Sound Hap- they don't know how, so they go to extremes ... the weird way they dress I'm not certain whl' nonsense trees. Turkey~necks.Theypass- pening that Dinky played at. She and look, octagonal glasses, their hair, sandals In freezing y
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