Page 54 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 54
The War in Yiet Ham 4·1-4 Christmas Celebration New Approach by Jetty 5, members On December Hopple ofthl Once again it is Christmas time, but for more than faculty Indicated that they favor a 30,000 families this Christmas won't be quite as joyful and plan which could, in a lew years, become a 4-1-4 system. If in- merry as last year's. To them belong the spoils of war: death stituted, such a system would re- of a' close human being and the sadness surrounding his present a real breakthrough in the waste. area of learning at wester-n Mary- land. Under a 4-1-4 system, stu- dents would take four major cour- Rumor has it that the war is over. The Brethren Acriort ses during the first semester. Movement even puts out pamphlets entitled "The War Is There would be an Interim period Over.", bur unfortunately the truth unfolds within its pages: of four weeks, which coutd concetv- ably be used for Independent study. colloquiums, seminars or intensive "Wars are never over. The defeated nation longs for conce~rat1on in one subject area. revenge, or at least for recovery of its losses. The victors quar- During the second semester, stu- dents would pursue a lour-major rel over the spoils of war and soon become enemies. The na- course program. tion which complained bitterly of it's enemies' cruel tactics There has been no final dect- and inhuman weapons at the beginning of the war learns to Reply to the Editor sion on the 4-1-4 system, but It Is clear that such an approach use them itself by the end of the war and prepares to USf' Defense of the SGA would have definite advantages them again next time. The nation that successfully defended over the status quo. Most stu- dents now take five majors every itself is confirmed in its invincibility. The nation that gained by John Bennett semester, and It Is clear that such power is anxious to preserve its newly-won status. The na- a course load presents a student Having already bastardized my- social life, and the occasional with three choices. First, he can _ tion that fought for a principle is more than ever convinced self as a Nixon supporter In the free orgies have been an extra study constantly and be totally of she necessity of upholding that principle:, The nation that midst of the mostly radical left- bonus, appreciated especially by inactive on campus. second, he wing "squishy soft on Commun- the destitute editor of the GOLD can be active sociaUy and partt- made great sacrifices is resolved that they shall not have been ism" hierarchy of the GOLD BUG BUG. clpate In extracurricular acuvt- in vain. And so the cycle begins again, and there is another staff, I now feel nobly called upon Another addition In the plus COl- tes, Unless he Is a genius, his to make a gallant attempt to beard war." the lion in his ownden(ofiniqulty?); umn of the SGA was the sponsor- grades w~ll.suffer in this second that is, to cerend the record of the ship of real "big name entertain- case. The third alternative Is just as bad: a stude-nt can choose Nations seem to thrive on the idea that in order to up- Student Government Association ment" at Homecoming, which re- to study just enough to gel by, sulted In a few people actuaUy at- against the slightly muddled at- -hold an ideal death is desirable, as' long as it is the death of tending more than just the football and compensate for It by cram- tack in the last issue's editorial ming when necessary. The pre- some other institution. Unfortunately, such things called by Don Elmes. Itany of you got past game that weekend. In the same sent work load at Western Mary- Improvement, sev- line of social people are expendable in the process. the sports section, you may have eral free open orgies (parties) land means that few students can noticed that Don seemed to say a have also been added to the social be active and still maintain a few unkind things about the pro- 30,000 Americans died in the war this year. How many refinement program. fairly high grade average. The mises and thepresidentoftheSGA. result Is that a few students do will it be next year? And the year a:fter? Now Ihts attack-vtr indeedltcanbe I am sure that Don remembers most of the work on campus or- called one-c-Is not really too ser- when the Dining Hall walkout of a ganizations. The GOLD BUG,- It's nice to talk about it here at Western Maryland Col- ious because for one, like all good couple years ago was the highlight for example, is largely the re- lege-to joke about it how you'd kill them chinks. However, editorials, it really didn't say any- of the SGA year. This year the Stu- sult of work done by eight or thing deflnite-c-Iike I say, really a It's not so nice to think about if you think about it some- slightly muddled column. One sort dent Government has Instituted ten students. Too many people more changes in the food and ser- times. of gets the Impression that Dondis- vice situation with less fanfare than are unwilling to become Involved that In anything when they realize liked something about the SGA, but 30,000 Americans died in the war this year. 30,000 Ron Kobernik's walkout ever did. most of the work will have to just what this something was Is not American families suffer the loss. really determined. Muddled is the pr=s;lot~~t t~:Il:~urt~e :l:~u~:~~ beT~~ne4_~~4a s:~~:~1 ~~u:oi:~ Perhaps the American government ought to ask these word. tion the open housing system revt- prove this situation Immaasura- Another reason one may dismiss families if they have a merry Christmas before they send their this editorial statement Is because sian that is now awaiting action by bly, It would be possible to ha.... .!Iext 'greeting card. of the environment In which it was Dr. Ensor. This latter mnova- a reduced work load and study a Don Elmes composed. Try to picture Don tion, If passed, will mark a big step course more Intensively at .the Elmes sitting In the GOLD BUG for Western Maryland's in loco same time •. It should be pointed out that philosophy and will bring Ihi s Intensive parentis study ap- Christmas Message from Arthur office .... wait a minute! First you WMC more in line wUh some of the preach could result in a work load the GOLD BUG of- have to -ucture Roderit Agitation fice Itself. This could be quite a beer. reviewed In the GOLD BUG. one. Then we'd all be w~ere we which is as great as the present other colleges' policies which have you have never visited this may not really re- were to begin with, and uus would These results The of tuerature. lighted labyrinth GOLD BUG otffoe rs scmethtng Hke nect the use of "student power" still entail h~ving to make one of By Arthur Chipmunk the Grille would look if the Fr-esh- that Don would I!:kethe concept to the three cnotces mentioned above. Amid shouts of "save our grill," anyone?" men men had had a paper fight for be used for, but after all, Don, the In any case, a 4-1-4 system "down with GIGIFS," "Spiro "Look, we know that you're dis- five hours In It or like the appear- available channels have been should provide more academic WhO?," and "ROTC go home,"the Illusioned, and you have a big ance of the stands in Memorial dredged out a little more this year freedom and independent study. forces of the administration steal- mouth." Stadium after a sellout Colt foot- than what you seem tv give credit At the same time, hopefully, rne- thily prepared the setting for Par- "I'll admit I'm dissatisfied ... " ball game. Now imagine Don Elmes for. (Now Harry, when do I get that mortzatton would be de -emphae-. _ ents' Day last month. The process "You knew whatyouweregett\ng sitting In the GOLD BUG office $10 you promised me?) tzed, could best be described as snow- Into when you came here," shouted early Thursday morning (about 3 ------------------- making. However, due to develop- a student representative. A.M.) of the day before the GOLD ments upon which I will expound, "Ah, fellow rodent," said I, "but BUG comes out. He has a typew rt- THE GOLD BUG I missed most of the nunatenoc. I didn't know how deep." ter in front of him and on the paper My troubles began when an arm- O;a~~:;. ~:~~a;;r.~~~~\:;~ ored patrol (committee) from Fort co~:ti:rn~~~~r:n;:~::;;o~~ h:~: ~~r~~i~I::~~~t:ra~~u t~~:r::t~~e lish~ff};;~i~:~et~~::~~::~n Elderdlce approached my den. they departed to present the pro- crossed out letters and sentences. ~:s~.;:::~~.D:~::i~;;~~a~~~~:~~;;5~~~~::a:c;n;~~a:ht~~ "We know all abo.llt you, squir- blem to another committee, teav- His eyes are red and his stomach 1879. go to sleep on the floor or :::;:~:i~Efu~~~!!]2]~~~:::: rel." lng me to seethe with my new hurts and he knows that he will SECOND.CLASSPOSTAGEPAID AT WESTMINSTER.MD. 21157- "You have the wrong rodent, I'm dilemma. either just a peace-Iovteg chipmunk." mtttment, It was acnesttonoreom., stay up an night. If you can picture Should I make a stand "Well, if you know what's good and perhaps alienate a few people, this typical scene, then you might for you you'll keep your peace in- or should 1 obey the unjust com- understand why this editorial side this weekend, chipmunk. That mandment and stay warm, secure, should not be taken too seriously. is, If you want your grades at the secluded and accepted by all? Nevertheless, something about end of the I was warm that weekend. How- the SGA has been called intoques- Needless to say, I was shockec ever, I did hear through the per- tion and to fill up the remaining and confused, and had not the verblal grapevIne that the cafeteria' . space that I have to flll, I suggest Dave Weber ..... BusinessManager slightest Inkling of their intentions. proudly waved the double standard, that we review the record of the LisaR81"IShaw . ............... News Editor After all, I had conSidered myself and removed the second-hand desks SGA In the past several months. Jerry Hopple. " Editorial P.e a respectable part of the scenery that serve the lunctlon of blocking First and beermost among the Mike Herr .. Sports Editor .. Features Editor atWMC. the cafet-eria door to anyone who accomplishments of the SGA has John Douglas.Richard AnderS"n_... .. Advertising Manager Janel TaylOf" "Why do you want me out of the happens to forget his name, thus been the GIGI (M, T, W, Th, F, S, Tim Smith "...... .. Inside News way?" I queried. dispelling the disbelief of thOse S)'s. Although it was not the pre· Cindy DeWitt. " , Publishing Editor Irate parents who couldn't believe sent SGA administration that in- PhOlograpny P ••• <; •••• MikeShultz, Shirl Husk that their Henry had to give his "M Editor _. Ellen Von Deh58n name to an agent inordertostarch Circulation and Exchange Editor . Jane Elicker his caton. - Typing E(jitot.. . Nancy Decker
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