Page 47 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 47
~. l - l, 1 t f 1 j -,_ . S b d U Th 1 A Sociological Study: THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 22,1968 PAGE 7 omT:ki~:~~;Aimer~i, :it~i~~e p:~arizationRitU~M the~.ny of the significant values cr ure are never found by looking lor ~~~: :et~:l:~~l:~edr=~: o~aeSrS::= For Instance, the pursuit of pleasure Is orten unfuUiIling because we -etons of the countryside, The pol. never !Ind pleasure by looking for it. This is usually called the Hedonic arization ritual takes place aweek paradox. fhe devotee of pleasure ultimately ends up unsatisfied or as or two prior to one of these exo- Klerkegaard concluded, bored. duses, and by the time the villagers Pleasure or happiness in lifelsachi'E!ved not by making it the goal, but return they have rorgotten the by concentrating on some other things of which pleasure is a by-product. events which took place during it. Faith reflects somethingverysimilartothisparadox. We deceive our- It is well that they do, for the pol- selves If we make God the object or our search, for he is not found if he a rizatton ritual rhvldex the l·iUag- is sought in and of himself. There is a story about an anxious clergyman er-s into heated factiElnswhich would who was trying to nno coo in the holy places where gods presumably are inel·ital'ly dash in bloody battle found. But a voice reminds himthatGodwas out among his people whom were it not for the Inte r ventnghojt , the pastor should be serving. days. \ thi~~en there is the anonymous bit of verse which goes something like s:~~:, ~:l:~i~t i~r ~il\~r:ir~~~~(~~~~;:~ l-sougtrt my God; my God I could not see. ahxohulst vatues orun, ruling class I sought my self; my seu eluded me. and has pr-oved a I.aluahle tool in I sought my brother, and I found all three. matruanung the too-heavy govern- Finding God is the result of finding some other things, men! (see chapte r uu-ee-vvsom- This paradoxical principle applte s to many areas other than pleasure nolan lIiera,rr-lly--lts!{eligiousand at least emasculated. and God. How many of us, for eo-ampta, desperately desire frIendship Pseudo-Legal Aspf'd~'.). rtces goes on apace. consisting of and having resolved to find friends, come hell or high water, are event- To c.Iar-Hy this process, let us victims rooted out of the popula- ually frustrated and disappointed? Well. experience tetts us that friend- The l)asi(·st1"Uctllreot"th~polari_ view some examples; one issue tion by the rulers on the basis of ship is not found by making it an object of search, but is a by-pr-oduct zuuon ritual is this: SOlllnol~ns.lJy raised was the protnem of sono- their Obvious dislike of the semi- of other things, t.e., caring, helping, understanding--in short, being a nature of the under whi("1i arnyor villagers as exempli fled hy weekly blood-dr inkf ng ceremony, rrrenc. . xvxte-m The rulers chose to dispose of they lh·e.hal"e'·olistant complaints. uniform mode~ of behavior-, This This principlE: certainly obtains in marriage. Many couple s rmstaken- TI'E: rulers fix '11)01' ous ormore or Issue was made inflammatory hy these non-blOOd-drinking trouble- Iy set as their goal a happy marriage. They are dete r-minad to have a these in pre-ritual conncn. This human sacrUiee. A villager was makers while the viltager s were successrut marriage and the harder they workatit, the more obvious is is then caueu tl,e "issue."aname founr! whow_ouldwear no nose-ring, still waiting for the rulers' deci- their fallure. Thisoccursbecausetheacievementofmarital harmony is derived fro III the anctanr enemy of a shocking situation sion on ending blood-drinking. The in somuotan more subtle and Indireet, It is actually the result of some other things the rulers, the Isslle.~. with whom society. Catching the victim in a villagers would not rise to defend like mutual love and acceptance and commitment to each other through the ruler.~ have rar!:'ly 'leaH SIlC- legal infraction. the fulers and their fellows for fear of disturbing the exigenci3s J( life. cessfull','. The "issue."sometimes their village lackeys formeda the rulers' decision. "Taking proper aim" hr.s relevance to our obsession on this campus aCCOlllpanied llyhum:lnsaCrifice, fs It Is important to note that. al- has no of course. for better communication. As we have learned, technologically efficient tJIf'lIhroughttothevillagers':ltten_ court. Somnola. limitations about un- though byourmodernstandardsthe constitutional means of communication do not make, necessarlly, (or improved com- tion in sOllle 1Il0st prOI·oc;ati\"eway. usual punishments. nor does it value methods of these rUlers seem tot- munication. The harder we strive for good communication, the more The result is a great (·on[usion a- precedent.s. Thus the courts were ally vicious, totheirpseudo-Iegal_ nebulous it is.1 suggest that good communication is a by-product o( some- mong tJle villagers, SOllie O[wllolll istic thinking theyaretOtallyjusti- thing else, namely, listening to one another, estahlishing relationships sllPport the l'lliers' ",·tions and able to reCOmmend sacrifice to fied. The}' believe di:;sem is im- of trust in which people are treated as persons anti in which there is the some of whom do not. This conlu_ Ohmy as punishment (see chapter moral, least amount"of dUplicfty and manipulation. sian is allov.·etl a reaSon;Jille p!")". thirteen. '"Tile Major Somno!an In recent years with the influx of D. H. Lawrence illustrated the simplicity and power of this principle :lnd then tlle government silences Gods--Ohno, Ohmy. andDonmake_ twentieih_century culture even to In the foUowing lines. diseussilln with an ultirnatulll. at wavs··). The Villagers split Into remote Somnola, some villagers Give, and It shall be given unto you II"llieh point tile holiday occurs, pre- factions. one called Yeech (Y':'). have begun to question the whole Is stmthe truth about life. venting rel·Ollltion. This produces Even a.s ther formed their battle process and to urge rebelilon. Whe- But giving lIIe is not so easy. lines. the unusualoccurred __the ther the entrenchment of the polar- the desired catlHlrsis of the vill- prisoner escaped, It doesn't mean handing it out to some mean fOOl, or letting the ization ritual can beup-rootedre- living dead eat you up. Another series of hUman sacri- mains to I.le seen. 9J;;:~n """"',0' It means kindling the Ii!e-qualitywhere it was not, Even if It's only in the whiteness of a washed pocket handkerchief. Low on The Hill 0/ flJer/n!J by Cathy ~lcCul!O\lgh by Ellen Von uehsen Asked to close ollr ('ves we fin- It's very hartl to know where you editor partofinvolvedincontriloll1_ ger the till.l· object placed in Ollr are here on the hill seemingly high ing to, ii's all conlrihillingto hel" hands. We fE'el its texture, its sometimes hutrnosto!thetlmelow. insanity aud she just doesn't knOll rounded and smooth parts, its rongh You see we are each one of 1l.<;Jiv- how she will do it :!ll and .~tll1 pass and jagged faces. As soon as we Ing our own little live.,: like cotton or at least do well enoug-h UlHI ... in fervently lIlolest \"ery inch of its candy and inside there is some- the hack of her lIIind she's not hap- being, its ins and ouis. it begins to thing very wrong with each of us py. But. . become a "he" or a "she'·. We by Mike Hen which is tragic but no, how high we "The ll. S. NatiOll:l1S!talent As- UndE'rstandandconcei\·eanenlire are here on the hBl. When some- sociation, 1UHlera grant from the being. A vase hecornes a tiem- Ther~'s something absurd about playing a harp. but if It's your thing thing or someone comes along who Center for SIudi(>s of SuicidE' Pre- worll. rough farmwornan with a you do It, and bear the burden. It does have its rewards because you can makes a difference we have notime vention of the National Institute warm, tender love for small ehi!d- absorb the sneers content In the knowledge that you're the only one who for It we have no room for it. You of Mental Heal!ll. is presenting a ren •. '\ piece of driftwood becomes can zing the strings. But every time you zing them they larvae in the see we must continue regular-like con!eren ..·e on Student Suidde Pre- and outdoorsman. A marble ball standing water are somewhat frightened by the ripple and there is a and Ie! no one explain a sigh even vention frOln Novemhel· 1,,-17,:It Is a sweaty, ctisgusting, ohnoxious possibility that the larvae will grow into real mosquitoes. if it .<;nowsor somebodydiesorth;l the Sheraton Silver Spring, Silver man who arouses pity. Abraham Lincoln's birthday has come and gone; and the black men President turns out 10 be a !ink. Spring, Maryland!' This is a lessoninimagerycOn_ have been freed, soldiers defleaed, and the Indians (Amerinds) have been We have wrapped ourselves in to- Go, Mrs. B. B. Hal!':' Goddamn. formallon in Miss Smith's Inter- fed and tucked in bed. And although the moon is full, progress marches morroI'; with very tight security II we don't even have room in our pretation classes. Through our fin_ on, and they are now In the process of freeing long hair--from the heads string so that we can't breathe and lives for a tantrum or a ("elebra- gers a multi-sided individual is of Its wearers. But it is not strange because they tried to free the Negro therefore nothing will stir. Fast! lion (and I wasn't thinking of Iight- formed. He would never have come from his blackness even before they annihilated the bison. Neat! We are so surprised when King Arthur and Bill Cody weren't on speaking terms, and Glbran in fronl trees one of liS cracks. You see it's such tng Ihe Christmas how could we ever to life iI he had not been handled notwithstanding every responsible Rasputln should learn about the wiz- of the chapel) for such an intense length of time. a beautiful campus and the home- feel spiritual exaltation? II does lake lime to get to know ardry of truth. I have wasted the last few months in learning the truth coming was so warm. Ever notice Yes tell me I'm making ver)' someone. Each developed, yet im- about Lenny Bruce. You know Lenny Bruce? Well, such is late. But fate hoy; some of las! year's graduates negative statements and then feel aginary persons was conceived in is only character which is a good Indication that fate, in general, is a ('feep out from the shadow s with entitled to throw me and my bitch- our minds to have more than one weak little sister Il only because cynics must refer to a fallen idol. Fallen \·ery wary looks on thelr faces as ing out the window. But before you side, and yet do we allow others Idols are wonderful for martyr-making and losers must brandish martyrs if lOOkingfor the wall that used to do I have to talkaboutlastweekend on campus to have more than orie If there Is to be any value In losing. But it doesn't reaUy matter that the encl(">sethem. We wouldn't want to on Sunday a group of students and aspect to his personality':' Or ral- death of every Irish patriot costs as much as the annual price of feeding knock lIpagainstit.ohtherepercus_ faculty gathered together with her do we see only one flat aspect? a gorilla at the London Zoo because Irish patriots will eternaUy fall to .~i(">ns.We wake up every morning Tecla and paintings and poetry and Perhaps too-long hair, strange or glory and gorlIlas always get their due. 111 spite of it all. And we get up. There are no people to crlUcize.onlythe situations In which they wrap Bt'(·aH.~f' I'..e're due. there. for. to. music and maybe it sounds phony wild clothes. Perhaps one quiet, themselves. lhtt' to the fOllowing Important tra- but you know when you are moved withdrawn, demure. Incidents buUd Instances and instances stem from situations, Maybe if we took the necessary and feel an impact and it was the 1'1'01.1" we will still conllnue our ord- lirst time in a long whIle. It was time to feel, and, yes, maybe even And although Prometheus Is screaming his anguish I can do no more. 1I1;1l")·!ives. such freedom. Then Monday came to molest, we would find that like than cover my ears, and besides, Dionysus is calling and caMot wait •. ~h" is a pom-pom and a member with U's claws andputthemaround our vases, marble balls, and drlft- So here I am, standing in the blo pond with muck up to my navel, gen- "I till' ~Nf,;Aan argonaut a mcm.ber my neck and squeezed until next wood, Mople~ too are complex and erally feeling slimy all over. waiting for a new moon and lor spring. travel and as it says on the IUnally Ughted road lor (\1 !lit' Nl'\vman Cluh a Phi Alph aJl week,en~. intricate. Spring is the time Amertca'!--before It discovers you. map, "Discover
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