Page 48 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 48
The Music of Poetry Judy Collins- Wildflowers by Chris Shubert "Bows and flows of angel hair Fell," "Albatross" and "Since McCartney's "In My Life." In And Ice cream castles In the You Asked" are poetic and ro- past albums, she has Included air, mantic. In "Since You Asked" songs by Bob Dylan. Richard fa- And feathered canyons every- she sings, "What I'll give you rina, Phil ocns. and Donovan. is asked! you've When Johnny Comes where, looked at clouds that way." since together ... " and "as all my my In Leonard Cohen and Jon! Mitch- to W!ldflowers switches she I've time The best known song that Judy into previously Marching Home Again Collins sings In her latest album, liIe spills hours/ yours. changing the ell. Where she has by only a gui- with up been filling the Wildflowers, Is "BothSidesNow," world with time / and turning tar. accompantee by now is accompanied she It's a long road between Westminster and the lower-shore and on a lone- written by Jonl Mitchell. In It, time to flowers." a full sized orchestra. ly, rainy, November night company Is always welcome. Outside of Cris- clouds, Illusions, love and life are In "Sky fell" she asks, "What Judy's voice and the way she field a soldier stood dripping in the rain. He stuck his thumb out in a poetically interrelated. it is the will I do with my arms when you interprets other peoples songs dripping sort of way. He looked Ukehe could use a JUt. So I stopped and he kind of song that you have to hear have left me ... What will I do are her outstanding characteris- got In. He didn't have any stripes, just a sharpshooters cross on his chest again and again to appreciate tul- with the sky when it is empty ... tics. Her voice is extremely well and a tired smile on his lips. ly. What will I do with my life when trained and controlled. and its "Thanks!' Each song contributes to the you have left me?" In" Albat-. polished quality gives the 'feeling "Yeah. Where you headed?" total effect of the alhum and helps ross" she cries, "Will there ne- of perfect dltverance, I was a- "Home. Salisbury. I've made pretty good nme. Left Fort Eustace today it achieve a kind of artistic-unity. ver be aprince who rides along mazed at the difference between about eight o'clock," The theme of Wildflowers seems the sea the mountamsj.,' scatte r'ing the way she sings Leonard Co- "How do you lIke the Army?" to he love, or rather most of the sea and the foam into ame y- ~ hen's "Hey That's No Way to -'I bate It. They treat you like little kids. Shine your shoes, If you don't the songs are about people who thist fountains?". Say Goodbye" and the way- he do every little thing right they'll take you out behind the barracks and are in love' or who have been In sings it. His version has a sort beat you until you can't stand. The sergeants are bastards. Don't ever go love. Perhaps this is why Wild- In her songs she is concern- of rough beauty where as her's In. I pity you It you get drafted;" flowers has so much popular app- edwith "meaningful reianoa- has more of a mystical beauty. In "Since ships." You Asked" "How long you been In?" eal. she sings about a fantastic rela- She sings (rom a woman's point "Seven months. I got orders In for Thailand after Christmas." "Priests" and "Sisters of Mer- tionship which sounds so unreal of view and he from a man's, "Oh." cy;" by Leonard Cohen, and Joni that you know she probably made In Wildflowers Judy Collins Is "My brother got killed in viet-Nam on May 5." Mitchell's "Both Sides Now" con- not ,~O' much concerned with "I went goose hunting this morning. Didn't get anything though. It was talu philosophical and religious it up, Judy also sings Jonl Mit- "soctat causes as she Is with per- really a blue bird day. We sat on top ot the blind and sang songs most overtone.'; whichareexernplifiedby chell's "Michael from Moun- ;2nal relat.lonships. th~ songs of the afternoon. Lots of fun though." such lines as "It's life'sillus· tains" in which Michael seems teo Iiere are different from her nar- "I never went hunting. AlwayswantedtOthough.Just wanted to kill soma- ions I recall, I reate don't know poetic and too unreal enough to be rative ballads In that they are thingsomeUmes." life at ali," or "When you're not true. extremely poetic and appeal to °'1 got a rrtend In Korea. He's been E-4 tor five months now and can't feeling holy, your tent.ness says It Is interesting to see how the emotions. The}' tend to make make E-5." that you've sinned." _ Wildflowers represents the Cui. one feel more human. For this °'1 got busted from E-3 to PFC." One song is in ~French, "La mination of changes in Judy's reason Wildflowers is by far "Oh." Chanson des Vlex Amants" (Song style and selection of songs. Miss Judy's most affecting. album. 1 "Yeah. I mIght not have to go to Thailand. Il my discharge comes of Old Lovers), and one Is in COllins was first known as a folk- wonder if her next album will through." Italian. "A Ballata of Francesco singer and only recently pro- gl ve more of the same. but pro- o'You getting a discharge?" Landini, Lasso dl donna:" These gressed to singing folk rock and bably not because she seems to ·'Medlcal. The bastards say that I'm emotionally unfit lor military life. are two of the longest songs 011- other songs such as Lennon and be continually changing. I don't really care though. I don't like the suck anyhow." the record and sometimes It is Salisbury was only five miles down the line so I stepped on the gas and frustrating when you can't under- kept on drIving. He couldn't have been much more than eighteen. I let stand the words. They do, how- him out In front of the bus terminal. ever. fit in with the overall tone "Thanks a lot buddy. I really can't tell you how much I appreciate the and theme of They lilt, ,And remember, don't enlist, and II you get drafted good lUCk.:' the album , "Right. Nice talking to you and good luck." lHustr ate the universality of ro- r waved and he threw me a salute and walked on down the treat, HI" mantic Jove. stop was jaunty--lIke a kid going home from school on a warm aiternoon Wlldflower.~ is the first album In May. Home. in which songs by Judy Collins have appeared. Her songs, "Sky Proposition: ~ fl!rnpe '!YOU, .Alice $. f701da4 AMOVIE REVIEW Rea'ity A'ternative--fidion "There must be someway out ot here"--Bob Dylan, 1968 There's this movie about a straight lawyer, PeterSellers, who walks out at his wedding to his straight secretary, turns hipple, then drops out of hippiedom, becomes straight again and walks out on hIs wedding to the by Hiroshima lower! a sense of physical involve- pleased. 10 boo if I was not. I was same girl for a secono nme. Atthe end he runs down the street scream- ment. The second aspect to he ap- not prepared for what received me. ing something about there must be a beautiful p~ace somewhere. I was scouring my tu-atnror some preached is the quality of the act- If I had been, I reet tnat t could have It's actuatty an very relevant and phiJosphlc of course but Peter phrase, any phrase,todescribethe ing, which, in most (,ases. was accepted the produclion 1Il0re read- Sellers saves us from It because he+s funny.Jr you think you're intellec- reaction which the play Six Char- slightly above average to almost By than I did, It was SOrt of tual you can lookfor causes and reasons and try to start a movement, like acters In Search of an Author, by intellectuals always do, and about the time the slow thinkers catch up LUigi Pirandello, produced in me, excellent, out who am I to judge? :~~~t:l~~~rs:o;~;s~~~t;~;~:atc~:l~ on all thepsechedelia, the sexual revolution, Marshall McCluhan and hair, and even the phrase presented isn't !~~1~:it:I~~al~e~~: t1~::~g~~~~l~:: no~ h:lVe been eJiminat.ed :venw~th the real thinkers, steeped in moralityofcourse,wlll have superimposed accurate. Such a coqtrast of emo- said,lhehlghqualllyofactingtend_ being prepared,. The 1ugh !Olenslty a new Victorian age on us. tionshas nol occurred Inmeslnc!e It's happening; look around. Whether the new president is 1968 Richard 'IlY hi!st friend beat the hell out 01 ed lolncreasethefeelingoflnvohe. Involvement WlllCllwas pre~ent :or- Nixon Agnew or 1952 Dwight Eisenhower Nixon, whether the new hlgh- ced the ."Ylewer" to IdentIfy wllh ment. The play not [lcted as if Ille five years ago, The play was It w~e produced for you but rat- one of the "actors". In my case, I priest Is Timothy Leary, some guru or John Lennon, whether Laugh_In good, the play was bad. I loved It, is the new camp game, reaching new depths of free speech, it's all the I hated.r. 1 can't understand why her, that you were obse:vin~ a.s ~I :~ean::~:eads::~g ~eeS:~~~I:~o~~; same. They bombard the hell out of you with all this crap until you ac- I resented the play, all myconclous member olthe.partiCularsituatJon. in the Situation. and l'onsequently cept it, and when you accept you're the same as you started out. reactions are positive, but some- The set and light production were I adapted his attitude. in turn re. They cantellyoutodoyourownthing but when you try It, you're either thing says "NOr", not above or below average, but sat- senting my presence, :\ reaction gung-ho or a commle-rat-bastard. It's like the Doors' record that teUs islied the needs of the production, founded on this basis would vary you to break on through to the other side without teIHng you that when The Dramatic department has inasmuch that the play did not call from individual to individual. .de- you get there, there'll be another wall. tlefinitely scored another produc- for any complex or extraordinary pending upon his chosen identity. But what Peter Sellers does In this movie is to drop out, come back tion victOr}' In the presentation of props or Ughtingeffects. This again Although this aspect caused me to and then drop out again. The Halght-Ashbury hippies came back when PirendelJo's play, (The first vic- added to the audience Involvement, resent th play. this adds to the they shaved their heads andusedBryicream,toshow they achieved selt- tory, Our Faces, Our Words) The . All of these things taken into aChievemenl of the production. realization or self-actualization or something. ~primary reason for the victorywas aCcount, the final conclusion can be My mind is at rest because I now It's frightening to get self-actualized because then everybody can walk ille technique of presentation _ the that the Direction staff is to be know the source of my anxiety, around smiling. nodding approval, revolting through the organization aiB!!placedonthestage,wasauto_ mental frustrations, now that my Life Is just Trust, just Faith, you feel like crying instead of laughing, yourl' probably human enough ~ Illaticall~' involved. Even when the thoughts have had a chance to set- Just Bluebirds in the Spring, to know what's going on. audience was removed from the ~Ie. I feel the ~eason I resented Just Tenderness when Day begins, I!your values get Jangled and the straights around you think it's a cut sta!(e. th(' feeling of involvement the playwasthelilcreasedinvolve_ Just one sweet Song to .!iing, on them, and fhe hippies around you think it's a cut on them and you think \l('!"slslf.'d still. This Involvement ment andtheln~bllilytodlstinquish Just Play, just Work, just Love, It's all pretty goou, pretty real, pretty human, then you felt it and that's l>r<'1l1!!htthe audience closer to the reality from fiction. I went to be Just sunset Gold and Dew why I didn't telI you about the movie, I'H'
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