Page 52 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 52
PAGE 12 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 22,1968 Gridders on Downward Skid L~:I"I ~ Terrors Lose to Del-Val; .~'" "Drexel Destroys WMC in Pa. by Vince Festa western MarylancPsfootballfor- the previous week as the Terrors Passing Atts. Camp. Yds. Ave. tunes continue to sag as the Green gathered 149 yards rushing but Bozman 138 69 1021 7.8 Terrors dropped two more games could account for only 15 yards Barga 2 2 7 3.5 the last two Saturdays, Delaware through the air. The Drexel offense Yds. Ave. Valley handled the 'rerrors tnw:»- accounted for 377 yards and rolled Receiving Rec. 36. 16.0 24 Klinger nlng 34 to 25, and last Saturday the up its biggest pointtotalofthesea- Brown ta 288 15.2 Terrors suffe red thef r wor-st defe at Barga 12 188 15.6 of the season, bowing to Drexel 42 The Terrors never seemed to Fe~a 6 59 9.8 to l-i, come up with the big play either in Bleke 51 12.7 Against the Aggie,,; of Delaware offense or" defense--perhaps due Dietrich 31 10.3 Valle}' the Terrors jumped out to to the taarnes overatt tnexpertence , Lambert 2 2 2. 23 12.0 11.5 a 13 to 0 lead, aided by a Dela- The loss of Earl Dietrich on the Marklev ware Valley fumble and a blocked very first play of the game was Punting Atts. Yds. AVB. pass. Linebacker Keith Proter re- also an extremely damaging blow Barga 23 827 35.9 covered an Aggie fumble to initi- both physically and psychologically Bozman 21 668 31.8 ate a-59-yard drive, and middle to the team. Donaway 1 35 35.9 guard Vic McTeer intercepted a Bruce Bozman had perhaps his blocked Jim Smith pass and r-amb- worst day at quarterback, as he Scoring TO's p~ led 39 yards forthetouchdown.But was constantly under pressure, Dietrich 9 56 the Delaware Valley eleven came and able to complete just 4 passes back on John Nice's four-yard TD with two interceptions. Three Ter- run to cut the Terror lead to 13 to ror fumbles paved the way to Dre- 7. Quarterback Bruce Bozman in- ~::lt~~~~~:~u~r~~~~~ ~~~:s~~ek ~~ -------,--,--,-- creasedthe\Vesternr.Iarylandlead the defensive unit. All in all itwas to 19 to 7 with a t a-vard scoring the worst performance of the sea- pass to fullback Earl Dietrlchwith son for tfleGreen and Gold. just over one minute remaining. John Seaman picked up 75 yards The Aggies came back again as on 20 carries, and Vince Festa 39 quarterback Ron Timko threw the in six tries to lead the Terror of- first of four touchdown passes, this fense. Freshman Arn Hines also time to 6'4", 240-pound split end showed signs of coming alive of- Phil Thorne to close the margin fensively. to 19-14. The Terrors have one more game remaining, facing theJaysofJohns Timko Takes Over Hopkins. The team has a tot or pat- Ching up to do before it takes the The second half was att Delaware Valley as quarterback Ron Timko field for the last timetomorrow and Bob Moore, Earl Dietrich. and Vic McTeer top the pile or tacklers over connected for three touchdcwr.s, a chance to salvage a 6-3 record with a win. Aggie pile-driver John Nice. The Aggie.s took the opening kick- off and marched 60 yarrls,thefinal Cumulative Stats. Roundballers Show Well 20 as Timko firedtoThorneforthe TD. Then Timko added two insur- ance touchdowns on scoring tosses Rushing Against Tall E-Towners of thirteen yards to Harry capas- Barga 55 6.5 zoli and 35 yards to fullback Nice. Dietrich 257 The Terrors were bottled up on Seaman 52 262 5.0 3.' The Elizabethtown version of Hutchinson, Bill Sherman, Gene the ground, gaining only 75 yards, Lambtrt 69 233 3.' 1.1 90 "Land of the Giants" rolled into Grosh, and Latrell Jones all shot and forcing quarterbackBozmanto Bozman 84 73 3.8 Festa Gll! Gym for an exhibiUongamea- well, while the play of Jim Hobart go to the air. Bruce completed 18 Wright " . 66 3.1 21 gainst the Green Terrors last was simply amazing. Hobart had of 35 passes for 179 yards but three Hines 12 25 2.1 Wed_.nesday night. Lead by a 6'8" seven assists in twenty minutes Interceptions proved costly. The Blake 8 2.0 dreaming forward, the E-towners looked im- Aggies rolled up 453 yards intotal 6 6.0 possible to stop, especially com- Mat Scrlmmagage offense with Timko accounting for 2 2.0 about pared to the smaller Terrors. For 210 yards on 12 of 18 passes. Houston 0.7 0.0 one halI, that height, coupled with Features Tag-Team Racked-by injuries to key per- your future? cold shooting, was devastating. The sonnel and unable to get outside Terrors never gotuntracked,ex- Sam Case and the Terror mat- for practice because of the snow, cept for Larry Suder, whose hot men rolled out the mat for an Intra- the Terrors suffered through their smG~S then stop! hand managed 15points, Theywere squad scrimmage with the new- worst game of the season against outscored 49-31, outrebounded, comers, freshmen and Leon Cronce Drexel. TEXACO SERVICE Here's a once in a lifetime and in some cases even intimida- against the veterans of last years The game was a turnabout from opportunity for adventure and ted from going to the hoop. varsity who are not Involved with WestmiDJllter Shopping challenge. The second half was an entirely other interscholastic sports. ~¥~ Center different ball game. All of a sudd- There were five matches, the A civilian career with the en the shots started dropping, the veterans taking all five.The first WutlllinsteJ'TI 8-1410 Army Recreation or library Terror front Une started crasatng saw Kenny Meyers against Rick Program in Europe or the Far against the E-town Giants, and the Kirchirer, then Gary Scholl and Stationery TEXACO ~VOUNB East. two teams battled to a 38-38 tie. Jim Schnartner, Rick Schmertz- GASOLINB OIL Led by captal nSuder ,who managed ler and Ron Partinato and Leon STORE If you are single, a U.S. 11 more points for a. total of 2?t Cronce against the dynamic tag zen and have a degree citi- in and John Heisler, who hit for 10 team duo of Herb Shrieves andCoe HOME, SCHOOL and in the second half Including the Sherrard. OFFICE SUPPLIES tying basket, the Terrors proved The Green Terror mat men will Recreation they can play against the~ really open this season on December 11 BOWL· big teams. This was, however, a at Towson and will make their first 47 E. Main St. g.s8·5553 Social Science solid team efIortwlth Mike Baker home appearance on December 18 WestmiMter, Md. Wllh, Arts ond Crafts ~ doing an outstanding job, diving against Washington College, for loose balls and harrassing Chi.f Music the E-towners from the backcourt. - .' A' ,TY Dramatics or The forwards, whowereplatooned, CLEANERS& Jeff Davis and Greg Getty in one II'" Library Science )~ line and Dave (Lonny) Lewis and LAUNDERERS ON CAMPUS Randy Hutchinson, battled well . 1 So-,Center St.... t. or EqIar Road INTERVIEWS against the taller boardmen ot the - opposition. Last but not least was ~UNDERING • DRYCLEANING • TAILORING the play of Joe Smothers, who for Dec. 9 the second straight scrimmage led G....... I 810_. '" LID... · Rental Service the team in bounds with 10 and ~ for Blade..ta IDWMCStad ... I.Center piayed all of the first two halves. The third half was a rout as .'HOlIday IImJqh FrIday the Terror Super-subs blasted the ·.:00 O'dock UalU 3:00 O'dock DaII7 E-tcp,ynbench-sitters 40-26. BHly
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