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WESTERN MARYLAND • The· Gold .Bug CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 45 No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE1 WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND DECEMBER 13, 1968 After Christmas: New Outlook Ai WMC: Gigifs Will BE"Continued GIGIFS will be discontinued untU Another problem, according to 4-1-4 Change Planned after the Christmas holidays as a Dean Robinson, is the amount of eeecu of several incidents at the .beer avanatae and the fact that it faculty has Western Maryland's pre-Thanksgiving GIGIF. Accord- is free. "The supply should be such approved "calendar- changes that period or a shorter summer school. on and students could have great free- the winter dom In setting courses; The student would concentrate tng toSGApresidentHarryCollins, that it will be exhausted by the end could, In the nextthreeyears,rad- one subject; this could range from session could resemble a Free tfus isprimarl1yioallowloracool- of theGIGIF.Also,nomatterwh~re ically _change the educational major requlrementstoindeperldent University In this respect. Ing-otr period, to let things get back YOIlare, when you have free beer. it system of this school, Durlngtheir study to coUoquims. Grades would The faculty also approved a re- to normal. often ends up being thrown." December 5 meeting the faculty probably be on a basi!' commendation by the Curriculum pass-rat! No additional repercussions are The Dean also mentioned the favored the plan which wlU be ex- during the winter term. Committee for a change In the bas- expected as a result of the tr:oOOle fact that when the time is extended amined by committees during the This calendar, which would be Ic requirements lor graduation at the last G1GIF, mainly because the GlGIF becomes more like an coming months. Calendar changes, Several.weeks longer than the pre- (in the present catalogue listed on of the- switt action of the Men's open party; and is no longer just if Instituted, would Involve start- sent one, is planned as a transition page 17). This change permits Council in disciplining the maj- an unwinding session, ing the 'first semester earlier so to a new system whichwouldbein- other courses to satisfy the re- ority of those responsible for the These are some of the problems that It would end before Christmas, stituted two or three years from qutr ement in Literature in add- incidents, that the SGA will havetotakesteps The second semester would begin now. This system, already in use ition to those offered in the Eng- "The punishments are kept sec- to correct in the future. _ on February first and close at the In a number of colleges, is known Ush Department. A list of app- ret," said ColUns, "but they suit- end of May, Between the two would as the 4-1-4 system. Instead of roved courses will be published ed the violations and are an advant- Cid!~~S::~~I~i::ISs:I~~::~;s~hf:~~; be a four-week winter term. Ithas credit hours, this system uses by the Curriculum Committee, age to the student body, becausa wa that the majority should not have to not been decided who would attend credit units, one for each course which is empowered to determine can't have situations Itke this," suffer because of the actions of a this winter session;whethertheen- taken, Graduation requirements whether or not a course may be The dtsctpltnar y action recom- few."Consequently, GIGIFs will be tire student body, volunteers, or counted toward the requirement. mended by the Mel).'s CouncU less continued after the Christmas hen- selected students has notbeendet- would be 36 credit units, the equi- The determining directives are: 120 credIt valent of approximately than one week after the Incidents, day. ermined. It would not be a remeeiat hours. Since graduation require- 1) that a considerable body 01 was hearttjy approved by Dean Rob- ments are presently 124 hours, literary material be handled In tnson, He said that he was pleased Women's Council Reviewing this would Involve dropping some the course; 2) that the proce- with the action, and the fact that required courses, Each student dures of the course be essentially tive on their 'own and did a com- .Role of Organization would carry four courses during tn the fields of literary and hu- the men's Council took the inltla- manistic analysis. semester and one course each mendable job. "Ldeploredwhat oe- Women's Council Is In the pro- day and a 12:00 cur1ew on Sunday. during the shortwinterterm.Since No single course may be useQ cur-red;" continued the Dean, "but cess of r-e-evaluating Its role on For weekdays (Monday through this Is a llghter load than students to meet two separate baste re- It doesn'tmeanyouendGIGIFs;you campus. Its function Is to astab- Thursday) the Council suggested carry presently, each course could quirements for graduation. just penalize those who are guilty, lish and change policy effecting either 11:15 curfew with no late be given greater concentration, The effect of the change Is to not the whole campus." women students, to try girls for leaves or a doubling of existing The winter term would be similar permtt the use of certain courses Collins said that the SGA had curfew and men's dorm violaUons, late leaves. Special cultural late to that already described. This In translation, the content and been making plans to expand the and to plan some activities for leaves with the approval of the Dean could involve taking courses In purpose of which are baaieally 11- GIGIFs, but they had to be post- women such as the Christmas party. are unlimited. ferar y, to meet the graduation re- poned. He also added that they may In terms of policy change, the Acting on the suggestion Irom other 4-1-4 schools, workshops, quirement. etc. Faculty travels, colloquiums, need to have faculty chaperones Council has submitted to the Dean women students to have Open House as a result of the disturbances, but a proposal for later curfews. This regularly [rom 12t04 onweekendS: this is not yet definite, plan Includes a 1:00 curfew on Frl- the Council set up defining stand- "The SGA regrets that anythirrg ards for Open House, They left it Ilk' tbts had to happ,,,," "Cotttns New Open House up to the individual dorrns to sche- said. "I am sure it won't happen dule Open Houses since the newwo- :;:~:~ ~t:~k~~~ ~ffi:~~~~~ Is not _ Rule For Men's men's dorm was not interested In "The GIGIF Is a place to relax 0 Ad t d having Open House ever yweekend, and have a f~ dr lnka.'" he said, orms Op e Both the Open House and the curfew are onthe Dean's recommendations .~~)~, not just a place to get 'tank- Expansion 01 the hours for open desk awaiting approval. "One of the causes or me trouble house in the men's dormitories The councn has been reviewing and punishments. was the over-cr-owdedness at the was the subject of one of the re- trial procedures are working on draw- Committees GIGIF," Colll~ sald.'~The GIGIFs ~~~o~e~:a~o;:S~I~n~/~h:~:!::~ ing up a standard trial procedure are held at Little Frocks, whtch ber 25 meeting of the Student Life and standard.lzing punishments. A was suitable for last year, but now , Council. The proposal has been committee working on dorm late more students are attending the approved by the President andwlU minutes has attempted to simplify New members of the ODK from left to right are Alan Winik, Fred Wag- GIGIFs causing an overcrowded probably go into effect at the be- those procedures. ner and Gary Shapiro. condition. However, it is hard to The Council members are putting get other places;"tie sald:'Decause glMlng of second semester. In many hourstotrytosimpli!yand In addition to the existing Sat- of problems in the past and also under the new plan, the men may the whole, they feel that we need a ODK to Induct Winik, urday and Sunday afternoon hours, standardize On their proceedings. because of the fact that th~~SGA lQses money on the GIGIFs. Most Wagner and Shapiro have open house on Friday and better orientation as to what Wo- ·Saturday evenings subject to the men's Council is before nqar re- Prints to Be Sold peUtion of a section. presentatives are elected. To schedule an open house, a Women's Council members feel On Monday, Uecember 9, from majority of men in anyone sec- that due to the amount of work In- Three new members will be in- campus activities, AlanWinIkspe- 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. the tion must go to their floor re- volved, the S.G.A. representative ducted Into Omicron Delta Kappa arheaded his energies last year Rolen Gallery of Balti more wlll presentatives and request that and theWomen'sCouncUrepresen- on Sunday, December 15, at 4:00 Into the editorship of Contrast present and exhibition and sale there be one on certain night. tative should be two different peo- in Little Baker Chapel. Noviti- magazine. Moreover, he has work- 01 prints from Internationally It will then be recorded on the ple, ates to the honor fraternIty in- ed In drama during his tour years known artists. These exhibited calendar in the Dean's ·office. An clude Gary Shapiro, Fred Wag- at Western Maryland. prints travel from college to open house may be requested lor Faculty and student ner, and Alan Wlnik, two seniors ODK Is hoping to sponsor an- to coUege in the United States. any Friday or Saturday evening members of RLC will meet IUIda junior. other campus-wide symposium si- The annual exhibition and sale on which there is no aU-school Saturday, December 14 to Now president of Gamma Beta milar to the one th~y introduced will continue from Tuesday, Dec- on which there Is no all-school, discuss the purpose of chapel Chi fraternity, Gary Shapiro has last year. Although a topic for ember 10 through Tuesday, Dec- open activity previously scheduled, on campus. been active in Homecoming and such an event has not. yet been ember 17. Hoursln Gallery One, The scheduling may be carried Although the group will May Day events. In addition, he chosen, posslblUties could cover where the prints will be shown, out on an Individual night basis, be in no position to effect a also plays soccer and basketbaU, such variables as the dining hall are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, or a section may vote to have drastic change in policy, Fred Wagner, edltor-in-chiet of situation or the growIng size of on weekdays_ open houses at regular intervals members plan to review not the 1969 Aloha, has also been classes. This group also hopes to Both the sale and the show fea- or on certain dates throughout the on1y the Connat of chapel active in Gamma Beta Chi frat- introduce small, informal dinner semester, and the nature of the speak- ernity. Highlighting his campus sessions with both faculty and stu- Questions concerning fhe new activities was hIs participation dents in attendance. It Is hoped regulations may be taken to any ers, but also the possibility of In the Junior Follies, as well as that these will help to faCilitate member 01 the Student Life Co- a time change from evening track and wrestllng in hIs under- faculty-student relationships on to late morning. class years_ Highly involved In campus.
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