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PAGE 6 THE cor.p ~1.}G NOYE~BER 22.)96~ GOVt. lifts Visiting Hours Mtfu's Dormitories At G. W. KapJ.!o&~ets Up- Parietal Group Change Open House Policy from O. w. Student Government repealed Kaplan cast the deciding vote to what penalties, If any, should be As part 01 a major revision in pr-oval, He commented that the Monday its parietal hours policy break a 7-7 deadlock over the re- established. open-house ponctes ot men's re- more liberal regulations "repre- which it had passed at the preced- peal of the original par teta l polctv, Ted Evans, Independent, Views sidencehalls,thefourmen'sdorms sent a breakwJth tradition to meet Ing meeting. He contended that Government's uniform parietal hours as a means will be open Homecoming weekend the changing values and attitudes Government President William first action isn't a confrontation for admtmstratton control. Hur- from 7 a.m , tomorrow until mid- Of the students." Kaplan announced the tormation 01 with the administration over the witz added, "Here we go agalnwlth night Sunday. Currently, the men's residence a seven-member committee to set parietal Issue. He said Government the crumb theory by askingthead- David Speck, assistant dean of councils were in the process of up some type of parietal code. The should see what the administration ministration for things." men, has announced the new parte- combining to torm one governing committee was a principal reason says about a code and then decide Kaplan reported that Dean Frank tal hours, On weekdays, Sunday body, the Men's Inter-Residence for Oover-nmentes repeal of the whether the response is favorable. told him that discipline occurring through Thursday, the men's halls Hall Council (MIRHC). Speck dis- original plan to permit girls vl si t- Elliott Hurwitz of'Pi Lambda Phi within any proposed guidelines will be open from 7 a.m. to midnight. closed. Ing the living quar-ter-s Ofstudents. maintained that the parietal hours would be the responsibility of the Weekend open houses will be held In the future, according to the In other matters, the body ap- proposal was brought up not so house mother and the appropriate Friday and Saturday, 7 a.m . to 2 23 year old assistant dean, "the proved a measure stating that a much to establish visiting hours hut fraternity or dorm officer. Kaplan students through MIRHC wUJ decide motion for a proposal must be pre- to demonstrate the re sponsuntity added the Student Court would deal No checks on students will be many of their social policies." senteo one week and voted upon the of the students. with any violations of the planned made to see if they are in com- Thus Heexplainedthathisapproval foHowing week. Government fur- Government vtce-prestdent codes. pliance with the scheduled open of dorm policies was temporary ther established that a two-thirds Fred Scott said the student bill of In further business Vice-pre- house hours and no sign-in pro- until the proposed men's dorm majority vote would be needed to rights being drawn up at the pre- stdant Scott said that a week'!> de- cedures will be involved, council is unified. waive the procedure of notice of sent time orthe new constitution lay in voting on a proposal would The new dorm policies are It is undecided at this point as motion enabling a preposat to be for the organization should take give representatives additional Operative only if approved hy the to which Uruve r sity body will voted upon in the week in which- it care of tile parietal hour-s. lie time to consider the question to be majority of the reSidents in the supervise the Men's Inte r'-Re s-d- is Introduced. pointen out thllt the major eon- voted upon. Kaplan added that the individual halls. Thus far Mitchell ence Hall Council, Later in the meeting Government cern is 1I0t responsihility but the extra time woul(1 permit repre - and Calhoun HalJs have petitioned Speck said that MiRHC, by pro- defeated 1I motion to waive the new ove rlapping of plans for tha nour«, sentatives to consult with their approval; Welling and AdamshaUs viding a unified council of men's procedure so that it could pass a Kaplan stated that justification constrtuenctas, are expected to approve the mea- dorms. would be an advantage tothe measure calling forGovernmentto of the code liy refer r-inu tu the Ckvi l Hurvitz declared that the plan to sures ortomor roe. student, A judicial committee of organize and lead a movement to crimination is "e r r oueous;" He have IO').;;tudentstakegirlsinto Suggested dorm rurs reforms students andadminlstratorsisten_ have more than 100 students bring said the government contract for their rooms would show students were submitted to Speck for ap-, tanvety planned. "It would give girls into their rooms at a certain th~ fum!.s used to help finance ha\'e power and GOvernment isn't structure and continuity tothejud- time, prefer-rably during Greek the commons-nestuenuat Center irrelevant. icals}'stem,"he noted, Switlg we!->kell(l, Nov. Hi and 16. stipulates the College administra- CBS To Produce In the p;st, the open-housere- Brody, whom Kaplan tle- tion has the right to see parietal feared Rick in last monm'< pt-estdentf al gutanons were radically dtfferent; occas- ROTC Made hours until the hond issue is paid. election, girls into rooms over Student's Play open-house was permitted Thecou- declared that if the plan He continued that the adminis- ionally on some Sundays, tu take would like to set Noncompu lsorv tration hut with a certain lip par- ./Greek Swing isn't passed nov.',Go- A member of the student gen- pie had to sign in with the resident ;lmount on the floor before enter- ietals aSsistant of uniformity. vernment is selling out and not eration will have a major dramatic ingandthenSlgnoutaJterleaving from Lafayette Tile parietal hour!> committee _' taking its power. entry on television the night of Dec- the boy's room, The door ot the In a report from the Prom Com- ember 4. Thf' controvf'rsial p:-ohlelll uf appointed consists of Dean Fred- - mittee. Hustr Neimie!>er said it The CBS Playhouse production room had to be left open six inches, ROTC in two neighboring schools, erick Frank, Kaplan, l1usty Nei- would not be possible to get groups of that night comes from the pen and the room was inspected before- Lafayettl~ ColJeg~ :lnd Lehigh llni- mie.~er (Jndependenl), 110hert such a.~ The Temptations, Aretha of Ron Cowen, 23, who's current- hand to make sure no obscene or versity, has heen resolvf'd hy White (Beta Theata Pi preSident). Franklin and Vanilla Fudge bee- Iy winding up work onhis master's offensive items were open toview. making military Irailling optional. George Whitmer (Phi K:lppa PSi ause the~· :Ife asking about three degree at the Annenberg School of Tlw !Joan] uf trustees of L;lfay,- president as well as pre_~ident of to four times as muell as Govern- ~ the University of Pennsylvania. Bishop Pike, Tom Wolfe ette College has accepted a {:teu!!y the COllndl 011 Fr~ternity rela- Illent has allocated for the emer- Till now,CBSPlayhousehaspre_ recolnmend.'ltion to make ROTC tions), HurwitzandDick:\lCSherrr, tainmen!, He pointed out that the sented only top TV dramatists, Festival of Arts optional as adlllinLstratively prae- Freshlilan Clas.~ Vice-president, budget would allow for the book- such as Reginald Rose andJP Mil- t1cabJ.g_. Lllf"yette frp.sh11len Jlave Kaplan s;lid GOvernment .should ing of groups such as the Fifth ler, But the network and sponsor, Plans from Muhlenberg under way for well are prf'viOllslr ht'PIl required to t:tk.. se .. in a Vo'lrif'tal code "Ollleel·alu- DirnellsiOIl and Chllmber.s Bro- General Telephone & Electronics, this year's Festival of the Arts, one reilr of thlshasiemilitarysci- ation on regul:\tioll ofparietliisand tiler". have long wanted to find a new, which will begin April 13 and con- '""''''pU",I'',,,,,,, ..,,,",,,uo..Student Comm;ttee young author for this series. tinue through May 3. expressed T B E Cowen had written his firstfulJ- ~aren Hamm, -chairman of the It mad!;! last month hy the faculty, bI· h d length play. "SUInmertree," dur- Festival committee, explained that the LafayeHe trustees stu ing the 1966-67 academiC year, this year's Festival oftheAnshas ::\:~~: ~~~evl~~~i~I~I;~:::l:~~~~:illCtl;~:= 0 e lS e After ,eight months of work. he'd been expanded to three weeks due ue hoth to the individual ami to tile from Wilson any suggestions to tile student sent the completed script to Jerome to students' complaints last year that they did not have time 10 see under whom he's taken Lawrence, nation. Implementation On Saturctay. NOI', 2, J!l68, Hev. mem\)ers of the committee. a pla}'Writing course at U.C.L.A. everything. Instead of scheduling Dr. K. Ronald Bergethon, presi- Dr, Edward E. I{, Elson. Chair- Of This committee was formed to (Cowen had started college at Ohio a speaker, group, or acUviiy for man of Ihe Board of Trustees dent of the college, has arranged Wilson College inforllH'tl Clnd\' improve communication between State. tr.1nsferred when his family every day during the Festival, s('veral steps to implement the Sandford, president of the \vCGA', the two groups. Anoiher effort in moved from Cincinnati to Los An- there will be open days so that facnlty-trustee acUon.Allstudents that the Board of Trustef'" had thi,: direction was a dinner held geles). students can complete their stu- las! weekend for some members of sent the script to the Lawrence curreIlUyenrolletlin',1ilitarySci_ unanimously adopted a proposal the board and some students. The Eugene O'NeilJ Foundation in Conn- dies. The Fine Arts Council of Muh- ence I will continue to fuUlJI their in principle to create :t nel':' com- arrangement seemedtoprovewor_ ecticut, where itwas given a try- course obligations this semester. mittee of the Board of Trustees. out performance in the summer of lenberg and Cedar Crest Colleges, At the time of preliminary re- This cOlllmittee will be caJled thwhile for all who participated. 1967. organized last spring,willopenthe gistration for the secomlsemester The Student Committee in Coop- In February, there will be an in- 1969 Festival of the Arts with a of 1068-69, student Cllrrently en- eration with the Board of Trus- formal buffel for the entire stu- CBS producers saw it there, got presentation of Haydn's Creation. rolJetl in :\Ii1itary Science 1 wil! tees. dent body and the Board ot Trus- in touch with Cowen. and asked him :\1embers of the Lafayette Glee register either for l\lilitan:Sci- The committ!'e will be functioning tees which will provide an oppor- to write an ori"ginaUor CBS Play- Club will participate, along with ence 2 or Physical Education 2. betv.'een now and the next meeting tunity for the entire student hody house. Muhlenberg and Cedar Crest stu- He's the youngest dramatist Beginning with the class admitted of the Board of Trustees in Feh- to get to know the members of commissioned by the network. ever dents. It is hoped that as many the board. in September, 1969, enrollmeni in ruary, during which time the mo- students as possible will avail The pla~·. "Saturday Adoption," Tom Wolf, a contemporary au- basic military science will be op- tlon to make thi!>committeeaper- thor described as"wild.woolY,but tional. manent one will be voted upon. themselves of this opportunity. derives from Cowen's own exper- interesting," wHi be on campus In accordance with graduation At present the membership will Further information alxmt this ience. In the script. Rich, a college April 15. A Jazz MassintheChap- rf'quire11lents currently in effect, include PresidentHavesn,lhePre_ buffet will \)e gi\-en early in next student, tutors a l-l-year-old Ne- el. a lecture by Bishop Pike, and _~Iudents who withdraw from mil- siden! ofWCGS, the vice president semester. -.) gro boy. lilac}", Soon he's sharing a Mask and Dagger productionwill itary science at the end ot thisse- of WCG, and the four class pres- Rev. Elson, 'Pastor of the Na- his dreams of future possibilities all be included in the first week mester must complete three sem- idents. It wlU also include about tional Presbyterian Church at with the lad, to whom optimism Is of the Festival. esters of physical education. Six members of the Board 01 Was.hington. D. C., was re-elected an oddity. The Lenox String Quartet, de- President Cov.'en says he wishestheestab_ of the Board of Trus- Creature of Defense Trustees who will be appointed tees. He has served in that pos- lished generationwouldlistenmore scribed by the New York Times At a previous Arcadia mEleting later this month. ilion since 1960. to what the younger generat10nhas as "one of the finest quartets this al Lehlgl!_University, a motion was The purpose of this committee country has yet produced," wiil passed that ROTC courses be re- is to provide a direct communi- At their meeting, the Trustees to say and not cavil so much about give a performance Monday, AJJfi. lieved of academic credit. The de- cation link between the Board of also elected Robert B. Shively as hair length, dress, and other trivia. 21. Van der Beek and Mekas two nsion was based OJ] an Arcadia Trustees and the student body. vice president of the board. He He likes TV as a vehicle ot expres- names In the movie-making Ind'l- study of the feaslblllty of such It wUl serve much the same fun- is President and General Manager sion because it reaches people str}" will be on campus to pre- credit. ction as the comparable commi- of Shively Motors in Chambers- where they are (30-millionofthem sent !iJms and cbnductdiscllssions Since the university exercises ttee with the faculty. It will all- burg. watched "The People Next Door ," of their own works. no control over the department of ow for a free exchange between Mrs. J, McLain King ot Car- the generation-conflict drama on The Firehouse Thea-tre,anacld- military science, in the contract the two groups and a chance to lisle was elected Secretary of the the last CBS Playnouse). rock group, will be making an ap- with the Army that ROTC main- to enltst student aid on problems Board, and Charles H. Davison, How did he do it, getUnghls sec- pearance on campus. •.Iainswith the UniversItY,ihecom- which the Board of Trustees will an attorney from Chambersburg, ond script on TV's most august Muhlenberg's Opera Workshop mitt!'!! found substantial evidence have. It is hoped that the stu- was named Assistant Secretary. dramatic program even before he's performance ot The Old Maid and thai ROTC exists ot and for the dents wUl make full use Of this The National Valley Bank and dramatic program even before he'd the Thief, April 30, and May 2 and ll"partmenl ot Defense. new committee and wUl channel Trust Company will contInue as earned his .master's? says Cowen. 3. will ,close the '69 FestlvaloIthe "I Treasurer lucky," Arts. III\. was of Wilson College.
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