Page 51 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 51
l'IIE GOLD BUG ~OVEMBER 22, 1968 PACE, II Response to Basketball Girls Unable to Tally • .. As Essex Game Ends Raises Terrorettes' Hopes by Muff Essex_ Community College met Enthusiasm is the key word for time, assuring Miss Fritz of a the Western Maryland hockey team the 1968-69 girls' basketball sea- strong and reliable bench, and a on a rain-soaked, muddy field last son, and so far this spirit has been successful junior varsity season. Monday and the two Ieam s slushed very evident in the more than forty Because of the success of last through a long, slow game. The re- girls who have turned out for the year's varsity, the schedule has sult of the effort was a Scoreless team. The response promises to been lengthened this season to in- tie, as Western Maryland has yet give Miss Fritz the kind of team clude ten games, and a January 7 to score In varsity play. she is looking for--a team that scrimmage against Gettysburg. Winning the opening bully, the Assisting Miss Fritz with the W MC eleven quickly pushed the ball Returning from last year's var- up near the opponent's goal, where sity first string are La Rue Ar- junior varsity will be Carol ass- it remained In play for a good part .. nnld, BetsyHortonandcaptalnSar_ atko, Audrey Johnson is trainer, of the half. In spite of several at- an Lednum, After a year in End- and Jean Robinette and Kay Bar- tempts to score, Including a few land Ginny Brace is back to reclaim ger are managers. I penalty corners, Western Maryland her starting position. The two va- was unable to get the ball Into the cated defensive oostuons will pro- Schedule cage. bably go to Janet and Janice Zeng- The Terrors then lost their of- el, who both saw a lot of J ,V. action Feb4 Catonsville College Home fensive advantage as Essex gained last year. Backing up offensively Feb 5 Essex College possession of the ball and threat- will be Jean Robinette and Mary Feb 13 Away ened at the WMC goal. The game Lou O'Neill after playing both var- St. Joseph's College Away then settled for the remainder of sity and JV last season. Feb 17 Mt.St.AgnesCol. Home the half as neither team was abl~ The fervent response from the Feb 20 Goucher College Home to control the play. freshman class should be a great Feb 24 Notre Dame Col. Away The second half proved to be asset to the team's competitve ''''28 MorganCoUege Ho= less decisive than the first and it spirit, Several upperclassmen, in- Mar 4 Hood College Home was not until after the five-minute cluding several transfer studnets, Mar6 TowsonCoUege Away warning that Western Maryland have also come out for the first Mar7 Wi!sonColiega Away made an au-our attackforthegoal. The Sportlight: Nevertheless, deflected by the Essex each drive wassuc- cessfully defense. Conover and Scholl Carroll Theatre This year 'I'er r y Concver , jun- ior, known as Baby Bull to ms ret- low matmen, hopes toextendhls 15 consecutive mat victories during this season. Terry did his high "RaChel, Rachel " school wresUing at North Hunter- don Regional HighSchool In Lehan- on, New Jersey. Last year, Terry Nov. 20·23 set SChool records -and led the school recoros were t s consecuttve vlctortes anrrme most takedcw ns "The High" ~ in one season at 27. In statistics he had the fastest fall at 27 seconds CommiSSIOner" and the most team points at 44. He finished the year placing third in the Mason-Dixon Tournament as Nov. 24·26 the year before. Conover at 137 Ibs. Busy B's A veteranandastalwartonCoach Cases's plans for this year, Terry Conover will provide excitement Studio during the matches at the 137 Ibs. division with his ff nes s and agility. ~;' Good luck this year from the sports Arts Knitting, & Crafts Needlepoint. Supplies desk of the GOLD.BUG.Cantheen_ FrN Instruction gaged man wrestle as well as be- withPurehases Another sure bid for stardom on 4 Spruce Ave. 848-4968 the mat as well as off, is sopho- more - Gary Scholl. Coming of! a swimming mishap, he ts slcwtv ra- gaining his strength and hopes to continue againtbts vear as westarn WTIR Maryland's outstanding wrestler. The Super Rook hails from BelAir Cross-Country Finishes As a freshman last year he had an AM·1470KC High School In Bel Air, Maryland. 11-1 season record and finished by With Perfect Season, 0-5 taking l st in the 130 Ibs division FM-Stereo of the Mason-Dixon Tournament. by ruck Robbins Gary was one of two torepresent WESTMINSTER On Thursday, November 14, took the first five places in will- WMC In the nationals. He was bea-, Western Maryland's cross country ntng 15-43. Rick Robbins was 6th lUARYLAND team traveled to Gettysburg Colt- followed immediately by big Cal- ege to run through the snow against vin Putt. Other than this switch a veteran team of barriers. The - the Whimsee harriers showed result was not surprising. Gettys- their consistencybyrtntsmng prst., burg took the meet, first, second, fier, Skinner, Bell. The teamtra- LECKRON fourth, and fifth places. Agaln Caf- vets to Bridgewater Saturday for GULF SERVICE vin Plttt headed tbe wester-n Mar-y, 'the Msson-Dlxon championshi_p. land runners, followed not too' Although the team finished 0-5 closely by Rick Robbins, Bernie !OT the season, It did show some W. "AIN a PENNA. AVE. Pfeiffer, John Skinner, and an an- promise for the future. Of the six West.luter, Mel. ing Jeff Bell. usual starters, four were fresh- TI 8·69D TI &.t87' This Tuesday during halt time men, one sophomore and only one of the soccer game the WMC run- senior. Because of this, the team Road ner-s closed their tirst season a- has a strong one to build on for galnst Johns Hopkins. Hopkins, Service lead by track stand-out Faur1n
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