Page 45 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 22, 1968 PAGE 5 Dr. Griswold Tours Mexico Arts Weekend To Study Indian Cultures New York Artists Visit WMC Dr. LeonardEarlGrlswold. pro- on the confidence of these people The weekend of November 9 and she was talklngtoo fes~or of soctotogv. took a sabba- and createdafineworklngrelation_ 10 was a "big-weekend"at Western She kept but saying room was already the much tical leave to Me~lco' the second shipwiththem.Altogether,hespent Maryland College If its success can semester of 1967-1968. to make a 42 days with this Indian peasant be measured by depth rather than saUatedwlth the Importance of her she has portray; documentary !lIm and a depth study people. numbers, Tecla and Orrington life and the lives on Central American Indian cul- One film deals with Tepozttan rver-son. both artists from New ed, We were star-ving for the mood us freedom tures. traditions and should be released York, were the "llig-name enter- --Its substance gave Iives, With his wife, Dr, Griswold map- soon after the first of April. The tainers" anrt two ver y human be- from our petty little ped out a tr'avelplan to eover ever-y other is concerned with the effects ings. Ther shar-ed with us their That night the chancel drama and area ot Mexico, with the emphasis that urbantzatton anotnousrrrauzn., feelings. movie "Yojlmbo" completed the on major archeological sfte.s of the tton have had on the Tepoztlan circle of expression for the week- early Indian population. Traveling culture. Ha:~:tl~:~~:t P~:t~~::~~~el~i;l~t~~~ end before the Mondaymournlnghlt. by motor home, he was able to eat There have been three earlier nobody kllew where it was all com- Chris Geis directed 12 students in and sleep at the out-of-the-wav studies 'made of Tepozttan. one in ing from when Orrington Iverson a moving, Vivid portrayal of Cain's places during his trip, ' . the 20's by Robert Tedfteld and sat down to play the piano. Charlie fate In the mortal world. Staged To begin htsjourney. Dr. ens- later, Oscar Lewis in 1!l46 and and Jim Bean had been plaving w ith amoung the choir pews and down wold drove thr'ough the Southern again In the middle 50's, out minds am1thenth;Jtr!eepbl:lck the center Isle, the drama colored States fa Mexico City,'whlCh bas . At the end of the semester, Dr. man stahhed us with the rurv or uts the chapel with differently hues or the finest arthropo'Joglcal museum Griswold returned to the States art. lie played many sid~s of the human expression. Life stepped out intheworld,havingacompJetepre_ visiting tribes of the Puebje , Nav- piano and his heart. With a seem- from behind dead images. sentatio,:_ o! ..eth",nolop-y:of alJ Cen- aho and Hopi Indians. inglv-r-nndnm but skillful stvle hi s After chapel, those of us still tral American Indian groups •• fingers ran up and docn ;J,ui nhove capable of another visual ezper , The major goal ot this teave wa s College Receives the plano, butlrtiug an{j Shllllting out Tecla's pen captures the expres- renee inuufgr-ated over to Decker to identrty aj1 Indian, c,omrrlUnitr and leaving us with the soft sion of a Ghetto child, Hal! for a Japanese western-type heelY studied which had previously this. in mind, Grant from Sears "zi-m-m. zilll_m" of his penrun- film canso "Yojimbo." The com- by soetotogrsts, With ~I:lr~it !Iorll read from Car-l lunahon of humor and blunt horror ning across the piano strings. Dr. Griswold chose the communtty Leaving the chapel. vou could Sandhu)'g' and Keith Thacker read suggestert a deeper version of a ot Tepoztlan, In Morceios" one of Western Maryland College, has pause and look back fo), a minute tile worrts of ltarlem poets taken Ctint Eastwood. "Fistful of 001- the best preserved desdmaents ot received a :::500 unrestricted grant and find OlTingtoll'S pailltings frum the "llptov.'l1 Beat" and Alan lal's" treatment where the hero is the Aztec Indians. Inhlsfirst\:isil, ~~~n~ The Se,ars ~oellllck Founda- flashing along the ordinaril~' dull Willik llrougllt on Malcolm Boyd ,HId capahle of completely wiping out he was 'successful in establishing a g,J'eenwall. Sl1111eof his 0\\,11 thollghts. Behind the entire cast. save une frighten_ team of local people and hirihg an Donald G, Staples. representa- "Sunday was something else, the \\'(1,'lIs \l'as the mllsic ,lilt! be- I'd f;Jlllily whom he is determined American free-lance script-wri_ tive of the Foundation, marle the l\lanr fRces looked d01l'11 into the hind tile IIHlsi<',tilr> LH'es,Anrl feel- to treat ju"lly, Sort of a good-guy ter, Charles A-1lller. Oneach subse- presentation to Dr, Lov.'ell S. En- Green BOOm in Ahllnni Hall at the ing. l\lelilld;} ChaseandSOliny Mag_ with a Illackhat. quent visit. Dr. Grl5'.l.'oid worked sor, president of the college, In an- close grOlipalidTeclaint!lemiddle, rude)' :11101 ,'ft'w()tht'r('hildfens:lIl~ nouncing thedlstribu!ionofthel968 (lut frOm C"lIter :-;lre,;t alld l'nion Which gets l],~ hack tothelheme, Women Plan grants. Mr. Staples said the ten The face,~inthepailitillgs __ Tecla'" Street and we j,lineoJ the III in their Th,' hl3Ck and the whiil!, the luw' illlage"_~\\'ere .---hiJrlren and wor- participating college" and' ulli~- kers alld ="iegToes:llldg-hettodwell_ SUUgs. anr! the hatred,'the joy and the SUI'- Schedule for ersities totaling ~12,500, will share in ers and the Peopil!, 1'00111 \\'ere Yes. sa~'ing l'ecl:l is a vl:'l'Y'IlIietwOIll:lIl,But row, "xperience uf knuwing. The hetween the in Maryland difff'l'ence ;oml The YIlS, grants the ..ill thM people shouts The purpo"e Next Month systematically of to the program in- is Yes, the truth her of her e:q'€l'ience \l'ol'ds. weekendwasaclllltl'asttuourusual from d),aWings am! Iler indiffenmce, help private stitutions of higher learning meet Students Pllln Peace Corps Offers Women's Council set upthe sche- their financial needs. Altogether" dule for women's Christmas func- more than 700 colleges and univ- !ions Monday, November 18 at their ersities frOm coast to ('O~st will Un;que Servi('p meetihg.'Tlle's'che'dJre\sla~'fonbJ..,s: 're!1~lve ~ears !"oundattpn grant~. Ilresent College Degree Plan • December 8--Receptlon follow_ They are unrest~icted ill order to A~roupoi studt>nts frulI! Western ing tree-lighting ceremony in Mc- allov.' the scpOOls to allocate their l\laryland College will a Daniel Lounge. funds a',"ordtng to their greawst Contempurar;.' WO),ship Service at December 15--Door judging In needs. • the Calvary United Methodist 'I'll(' otli<"ials lIf Ih" 1'",]('" dorm counCils. Doors to be judg- In addition to its grant program, Church in liaitililore on r--;ovelllber ;111<1 th" -"1<1 ii' 1;1Iil',']'sil.I' adl'I,"'I'S,IIH'I"PII'oltlll'olISS('1 ('hl'l.- VUII,'liolllll b "TIl(' latillil 2-1 a12:,30, ed In categories of Humorous, Re- the Foundation_,. during the current 1i:1II IU"i'"lil,I' ,111(1 1111' So,',HI Sci ,",jl'k ill N"\I '!iglous_. Original. Beautiful and year, wlU i!H'eSt in a ..ariet\' of Hevereml George )e Kihbe, the 1"11'1 Ill I'm pll'1illg concerning open house for Hopkins Tht' litur~I'~ ant! or Foreign Students !orium. in the Librar\'viewinl!:room, gllitars. Bean anli,Jolin Fiscller Oil ,,",'olllf;..(fOupisnf)ll-inllw;t('a. 111<' 111 IIHljO] The,I' IIl;lll}{', lI'ill 2, at 3:30 on December Chllrlie in lilt' lJolllilli(';l1J Hl'pllhlk: training_ P,M" in Face Problems National Student Association d('llIiI'-,:'_t':n "has" or this joinl or Ill(' s<"i('IlCC~-• As the year progresses, foreign Holds Council on Suicide Zepp to Discuss students at Western MarylandCol_ lege face several adjustments. A major concern is that of the At Hotel in Silver Spring meat served in the cafeteria, For Theology of Body religious reasons they are prohibit_ The U,S.NationaIStutlentAssoda_ lion Center ed from eating certain types of lion_. under a grant fruUl the Cen- 2, Arouse greater awarene,~s in the meat, especially pork. It Is hoped ter for Studies of Suicide Preven. institutions of their own res. Thi~ Sunday the Chapel speaker that In the near tuture, substitutes !ion of the National Institute of ponsllJilily to deal effectively will be Dean ZeIJP. The title of w-as as bad as sexual promiscuity. wIll be offered for this occurs as Mental Health, pre"ented a con- with the problem uf ,~tudent SUi- his address is "A Theology of the Zeppwill discuss variousmalll- often as three or four times aweek. ference on Student Suicide Pre- Cide thrOugh procedures involv_ Body:" frum the Song ot Solomon festations of sexuality in modern Another problem, not quite so vention from November 15-17, ing students as well as campus to Playboy, This will be a com- society; for example the use of easily dispensed with, is the apathy at the Sheraton Silver Spring, Sil- officials, parison of the Biblical concept of nudity in movies, He will also or disinterest on this campus to- ver Spring, Maryland. sexuality as compared to that of discuss "sensitivity training," the body, through whereby gesture, wanls these foreign students, In 1965 it was estimated in Mod- 3. inventory various preventive modern America. The Biblical contact, etc., becomes a commun- There seems to be little or no at- erator magazine that approximate_ and remedial procedure,~ which concept of sex, DeanZeppasserts. ications device. Sensitivity (s be- tempt at getting to know them or Jy LooO students commit suicide could be instituted hy I;olleges is not the antisexual Puritanism ing used increasingly In contem- sharing a holiday that couJdbejust annually, with an additional 9,000 at both student and administra_ which has been a traditional part as enriching to the host as to the attempted and :)0,000 threatened. tive levels, and of American religionandmorauty. porary worship services, quests, This conference was proposed as 4. recommend programs which According to the Biblical point of One point of discussion will be The language adjustment seems the first step in a program for could be carried out hy national the Playboy philosophy. r?ean Zepp Mani- and some- to be taking care of itself, that is developing resources in our col- organizations concerned with view the to body is good rather than festo has studied Hefner's he feels be affirmed While thing carefully, the transfer from the British Eng- leges and universities for dealing these problems. denied. He feels that this Is an that mUCh of it Is positive and lish taught in the SChools to the with the problem of student suicide. Idea that has been lost and won- that it has helped liberalJze att- American slang spoken here. The conference sought to; Participant~ Included teams of stu- ders whether the damage can be itudes it does have its hangups. And finally, Western Maryland 1. provide the most accurate in_ dents and college persoIUlel from repaired, Chlet of these is Playboy's tend- College living up to her reputa- formation on the prohlemofstu- thirty colleges and universities In Biblical times the ideal re- ency to treat wQmen' as objects, tion, has shown these students just dent suicide, suicide in general across the country. In addition, lationship between God and Man as possession, This puts the wo- about every kind of weat!fer that and suicide prevention techni- there will be resource people con- was an intimacy comparable only man on the level of a hI-il or du- exists. For most, this is their fl'rst ques, such as those del'elopedat cerned about the future of higher to sexual intimacy. According to plli!X ap~rtment, a Playboy status experience with snow. the Los AngeJesSuicide Preven- education and student mental health. symbol.
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